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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Probie View Post
    The magazine conducted a poll to find out what are the best 5 episodes (season after season 1 and 2) for the French fans. Here are the results.

    Season 1:
    5/ Before I Sleep (There is a commentary on the talent of Torri Higginson)
    4/38 minutes (Reference to Sparky "the relationship etablished between Sheppard and Weir has not escaped the many fans of the couple.")
    3/Rising part 1 and 2
    2/The Storm and The Eye
    1/The siege part 1 and 2

    Season 2: For information,Season 2 is not a great success in France

    5/The Lost Boys and The Hive
    2/ Conversion (Referece to sparky)
    1/ The Long Goodbye (It's said that it is thanks to the kiss between Weir and Sheppard and the wonderful actress Torri Higginson that this episode is the first)
    Good choices. The difference in France and here continues to amaze.

    Originally posted by SMB_BOOKS View Post
    60. (for length)

    WEIR: How is Major Sheppard?
    SHEPPARD (grimacing in pain): I'm still here.
    WEIR: Hang in there, Major. We're working on the problem.
    SHEPPARD: I know you are. Listen, uh, I'd like to say something while I still can.
    WEIR: Don't! You're gonna get through this.
    (Sheppard smiles slightly.)
    SHEPPARD: If I was ... he wouldn't have let me go.
    WEIR: Who wouldn't have let you go?
    SHEPPARD: The Wraith.

    FLASHBACK. On the Wraith planet, a Wraith guard approaches Sheppard and looks down at him. Sheppard is on his knees, unable to move, with the bug attached around his neck. The Wraith looks down at him for a moment, realises what has happened to him, turns and walks away.

    SHEPPARD: I guess he saw me as good as dead, ‘cause he just walked away, so ... (he clears his throat) what I wanted to say was ...
    WEIR: Save your strength, John, and tell me in person.
    SHEPPARD: This is important.
    (Weir sighs and closes her eyes.)
    WEIR: I'm listening.
    (As Sheppard opens his mouth, Ford has an idea.)
    (38 Min)

    61. (for length)

    WEIR: I'm glad to see you've been released from quarantine.
    SHEPPARD: Yeah. Well, I guess the nanites were too focussed on you to spread to me.
    WEIR: I now realise just how insidious they really are. (She shakes her head.) I mean, if such a small number of them could do that to me ...
    SHEPPARD: Let's just take it as a win right now.
    WEIR: Alright. Still, I can't believe I was only out for five hours.
    SHEPPARD: Felt longer, huh?
    WEIR: Yes. A lifetime.
    SHEPPARD: Well, it's good to have you back in the real world. ... At least, I think it's the real world ... I could be infected right now, which makes me the one ...
    WEIR: John ... don't.
    SHEPPARD: Sorry.
    (He smiles at her, then walks away. Elizabeth watches him go, then looks down at what she's holding, running her fingers over her father's pocket watch.)

    62. BECKETT: Now, there are many aspects of human physiology that are quite useful: bipedal motion, opposable thumbs, large brain capacity ... but the human digestive system serves no purpose in the adult Wraith. So why have one at all?
    WEIR: Because they eat normal food when they're young?
    BECKETT: Exactly! Then at some point, they lose the ability to sustain themselves with that food.
    SHEPPARD: So it's a teenage thing? Pimples, rebellion, life-sucking?
    [Weir is wearing her ‘must you always joke?' face, then smiles slightly at Sheppard before turning back to Beckett.

    63. (Rodney, Ronon and Teyla leave the room. John walks closer to Elizabeth as the doors close. She tries to meet his gaze but then lowers her head in distress.)
    SHEPPARD: You’re gonna be OK, Elizabeth.
    (Elizabeth smiles briefly, then looks at him.)
    WEIR: Still, I would like all of you to keep a very close eye on me, and the first sign of any suspicious behaviour, do not hesitate with that kill-switch.
    SHEPPARD: OK, but that’s not gonna happen ...
    WEIR (sternly): John, I mean it.
    (They gaze at each other for a moment, then Elizabeth nods her head fractionally. Reluctantly, John nods back.) (Lifeline)

    64. (for length - First Strike)

    ATLANTIS. John runs over to meet with Elizabeth at the foot of the Gateroom stairs.
    SHEPPARD: Hey.
    WEIR: Hey.
    (John waits until an expedition member has walked down the stairs and there’s nobody nearby.)
    SHEPPARD: Colonel Ellis has asked me to join the mission.
    WEIR: I know.
    (They start to walk up the stairs.)
    SHEPPARD: I was gonna stay behind in a cloaked Jumper after they launch the warheads; do some battle damage assessment.
    WEIR: I know that too.
    SHEPPARD: He told me that you called Woolsey and General O’Neill and tried to get the whole thing called off.
    WEIR: Yes, I did.
    SHEPPARD: They didn’t bite.
    WEIR: They did not.
    SHEPPARD: Look, I know you think we’re doing the wrong thing here, but, uh ...
    WEIR: John ... (She stops and turns to face him. They look at each other for a long moment.) Good luck.
    (She turns and walks into her office. John turns away, uncomfortable at going ahead with a mission which his expedition leader and friend does not approve of.)
    (First Strike)

    This one is sparky to me because Elizabeth seems (to me) to not only be disappointed in the decision to go ahead, but hurt and personally defeated by John's support of it. And, he seems so torn at participating in the mission when he realizes how much Elizabeth is disappointed in him being part of what she sees as a doomed mission. It's sparky because I think the depth of her hurt and the depth of his hesitation show that they were connected on more than a professional level.
    Exactly what I've said about FS. I thought the whole ep was very Sparky.

    Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


      Good afternoon, Sparkies! Happy Smutty!Tuesday!

      So we're having a party? Excellent! *passes out mojitos, rum & cola, and carrot cake to tempt the rebelling muses*

      Welcome back, Kris! Glad to hear you had fun at the con! And that new installment of your fic... so Lizzie's mom finally came around, did she? Go Lizzie! And I can just imagine John walking in with a shell-shocked look on his face, teehee!

      Erin... ZOMG, 'Max' cracked me up! Darn right, Sheppard would probably tease Ronon. On the other hand, maybe he wouldn't... after all, Ronon could just beat him up the next time they spar.

      Probie, keep those awesome Sparky quotes coming, they're great!
      (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
      Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


        Originally posted by SMB_BOOKS View Post
        This one is sparky to me because Elizabeth seems (to me) to not only be disappointed in the decision to go ahead, but hurt and personally defeated by John's support of it. And, he seems so torn at participating in the mission when he realizes how much Elizabeth is disappointed in him being part of what she sees as a doomed mission. It's sparky because I think the depth of her hurt and the depth of his hesitation show that they were connected on more than a professional level.
        And it gets more interesting when it's viewed in light of subsequent actions in Adrift/Lifeline. John's so gung-ho to blow stuff up in FS that he runs roughshod over Elizabeth's feelings about the plan, and then when she's hurt as a result of the Asurans' counterstrike, one can just see the wheels turning in John's head. 'This is my fault. If I had just listened to Elizabeth and withheld my support until we could be sure about the plan, Atlantis wouldn't have been attacked and Elizabeth and so many other people wouldn't have gotten hurt.' The guilt is just coming off John in waves.
        (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
        Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


          Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
          Exactly what I've said about FS. I thought the whole ep was very Sparky.
          Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
          And it gets more interesting when it's viewed in light of subsequent actions in Adrift/Lifeline. John's so gung-ho to blow stuff up in FS that he runs roughshod over Elizabeth's feelings about the plan, and then when she's hurt as a result of the Asurans' counterstrike, one can just see the wheels turning in John's head. 'This is my fault. If I had just listened to Elizabeth and withheld my support until we could be sure about the plan, Atlantis wouldn't have been attacked and Elizabeth and so many other people wouldn't have gotten hurt.' The guilt is just coming off John in waves.
          Yes and Yes.
          Signature by Erin87


            Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
            Good choices. The difference in France and here continues to amaze.

            Exactly what I've said about FS. I thought the whole ep was very Sparky.
            There really is a big difference between French and American fans.
            Of course, I don’t speak for all French fans.
            For example, the season favorite of fans on this forum (except you lol) is the season 4. On a French forum (Stargate Fusion), there is a topic on this choice totally crazy. We don't understand why there is great enthusiasm for the season 4 which is considered an error to forget for most French fans. I could give you lots of others examples. Maybe we are more focus on details or maybe the French deserved the reputation of “moaner”. I don’t understand why there is such a huge gap between this forum and the French forum. But it's interesting.

            Ok now I close my mouth because I could talk about that for

            Don't worry SK, I will give you others Sparky quotes.
            Sig made by nephty and avi by Kris....THANK YOU!


              Originally posted by Probie View Post
              There really is a big difference between French and American fans.
              Of course, I don’t speak for all French fans.
              For example, the season favorite of fans on this forum (except you lol) is the season 4. On a French forum (Stargate Fusion), there is a topic on this choice totally crazy. We don't understand why there is great enthusiasm for the season 4 which is considered an error to forget for most French fans. I could give you lots of others examples. Maybe we are more focus on details or maybe the French deserved the reputation of “moaner”. I don’t understand why there is such a huge gap between this forum and the French forum. But it's interesting.

              Ok now I close my mouth because I could talk about that for

              Don't worry SK, I will give you others Sparky quotes.
              So basically, the French are Antis? COOL! Your countrymen (and women) get it! It is so good to hear that we're not alone in the world. And it'd sure be interesting to see what would happen if the producers went over to a fan convention in France to find out what you guys really think!
              (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
              Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                So basically, the French are Antis? COOL! Your countrymen (and women) get it! It is so good to hear that we're not alone in the world. And it'd sure be interesting to see what would happen if the producers went over to a fan convention in France to find out what you guys really think!
                That maybe why they never come in france. They are
                Many would have preferred to see the end of the show earlier (at the end of the season 3) because of incoherences in the season 4 and 5, or kill other characters in place of Beckett or Weir. The general opinion is that the show has potential (characters, stories, ...) that has never been exploited. That is why there are a lot of disappointment.
                Sig made by nephty and avi by Kris....THANK YOU!


                  OMG!! I just saw the new Star Trek movie and it's so AWESOME!! Y'all have to go and see it the moment it comes in theaters. Honestly... it's amazing! Star Trek lives again!!
                  And Paul McGillion also has a tiny part

                  Anyway, I think it's about time for part 5.
                  Here you go and please, don't kill me for the end:

                  One month later
                  “Honey, could you get that please? I’m afraid the pasta will boil over if I leave it alone for too long.”
                  Elizabeth closed the book she’d been reading and heaved herself off the couch. “Sure thing, sweetie.”
                  As she opened the door, she was startled for a fraction of a second by the three soldiers in front of it. The first one was a man she hadn’t seen since her marriage.
                  “Cam, it’s been too long.” She gave him a careful smile as scenarios of why they could possibly be here played through her mind.
                  “Dr. Weir.” He greeted her stiffly. “You are being recalled to the SGC immediately.”
                  Her eyes opened wide. “Excuse me?”
                  “I saved the pasta!” Came the joyous outburst from somewhere inside the house. Both Elizabeth and Cam looked inside the house to see John come to them with a grin on his face. “No pasta has managed to defeat John Sheppard yet.” His grin turned into a frown though when he saw the three Airmen in front of his door. “Cameron Mitchell? What brings you and your friends to our humble abode?”
                  “Dr. Weir is being recalled to the SGC immediately.”
                  “Excuse me?”
                  Cam couldn’t hide a small grin at their mirrored reaction. They really were a perfect match right now. Their slightly defensive stance was almost exactly the same too.
                  “What happened?” She asked.
                  “You will be briefed at the SGC.”
                  “Cam, cut the crap and tell us what’s going on.” John shot at him angrily.
                  The other man let out a sigh. “Can I come in?”
                  “Of course.” Elizabeth answered and motioned him inside.
                  “Stay.” Cam barked to the two other soldiers. They stood at attention and John slammed the door shut once Cam had entered.
                  “Spill it.” John said the moment the door had clicked in its lock.
                  “Sorry for the façade, guys, had to keep it up for those two. General Van Der Bild send them along as watchdogs.”
                  “General Van Der Bild?” John questioned.
                  Cam nodded. “A lot has happened in the year and a half you two have been away. He has taken over from General O’Neill and I can tell you that he’s an absolute pain in the ass. I’m quite sure I’m going to get reprimanded for talking to you like this when it was stated specifically that you would only get briefed at the SGC.”
                  “What has happened that you need me for?” Elizabeth asked.
                  Cam sighed. “Something happened on Atlantis. We’re not exactly sure what as there are communication problems but from what I’ve heard, McKay said that Woolsey is completely inadequate to handle it and that they need you back in charge. Apparently there’s an old ally who wasn’t so happy to see you’re not in charge anymore and they instantly turned into an enemy, causing massive havoc.”
                  “Do you have any idea who it was?” John asked, mentally going over all their allies and who would be capable of doing this. For now only the Genii came to mind, but they had known of their departure. Ladon had seemed positively crushed by it.
                  Cam shook his head. “Not a clue. We lost communications before McKay could share that intel. Now the Deadalus is leaving in two days and we need you on it.”
                  “Hang on. She’s giving birth in less than three months and I don’t want her to be in an active warzone when that happens.”
                  Elizabeth was both touched and annoyed by John’s concern. “I’ll be fine John and besides, you’ll be there to watch my back right.”
                  “Right, I’m not leaving you out of my sight.”
                  “Euhm…” Cam cleared his throat. “Sorry to spoil your fun, but Van Der Bild clearly specified that only Elizabeth was allowed to return.”
                  “What?” John’s eyes shot daggers towards Cam.
                  “Easy, John. He’s only the messenger.” She put a hand on his shoulder and that seemed to calm him down instantly.
                  “Look, Cam, John gave up his life in Atlantis and his career in the Air Force to be with me. I’m not leaving him again.”
                  Cam was again amazed by the easy communication between them. They looked at each other for a few silent moments and then nodded so barely noticeable that he would have missed it if he’d blinked.
                  “John… I can’t…”
                  “Our friends need you. I’ll be here waiting for you.”
                  “I don’t want to do this without you.”
                  He looked at her intently for a moment.
                  “I want to go too, honey. But it can’t be done and we can’t refuse our friends help.”
                  “It can be done, John.” Resolve settled in her eyes as she turned to Cam. “I’m sorry to do this to you, Cam, but you can go back to that Van der Bild guy and tell him I’m not leaving for Atlantis without my husband.”
                  Cam gave her a small grin. “Wasn’t expecting anything else to be honest. I’ll give him a call inside the car. He’ll probably chew my nose off for talking to you, but I can take him.”
                  “Thank you.” Elizabeth said in all earnest.
                  The man nodded and stepped out of the house.
                  From the moment the door was closed again, John turned back to Elizabeth.
                  He let out a sigh.
                  “Our friends will understand John. I’m six months pregnant and I don’t want to go gallivanting across the universe without my husband by my side. I left you once… I’m not leaving you again.”
                  He gave her a small smile and then wrapped his arms around her. “Last time hurt like hell because I never told you how I felt about you. Now it will still feel like a part of my heart is ripped away, but it won’t be so bad, because I know you love me too and because I can now call you my wife instead of just my best friend.”
                  He held her a bit away from him so he could look her in the eye. “If Cam comes back in with the news that they’ll only allow you back, then take it. Please. Go and save our friends. They never gave up fighting for us, you know.”
                  She nodded. “I know.” And pulled him into another hug. “I just can’t imagine giving birth to our son without you by my side. I can’t imagine raising him without you.”
                  “You’ll do just fine.” He assured her. “And our friends will take care of you. Carson will act all mother-henly. Teyla and Lorne will fight over babysitting rights. Ronon will be acting all over protective. I wouldn’t expect too much from McKay although he could still surprise you.”
                  She couldn’t help but smile. “I’m quite sure I can count on them all… but doing it without you just feels so… off.”
                  “I know.” He whispered and pulled her even closer to him.

                  Sig by me


                    Originally posted by Probie View Post
                    That maybe why they never come in france. They are
                    Many would have preferred to see the end of the show earlier (at the end of the season 3) because of incoherences in the season 4 and 5, or kill other characters in place of Beckett or Weir. The general opinion is that the show has potential (characters, stories, ...) that has never been exploited. That is why there are a lot of disappointment.
                    Gee, I wonder if that's why Mallozzi's going to be AWOL at Comic-Con again this year...

                    And that's been pretty much the predominant point of view in the Sparky thread and the Anti Season 4 & Season 5 threads on matters since the end of Season 3 (heck, even earlier than that!). The producers keep coming up with ideas that have great potential, but then they waste that potential instead of following it through to its logical end. Hence why stories have ping-ponged all over the place with no real direction and we still don't know what really happened to Weir, or Ford, or even Atlantis itself since the series got canceled right in the middle of a cliffhanger. It's so annoying, and yes, very disappointing. They could do so much better. But it's like they just don't care.
                    (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                    Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                      Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
                      OMG!! I just saw the new Star Trek movie and it's so AWESOME!! Y'all have to go and see it the moment it comes in theaters. Honestly... it's amazing! Star Trek lives again!!
                      And Paul McGillion also has a tiny part

                      Anyway, I think it's about time for part 5.
                      Here you go and please, don't kill me for the end:

                      One month later
                      “Honey, could you get that please? I’m afraid the pasta will boil over if I leave it alone for too long.”
                      Elizabeth closed the book she’d been reading and heaved herself off the couch. “Sure thing, sweetie.”
                      As she opened the door, she was startled for a fraction of a second by the three soldiers in front of it. The first one was a man she hadn’t seen since her marriage.
                      “Cam, it’s been too long.” She gave him a careful smile as scenarios of why they could possibly be here played through her mind.
                      “Dr. Weir.” He greeted her stiffly. “You are being recalled to the SGC immediately.”
                      Her eyes opened wide. “Excuse me?”
                      “I saved the pasta!” Came the joyous outburst from somewhere inside the house. Both Elizabeth and Cam looked inside the house to see John come to them with a grin on his face. “No pasta has managed to defeat John Sheppard yet.” His grin turned into a frown though when he saw the three Airmen in front of his door. “Cameron Mitchell? What brings you and your friends to our humble abode?”
                      “Dr. Weir is being recalled to the SGC immediately.”
                      “Excuse me?”
                      Cam couldn’t hide a small grin at their mirrored reaction. They really were a perfect match right now. Their slightly defensive stance was almost exactly the same too.
                      “What happened?” She asked.
                      “You will be briefed at the SGC.”
                      “Cam, cut the crap and tell us what’s going on.” John shot at him angrily.
                      The other man let out a sigh. “Can I come in?”
                      “Of course.” Elizabeth answered and motioned him inside.
                      “Stay.” Cam barked to the two other soldiers. They stood at attention and John slammed the door shut once Cam had entered.
                      “Spill it.” John said the moment the door had clicked in its lock.
                      “Sorry for the façade, guys, had to keep it up for those two. General Van Der Bild send them along as watchdogs.”
                      “General Van Der Bild?” John questioned.
                      Cam nodded. “A lot has happened in the year and a half you two have been away. He has taken over from General O’Neill and I can tell you that he’s an absolute pain in the ass. I’m quite sure I’m going to get reprimanded for talking to you like this when it was stated specifically that you would only get briefed at the SGC.”
                      “What has happened that you need me for?” Elizabeth asked.
                      Cam sighed. “Something happened on Atlantis. We’re not exactly sure what as there are communication problems but from what I’ve heard, McKay said that Woolsey is completely inadequate to handle it and that they need you back in charge. Apparently there’s an old ally who wasn’t so happy to see you’re not in charge anymore and they instantly turned into an enemy, causing massive havoc.”
                      “Do you have any idea who it was?” John asked, mentally going over all their allies and who would be capable of doing this. For now only the Genii came to mind, but they had known of their departure. Ladon had seemed positively crushed by it.
                      Cam shook his head. “Not a clue. We lost communications before McKay could share that intel. Now the Deadalus is leaving in two days and we need you on it.”
                      “Hang on. She’s giving birth in less than three months and I don’t want her to be in an active warzone when that happens.”
                      Elizabeth was both touched and annoyed by John’s concern. “I’ll be fine John and besides, you’ll be there to watch my back right.”
                      “Right, I’m not leaving you out of my sight.”
                      “Euhm…” Cam cleared his throat. “Sorry to spoil your fun, but Van Der Bild clearly specified that only Elizabeth was allowed to return.”
                      “What?” John’s eyes shot daggers towards Cam.
                      “Easy, John. He’s only the messenger.” She put a hand on his shoulder and that seemed to calm him down instantly.
                      “Look, Cam, John gave up his life in Atlantis and his career in the Air Force to be with me. I’m not leaving him again.”
                      Cam was again amazed by the easy communication between them. They looked at each other for a few silent moments and then nodded so barely noticeable that he would have missed it if he’d blinked.
                      “John… I can’t…”
                      “Our friends need you. I’ll be here waiting for you.”
                      “I don’t want to do this without you.”
                      He looked at her intently for a moment.
                      “I want to go too, honey. But it can’t be done and we can’t refuse our friends help.”
                      “It can be done, John.” Resolve settled in her eyes as she turned to Cam. “I’m sorry to do this to you, Cam, but you can go back to that Van der Bild guy and tell him I’m not leaving for Atlantis without my husband.”
                      Cam gave her a small grin. “Wasn’t expecting anything else to be honest. I’ll give him a call inside the car. He’ll probably chew my nose off for talking to you, but I can take him.”
                      “Thank you.” Elizabeth said in all earnest.
                      The man nodded and stepped out of the house.
                      From the moment the door was closed again, John turned back to Elizabeth.
                      He let out a sigh.
                      “Our friends will understand John. I’m six months pregnant and I don’t want to go gallivanting across the universe without my husband by my side. I left you once… I’m not leaving you again.”
                      He gave her a small smile and then wrapped his arms around her. “Last time hurt like hell because I never told you how I felt about you. Now it will still feel like a part of my heart is ripped away, but it won’t be so bad, because I know you love me too and because I can now call you my wife instead of just my best friend.”
                      He held her a bit away from him so he could look her in the eye. “If Cam comes back in with the news that they’ll only allow you back, then take it. Please. Go and save our friends. They never gave up fighting for us, you know.”
                      She nodded. “I know.” And pulled him into another hug. “I just can’t imagine giving birth to our son without you by my side. I can’t imagine raising him without you.”
                      “You’ll do just fine.” He assured her. “And our friends will take care of you. Carson will act all mother-henly. Teyla and Lorne will fight over babysitting rights. Ronon will be acting all over protective. I wouldn’t expect too much from McKay although he could still surprise you.”
                      She couldn’t help but smile. “I’m quite sure I can count on them all… but doing it without you just feels so… off.”
                      “I know.” He whispered and pulled her even closer to him.
                      But, but.... she can't go back without John! That just wouldn't be fair! That new General sounds like such an arse. And what happened to General Landry? I must've missed that part. But there's an easy solution... Lizzie calls the President. Hey, she threatened to do that to get John promoted in Intruder, so I'm sure a call from the Commander In Chief would put General Big-Head back in his place... hahaha!

                      Or maybe this 'enemy' (yeah, I'm guessing it's the Genii, too) still won't deal unless John is at Elizabeth's side when she returns. Ah, we always knew Ladon was a Sparky shipper...
                      (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                      Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                        Just popping in to drop off these. It's not exactly on the current topic.

                        C: Geez Sheppard, I know you're glad to be alive, but I didn't think you'd be that happy to see us!
                        S: It isn't you I'm happy to see, sir

                        C: Are you busy?
                        E: No, not really (flips screen around)
                        C (reading aloud): John, how I long for the day when we no longer have to hide our love. My body aches in anticipation of your loving touch.....
                        E: WHAT!! Oh, that was meant to be solitaire

                        I got nothing for this one, except that they are apparently not all that concerned by Rodney's imminent death

                        E: So, that whole 'non-fraternisation' thing, how serious is the Air Force about that?
                        J: Why - who have you been talking to?

                        J: Okay, I take it back. Those jeans do not make your ass look big. Now please let me back inside, it's really cold out here
                        Last edited by gateraid; 24 August 2009, 11:54 PM.


                          Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                          Adorable, but why wasn't Ronon in the delivery room? Squeamish?
                          Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                          Erin... ZOMG, 'Max' cracked me up! Darn right, Sheppard would probably tease Ronon. On the other hand, maybe he wouldn't... after all, Ronon could just beat him up the next time they spar.
                          Heehee! He definitely could. Thanks guys!
                          And as for why Ronon wasn't in the delivery room... in reality he admittedly probably would have been, so it was more my preferring him not to be there than anything else. If he's in the delivery room, then he can't be all worried and pacing in the hallway, and you don't get the conversation with John (who will be experiencing the same thing quite soon after when Connor is born )
                          Lovely Sparkiness! ~*~ My: Fanfics - Vids ~*~


                            Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
                            Hey guys,

                            I got back from Fedcon and I had such a blast!! For the nearly ten years I've been going to cons (sjeez, has it really been that long?) this one is definitely among the top three... and actually on number one
                            The guestlist was amazing and they were all so sweet and kind... *grins stupidly*
                            Best thing of all: I don't know if any of you watch 'Eureka' but Colin Ferguson gave me permission to design his official site *is grinning sooooooo hard!!*

                            Anway, back to Sparky. Thank you all for the nice reviews on part 3, so now is about time for part 4. This story is actually growing much bigger than I first anticipated and especially much more AU... you'll see what I mean when I get there...
                            This part is kinda short, but the next one will be mind numbing and you're going to kill me for the way that one will end

                            Have fun with part 4:

                            <snip for space>
                            Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
                            OMG!! I just saw the new Star Trek movie and it's so AWESOME!! Y'all have to go and see it the moment it comes in theaters. Honestly... it's amazing! Star Trek lives again!!
                            And Paul McGillion also has a tiny part

                            Anyway, I think it's about time for part 5.
                            Here you go and please, don't kill me for the end:

                            <snip for space>
                            Oh, these are both really good, Kris! Love her mother finally coming around, and the end of part 5...
                            I hope they both get to go!
                            Lovely Sparkiness! ~*~ My: Fanfics - Vids ~*~


                              Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                              Just popping in to drop off these. It's not exactly on the current topic.

                              C: Geez Sheppard, I know you're glad to be alive, but I didn't think you'd be that happy to see us!
                              S: It isn't you I'm happy to see, sir

                              Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                              C: Are you busy?
                              E: No, not really (flips screen around)
                              C (reading aloud): John, how I long for the day when we no longer have to hide our love. My body aches in anticipation of your loving touch.....
                              E: WHAT!! Oh, that was meant to be solitaire
                              *dies laughing* ZOMG, who knew that Lizzie secretly had the heart of a romance novel writer?

                              Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                              I got nothing for this one, except that they are apparently not all that concerned by Rodney's imminent death
                              Eye!sexin' for the win! They've even got real sparks!

                              Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                              E: So, that whole 'non-fraternisation' thing, how serious is the Air Force about that?
                              J: Why - who have you been talking to?
                              Heh, methinks Lizzie's been talking to Sam...

                              Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                              J: Okay, I take it back. Those jeans do not make your ass look big. Now please let me back inside, it's really cold out here
                              Oh, I think Lizzie could do all sorts of wonderful things to warm him up...

                              Those are some great ones, gateraid!
                              (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                              Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                                Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
                                OMG!! I just saw the new Star Trek movie and it's so AWESOME!! Y'all have to go and see it the moment it comes in theaters. Honestly... it's amazing! Star Trek lives again!!
                                And Paul McGillion also has a tiny part

                                Anyway, I think it's about time for part 5.
                                Here you go and please, don't kill me for the end:
                                (snippidy for length)
                                You are an ebil woman. John better get his little bottom back to Atlantis in the next part. *points finger*

                                Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                                Just popping in to drop off these. It's not exactly on the current topic.

                                C: Geez Sheppard, I know you're glad to be alive, but I didn't think you'd be that happy to see us!
                                S: It isn't you I'm happy to see, sir

                                C: Are you busy?
                                E: No, not really (flips screen around)
                                C (reading aloud): John, how I long for the day when we no longer have to hide our love. My body aches in anticipation of your loving touch.....
                                E: WHAT!! Oh, that was meant to be solitaire

                                I got nothing for this one, except that they are apparently not all that concerned by Rodney's imminent death

                                E: So, that whole 'non-fraternisation' thing, how serious is the Air Force about that?
                                J: Why - who have you been talking to?

                                J: Okay, I take it back. Those jeans do not make your ass look big. Now please let me back inside, it's really cold out here
                                Love it. That last one was the best ever.

                                And I told my husband earlier that we have a new French member of the thread who's been telling us about how the French think Sparky is the most obvious ship. He said, "well duh". I love that man.

                                Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.

