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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
    Trialia - liked your drabble fic!
    Thanks! ^_^ I wrote it while I was in London. I wanted to do more, but it was just too hot.


      Originally posted by Trialia
      Thanks! ^_^ I wrote it while I was in London. I wanted to do more, but it was just too hot.
      Hot, hmm? Here's how our very own mentalmichael handles the heat.

      I must say I am enjoying this western AU. In case you've missed some, here's the link.

      And since my initial post appears to have started an argument, I take it all back. I'm sure S3 will be lovely with many Sparky moments, and John will continue to be heroic.

      Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


        Spoilers for "The Real World" taken from GW's main page (snipped):
        Back on Atlantis, the team holds a vigil for the comatose Weir, who in reality has been infected by Replicator nanites that are quickly taking over her body and mind. Even with the medical expertise of Dr. Carson Beckett (Paul McGillion) and the emotional support of Lt. Colonel John Sheppard (Joe Flanigan), it is ultimately up to Dr. Weir to save herself and find a way back to the real world.
        Seems we'll have some Sparky moments. Especially the part about
        John giving emotional support!


          Originally posted by Suzotchka
          Spoilers for "The Real World" taken from GW's main page (snipped):
          Back on Atlantis, the team holds a vigil for the comatose Weir, who in reality has been infected by Replicator nanites that are quickly taking over her body and mind. Even with the medical expertise of Dr. Carson Beckett (Paul McGillion) and the emotional support of Lt. Colonel John Sheppard (Joe Flanigan), it is ultimately up to Dr. Weir to save herself and find a way back to the real world.
          I actually let out an "aw" when I read that. I love that
          the team has a "vigil" for her. I want ALL of them to be by her bedside, but I especially loved that John is mentioned giving emotional support.
          *sighs* Is it July 14th yet?


            Originally posted by RoryJ
            I actually let out an "aw" when I read that. I love that *sighs* Is it July 14th yet?
            I can't wait until July 14th. Only 9 more days!


              Originally posted by RoryJ
              I actually let out an "aw" when I read that. I love that
              the team has a "vigil" for her. I want ALL of them to be by her bedside, but I especially loved that John is mentioned giving emotional support.
              *sighs* Is it July 14th yet?
              Finally we can see that they do care about her and hopefully that will put paid to certain extremist speculation on the subject.


                Oh damn I wanted to be the first to mention the Real World spoilers
                I guess we might get that bedside vigil we've been hoping for!
                Don't you want to look beyond the horizon?

                In the 2 hours and 14 minutes that Torri Higginson was online, there were 272 posts in the Elizabeth Weir Wow Thread. I was responsible for 2 of them. (Oh yeah and Gateworld crashed, but that's not important)

                Please click here to feed the hungry, protect endangered land, and help fight breast cancer without spending a penny (inspired by the Whistler 84 in Memoriam thread)


                  Originally posted by Trialia
                  Finally we can see that they do care about her and hopefully that will put paid to certain extremist speculation on the subject.
                  Well that's more like it. Just read the Real World spoiler, and I'm here to tell you that my bipolar disorder is in full force today. From the depths to the heights just like that without the aid of mind-altering substances. *I'm so easily influenced.* All I needed was just a little hint of Sparky. Thank you PTB. At least the friendship is still intact.
                  Finally we might get that bedside vigil thing seen in a thousand fanfics. Trialia, hon don't count on it. Now they'll say he's sitting by her bedside hoping she'll die.
                  Is it too early for a margarita? Heck, my husband's out of town. Why not?

                  Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                    Originally posted by mentalmichael
                    I guess we might get that bedside vigil we've been hoping for!
                    I hope so! I've been so down about the spoilers for Sunday. I finally have something to look forward to again.


                      Originally posted by Southern Red
                      Well that's more like it. Just read the Real World spoiler, and I'm here to tell you that my bipolar disorder is in full force today. From the depths to the heights just like that without the aid of mind-altering substances. *I'm so easily influenced.* All I needed was just a little hint of Sparky. Thank you PTB. At least the friendship is still intact.
                      Finally we might get that bedside vigil thing seen in a thousand fanfics. Trialia, hon don't count on it. Now they'll say he's sitting by her bedside hoping she'll die.
                      Is it too early for a margarita? Heck, my husband's out of town. Why not?
                      Since it says "emotional support", I think not. But you know, some people can make anything out of anything.

                      The convention was fun... and I found Rachel's implications, what she did let us have, pretty intriguing. Sunday and The Real World, whether interesting in good ways or bad, certainly seem to be setting us up for some form of interest. Unlike episodes like Sanctuary... (omgkillmenowImentionedit)... But I still have a headache from heatstroke. Methinks no costume next year if I go.

                      ETA: Down to four stars again, anybody feel like changing that? *clicks*


                        The RW spoilers sound great.
                        The way it singled out Shep for providing emotional support is interesting. I'm thinking thi oculd be areverse "Conversion". Weir was so understanding and supportive of him in that episode and we didn't get any 'apology' or closure. Perhaps this episode will do just that,

                        Hopefully Mel will have some more info on the episode.


                        Signature By Amber Moon


                          Originally posted by Royal_Nonesuch
                          The RW spoilers sound great.
                          The way it singled out Shep for providing emotional support is interesting. I'm thinking thi oculd be areverse "Conversion". Weir was so understanding and supportive of him in that episode and we didn't get any 'apology' or closure. Perhaps this episode will do just that,

                          Hopefully Mel will have some more info on the episode.

                          But the Conversion thing
                          was nothing but morbo on her part, she did it just out of curiosity for seeing the freak he was turning into, not because she really cared .

                          Off course we already know he cares about her, who cares about what other people might say? . I'm not being so optimistic as to hope for a grabbing her hand wispering things to her, but the role reversal with him angsting over her for a change is so overdue.
                          And ITA, interesting how the spoilers center on Sheppard providing emotional support. These are great news, now i'll have something to daydream about while i spend an hour being tortured visiting the dentist .


                            Originally posted by Southern Red
                            I agree that the Sean Maher posts have been tongue in cheek.
                            We're off Sean Maher now, but Karl Urban wouldn't be so bad.

                            *runs very fast, very far*

                            As for the "Real World" spoilers - BIG thumbs up!

                            When all else fails, change channels.


                              Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                              We're off Sean Maher now, but Karl Urban wouldn't be so bad.

                              *runs very fast, very far*

                              As for the "Real World" spoilers - BIG thumbs up!
                              I don't know who Karl Urban is, but I just saw the new Superman, and man is he a cutie pie. There was also a moment in there that reminded me of the look in Siege 2. Proving once again that we aren't imagining things. Longing last looks are a given in movies when couples think they aren't ever going to see each other again. And as for Real World
                              I also thought it was interesting that they single out John for the "emotional support" comment. It sounds like this will be his major role in the ep. This should open his eyes in a lot of ways. Especially after seeing her reaction to the addictive guy in Irresistible. It may be John's year to finally get his head on straight.

                              Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                                Originally posted by Suzotchka
                                Spoilers for "The Real World" taken from GW's main page (snipped):
                                Back on Atlantis, the team holds a vigil for the comatose Weir, who in reality has been infected by Replicator nanites that are quickly taking over her body and mind. Even with the medical expertise of Dr. Carson Beckett (Paul McGillion) and the emotional support of Lt. Colonel John Sheppard (Joe Flanigan), it is ultimately up to Dr. Weir to save herself and find a way back to the real world.
                                Seems we'll have some Sparky moments. Especially the part about
                                John giving emotional support!

                                You've made my week, Suz! That's the sort of thing I want to see
                                emotional support from John!! Yay! I hope he's stressed out and sitting by her bedside... We need something like that given the fact we have to deal with the crud that is Sunday...

