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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Glad you liked!!! It popped into my head this morning as I was getting some flowers together for mothers day tomorrow, and its been bugging me all day!


      Originally posted by yunadax View Post
      :: Flails:: KR You ROCK!
      Yes she does, but then so do you.
      I loved the way you worked John in also. I can just see the video of his woobie face. *wipes a tear* And I love the Pegasus pin.

      And on Pegasus, your story reminded me of the Mobil Oil logo known as the "flying red horse". Pegasus flies the world over. Example:

      Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


        Originally posted by yunadax View Post
        You asked for it..
        Warning.. angst.. heaps of it...

        Title - Mothers Instinct (first draft - completed)
        (spoilered for length and angst factor)

        Oh... *sniff, sniff* So sad! But so very good!
        Loved the pin, and the video at the end was perfect. John... I also liked Jack's thought about how he had sworn never to play poker with Elizabeth.
        Lovely Sparkiness! ~*~ My: Fanfics - Vids ~*~


          Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
          As promised: another piece of the fic before I leave for the promo-tour. Have fun with the post-a-thon and I'll see you guys tonight!

          Once again, a great chapter! This is a good fic. (Love Liz's last line to Woolsey- waste of resources... hehehe *snicker*)
          And I'm wondering if they'll let him take Angie to Atlantis with him... that'll be interesting
          Lovely Sparkiness! ~*~ My: Fanfics - Vids ~*~


            Good morning, Sparkies!

            T-minus 5 hours to Phantoms!
            (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
            Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


              Originally posted by yunadax View Post
              You asked for it..
              Warning.. angst.. heaps of it...

              Title - Mothers Instinct (first draft - completed)
              (spoilered for length and angst factor)

              They call it mothers instinct. The unspoken connection between a mother and her children that sometimes speaks when someone cannot. It’s a feeling that a mother gets when her children are in trouble, or hurting, or worse yet dead. Mrs Rose Weir hated her mothers instinct. It was always right.

              The knock at the door startled her, but not because it was unexpected, more so the timeframe. She’d known something was wrong for a while, her gut sank every time the phone rang. She rose with hesitation, knowing she wasn’t going to like who was there. For there to be a personal visit, rather than a phone call meant something very wrong had happened.

              She pulled the door open, taking in the door man in Air Force dress blues, his hat tucked under one arm revealing a thinning mass of graying hair. His expression was solemn, as was his duty.

              “ Mrs Rose Weir?” He asked formally, knowing from the address that this was indeed the correct house.

              “ Something’s happened to Lizzy hasn’t it?” She returned his question with one of her own, her gut sinking and twisting within her stomach.

              “ May I come in Mrs Weir?” The officer asked, not wanting to deliver the news out on a porch.

              “ Of course Mr?” Rose opened the door wide, stepping to the side to allow the man entry.

              “ O’Neill.. Jack O’Neill” He introduced himself, taking a quick glance around the entryway of the house. It looked as though no-one had touched it in years, a page out of a historical magazine perhaps, or a look that someone had tried to maintain to remember another by. Rose headed for the lounge room, gesturing towards a comfortable recliner whilst remaining barely in the room.

              “ Tea Mr O’Neill?” She politely offered, hoping it might ease his burden some.

              “ No thank you, would you care to sit?” O’Neill said awkwardly, indicating the lounge opposite where he was sitting. He knew from experience that these things were better taken sitting down.. it was less likely they would fall over.

              Rose settled herself on the lounge, her hands primly placed in her lap like a picture perfect example of the perfect housewife.

              “ Something’s happened to Elizabeth” She said this time, a statement to reflect the growing knowing of her stomach

              “ I’m afraid so. Dr Weir has been listed as Missing – Presumed Dead” Jack ground out, hating that he couldn’t go into specifics about Elizabeth’s assignment or even what she was doing to end up presumably dead.

              Rose didn’t reply, instead focusing her attention on her folded hands in her lap. Despite the fact she knew the news was coming, it didn’t help the pain that course through her body, an emotional knife piercing her heart and slicing it to pieces.

              “ I’m sorry I can’t go into details. But all I can tell you is that Elizabeth was doing something very important for the United States, and was captured by the enemy. We’ve tried to get her back, but without success” Jack explained, taking wild liberties with the truth so that Mrs Weir would at least know something about her daughters demise.

              Rose was quiet for some time, digesting the news and fighting to remain composed in the presence of a guest.

              “ Why are you here? Why Air Force?” She finally asked, reminding him that she knew practically zero about her daughter’s line of work due to security clearance.

              “ Mrs Weir, your daughter was employed by the Air Force to lead a very delicate mission 3 years ago. While I can’t go into specifics, she was highly regarded by those under her command, and they did everything in their power to rescue her. “ Jack continued, fighting his own urge to wring his hands. He had been close to Elizabeth during her time at the SGC and while she was in command of Atlantis. He respected her leadership and her opinions, and had sworn never to play poker with her.
              “ She was a brilliant leader, a skilled negotiator, and a personal friend, which is I guess where I come in” He finished, not brining himself to look at Rose’s grief stricken face. While he could have delegated such sad duties to another officer under his command, he felt he owed Elizabeth to do it himself, as much as he hated it.

              “ Her father was always so proud of her, he gave her a watch when she started working for the U.N. A pocket-watch that his grandfather had given him years ago. While she could never tell us where she was going of how she was doing, he felt that it drew them together. She always carried it with her.” Rose rattled, drawn back into the moment when her husband had given Elizabeth the silver pocket watch. He had been ill then, knowing the end was soon to come but still fighting all the same.

              “ I can request it for you, but Elizabeth’s colleagues have asked if they could keep it, in case they rescue her.” Jack explained, knowing that Sheppard had specifically kept the watch for that exact reason. “ Her other personal items are on their way here, it may take some time though” He apologized, knowing the small crates were on their way home even as he spoke. They would however need to be … sanitized… to protect the SGC. Her laptop and PDA would have to be wiped, her uniform destroyed, and the few personal items she had acquired in the Pegasus galaxy stored in some dusty storeroom until the Stargate program went public and they could once again see the light of day.

              “ I can however give you this…” He dug into the inside pocket of his dress blues, retrieving a solid pin in the shape of a winged horse. “ I can’t tell you what it is, but I can tell you she would have wanted you to have it. I do ask that you keep it to yourself and not show anyone unless advised” Jack cautioned, knowing he was going out on a political limb just letting her see the pin, let alone giving it to her.

              “ I understand. Thank you” Rose took the pin in her hands and touched it carefully with the tips of her fingers, memorizing the lines and images with her senses. She could almost feel Elizabeth as she touched the warm metal, as though the pin was a part of her daughter.

              “ I’ll be in touch, again, I’m sorry for your loss Mrs Weir” Jack took his cue to leave, feeling that Rose needed to be alone for a while. He could tell her tenuous grip on her emotions was failing as she caressed the pin, and selfishly didn’t want to witness the grief of a woman who had not only lost her husband, but her now lost her daughter.

              “ Thank you Mr O’Neill…” Rose whispered, unmoving as Jack let himself out, depositing an unmarked DVD on the coffee table as he passed. He didn’t say a word as he left, his solid footsteps receding down the hallway.

              Jack’s guts twisted as he heard her grief filled words, knowing that no matter how many times he’d had to deliver news such as this, it never got any easier. His head still bowed he closed the door behind him and headed down to the waiting car, climbing in to the passenger seat and ordering the driver to return to the SGC. He’d bury himself in his work for as long as he could, then resort to alcohol to numb the pain until he had the time to deal with his own grief.

              Rose sat in a numb silence for as long as she could stand it, the tears falling in rivers down her ashen face. She noted the disc on the table and slowly picked it up, turning it over in her hands before slipping it into the DVD player and pressing play. A younger man’s face appeared, his hair wildly uncontrolled and sticking out in every direction, yet his eyes spoke of a thousand losses. Rose knew that look better than anyone. He was dressed in a simple black suit with a white shirt underneath, yet he seemed distinctly uncomfortable in it. He seemed to pull himself together by sucking in a deep breath, and refocused on the screen.

              “ Mrs Weir, my name’s John, and I had the great privilege of serving with your daughter. While I can’t tell you what she’s been doing or where she’s been, I can tell you that we won't give up until we find her… alive or…dead. She was a great leader, and furthermore, a close friend. We’re doing everything we can to bring her back to you”

              The screen faded to black, and though Rose knew that her daughter wasn’t coming home, she felt comforted by the knowledge that this man, this John, had been close to Elizabeth and obviously cared about her deeply. Somehow, that made her feel the tiniest bit better.
              Aaaaahhhhh! *flails* That was wonderful! And I totally agree with the others that there should've been a scene like this on the show... hey, even Ford got a scene like that between his sister and Sheppard, so why not Lizzie?

              And... the pin. Yay! I love that pin and I want a replica of it to wear on my jacket.
              (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
              Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                Good morning, Sparkies!

                T-minus 5 hours to Phantoms!

                Once you've finished the season 3, you will continue and see the season 4 (Sparky episodes) or start again or you don't have a idea for the moment?
                Sig made by nephty and avi by Kris....THANK YOU!


                  Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
                  As promised: another piece of the fic before I leave for the promo-tour. Have fun with the post-a-thon and I'll see you guys tonight!

                  The Travelers worked fast. It was something Elizabeth had noticed very early on.
                  Only a day after Bundu and she had come to an agreement, Woolsey was back in the city. And the man was not happy. Not happy at all.
                  “I demand repercussions for their actions! You can’t just befriend them again like nothing has happened. They kidnapped me!!”
                  Elizabeth looked at him calmly. The man had come storming into her office right after Carson had cleared him.
                  “I am very well aware of the facts.”
                  He glared at her. “And you’re just going to let it happen?”
                  “You’re free again, aren’t you?” She deadpanned. “The Travelers are very good allies. One of the best this expedition could hope for. I’m not going to let that down the drain just because you pissed them off. Honestly, Richard, what did you tell them anyway?”
                  “I conduct my negotiations the way I seem fit.”
                  “Yes, and that really paid off, didn’t it?” The sarcasm was obvious and Woolsey cast his eyes away from her while grinding his teeth.
                  Elizabeth sighed. “Look, you’ve been leading this expedition for a year and a half. You made a major screw-up with one of our most important allies and none of the people working here like you…”
                  “I’m their leader; they’re not supposed to like me.”
                  “And that’s where you’re wrong. Atlantis isn’t Earth. Atlantis isn’t the IOA. The people you work with are also the people you see after hours; you spend day in and day out with those same people. They become your friends, your trustees and your family. If you still haven’t caught up with that after spending over a year and a half here, don’t you think this assignment isn’t meant for you?”
                  Woolsey huffed. “You’ve been away here for over a year and half. How do you know that attitude didn’t change?”
                  “Because when I arrived here two days ago I was received like a sister they hadn’t seen in ages and nearly the entire expedition had come to greet me. How was your welcome committee?”
                  He glared at her and she just gave him a knowing look, she’d been there after all when Cam and she had been the only ones to greet him.
                  “Face it, Mr. Woolsey. You will never belong here. The Deadalus is scheduled to leave in 5 hours and you’re expected to be on it.”
                  “I’m not going back through the gate?” Woolsey asked surprised and Elizabeth shook her head.
                  “We can’t waste the resources.”

                  John was nervous again. He stared down the bleak hallway of the orphanage and chewed on his lower lip. This was it. Only a day after he had signed the papers, he was here to pick up his new daughter: Angie Fuentes Sheppard. Apparently Gina had deemed him righteous enough to take care of her daughter in case she died. Peter had never even known he was going to be a father. He had died in Afghanistan before Gina could give him the good news. John idly wondered if things would have been different if Peter had known about it. Maybe he would have been more careful. But then again, there wasn’t much you could do against a suicide bomber who’s aiming for the truck you’re driving. Gina, by some freaky coincidence, was also killed while driving. Only she had been hit by a drunk driver who had ignored a red light. John hated drunk people. His father had been an alcoholic and John had nothing but bad memories about him, even if he had only known the man up until the age of 10.
                  Footsteps sounded down the hallway and John looked up. His heart started beating at least ten times faster when he saw a social worker walking hand in hand with a 6 year old girl. The girl looked almost like a carbon copy of her mother. She had the same Brazilian features and the same dark long curly hair. It was her eyes though that were exactly like Peter and John’s.
                  The social worker stopped in front of John and gave him a sympathetic smile.
                  “Mr. Sheppard, this is Angie. Angie, this man is your uncle John. He and his wife will be taking care of you from now on.”
                  “Hey, Angie.” John smiled at the petit girl who hid behind the legs of the social worker. “It’s so nice to finally meet you.” He hadn’t even known about her existence before the letter though.
                  She looked at him with big eyes, seeming almost afraid of him. John couldn’t blame her.
                  “I live in Washington right now, so we’ll be going there on a plane. Have you ever been on a plane?
                  Angie shook her head.
                  “It can be scary at first, but if you’re anything like your dad, you’ll start to love it.”
                  “I never knew my daddy.” She whispered with a clear sadness in her voice.
                  “I knew him very well and I can tell you lots of stories about him.”
                  Angie finally fully looked up at him. “Really?”
                  John nodded. “Oh yeah. So, what do you think? You want to join me?”
                  Angie seemed unsure for a moment and looked up to the social worker who nodded reassuringly.
                  Holding out his hand to her, John waited patiently for her to make the next move. It took Angie a few more moments to place her small hand in his larger one and John let out a relieved breath.
                  “Let’s go home.”

                  Atlantis was thriving with live and Elizabeth couldn’t help but love it. She was standing on the small balcony overlooking the gateroom. SGA-4 was getting ready to leave on a mission to P4K-783. The planet mostly consisted of jungle, so besides a few insect bites, Elizabeth wasn’t expecting a lot of problems.
                  A batch of young marines jogged through the gateroom. Those trainees always brought a lot of fun into the city.
                  On the far left end a group of scientists was discussing one of their latest discoveries, Rodney was among them and his voice rose high above the others.
                  Elizabeth smiled softly. No matter what happened, the expedition would always go on. Maybe not in the way they wanted - like with a man like Woolsey in charge - but they were professionals and they would always go on.
                  “Atlantis, this is the Deadalus.”
                  Elizabeth turned towards the command room and signaled Chuck to open communications.
                  “Deadalus, this is Atlantis.”
                  “Dr. Weir, we are ready to leave orbit.”
                  “Have a safe trip, Colonel.”
                  “Will do, ma’am.”
                  It had been ages since Caldwell had called her ma’am and she knew it was his way to point Woolsey to the fact they all respected her a heck of a lot more than him.
                  “And hopefully we’ll be bringing your husband on our flight back.” Caldwell continued.
                  “I hope so too, Colonel. God Speed.”
                  “Thank you, ma’am. Deadalus out.”
                  Elizabeth gave Chuck another nod to close communications and after giving Rodney, who was nearly throwing a tantrum at one of the scientist, a look she turned to her office. Time to get back to the reports and time to try and catch up on the time she had been away.

                  It was nearing midnight when John arrived back home and Angie was fast asleep in the seat next to him. He drove up the driveway and looked at her tenderly. He knew he was going to be a father soon of a baby boy, but having a six year old girl thrown into your lap unexpectedly was something completely different.
                  “Angie?” He tried quietly. “We’re home.”
                  She barely stirred and just turned herself deeper into the seat.
                  John frowned and decided on another action. He got out of the car and made his way to her side.
                  Still no reaction.
                  All he could think of was unfastening her seatbelt and gently lifting her out of the car. Turning into his embrace, she just slept on. He smiled warmly at her and carefully carried her into the house.
                  His rapid leave hadn’t left him any time to supply her with her own bedroom, so he put her into his own bed. He’d be taking the couch and get her bedroom in order tomorrow.
                  When he got back downstairs, he noticed the blinking light of the answering machine. Frowning he pushed the button and soon the cold female voice sounded through the room.
                  *You have 5 new messages*
                  Pushing another button, he waited for the machine to continue.
                  “Sheppard? This is General Van Der Bild. We will come to pick you up in two hours. Be ready.”
                  John raised an eyebrow at that and worry filled him instantly. Had something happened to Elizabeth? Was she a POW now too?
                  A beep sounded and the next message started playing.
                  “Sheppard, this is General Van Der Bild. Your employer just informed us you took a few days off. Call us the moment you get home.”
                  Another beep signaled the next message.
                  “John, this is Sam, we need to talk. Call me back. Asap.”
                  Now he was really getting worried. Had something happened with the Deadalus? Maybe it hadn’t even reached Atlantis yet…
                  “John, this is Jessica. I just want you to know that even with Elizabeth being out of the country you’re still welcome in my house and I do want you to bring that delicious lasagna again. So I’ll see you on Sunday.”
                  Damn, he still needed to explain Angie to Elizabeth’s family… And he needed to fix some lasagna by tomorrow…
                  Wiping his hand over his face, he waited for the final message to start playing.
                  “Shep, this is O’Neill. Sam wasn’t kidding when she said to call her urgently. Let us know when you’re home, even before you contact Van Der Bild again. Got it? Call us.”
                  It was past midnight, not really a time to be calling people, but then again, they were/had been part of the Stargate program and once you joined that, your internal clock got shot to pieces.
                  Picking up his phone, he dialed their number.
                  Hah! I was right, I was right, I was right! *pumps fist in the air*
                  Well, this is certainly going to piss off General Stick-up-his-butt, but if they're going to make the Travelers happy by sending Sheppard back to Atlantis, they're going to have to let Angie go with him. Yay! Boy is Lizzie going to be in for a surprise when she sees him again! Teehee!

                  Lizzie telling off Woolsey was priceless! And I loved Caldwell's line about bringing John back on the return trip. Awww!
                  (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                  Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                    Originally posted by Probie View Post
                    Once you've finished the season 3, you will continue and see the season 4 (Sparky episodes) or start again or you don't have a idea for the moment?
                    Not sure yet. I don't have the Season 4 DVDs (and I'm not going to get them; it's my protest against the producers). I was thinking of maybe asking for votes on a weekly viewer's choice episode. Or something like that.
                    (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                    Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                      T-minus 3 hours and 30 minutes to Phantoms!
                      (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                      Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                        Some nice videos. Maybe you have already seen them.

               (Rodney/Weir/Sheppard with good sparky moments)
                        Last edited by Probie; 09 May 2009, 10:11 AM.
                        Sig made by nephty and avi by Kris....THANK YOU!


                          SPARKIES! Everyone! Stop! Listen!

                          Look unto me! Behold, I have been to the mountain top! I have seen the future, and I have learned! I have seen ... STAR TREK! Now, bow before me and worship me as a god!

                          *Sparkies savagely beat NCC-72452 where he stands. From the ground where he bleeds to death he speaks*

                          I regret nothing! I lived as few men dared to dream!


                            Originally posted by Probie View Post
                            Some nice videos. Maybe you have already seen them.

                   (Rodney/Weir/Sheppard with good sparky moments)

                            Thanks for those. I had not seen them. Truly amazing special effects.

                            Originally posted by Ncc-72452 View Post
                            SPARKIES! Everyone! Stop! Listen!

                            Look unto me! Behold, I have been to the mountain top! I have seen the future, and I have learned! I have seen ... STAR TREK! Now, bow before me and worship me as a god!

                            *Sparkies savagely beat NCC-72452 where he stands. From the ground where he bleeds to death he speaks*

                            I regret nothing! I lived as few men dared to dream!
                            Aren't you special. I'm jealous but I can wait until the crowds thin out.

                            Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                              Ooooh, new vids... must check those out later.

                              Ncc-72452, you slay me!

                              T-minus 1 hour and 50 minutes to Phantoms!
                              (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                              Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                                Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                                Ooooh, new vids... must check those out later.

                                Ncc-72452, you slay me!

                                T-minus 1 hour and 50 minutes to Phantoms!
                                I'll be here today for a change. Can't wait.

                                Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.

