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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
    I was doing some capturing for a vid today from Reunion and was struck by the balcony scene between John and Carter. The talk about Teyla packing up Elizabeth's stuff and compartmentalizing feelings made me think of this. Noone ever gets used to loss, but Teyla has been losing those she loves all her life and has a system for dealing with it. John has had his share of loss but it has been more intense over the last few years and particularly hard to deal with in regards to Elizabeth. Think about the fact that this is one of the first things he does after Carter takes command.

    SHEPPARD: You know, for most of us, this thing with Elizabeth isn’t over yet. She’s still out there.

    CARTER: You really believe there’s a chance she’s still alive?

    SHEPPARD: There’s only one way to know for sure.

    CARTER: You’re suggesting we go back.

    SHEPPARD: We should have done it sooner, but the I.O.A.’s been stonewalling me. Now that you’re in charge, maybe you can give me the green light.

    CARTER: I’m sorry, but it’s too dangerous.

    SHEPPARD: It’s no more dangerous than the last time we went in.

    CARTER: Circumstances were different, plus you had an advantage then that you don’t have now.

    SHEPPARD: Well, she’s the one who gave us that advantage. The only reason we’re here is because of what she did.

    CARTER: Believe me, I know, and I don’t like the idea of leaving someone behind any more than you do. But I am not about to send you or anyone else on a suicide mission. Now, you come to me with a plan that has even an outside chance of succeeding and I’ll consider it. Short of that, John, I’m sorry. There’s nothing I can do.

    SHEPPARD (reluctantly): Fair enough.

    And the woobie face. How can you kick that puppy?


    Ona any other sci fi show this particular thing would have been treated differently, and would ended differently. For crying out loud in Battlestar Galactica (season finale spoliers!) T
    hey engaged the rest of the Cylon fleet to save a child. A child. Yeah, that child was important for couple of reasons, but damn it, that's how you treat all of your characters - they're all important, you deal with them all, or you have a badly written excuse for a story.

    Poor John. What have they done to him? He's the ultimate "I don't leave my men behind" guy, and then they make him leave behind the person that matters to him the most. They can't excuse it through the plot, because it's OOC and doesn't make sense, so watching Carter doing the reasonable conversation with John and pretending she's Elizabeth just hurts my brain.

    I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


      Originally posted by gateraid View Post
      IIRC they said in the commentary that it was there purely to show the passage of time. I think they were playing with us <insert anti snark here>. Surely a less flirtatious scene would have been more prudent.
      Oh, they were totally playing us. But it backfired. All they did was give Sparky more ammunition.

      Originally posted by gateraid View Post
      I think they whine because we could have so much fun with the name Dick
      That we could. *smirks* But the way I see it, they have no grounds on which to complain, because the writers opened the door to it all by themselves by writing Woolsey calling himself "Dick." It's open season, baby.

      Originally posted by gateraid View Post
      She went because OMG!!Carter is so much cooler than Weir!! She can shoot stuff!! And the people that crowed about how strong it made her look as a leader - puhlease. She deferred to Ronon mostly, who as it turned out had been fed false information. Then when Shep came along, she deferred to him.
      And in matters of science, she deferred to Rodney. Ugh, the whole Carter thing ended up being such a meaningless waste of time.

      Originally posted by gateraid View Post
      He was teaching her to play with a rod of a different kind Not Rodney
      You? Are a wicked man.
      (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
      Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


        Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
        Ugh, the whole Carter thing ended up being such a meaningless waste of time.
        Not to mention that most of the time she was simply speaking Weir - lines. So much for coolness of shooting stuff around. Sam Carter isn't a character who's to be seated behind a desk, unless she's playing with her doohickeys.

        As I said, any other show would do this differently, thinking of what people in question would do, how they would react, why are their motivations etc. I ran across very few shows (that's maybe because I don't watch much stuff) that simply shoehorns a character into a role (plothole) because some sort of recipe has to be followed. That's fail. It results in fail, as we have seen for ourselves. And it's sad when an actor has to go yelling around and basically saying "No, my character doesn't suffer amnesia and he actually remembers people he worked with. He'd also like to go and save them, because that's what you made him to be through last three years".

        Uh, but no. Anyone can be saved but the true leader, which, in turn, makes the show motto meaningless and mock worthy - we don't leave our men behind, with exception of Elizabeth Weir.
        I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


          Originally posted by Reiko View Post
          <snip>I wonder what the summary of Fail is going to be for the SGA movie if it's ever released.
          I've been musing on that

          Atlantis is on Earth. The Deadalus has been doing recon in the PG. The wraith have been running amok. The population is dwindling. They are also on a path to cull the Athosian planet in a few weeks. Meanwhile at the SGC, intervention is denied. Atlantis has to stay on Earth as a line of defence (from who?? The Ori are defeated, plus the wraith are in the PG).

          After repeated stonewalling, Shep decides to give the big *F*U* to the SGC and pilots Atlantis into orbit. Woolsey wets his pants when Shep defies orders, but Landry tells him that he never really expected Shep to listen. He also tries to eyesex him, which makes Woolsey wet his pants again. The General Hammond is in orbit above Earth. Carter orders Shep to stand down or she'll fire. He says something woobie-ish that SR will get a kick out of. Carter does one of her trademark winces, and does nothing. Atlantis heads off to the PG.

          On the way, Teyla asks Rodney why he wasn't really that concerned about leaving Keller behind. He explains that it didn't work out - mostly because when they went out for dinner, guys kept hitting on her coz they thought she was out with her father. Teyla nods knowingly, resisting the urge to leap for joy.

          Upon arriving at New Athos, Atlantis makes short work of the wraith (who, by fortunate happenstance show up at the EXACT SAME TIME that Atlantis does). After regrouping, they decide they need to take out a few more of the wraith. Todd has detected their arrival, and contacts them. He assists them with tracking the wraith ships (only the ones that are not his, naturally). He also comments to Rodney that 'that delicious looking girlfriend of his' is conspicuously absent.

          Meanwhile, the General Hammond arrives. Carter figured they'd go to New Athos first (hey, she is a genius). When Shep, Lorne, Teyla, Ronon, Rodney, Carson etc ask WTF she is doing there, she says that abandoning the PG never sat well with her. However her ship is desperately undermanned (conveniently this means few extras need to be hired - I think of everything) as she knew this was either a one-way trip or she'd be going back to a cell in area 51.

          As Atlantis dispenses with more wraith, Carter/General Hammond retreive Franibeth (Carter is much smarter than Rodney and figures she may be able to fix her). However Franibeth has sustained much damage in space, and disintegrates shortly after reactivation. Naturally, she tells Carter that she was actually a copy, and that she believes she knows where Elizabeth was being held.

          When Carter gets back to Atlantis, she tells Shep etc. They (collectively) decide that they owe it to Elizabeth to at least make an attempt at a rescue. As the highest ranking officer, Carter retakes command of Atlantis. It is decided that they will send the General Hammond (with Lorne now in command) to investigate - jump in, scan, jump out. Apparently, this planet is a secondary home for the Asurans (what a pity they deleted them from the database).

          While they are deliberating on their options, Lorne comes into Carter's office and plonks himself down on her desk, giving her a smirk. Carter says 'hey, are you coming on to me'. Lorne replies that he has a thing for strong women, and that Weir was totally, like, taken by Shep. Carter says she knew it all along. Then Lorne kisses her and they procede to make love right there on her desk. Chuck dims the lights and exits the control room, cursing that he would probably have to clean the desk afterwards.

          Todd & Rod (OMG - Ned Flanders kids!!) inform the crew that these Asurans will most likely still have the attack code. The planet is not neutronium-rich, so when their few ships were destroyed by the wraith, they have only managed to start rebuilding them (rather than simply replicating them). given that they no longer have Asuras for support. So a rescue isn't out of the question. And probably necessary, given that the wraith will most likely destroy this planet to wipe out the replicators (again).

          Atlantis & the General Hammond jump to the planet. Atlantis patrols in orbit while the General Hammond beams Teyla, Ronon, Shep, Rodney down to the planet then heads through the atmosphere (because of some interference/plot device they wouldn't be able to beam them back up unless in close proximity) to wreak havoc on the replicator homeworld. Because General Hammond was cool, his ship kicks ass, and sustains virtually no damage (especially that weird steam effect they do) while it tears the replicators a new one.

          Rodney locates a human signal, so they head for it. Ronon and Teyla, being the skilled warriors they are, dispatch many a replicator on the way. They find OMG!!Elizabeth (yeah, no surprise there) who is in stasis. After Rodney flails for a bit coz he loves her too (not in that way. Okay, maybe a little bit, but only a little) he figures out how to wake her up. She is of course still unconscious. Lorne beams them up, with the ZPM that they stole along the way (sure, why not). The Major says that they should simply tell the wraith about this planet, and they'll take care of it for them. Shep agrees that this is a good plan, so they head back to Atlantis and both ships jump away. Later, they come back and dispatch the wraith who were so helpful in killing the remaining replicators.

          Carson, superdoc that he is, revives Elizabeth. She says something along the lines of OMGWTFRUCRAZY?! before he tells her that the replicators are toast, and that she is essentially the person she was before, with freakish healing abilities. Carter comes in and tells her that the two of them aren't really that dissimilar, what with her naquadah and all (I know, the writers forgot about that after s6). So there really isn't any reason for her to take back command after a rehabilitation period (perhaps a little convenient, but I direct you to Irresponsible), given that she never technically relinquished the position. Shep is all OMG!!this is so cool!!things can go back to how they were before almost!! and internally goes OMG!!yay!! bounces/jumps around the room with Carter!! but externally nods and says that that is the fairest solution, and would satisfy most of the remaining members of the expedition. Elizabeth is all yay!!too, but being the trained negotiator that she is, internalises her diplomatic orgasm, simply responding with a limited smile.

          The leadership of Atlantis (& Todd) decide that the best course of action is to eliminate the rest of the wraith. Todd adds that his forces have been essentially wiped out - he would have been too but he is safe on Atlantis - so he is all set to go postal on the rest of the wraith. They then dispatch the remaining ships they have on sensors, before landing Atlantis on a new planet. Sam/Rodney disable the gate so that an incoming wormhole from Earth will not engage (they will think Atlantis is either in space or destroyed) but it is still usable.

          There are a few remaining wraith in the PG, but they pose no great threat at the moment (okay, if you like, the real Michael survived). Todd opts for the treatment to remove his feeding ability/need, given that Carson tells him he will die otherwise, and also opts to remain on Atlantis. Carter is the head of the military personel as it were. In a private moment, she tells Shep that there really is no reason why sparky cannot exist in this new earth exile. Shep is all 'i don't know what you are talking about ma'am' before he sprints out of there to bang on Lizzie's door.

          Teyla tells the Athosians that there really is no need to stay on New Athos, and that they should simply move back to Atlantis, to help with the, uh, repopulation. Ronon decides that this is a task he is well suited for, and proceeds to help with the cause (he's so selfless - he just gives and gives). Katie Brown (what?? I liked her) puts the moves on Rodney, who realises that she is his one and only. After some brief liasons, and given Rodney's relative inexperience with birth control, Katie becomes pregnant. Much joy ensues. I'm not sure what will happen with the rest of them, but that is what the second movie will be for.


            Originally posted by Anuna View Post
            Not to mention that most of the time she was simply speaking Weir - lines. So much for coolness of shooting stuff around. Sam Carter isn't a character who's to be seated behind a desk, unless she's playing with her doohickeys.
            The scene in Doppelganger where Carter announces Kate's death, and afterward she and Keller are talking about it. That should've been Elizabeth and Carson. Those two were the ones who had the history with Kate, and the scene would've actually had meaning if it had been them instead of Carter and Keller. Argh.

            Originally posted by Anuna View Post
            As I said, any other show would do this differently, thinking of what people in question would do, how they would react, why are their motivations etc. I ran across very few shows (that's maybe because I don't watch much stuff) that simply shoehorns a character into a role (plothole) because some sort of recipe has to be followed. That's fail. It results in fail, as we have seen for ourselves. And it's sad when an actor has to go yelling around and basically saying "No, my character doesn't suffer amnesia and he actually remembers people he worked with. He'd also like to go and save them, because that's what you made him to be through last three years".

            Uh, but no. Anyone can be saved but the true leader, which, in turn, makes the show motto meaningless and mock worthy - we don't leave our men behind, with exception of Elizabeth Weir.
            The writers committing character assassination with John just pisses me off. No wonder JoeF has been so disgusted with the way things ended.
            (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
            Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


              Originally posted by gateraid View Post
              I've been musing on that

              Atlantis is on Earth. The Deadalus has been doing recon in the PG. The wraith have been running amok. The population is dwindling. They are also on a path to cull the Athosian planet in a few weeks. Meanwhile at the SGC, intervention is denied. Atlantis has to stay on Earth as a line of defence (from who?? The Ori are defeated, plus the wraith are in the PG).

              After repeated stonewalling, Shep decides to give the big *F*U* to the SGC and pilots Atlantis into orbit. Woolsey wets his pants when Shep defies orders, but Landry tells him that he never really expected Shep to listen. He also tries to eyesex him, which makes Woolsey wet his pants again. The General Hammond is in orbit above Earth. Carter orders Shep to stand down or she'll fire. He says something woobie-ish that SR will get a kick out of. Carter does one of her trademark winces, and does nothing. Atlantis heads off to the PG.

              On the way, Teyla asks Rodney why he wasn't really that concerned about leaving Keller behind. He explains that it didn't work out - mostly because when they went out for dinner, guys kept hitting on her coz they thought she was out with her father. Teyla nods knowingly, resisting the urge to leap for joy.

              Upon arriving at New Athos, Atlantis makes short work of the wraith (who, by fortunate happenstance show up at the EXACT SAME TIME that Atlantis does). After regrouping, they decide they need to take out a few more of the wraith. Todd has detected their arrival, and contacts them. He assists them with tracking the wraith ships (only the ones that are not his, naturally). He also comments to Rodney that 'that delicious looking girlfriend of his' is conspicuously absent.

              Meanwhile, the General Hammond arrives. Carter figured they'd go to New Athos first (hey, she is a genius). When Shep, Lorne, Teyla, Ronon, Rodney, Carson etc ask WTF she is doing there, she says that abandoning the PG never sat well with her. However her ship is desperately undermanned (conveniently this means few extras need to be hired - I think of everything) as she knew this was either a one-way trip or she'd be going back to a cell in area 51.

              As Atlantis dispenses with more wraith, Carter/General Hammond retreive Franibeth (Carter is much smarter than Rodney and figures she may be able to fix her). However Franibeth has sustained much damage in space, and disintegrates shortly after reactivation. Naturally, she tells Carter that she was actually a copy, and that she believes she knows where Elizabeth was being held.

              When Carter gets back to Atlantis, she tells Shep etc. They (collectively) decide that they owe it to Elizabeth to at least make an attempt at a rescue. As the highest ranking officer, Carter retakes command of Atlantis. It is decided that they will send the General Hammond (with Lorne now in command) to investigate - jump in, scan, jump out. Apparently, this planet is a secondary home for the Asurans (what a pity they deleted them from the database).

              While they are deliberating on their options, Lorne comes into Carter's office and plonks himself down on her desk, giving her a smirk. Carter says 'hey, are you coming on to me'. Lorne replies that he has a thing for strong women, and that Weir was totally, like, taken by Shep. Carter says she knew it all along. Then Lorne kisses her and they procede to make love right there on her desk. Chuck dims the lights and exits the control room, cursing that he would probably have to clean the desk afterwards.

              Todd & Rod (OMG - Ned Flanders kids!!) inform the crew that these Asurans will most likely still have the attack code. The planet is not neutronium-rich, so when their few ships were destroyed by the wraith, they have only managed to start rebuilding them (rather than simply replicating them). given that they no longer have Asuras for support. So a rescue isn't out of the question. And probably necessary, given that the wraith will most likely destroy this planet to wipe out the replicators (again).

              Atlantis & the General Hammond jump to the planet. Atlantis patrols in orbit while the General Hammond beams Teyla, Ronon, Shep, Rodney down to the planet then heads through the atmosphere (because of some interference/plot device they wouldn't be able to beam them back up unless in close proximity) to wreak havoc on the replicator homeworld. Because General Hammond was cool, his ship kicks ass, and sustains virtually no damage (especially that weird steam effect they do) while it tears the replicators a new one.

              Rodney locates a human signal, so they head for it. Ronon and Teyla, being the skilled warriors they are, dispatch many a replicator on the way. They find OMG!!Elizabeth (yeah, no surprise there) who is in stasis. After Rodney flails for a bit coz he loves her too (not in that way. Okay, maybe a little bit, but only a little) he figures out how to wake her up. She is of course still unconscious. Lorne beams them up, with the ZPM that they stole along the way (sure, why not). The Major says that they should simply tell the wraith about this planet, and they'll take care of it for them. Shep agrees that this is a good plan, so they head back to Atlantis and both ships jump away. Later, they come back and dispatch the wraith who were so helpful in killing the remaining replicators.

              Carson, superdoc that he is, revives Elizabeth. She says something along the lines of OMGWTFRUCRAZY?! before he tells her that the replicators are toast, and that she is essentially the person she was before, with freakish healing abilities. Carter comes in and tells her that the two of them aren't really that dissimilar, what with her naquadah and all (I know, the writers forgot about that after s6). So there really isn't any reason for her to take back command after a rehabilitation period (perhaps a little convenient, but I direct you to Irresponsible), given that she never technically relinquished the position. Shep is all OMG!!this is so cool!!things can go back to how they were before almost!! and internally goes OMG!!yay!! bounces/jumps around the room with Carter!! but externally nods and says that that is the fairest solution, and would satisfy most of the remaining members of the expedition. Elizabeth is all yay!!too, but being the trained negotiator that she is, internalises her diplomatic orgasm, simply responding with a limited smile.

              The leadership of Atlantis (& Todd) decide that the best course of action is to eliminate the rest of the wraith. Todd adds that his forces have been essentially wiped out - he would have been too but he is safe on Atlantis - so he is all set to go postal on the rest of the wraith. They then dispatch the remaining ships they have on sensors, before landing Atlantis on a new planet. Sam/Rodney disable the gate so that an incoming wormhole from Earth will not engage (they will think Atlantis is either in space or destroyed) but it is still usable.

              There are a few remaining wraith in the PG, but they pose no great threat at the moment (okay, if you like, the real Michael survived). Todd opts for the treatment to remove his feeding ability/need, given that Carson tells him he will die otherwise, and also opts to remain on Atlantis. Carter is the head of the military personel as it were. In a private moment, she tells Shep that there really is no reason why sparky cannot exist in this new earth exile. Shep is all 'i don't know what you are talking about ma'am' before he sprints out of there to bang on Lizzie's door.

              Teyla tells the Athosians that there really is no need to stay on New Athos, and that they should simply move back to Atlantis, to help with the, uh, repopulation. Ronon decides that this is a task he is well suited for, and proceeds to help with the cause (he's so selfless - he just gives and gives). Katie Brown (what?? I liked her) puts the moves on Rodney, who realises that she is his one and only. After some brief liasons, and given Rodney's relative inexperience with birth control, Katie becomes pregnant. Much joy ensues. I'm not sure what will happen with the rest of them, but that is what the second movie will be for.
              *dies laughing* OMFGWTFBBQMICE!?! That is epic crazy, and I like it!
              (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
              Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                The scene in Doppelganger where Carter announces Kate's death, and afterward she and Keller are talking about it. That should've been Elizabeth and Carson. Those two were the ones who had the history with Kate, and the scene would've actually had meaning if it had been them instead of Carter and Keller. Argh.
                That scene right there is the one that soured me against Carter in SGA. Which is an achievement in itself, as I essentially loved all the SG1 characters. It would have had more meaning if it were Keller falling off the balcony, with Kate comforting Carter. Eventually I warmed to her on SGA (ignores Trio) as she became more Carter-like

                The writers committing character assassination with John just pisses me off. No wonder JoeF has been so disgusted with the way things ended.
                Are we allowed to mention the lack of a Teyla arc on this thread?
                Last edited by gateraid; 27 March 2009, 10:54 PM.


                  Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                  I've been musing on that

                  Atlantis is on Earth. The Deadalus has been doing recon in the PG. The wraith have been running amok. The population is dwindling. They are also on a path to cull the Athosian planet in a few weeks. Meanwhile at the SGC, intervention is denied. Atlantis has to stay on Earth as a line of defence (from who?? The Ori are defeated, plus the wraith are in the PG).

                  After repeated stonewalling, Shep decides to give the big *F*U* to the SGC and pilots Atlantis into orbit. Woolsey wets his pants when Shep defies orders, but Landry tells him that he never really expected Shep to listen. He also tries to eyesex him, which makes Woolsey wet his pants again. The General Hammond is in orbit above Earth. Carter orders Shep to stand down or she'll fire. He says something woobie-ish that SR will get a kick out of. Carter does one of her trademark winces, and does nothing. Atlantis heads off to the PG.

                  On the way, Teyla asks Rodney why he wasn't really that concerned about leaving Keller behind. He explains that it didn't work out - mostly because when they went out for dinner, guys kept hitting on her coz they thought she was out with her father. Teyla nods knowingly, resisting the urge to leap for joy.

                  Upon arriving at New Athos, Atlantis makes short work of the wraith (who, by fortunate happenstance show up at the EXACT SAME TIME that Atlantis does). After regrouping, they decide they need to take out a few more of the wraith. Todd has detected their arrival, and contacts them. He assists them with tracking the wraith ships (only the ones that are not his, naturally). He also comments to Rodney that 'that delicious looking girlfriend of his' is conspicuously absent.

                  Meanwhile, the General Hammond arrives. Carter figured they'd go to New Athos first (hey, she is a genius). When Shep, Lorne, Teyla, Ronon, Rodney, Carson etc ask WTF she is doing there, she says that abandoning the PG never sat well with her. However her ship is desperately undermanned (conveniently this means few extras need to be hired - I think of everything) as she knew this was either a one-way trip or she'd be going back to a cell in area 51.

                  As Atlantis dispenses with more wraith, Carter/General Hammond retreive Franibeth (Carter is much smarter than Rodney and figures she may be able to fix her). However Franibeth has sustained much damage in space, and disintegrates shortly after reactivation. Naturally, she tells Carter that she was actually a copy, and that she believes she knows where Elizabeth was being held.

                  When Carter gets back to Atlantis, she tells Shep etc. They (collectively) decide that they owe it to Elizabeth to at least make an attempt at a rescue. As the highest ranking officer, Carter retakes command of Atlantis. It is decided that they will send the General Hammond (with Lorne now in command) to investigate - jump in, scan, jump out. Apparently, this planet is a secondary home for the Asurans (what a pity they deleted them from the database).

                  While they are deliberating on their options, Lorne comes into Carter's office and plonks himself down on her desk, giving her a smirk. Carter says 'hey, are you coming on to me'. Lorne replies that he has a thing for strong women, and that Weir was totally, like, taken by Shep. Carter says she knew it all along. Then Lorne kisses her and they procede to make love right there on her desk. Chuck dims the lights and exits the control room, cursing that he would probably have to clean the desk afterwards.

                  Todd & Rod (OMG - Ned Flanders kids!!) inform the crew that these Asurans will most likely still have the attack code. The planet is not neutronium-rich, so when their few ships were destroyed by the wraith, they have only managed to start rebuilding them (rather than simply replicating them). given that they no longer have Asuras for support. So a rescue isn't out of the question. And probably necessary, given that the wraith will most likely destroy this planet to wipe out the replicators (again).

                  Atlantis & the General Hammond jump to the planet. Atlantis patrols in orbit while the General Hammond beams Teyla, Ronon, Shep, Rodney down to the planet then heads through the atmosphere (because of some interference/plot device they wouldn't be able to beam them back up unless in close proximity) to wreak havoc on the replicator homeworld. Because General Hammond was cool, his ship kicks ass, and sustains virtually no damage (especially that weird steam effect they do) while it tears the replicators a new one.

                  Rodney locates a human signal, so they head for it. Ronon and Teyla, being the skilled warriors they are, dispatch many a replicator on the way. They find OMG!!Elizabeth (yeah, no surprise there) who is in stasis. After Rodney flails for a bit coz he loves her too (not in that way. Okay, maybe a little bit, but only a little) he figures out how to wake her up. She is of course still unconscious. Lorne beams them up, with the ZPM that they stole along the way (sure, why not). The Major says that they should simply tell the wraith about this planet, and they'll take care of it for them. Shep agrees that this is a good plan, so they head back to Atlantis and both ships jump away. Later, they come back and dispatch the wraith who were so helpful in killing the remaining replicators.

                  Carson, superdoc that he is, revives Elizabeth. She says something along the lines of OMGWTFRUCRAZY?! before he tells her that the replicators are toast, and that she is essentially the person she was before, with freakish healing abilities. Carter comes in and tells her that the two of them aren't really that dissimilar, what with her naquadah and all (I know, the writers forgot about that after s6). So there really isn't any reason for her to take back command after a rehabilitation period (perhaps a little convenient, but I direct you to Irresponsible), given that she never technically relinquished the position. Shep is all OMG!!this is so cool!!things can go back to how they were before almost!! and internally goes OMG!!yay!! bounces/jumps around the room with Carter!! but externally nods and says that that is the fairest solution, and would satisfy most of the remaining members of the expedition. Elizabeth is all yay!!too, but being the trained negotiator that she is, internalises her diplomatic orgasm, simply responding with a limited smile.

                  The leadership of Atlantis (& Todd) decide that the best course of action is to eliminate the rest of the wraith. Todd adds that his forces have been essentially wiped out - he would have been too but he is safe on Atlantis - so he is all set to go postal on the rest of the wraith. They then dispatch the remaining ships they have on sensors, before landing Atlantis on a new planet. Sam/Rodney disable the gate so that an incoming wormhole from Earth will not engage (they will think Atlantis is either in space or destroyed) but it is still usable.

                  There are a few remaining wraith in the PG, but they pose no great threat at the moment (okay, if you like, the real Michael survived). Todd opts for the treatment to remove his feeding ability/need, given that Carson tells him he will die otherwise, and also opts to remain on Atlantis. Carter is the head of the military personel as it were. In a private moment, she tells Shep that there really is no reason why sparky cannot exist in this new earth exile. Shep is all 'i don't know what you are talking about ma'am' before he sprints out of there to bang on Lizzie's door.

                  Teyla tells the Athosians that there really is no need to stay on New Athos, and that they should simply move back to Atlantis, to help with the, uh, repopulation. Ronon decides that this is a task he is well suited for, and proceeds to help with the cause (he's so selfless - he just gives and gives). Katie Brown (what?? I liked her) puts the moves on Rodney, who realises that she is his one and only. After some brief liasons, and given Rodney's relative inexperience with birth control, Katie becomes pregnant. Much joy ensues. I'm not sure what will happen with the rest of them, but that is what the second movie will be for.
                  That *points up* needs to be written in a fic of epic!!!!!
                  I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                    Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                    *dies laughing* OMFGWTFBBQMICE!?! That is epic crazy, and I like it!
                    I tried to insert as much Zero Point Snark in there as possible. Not sure if it worked, given the premise. There were a few plot holes, such as

                    where did the Deadalus go? Why did Earth not send more ships after them to retrieve Atlantis (I'm gonna go with the fact that they decided that space is like, huge, and they figured they wouldn't be able to find them given that Atlantis can cloak)? Why is Woolsey's bladder so weak?


                      Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                      That *points up* needs to be written in a fic of epic!!!!!
                      Now Anuna, you know that is about as far as I am able to get with it. And even then it was only because it included a large amount of mockery. What it needs is someone who can write characters properly *whistles innocently*


                        SGA part II

                        Michael, who has gone mad with syphallis power and the strain of his circumstances, decides that with the rest of the wraith gone, now is the time to reassert his dominance over the PG. The retrovirus has gone full circle and turned him fully human again (because all the girls will like to look at Connor's pretty face), so he starts to assemble allies in attempt at a political alliance (because he obviously learned something from Lizzie, other than that DVD he accidentally discovered ).

                        Ladon contacts Atlantis, and informs them of Michael's plan and growing power. After Ronon points out that Ladon's hair now totally matches Lizzie's, he also says that they should do something before the situation gets out of hand. Teyla points out that she has connections in the PG and offers to do some recon to properly assess the situation (not that she doesn't trust Ladon ). She takes Ronon with her because she knows he would only put his foot in his mouth if he were left alone with the earthlings.

                        Upon discovering Teyla on one of the planets, Michael decides to kidnap her (after he touches himself rather inappropriately). He then professes his love for her, but Teyla is all dude!you're sick!! and totally cockblocks him. Ronon has a secret orgasm which his skin tight leather pants helpfully conceal, before he escapes his restraints and beats the living crap out of Michael. As his guards are approaching, Teyla and Ronon make a hasty retreat to Atlantis and inform them of the situation.

                        Michael decides that now is the time to enact Plan B (or Plan I'm Gonna Kill Everyone On Atlantis) and directs his remaining forces there. Shep, Weir, Carter, Lorne, Ronon, Teyla, McKay, Zelenka et al are all OMG!! but after an extensive eyesex they decide that this is probably the best option - this way, they can kill Michael once and for all.

                        Unfortunately, Michael is much smarter than the average bear and manages to come out of hyperspace right next to the control tower (and somehow defy the force of gracity and not crash into it) and proceeds to beam his remaining hybrids into the city and take control.

                        Mikey questions Shep, Weir, Rodney & Carter in Weir's office. It's the usual crap about how they screwed him over, and how he wants to kill them all. Shep surprises him with a physical attack, during which Lizzie infects him with nanites. Rodney reprogrammes those nanites to attack the wraith. Michael goes on a rampage, killing the rest of his hybrids, before killing himself. The team congratulate themselves on another mission completed, and eyesex themselves until the end credits roll

                        As with all sequels, a shadow of the original


                          Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                          I tried to insert as much Zero Point Snark in there as possible. Not sure if it worked, given the premise. There were a few plot holes, such as

                          where did the Deadalus go? Why did Earth not send more ships after them to retrieve Atlantis (I'm gonna go with the fact that they decided that space is like, huge, and they figured they wouldn't be able to find them given that Atlantis can cloak)? Why is Woolsey's bladder so weak?
                          Hehe, I love idea to the bits, even the ploholes! *snerks*

                          Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                          Now Anuna, you know that is about as far as I am able to get with it. And even then it was only because it included a large amount of mockery. What it needs is someone who can write characters properly *whistles innocently*
                          Are you trying to suggest something here? (coming from a girl who can never have enough plot bunnies)

                          Just because I need a serious dose of pretty:

                          That's all Vegas!baby, and he has the Elizabeth!face on ALL THE TIME.

                          It's the shippiest ep evah! I must write more Vegas!fic
                          I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                            Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                            Hehe, I love idea to the bits, even the ploholes! *snerks*

                            Are you trying to suggest something here? (coming from a girl who can never have enough plot bunnies)
                            In all honesty, I'd write it myself if I thought I could. But that is the longest fic I've ever written, and it was only a summary The only other one I've actually completed was part of the 10 Ways Carter Died on Atlantis series, and that moment has passed. Perhaps I should post them on LJ, if only to give serious writers some motivation? Or something to mock

                            Just because I need a serious dose of pretty:

                            That's all Vegas!baby, and he has the Elizabeth!face on ALL THE TIME.

                            It's the shippiest ep evah! I must write more Vegas!fic
                            No, not the shippiest ever. I direct you to s3. Or perhaps Lifeline, but in a different way. Vegas is the Shep-est ep ever IMO. Best Shep since s1


                              Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                              In all honesty, I'd write it myself if I thought I could. But that is the longest fic I've ever written, and it was only a summary The only other one I've actually completed was part of the 10 Ways Carter Died on Atlantis series, and that moment has passed. Perhaps I should post them on LJ, if only to give serious writers some motivation? Or something to mock

                              No, not the shippiest ever. I direct you to s3. Or perhaps Lifeline, but in a different way. Vegas is the Shep-est ep ever IMO. Best Shep since s1
                              Shep -est, shippiest... don't spoil my fun, Caption King! I have mad love for Vegas because it's all about Shep and all about why sparky is Right for Shep. That's my story and I'm sticking to it, because Lizzie!face!!!!! It pwns.
                              I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                                Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                                Ona any other sci fi show this particular thing would have been treated differently, and would ended differently. For crying out loud in Battlestar Galactica (season finale spoliers!) T
                                hey engaged the rest of the Cylon fleet to save a child. A child. Yeah, that child was important for couple of reasons, but damn it, that's how you treat all of your characters - they're all important, you deal with them all, or you have a badly written excuse for a story.

                                Poor John. What have they done to him? He's the ultimate "I don't leave my men behind" guy, and then they make him leave behind the person that matters to him the most. They can't excuse it through the plot, because it's OOC and doesn't make sense, so watching Carter doing the reasonable conversation with John and pretending she's Elizabeth just hurts my brain.

                                You don't know how much I am itching to read that. I even had to use the QR function so it wouldn't show me during the posting process. It will probably be a couple of months til it is released here. I also would like to see the BSG movie (not Razor [cool though], the original)

