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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Okay, hero worship swooning commence!!
    Y'all liked my fic, I feel so proud, and loved, and, and, THANKS SO MUCH!!!!
    I am trying to break into this fandom, and to be recognized by you is pretty cool! Thanks alot!

    and, LadyBozi, I LOVE the icon!!


      I just popped over to and it says they're having some specials on tomorrow night for Atlantis I think. Umm. I'm counting on all you faboo people fill me in on all the goodness. I totally planned to record it myself but see the cable people won't be here until next Thursday to hook us up. What is up with that exactly? They can let us unhook the cable and bring the box back to them when we cancel it but they can't let us just pick up a box and put it back in ourselves. There should be an option of "if you know how this all works you can connect the two whole cables yourself."

      I'm very annoyed. Ah well.



        Actually, according to the guide summary. Scifi channel is showing a documentry on the actual myth of Atlantis. It doesn't say anything about Stargate Atlantis.
        Last edited by gambit; 06 July 2006, 07:57 PM.


          lalalala 7 days excellent!!!

          Aparently in the Real World

          Elizabeth has the "Emotioanl Support" From john.. excellent shepp agast!!!
          Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
          Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


            Just flying by with random Sparky! squeeing! I am so excited for July 14th, especially since I finally broke down and got DISH...with Scifi on it. Yay!!!!!

            **Ok everyone go back to the "real" conversations that you were having.**
            "We'll name it later!"
            - - - -
            Sparks! A Weir/Sheppard fanficton challenge site
            Love Lorne | Sparky! | Open_Com


              Just noticed on the main page of GW that there's a tv schedule listed for the 14th, and the first thing listed is a special called "The Science of Stargate SG1." I haven't been watching Sci-fi channel much this summer, so haven't seen an ad for this before. Anyone know what this special is about? And will SGA be included at all? Thanks!


                Originally posted by HelenT
                Do you know what I find most aggravating about the idea that Liz has emasculated Shep because he agrees with her? Compare this to Jack and General Hammond. There was a tremendous amount of respect there, and yes, while there were occasions when Jack would go off and disobey orders, most of the time they were in complete accord, or Jack would simmer down and do what he was told. Did anyone start crying emasculation then?

                Begs the question of whether those people who say that would say the same if the character of Weir was male. Apart from anything else, I don't recall a single incident where it would have been in character or remotely necessary for him to disagree with her. They're both intelligent people with the best interests of the expidition and Earth at heart.

                *mutters* idiots
                I'd like to know where anyone would get that idea from. Can't a man agree with a woman without being accused if being emasculated? Elizabeth is a smart woman who is not afraid of making tough decisions even when they go against her personal ethos.
                'Critical Mass' (if there is any example after that, I don't know, that's as far as I've seen).
                And lets not forget that if John disagrees with her, he is not afraid to let her know, whether publically or in private ('Hot Zone' anyone?)

                So seriously, where do they get these ideas?

                On another note, isn't it ironic that I miss 'Grace Under Pressure", an episode I really want to see, but get to see 'The Tower' in a couple of days, an ep I'm not too sure about...


                  Originally posted by hopalong
                  I'd like to know where anyone would get that idea from. Can't a man agree with a woman without being accused if being emasculated? Elizabeth is a smart woman who is not afraid of making tough decisions even when they go against her personal ethos.
                  'Critical Mass' (if there is any example after that, I don't know, that's as far as I've seen).
                  And lets not forget that if John disagrees with her, he is not afraid to let her know, whether publically or in private ('Hot Zone' anyone?)

                  So seriously, where do they get these ideas?
                  It gets a bit tedious doesnt it? This view seems to raise its head every now and then. Unfortuately, and at the risk of generalising, I think it comes from these peoples own insecurities over the woman in power scenario. Like you, I think there are plenty of examples where Liz / John have disagreed or more to the point had a healthy, reasonable and constructive debate over decisions. I actually think their ability to bounce off each other and the civilian vrs military, male vrs female thing is exactly what makes their relationship so interesting to watch and what makes it work. The fact that they can argue and debate means that you dont just get the automatic subordinate following the leader. They can have some fun throwing in conflict and debate as well as those moments when they work with one mind and goal. No way does that equate to any form of emasculation. As I say, just think that comes from people who may have an issue in real life with a tough woman in a position of power.
                  Just my 2 cents and no offense intended to anyone!


                    Originally posted by Kazan
                    It gets a bit tedious doesnt it? This view seems to raise its head every now and then. Unfortuately, and at the risk of generalising, I think it comes from these peoples own insecurities over the woman in power scenario. Like you, I think there are plenty of examples where Liz / John have disagreed or more to the point had a healthy, reasonable and constructive debate over decisions. I actually think their ability to bounce off each other and the civilian vrs military, male vrs female thing is exactly what makes their relationship so interesting to watch and what makes it work. The fact that they can argue and debate means that you dont just get the automatic subordinate following the leader. They can have some fun throwing in conflict and debate as well as those moments when they work with one mind and goal. No way does that equate to any form of emasculation. As I say, just think that comes from people who may have an issue in real life with a tough woman in a position of power.
                    Just my 2 cents and no offense intended to anyone!
                    That's true for the most part, but if you take a close look at the posters who claim Weir has rendered Sheppard ineffective, you will see they have an agenda. *And it's not Sparky* I've found that most of the criticism comes from events in Michael and Allies but have never seen any evidence that he's afraid to speak up.
                    He said what he thought about Michael being let loose to roam Atlantis and kept a close watch on him at all times. Then in Allies he insisted that Ronon accompany Rodney on the Wraith ship. Elizabeth has always seemed open to his suggestions and trusts his judgment in military matters. It was a group decision both times, and she in no way coerced anyone. But sometimes irrational hatred leads us to different conclusions. Maybe in S3 when he's there to give her "emotional support" the idea that she's his worst enemy will be laid to rest. Nah.

                    Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                      Originally posted by Trialia
                      New chapter of Salvation is up, and it's even better than the last.
                      Gah! That woman is going to convert me to S/W against my willpower!
                      Last edited by emotionallydisturbed; 07 July 2006, 12:11 PM.
                      Sig by Whistler84, RIP.
                      You believed in me when it seemed only I could. You stood by me when no one else would.
                      Even though we are two friends who did tragically part, I know your loving memory will forever survive in my heart

                      Poem by Rachel Cooper.


                        Originally posted by Southern Red
                        That's true for the most part, but if you take a close look at the posters who claim Weir has rendered Sheppard ineffective, you will see they have an agenda. *And it's not Sparky* I've found that most of the criticism comes from events in Michael and Allies but have never seen any evidence that he's afraid to speak up.
                        He said what he thought about Michael being let loose to roam Atlantis and kept a close watch on him at all times. Then in Allies he insisted that Ronon accompany Rodney on the Wraith ship. Elizabeth has always seemed open to his suggestions and trusts his judgment in military matters. It was a group decision both times, and she in no way coerced anyone. But sometimes irrational hatred leads us to different conclusions. Maybe in S3 when he's there to give her "emotional support" the idea that she's his worst enemy will be laid to rest. Nah.
                        Unfortunately I suspect you are right. Its a shame that there may be that element/agenda behind it. I would like to think (hope?) that wouldnt come in to it. Either way, I think there is more than sufficient evidence to dispel any sensible thought along those lines. I still think the juxtoposition of the characters is exactly what has been so refreshing about them. To me its the very fact that they do have opposite backgrounds, ideas and tenets, can be at odds at times and yet can still form an amazingly effective partnership that makes it interesting to watch.


                          Originally posted by emotionallydisturbed
                          Gah! That woman is going to convert me to S/W against my willpower!
                          That a bad thing? Then again, from some of the posts you've made elsewhere I would assume you think it is. Why?


                            Originally posted by Trialia
                            That a bad thing? Then again, from some of the posts you've made elsewhere I would assume you think it is. Why?
                            I like the idea of S/W on fanfic, but don't think the PTB could pull it off in the show. They'd make Elizabeth look weak in the pairing. My honest opinion. Hope no one feels insulted for me answering this question.
                            Sig by Whistler84, RIP.
                            You believed in me when it seemed only I could. You stood by me when no one else would.
                            Even though we are two friends who did tragically part, I know your loving memory will forever survive in my heart

                            Poem by Rachel Cooper.


                              Originally posted by emotionallydisturbed
                              I like the idea of S/W on fanfic, but don't think the PTB could pull it off in the show. They'd make Elizabeth look weak in the pairing. My honest opinion. Hope no one feels insulted for me answering this question.
                              Na. TPTB have a bad track record when it comes to how they pull off 'ship, unfortunately.


                                Originally posted by emotionallydisturbed
                                I like the idea of S/W on fanfic, but don't think the PTB could pull it off in the show. They'd make Elizabeth look weak in the pairing. My honest opinion. Hope no one feels insulted for me answering this question.
                                There appears to be hope [Common Ground/Misbegotten]
                                There was a recent interview with Torri in which she spoke about CG and how she had initial concerns to one of TPTB decisions. I can't recall the exact quote but basically it was about her being less concerned than Torri thought Elizabeth would be. That, paired with the spoilers for Misbegotton (she defends her job and her actions instead of breaking down because of all the dificult decisions, indicates TPTB are trying to find a balance where she is warm, caring and humane but not too emotional that she appears weak.

                                So we may be remiss a very shippy scene in CG (I still think we'll get something) but on the whole, that decision can only be good for John/Elizabeth

