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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
    how many people have seen this vid? its my first time and i gotta say if this was real i would definitely go see it.
    Ooo the Sparks Ignite trailer! Oh yeah. Definitely seen that. Many times. I love that thing so much. If there were ever a movie that I would camp out to see (which I would pretty much never do) then that would be it. I want that to be a real movie so bad that it isn't even funny.

    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
    Now that is going to be interesting. Especially a certain scene.

    Season 2 was the time when they actually had commercials on the Sci Fi channel calling John an "intergalactic babe magnet". Everybody here puked.

    And JF's kids call Jason "Chewbacca". *almost dies of the cuteness*
    *squeal* That is the cutest thing ever! His kids are so adorable. Have you ever seen the convention vid where JF is talking about watching the show with them, and he's half asleep on the couch and then they'll sudenly grab him and be like "Don't die, Daddy!" Insanely cute.

    Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
    HI Sparkies! Everyone have a good weekend!

    Sorry I missed the post-a-thon, but I had a good excuse this week--I won an Emmy! The regional Emmy awards took place this Saturday and I was nominated in a category, and won! *woot*
    Wow, congrats! That is very impressive indeed.

    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
    I just learned that my S5 DVD's are on the way. Am I wrong to be super excited? Mostly about the special feature on Joe after only 5 years.

    But I'm really mad that there is no commentary on GitM.
    Man, that blows.

    Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
    That's exactly what I wanted to answer
    Great minds...

    When I first heard him say it, it ticked me off too... but then I started to think about it and figured that he so specifically referred to her as his "commanding officer" and he never called Liz that way, or referred to her that way, that he probably didn't think about Liz when he said that but about his military commanding officers.
    Makes me wonder if it's JF's doing or if it really was in the script like that...
    Yeah, I was like you. I got really mad when I first heard that. It was like "Oh-ho, tell me he did not just say that! *insert strangled rageful noise*" But then I made the same realization that he was talking about the military. Which made me feel a whole lot better. (but not completely, b/c it wasn't immediately obvious what he was talking about, which kind of miffs me a little bit. I would have preferred that it would have been clearer, but that might be just be another instance of me being silly, so...)
    Lovely Sparkiness! ~*~ My: Fanfics - Vids ~*~


      Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
      So I'm in a bind...Best Buy has S4 of Atlantis on sale for $16.99 and that's a really good price...and I can't decide if I want to get it or not, but I have the first 3 seasons...*headpalm* And there are two very sparky episodes... What do you guys think? To buy it or not to buy?
      I'd say go ahead and buy it. (that is a really good price) You have Adrift and Lifeline, This Mortal Coil, BAMSR, and actually, Sparky ones aside, I thought Tabula Rasa was a pretty good episode. So yeah, that's my recommendation.
      Lovely Sparkiness! ~*~ My: Fanfics - Vids ~*~


        Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
        So I'm in a bind...Best Buy has S4 of Atlantis on sale for $16.99 and that's a really good price...and I can't decide if I want to get it or not, but I have the first 3 seasons...*headpalm* And there are two very sparky episodes... What do you guys think? To buy it or not to buy?
        Buy it. You won't be sorry but you may be sorry if you don't. Adrift, Lifeline and TMC are worth it. Plus some good bloopers.

        And Erin, I dearly love the JF's kids stories. My latest favorite is when he talked about them playing "daddy action figures" with Hugh Jackman's son. I just saw Australia and let me tell you, the idea of the two of them in the same room is almost more than mortal woman can handle. Woo!

        Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


          Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
          I don't think it had to be an ad lib since he wouldn't think of her as his commanding officer. She was not an officer and she was not his commander. That's a purely military term.

          But I still didn't like it. She wasn't all that great IMHO.
          Yeah. In my mind she didn't really do anything to earn that high a level of respect from him. That is by no means a knock against Sam, who I think was just yet another victim of character misuse/under use by the writers. Personally I think Sam belongs on SG-1 more than Atlantis. I liked her on SG-1. But I mean, if you're going to bring a character like her over, then actually use her for what she's best at! I respect that they were trying to not take away any of Rodney's thunder, but still! You have, and Rodney acknowledged this himself, pretty much the only other person in two galaxies who's smarter than him there. Just once, I would have liked to have them have to work together to solve some sort of scientific problem. Instead she simply read off Elizabeth's lines, without any of the connection, chemistry, and sense of family that you got with Elizabeth's character.
          *shrug* Anyway... Sorry for the off topic-ness.
          Lovely Sparkiness! ~*~ My: Fanfics - Vids ~*~


            Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
            Buy it. You won't be sorry but you may be sorry if you don't. Adrift, Lifeline and TMC are worth it. Plus some good bloopers.

            And Erin, I dearly love the JF's kids stories. My latest favorite is when he talked about them playing "daddy action figures" with Hugh Jackman's son. I just saw Australia and let me tell you, the idea of the two of them in the same room is almost more than mortal woman can handle. Woo!
            *pictures it* Wow. That is... *stutters incoherently and faints dead away*
            Lovely Sparkiness! ~*~ My: Fanfics - Vids ~*~


              Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
              So I'm in a bind...Best Buy has S4 of Atlantis on sale for $16.99 and that's a really good price...and I can't decide if I want to get it or not, but I have the first 3 seasons...*headpalm* And there are two very sparky episodes... What do you guys think? To buy it or not to buy?
              I saw the ad in yesterday's paper, but I won't be buying it, at least, not yet. I'm still waiting to see if there are going to be any new special features unique to the SGA series box set that was just announced.

              If you're still not sure, you could always wait until later in the year. This isn't the first time the SGA season sets have been that heavily discounted; every few months it seems that box sets of various TV series go on sale for very cheap prices, so we're likely to see prices like that again at some point in the near future. Christmas time usually seems to be especially good for that, and I expect by then we'll know if the series box set is worth it or not.
              (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
              Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                Since he used the specific phrase "commanding officer," I interpreted his comment to mean military commanding officer. Elizabeth, of course, wasn't military, and thus would not be referred to in such terms; if anything, John would've called Elizabeth his "boss." But she and John appeared to act more like co-leaders rather than leader and subordinate, the latter of which more correctly describes the working relationship between Carter and Sheppard.
                Another example of PTB's confusing and bad writing. I think SK explains it pretty well, Carter was (and still is) military. The bond John had with Elizabeth and the co leadership they had was what ultimately transformed him into a good leader. He wasn't commandeered around, he was trusted, so I think John's respect for Elizabeth goes further than his respect for any military commander or a boss he had or has (although I like Woolsey. He's not Carter, lol). But then again, I didn't get the co leadership vibe between Woolsey and John. They were more like cigar buddies to me
                I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                  Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                  Another example of PTB's confusing and bad writing. I think SK explains it pretty well, Carter was (and still is) military. The bond John had with Elizabeth and the co leadership they had was what ultimately transformed him into a good leader. He wasn't commandeered around, he was trusted, so I think John's respect for Elizabeth goes further than his respect for any military commander or a boss he had or has (although I like Woolsey. He's not Carter, lol). But then again, I didn't get the co leadership vibe between Woolsey and John. They were more like cigar buddies to me
                  Absolutely. Elizabeth treated John like an equal, both professionally and personally.

                  "Cigar buddies." Heehee!
                  (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                  Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                    How could I forget Vegas? So the special feature first, then the commentary on Vegas. What next? Oooh, deleted scenes.

                    The tracking site says it should come on Wed. I'll never make it.

                    I don't think there are any actor commentaries again. Maybe Jason does BT, can't be sure. And JF said they stopped asking him. Yet didn't we hear a story about him not being available blahblahblah? Hmm.
                    The Stargate PTB seem to be enamored of Firefly. Too bad they didn't follow the Firefly example on DVD's. They have killer commentaries with most of the actors participating.

                    We should write our own commentaries from John and Elizabeth's perspective. Hee.
                    sig by SueKay

                    My Team:


                      Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                      Absolutely. Elizabeth treated John like an equal, both professionally and personally.

                      "Cigar buddies." Heehee!
                      dont even get me started on the end of inquistion where woolsey and john are smoking at the end one i was like does sheppard smoke cigars or was it a one time deal?


                        Originally posted by Irish Eyes View Post
                        We should write our own commentaries from John and Elizabeth's perspective. Hee.
                        Plot bunny!
                        (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                        Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                          Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
                          dont even get me started on the end of inquistion where woolsey and john are smoking at the end one i was like does sheppard smoke cigars or was it a one time deal?
                          I think it was just a one time deal. At least, we've never heard of Sheppard being a smoker before.

                          As much as that was a total rip-off of Boston Legal, it was still kinda funny, in a cracktastic way.
                          (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                          Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                            Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
                            So I'm in a bind...Best Buy has S4 of Atlantis on sale for $16.99 and that's a really good price...and I can't decide if I want to get it or not, but I have the first 3 seasons...*headpalm* And there are two very sparky episodes... What do you guys think? To buy it or not to buy?
                            I bought it during the weekend... couldn't help myself...
                            I was sorta angry though that Elizabeth's picture isn't anywhere in or on the box and that she's not even mentioned anymore. The text on the back of the box just reads: "Colonel Samantha Carter takes over command of the Atlantis Expedition and is confronted with new and dangerous challenges."
                            Would it have been so difficult to make it something like this: "After loosing Elizabeth Weir to the Asurans, Colonel Samantha Carter takes over command of the Atlantis Expedition and is confronted with new and dangerous challenges."
                            See, it's not that much more and at least you don't 'forget' about the lead actress.

                            Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                            And Erin, I dearly love the JF's kids stories. My latest favorite is when he talked about them playing "daddy action figures" with Hugh Jackman's son. I just saw Australia and let me tell you, the idea of the two of them in the same room is almost more than mortal woman can handle. Woo!
                            Oh my... is it getting warm in here?
                            Yeah.... the idea of the two of them in the same room, watching their kids play together. *melts*

                            Originally posted by Erin87 View Post
                            Yeah. In my mind she didn't really do anything to earn that high a level of respect from him. That is by no means a knock against Sam, who I think was just yet another victim of character misuse/under use by the writers. Personally I think Sam belongs on SG-1 more than Atlantis. I liked her on SG-1. But I mean, if you're going to bring a character like her over, then actually use her for what she's best at! I respect that they were trying to not take away any of Rodney's thunder, but still! You have, and Rodney acknowledged this himself, pretty much the only other person in two galaxies who's smarter than him there. Just once, I would have liked to have them have to work together to solve some sort of scientific problem. Instead she simply read off Elizabeth's lines, without any of the connection, chemistry, and sense of family that you got with Elizabeth's character.
                            *shrug* Anyway... Sorry for the off topic-ness.
                            You are absolutely right, off-topic or not.
                            I never did get why they got rid of Elizabeth and replaced her with Sam with the excuse that they ran out of storylines for Liz when Sam was doing the exact same thing as Liz did. Suddenly she wasn't a brilliant military officer anymore, because John was there for that and suddenly she wasn't a brilliant scientist anymore, because Rodney was there for that.
                            So she was reduced to being 'just' the person to keep things in order and the expedition members in check.
                            If they would have kept Elizabeth, they would have had someone who excels in reading Ancient AND Wraith and who's one of the best diplomats in two galaxies.
                            So, instead of having the opportunity of creating more storylines around the leader of the expedition, they actually limited themselves more.
                            But that's just IMOH of course...

                            Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                            Another example of PTB's confusing and bad writing. I think SK explains it pretty well, Carter was (and still is) military. The bond John had with Elizabeth and the co leadership they had was what ultimately transformed him into a good leader. He wasn't commandeered around, he was trusted, so I think John's respect for Elizabeth goes further than his respect for any military commander or a boss he had or has (although I like Woolsey. He's not Carter, lol). But then again, I didn't get the co leadership vibe between Woolsey and John. They were more like cigar buddies to me
                            So very true... After Liz was gone, that family feeling never returned. We never got to see that awesome chemistry between 'The Atlantis Three' (Liz, John & Rodney) anymore. And that truly felt like a loss, because that chemistry really brought just that little bit of extra into each ep.
                            They tried to replace it with Sam, but John never really fully warmed up to her and she still sorta dislikes Rodney.
                            I haven't seen enough from season 5 to know if they tried to replace it with Woolsey, but I'm very sure that didn't work out either or the slashers would have gone ballistic over it...
                            And yeah... John and Woolsey are cigar buddies instead of co-leaders or even colleagues, even though I really didn't like seeing John with a cigar. But that's just me... seeing a guy with a cigar or a cigarette or anything related to the two makes me loose my interest in him. So I'm very glad it was just a one time thing

                            Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                            Absolutely. Elizabeth treated John like an equal, both professionally and personally.
                            Very very true and we never got that same vibe again from John and Sam or from John and Woolsey... such a shame...

                            Originally posted by Irish Eyes View Post
                            We should write our own commentaries from John and Elizabeth's perspective. Hee.
                            No!!! *headdesk*
                            Keep the plotbunnies away!! I don't have time to write anything else!!
                            It's a brilliant idea though

                            Sig by me


                              LOL thats two of us who have no time for plotbunnies at the moment!!!


                                Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
                                so i have a question. I was just watching Search and Rescue on Scifi and Sheppard said that he Respected "more than any other commanding officer he ever had." does that mean he respects carter more than elizabeth? comments?
                                Like everyone said, he respected her more than any other Military commanding officer. This line didn't shock me. But the all situation disturb me. Everyone is ready to save Teyla even if the situation is complicated but nobody did this for Elizabeth or even Ford. I mean, John is injured and The Wraith are strong but because it's Teyla, everyone is ok to save her. I'm happy that they do that for her but I was used to see them leave their men behind. It's not logical. The last season, nodoby took a risk to rescue Elizabeth. After, 2 episodes, no one remember who she was. Now the writers want us to believe that the team does not leave anyone behind. Come on...
                                The Elizabeth/asuran situation is as dangerous as Teyla/Wraith situation. I'm not clear so I will stop to talk. lol

                                Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
                                So I'm in a bind...Best Buy has S4 of Atlantis on sale for $16.99 and that's a really good price...and I can't decide if I want to get it or not, but I have the first 3 seasons...*headpalm* And there are two very sparky episodes... What do you guys think? To buy it or not to buy?
                                Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                                I saw the ad in yesterday's paper, but I won't be buying it, at least, not yet. I'm still waiting to see if there are going to be any new special features unique to the SGA series box set that was just announced.

                                If you're still not sure, you could always wait until later in the year. This isn't the first time the SGA season sets have been that heavily discounted; every few months it seems that box sets of various TV series go on sale for very cheap prices, so we're likely to see prices like that again at some point in the near future. Christmas time usually seems to be especially good for that, and I expect by then we'll know if the series box set is worth it or not.
                                I agree with SK. You can wait to see if there are new features. It's true that $16.99 is a good price. It's a shame that I'm french because I will sell my season 4 dvds to you for $10 or even give you my dvds for free. But I'm not sure that you can read my dvds in your country.
                                Sig made by nephty and avi by Kris....THANK YOU!

