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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Okay, I blame SW for starting this, but we have had much too little Sparky fluff lately, and this one is so sweet you may have to take a shot of insulin after reading it. I get a lot of my plot bunnies from songs. This one jumped on me while I was driving down the parkway earlier on the way back from Safeway. It's unbeta'd so all errors are mine.

    First of all, here's the song.

    And the fic.
    Nobody’s Darlin’

    Dum da dum. Dum da dum. Dum da dum.

    Time after time, John Sheppard strummed his guitar, nodding his head slightly with the beat, brow furrowed in concentration. His lips moved slightly, but none of his teammates could manage to catch the lyrics he was whispering.

    Da da dum dum dum. Dum da dum. Dum da dum.

    John was leaning back in his chair, balanced precariously on two of its legs, seemingly oblivious to everything but his music.

    “Straw-ber-ry. Straw-ber-ry. Straw-ber-ry.” Rodney McKay bobbed his head with each note, having found a word that fit the slow waltz rhythm.

    In the opposite corner, Ronon Dex stood leaning against the wall and polishing his sword with a piece of cloth. Somehow his slow strokes up and down the blade managed to pick up the rhythm of Sheppard’s playing.

    Teyla Emmagan seemed to be suppressing a grimace as she sank gracefully to the floor and folded her legs into her usual posture for meditating. Eyes closed, she sighed and let her mind take her out of the room.

    “Promise me that you will always…” John’s voice became a bit more distinct, and Rodney suddenly began snapping his fingers rapidly.

    “Ooh, ooh, ooh, now I know what that song is. My grandma used to sing it when she was busy making strawberry jam. I knew it had something to do with fruit.”

    John’s hands stilled and he let the front two legs of the chair fall with a thud. “That song has nothing whatsoever to do with fruit or jam or any other kind of food, McKay.”

    “Well, not the lyrics obviously, but I’m just saying Gran used to sing it when she…oh, just forget it, she sang it a lot better than you do anyway.”

    “How much longer do we have to wait?” Ronon interrupted the argument.

    John looked at his watch and shrugged. “Don’t know. Elizabeth said the negotiations might take a while.” He eyed the closed door through which Elizabeth Weir had disappeared some time ago, along with three representatives of the government on RGX-496, the planet on which they were currently guests.

    Ronon held his newly polished sword up so that it reflected the light and replied, “If it’s not soon, I may have to use this on somebody.”

    Rodney winced and John frowned. Teyla rolled her shoulders and said, without opening her eyes. “Perhaps if you told me the words to your strawberry song, I could sing it for us to help pass the time.”

    John’s eyes darted from side to side as if searching for a way to escape or maybe hoping he could pretend she wasn’t talking to him.

    Rising from his seat on a small bench against the wall, Rodney stretched his arms above his head and did a few flexing exercises. “Anything would beat listening to ‘dum de dum dum’ over and over.”

    “Now, let me see,” Rodney went on, ignoring John’s lack of enthusiasm and Ronon’s glare. “I think I know most of the words, something about being nobody’s darling but mine.”

    Teyla took a seat on the bench Rodney had vacated and waited patiently.

    “Ah, yes,” Rodney began, making a circular motion with his hand for John to resume playing.

    Reluctantly, John obliged and Rodney sang along in a surprisingly good tenor.

    Come lay by my side, little darlin'
    Come lay your cool hand on my brow
    Promise me that you will always
    Be nobody's darlin' but mine

    Encouraged, John continued playing as Teyla joined her voice with Rodney’s and they repeated the first part. Ronon folded his arms and grinned at them.

    The next few stanzas of the song were handled in a similar fashion, and this time John’s warm baritone joined in.

    You're as sweet as the flowers of springtime
    You're as pure as the dew from the rose
    I'd rather be somebody's, darlin'
    Than a poor boy nobody knows

    Be nobody's darlin' but mine, love
    Be honest, be faithful, be kind
    And promise me that you will always
    Be nobody's darlin' but mine

    It wasn’t until the last notes had faded away that the inhabitants of the small room noticed they were no longer alone.

    “That was beautiful,” Elizabeth stood grinning at her team and applauding softly. “Who knew we had such talent in our group?”

    Teyla laughed and patted Rodney’s arm. “It is a most beautiful song and well performed.” She nodded at John to include him in her praise.

    Rodney preened and tried to look modest. “Sheppard here was plunking away, going over and over the same few bars and driving us all to suicide when I suddenly remembered I had heard the song before.”

    “Well, what I heard of it was lovely,” Elizabeth said, looking at John, who had jumped to his feet and was holding his guitar by the neck down by his side like he was trying to hide it.

    “Thanks,” he shrugged, “just, you know, killing time.”

    “Are we ready to go home?” Ronon asked.

    “I think so,” Elizabeth zipped up her jacket and straightened her backpack. “They want me to return next week after they have had time to discuss our offer, but we’re done for now.”

    Letting the others precede them out of the building and begin the short trek back to the stargate, Elizabeth fell into step beside John. He glanced over at her, briefly meeting her eyes and then letting his slide away.

    “So, Colonel,” she said, “interesting choice of songs.”

    “It’s an old one.” John looked all around as if searching for predators. “Easy to play.”

    Elizabeth nodded. “And the lyrics?”

    John seemed startled. “Oh, the lyrics. Well you know how those old songs are...sentimental in the extreme.”

    Taking a step closer, Elizabeth nudged him with her shoulder and picked up her pace a bit. “And not entirely without truth.”

    “There’s that too.” John smiled and caught her eyes for a long moment.

    “What’s the hold up back there?” Rodney’s loud voice came back to them from a bend in the road. “I’m starving and my feet hurt. Let’s get a move on.”

    “Keep your shirt on, McKay,” John replied and grinning, both he and Elizabeth jogged a bit to catch up, happy to be going home.
    Last edited by Southern Red; 20 April 2012, 10:25 AM.

    Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


      Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
      Okay, I blame SW for starting this, but we have had much too little Sparky fluff lately, and this one is so sweet you may have to take a shot of insulin after reading it. I get a lot of my plot bunnies from songs. This one jumped on me while I was driving down the parkway earlier on the way back from Safeway. It's unbeta'd so all errors are mine.

      First of all, here's the song.

      And the fic.
      Nobody’s Darlin’

      Dum da dum. Dum da dum. Dum da dum.

      Time after time, John Sheppard strummed his guitar, nodding his head slightly with the beat, brow furrowed in concentration. His lips moved slightly, but none of his teammates could manage to catch the lyrics he was whispering.

      Da da dum dum dum. Dum da dum. Dum da dum.

      John was leaning back in his chair, balanced precariously on two of its legs, seemingly oblivious to everything but his music.

      “Straw-ber-ry. Straw-ber-ry. Straw-ber-ry.” Rodney McKay bobbed his head with each note, having found a word that fit the slow waltz rhythm.

      In the opposite corner, Ronon Dex stood leaning against the wall and polishing his sword with a piece of cloth. Somehow his slow strokes up and down the blade managed to pick up the rhythm of Sheppard’s playing.

      Teyla Emmagan seemed to be suppressing a grimace as she sank gracefully to the floor and folded her legs into her usual posture for meditating. Eyes closed, she sighed and let her mind take her out of the room.

      “Promise me that you will always…” John’s voice became a bit more distinct, and Rodney suddenly began snapping his fingers rapidly.

      “Ooh, ooh, ooh, now I know what that song is. My grandma used to sing it when she was busy making strawberry jam. I knew it had something to do with fruit.”

      John’s hands stilled and he let the front two legs of the chair fall with a thud. “That song has nothing whatsoever to do with fruit or jam or any other kind of food, McKay.”

      “Well, not the lyrics obviously, but I’m just saying Gran used to sing it when she…oh, just forget it, she sang it a lot better than you do anyway.”

      “How much longer do we have to wait?” Ronon interrupted the argument.

      John looked at his watch and shrugged. “Don’t know. Elizabeth said the negotiations might take a while.” He eyed the closed door through which Elizabeth Weir had disappeared some time ago, along with three representatives of the government on RGX-496, the planet on which they were currently guests.

      Ronon held his newly polished sword up so that it reflected the light and replied, “If it’s not soon, I may have to use this on somebody.”

      Rodney winced and John frowned. Teyla rolled her shoulders and said, without opening her eyes. “Perhaps if you told me the words to your strawberry song, I could sing it for us to help pass the time.”

      John’s eyes darted from side to side as if searching for a way to escape or maybe hoping he could pretend she wasn’t talking to him.

      Rising from his seat on a small bench against the wall, Rodney stretched his arms above his head and did a few flexing exercises. “Anything would beat listening to ‘dum de dum dum’ over and over.”

      “Now, let me see,” Rodney went on, ignoring John’s lack of enthusiasm and Ronon’s glare. “I think I know most of the words, something about being nobody’s darling but mine.”

      Teyla took a seat on the bench Rodney had vacated and waited patiently.

      “Ah, yes,” Rodney began, making a circular motion with his hand for John to resume playing.

      Reluctantly, John obliged and Rodney sang along in a surprisingly good tenor.

      Come lay by my side, little darlin'
      Come lay your cool hand on my brow
      Promise me that you will always
      Be nobody's darlin' but mine

      Encouraged, John continued playing as Teyla joined her voice with Rodney’s and they repeated the first part. Ronon folded his arms and grinned at them.

      The next few stanzas of the song were handled in a similar fashion, and this time John’s warm baritone joined in.

      You're as sweet as the flowers of springtime
      You're as pure as the dew from the rose
      I'd rather be somebody's, darlin'
      Than a poor boy nobody knows

      Be nobody's darlin' but mine, love
      Be honest, be faithful, be kind
      And promise me that you will always
      Be nobody's darlin' but mine

      It wasn’t until the last notes had faded away that the inhabitants of the small room noticed they were no longer alone.

      “That was beautiful,” Elizabeth stood grinning at her team and applauding softly. “Who knew we had such talent in our group?”

      Teyla laughed and patted Rodney’s arm. “It is a most beautiful song and well performed.” She nodded at John to include him in her praise.

      Rodney preened and tried to look modest. “Sheppard here was plunking away, going over and over the same few bars and driving us all to suicide when I suddenly remembered I had heard the song before.”

      “Well, what I heard of it was lovely,” Elizabeth said, looking at John, who had jumped to his feet and was holding his guitar by the neck down by his side like he was trying to hide it.

      “Thanks,” he shrugged, “just, you know, killing time.”

      “Are we ready to go home?” Ronon asked.

      “I think so,” Elizabeth zipped up her jacket and straightened her backpack. “They want me to return next week after they have had time to discuss our offer, but we’re done for now.”

      Letting the others precede them out of the building and begin the short trek back to the stargate, Elizabeth fell into step beside John. He glanced over at her, briefly meeting her eyes and then letting his slide away.

      “So, Colonel,” she said, “interesting choice of songs.”

      “It’s an old one.” John looked all around as if searching for predators. “Easy to play.”

      Elizabeth nodded. “And the lyrics?”

      John seemed startled. “Oh, the lyrics. Well you know how those old songs are...sentimental in the extreme.”

      Taking a step closer, Elizabeth nudged him with her shoulder and picked up her pace a bit. “And not entirely without truth.”

      “There’s that too.” John smiled and caught her eyes for a long moment.

      “What’s the hold up back there?” Rodney’s loud voice came back to them from a bend in the road. “I’m starving and my feet hurt. Let’s get a move on.”

      “Keep your shirt on, McKay,” John replied and grinning, both he and Elizabeth jogged a bit to catch up, happy to be going home.

      That was a great fic written to a great song, I just loved it. You did a great job with capturing the characters and I must admit, I would have loved the hear them sing that song, especially John.




          Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
          Okay, I blame SW for starting this, but we have had much too little Sparky fluff lately, and this one is so sweet you may have to take a shot of insulin after reading it. I get a lot of my plot bunnies from songs. This one jumped on me while I was driving down the parkway earlier on the way back from Safeway. It's unbeta'd so all errors are mine.

          First of all, here's the song.

          And the fic.
          Nobody’s Darlin’

          Dum da dum. Dum da dum. Dum da dum.

          Time after time, John Sheppard strummed his guitar, nodding his head slightly with the beat, brow furrowed in concentration. His lips moved slightly, but none of his teammates could manage to catch the lyrics he was whispering.

          Da da dum dum dum. Dum da dum. Dum da dum.

          John was leaning back in his chair, balanced precariously on two of its legs, seemingly oblivious to everything but his music.

          “Straw-ber-ry. Straw-ber-ry. Straw-ber-ry.” Rodney McKay bobbed his head with each note, having found a word that fit the slow waltz rhythm.

          In the opposite corner, Ronon Dex stood leaning against the wall and polishing his sword with a piece of cloth. Somehow his slow strokes up and down the blade managed to pick up the rhythm of Sheppard’s playing.

          Teyla Emmagan seemed to be suppressing a grimace as she sank gracefully to the floor and folded her legs into her usual posture for meditating. Eyes closed, she sighed and let her mind take her out of the room.

          “Promise me that you will always…” John’s voice became a bit more distinct, and Rodney suddenly began snapping his fingers rapidly.

          “Ooh, ooh, ooh, now I know what that song is. My grandma used to sing it when she was busy making strawberry jam. I knew it had something to do with fruit.”

          John’s hands stilled and he let the front two legs of the chair fall with a thud. “That song has nothing whatsoever to do with fruit or jam or any other kind of food, McKay.”

          “Well, not the lyrics obviously, but I’m just saying Gran used to sing it when she…oh, just forget it, she sang it a lot better than you do anyway.”

          “How much longer do we have to wait?” Ronon interrupted the argument.

          John looked at his watch and shrugged. “Don’t know. Elizabeth said the negotiations might take a while.” He eyed the closed door through which Elizabeth Weir had disappeared some time ago, along with three representatives of the government on RGX-496, the planet on which they were currently guests.

          Ronon held his newly polished sword up so that it reflected the light and replied, “If it’s not soon, I may have to use this on somebody.”

          Rodney winced and John frowned. Teyla rolled her shoulders and said, without opening her eyes. “Perhaps if you told me the words to your strawberry song, I could sing it for us to help pass the time.”

          John’s eyes darted from side to side as if searching for a way to escape or maybe hoping he could pretend she wasn’t talking to him.

          Rising from his seat on a small bench against the wall, Rodney stretched his arms above his head and did a few flexing exercises. “Anything would beat listening to ‘dum de dum dum’ over and over.”

          “Now, let me see,” Rodney went on, ignoring John’s lack of enthusiasm and Ronon’s glare. “I think I know most of the words, something about being nobody’s darling but mine.”

          Teyla took a seat on the bench Rodney had vacated and waited patiently.

          “Ah, yes,” Rodney began, making a circular motion with his hand for John to resume playing.

          Reluctantly, John obliged and Rodney sang along in a surprisingly good tenor.

          Come lay by my side, little darlin'
          Come lay your cool hand on my brow
          Promise me that you will always
          Be nobody's darlin' but mine

          Encouraged, John continued playing as Teyla joined her voice with Rodney’s and they repeated the first part. Ronon folded his arms and grinned at them.

          The next few stanzas of the song were handled in a similar fashion, and this time John’s warm baritone joined in.

          You're as sweet as the flowers of springtime
          You're as pure as the dew from the rose
          I'd rather be somebody's, darlin'
          Than a poor boy nobody knows

          Be nobody's darlin' but mine, love
          Be honest, be faithful, be kind
          And promise me that you will always
          Be nobody's darlin' but mine

          It wasn’t until the last notes had faded away that the inhabitants of the small room noticed they were no longer alone.

          “That was beautiful,” Elizabeth stood grinning at her team and applauding softly. “Who knew we had such talent in our group?”

          Teyla laughed and patted Rodney’s arm. “It is a most beautiful song and well performed.” She nodded at John to include him in her praise.

          Rodney preened and tried to look modest. “Sheppard here was plunking away, going over and over the same few bars and driving us all to suicide when I suddenly remembered I had heard the song before.”

          “Well, what I heard of it was lovely,” Elizabeth said, looking at John, who had jumped to his feet and was holding his guitar by the neck down by his side like he was trying to hide it.

          “Thanks,” he shrugged, “just, you know, killing time.”

          “Are we ready to go home?” Ronon asked.

          “I think so,” Elizabeth zipped up her jacket and straightened her backpack. “They want me to return next week after they have had time to discuss our offer, but we’re done for now.”

          Letting the others precede them out of the building and begin the short trek back to the stargate, Elizabeth fell into step beside John. He glanced over at her, briefly meeting her eyes and then letting his slide away.

          “So, Colonel,” she said, “interesting choice of songs.”

          “It’s an old one.” John looked all around as if searching for predators. “Easy to play.”

          Elizabeth nodded. “And the lyrics?”

          John seemed startled. “Oh, the lyrics. Well you know how those old songs are...sentimental in the extreme.”

          Taking a step closer, Elizabeth nudged him with her shoulder and picked up her pace a bit. “And not entirely without truth.”

          “There’s that too.” John smiled and caught her eyes for a long moment.

          “What’s the hold up back there?” Rodney’s loud voice came back to them from a bend in the road. “I’m starving and my feet hurt. Let’s get a move on.”

          “Keep your shirt on, McKay,” John replied and grinning, both he and Elizabeth jogged a bit to catch up, happy to be going home.
          Awww, so sweet! Serenading his lady (without realizing he is). Love it!

          And deliberately reposting, because...

          Originally posted by Brie View Post

          Sparky is back in black. Always a hawt classic.
          Last edited by Rosehawk; 24 April 2012, 06:35 PM. Reason: Remove IMG tags
          (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
          Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


            Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
            And deliberately reposting, because...
            Sparky is back in black. Always a hawt classic.
            One can say that again, and I got to say that I just loved that they put Elizabeth in a black t-shirt in the episode (I know that John wasn't wearing them anymore at that point but I like the connection, besides she looked really good in black)



              Originally posted by Brie View Post
              That was a great fic written to a great song, I just loved it. You did a great job with capturing the characters and I must admit, I would have loved the hear them sing that song, especially John.
              Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
              Awww, so sweet! Serenading his lady (without realizing he is). Love it!

              And deliberately reposting, because...

              Sparky is back in black. Always a hawt classic.
              Thanks both of you.

              And the fact that they're both all in black in the dark makes it even better.

              Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                That's probably the best explanation anyone can give. And hey, it's not like we don't give them a lot of leeway in other areas too.
                It's been a weird few months. I'm kinda like Weir - going from fighting TPTB to being an apologist for them

                Of course they're human. Well, human clones. Didn't you see the Star Wars prequel trilogy?
                Do you mean the Hayden Christensen/Natalie Portman ones? I've seen them, but the second one was fairly boring. I may have fallen asleep, I can't recall now. The third I only watched to see what happened to Vader. It gave me a "that's it??" feeling at the end

                Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                Seeing as how I have to look up everything that's got something to do with Star Wars, I'm not the best person to ask.
                We can both break the stereotype of sci-fi fans

                Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                1. John starts by saying "Teyla and I." He doesn't give Teyla a choice, so this is a good illustration of how he expects Teyla to obey him because he is the team leader.

                2. Then John uses the pronoun "I" alone when responding to Weir. Why the switch?

                3. Elizabeth calls him John. Appealing to him on a personal level? Then she quickly returns to leader mode and reminds him that the rules apply to him. Teyla just became wallpaper.

                4. John tries to overrule her by being forceful, subtly reminding her that he's military commander.

                5. Elizabeth gets mad and pulls rank causing John to back down. Then he acts like a spoiled 3 year old and Teyla rolls her eyes at his behavior.

                Am I the only one who sees how quickly this becomes just between John and Elizabeth?
                Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                1. So here they both say they can't chance the other getting infected. What is this about? Let's review, shall we?

                a. Elizabeth didn't want John to leave the gym because he might get infected.
                b. John knew that because he argued with her that he probably wouldn't get infected between the gym and the control room.
                c. Now we see both of them worried about the other, and this statement makes it sound like John wants to be let out so HE CAN SAVE HER. Can this be possible?

                2. They argue about who's in charge of Bates, and then John tips his hand by calling her name and telling her that Peterson is heading right for her. Not that Peterson is on the loose and can infect who knows how many people but that HE IS HEADING RIGHT FOR ELIZABETH. Right there the whole thing becomes personal and just between them. If the argument truly was about them needing to stay alive because they were in charge, why appeal to her personally by saying her first name? Wouldn't they have wanted to keep it professional because the whole expedition could hear them? Shouldn't the argument have been about why each was needed because she was a good leader, who will run the city..... or that he was the highest ranking officer and the only pilot....?

                3. Then when he gets released, John runs out without so much as a backward glance at Teyla, assuming she will follow.
                Good recap. I hadn't thought about it quite like that, but it is rather personal. I found it interesting that she phrased it "you're not in command here" rather than in charge. She put it in his language.

                Originally posted by mandogater View Post
                It happens when the stormies blast the door to the control room where our heroes felt R2 and 3PO. The one on the right of the screen cracks the top of his helmet on the door as they enter. They change the camera angle to hide it a bit in the special edition but add a sound effect to draw attention to it.

                Falcon, it sounds like you were talking from experience.

                Gateraid, depending on how much you pay attention to the Star Wars novels there are not only human clones but consripts, volunteers and even aliens after the Imperial Remnant and the Empire of the Hand put an end to the High Human Culture beliefs of Palpatine's lackies.
                What? You lost me at novels. There's a Hand Empire?

                Originally posted by poundpuppy29 View Post
                Sheppard: Gun safety is for wusses

                Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                How do you suppose Ronon and Teyla got so high up in that tree?
                What I'm wondering is how they got in that position so high up in that tree.

                Okay, that's bad but it's all I've got.
                I liked it

                Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                Thanks both of you.

                And the fact that they're both all in black in the dark makes it even better.
                Weir: Is that your sidearm?

                Sheppard: It is, but keep searching
                Last edited by Rosehawk; 24 April 2012, 06:31 PM. Reason: Remove IMG tags


                  Good morning Sparkies and goodbye. I'm off to Virginia horse/wine country for a day of wine tasting and stuffing my face checking out quaint little towns with quaint little inns. See ya later.

                  Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                    Good morning, Sparkies! Happy Sparky!Family Saturday!

                    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                    Good morning Sparkies and goodbye. I'm off to Virginia horse/wine country for a day of wine tasting and stuffing my face checking out quaint little towns with quaint little inns. See ya later.
                    You lucky wench, that sounds utterly delicious! Have fun, and we'll be looking forward to a recap when you get back!

                    And yet another deliberate repost because...

                    Originally posted by Brie View Post
                    One can say that again, and I got to say that I just loved that they put Elizabeth in a black t-shirt in the episode (I know that John wasn't wearing them anymore at that point but I like the connection, besides she looked really good in black)

                    Yum. Lizzeh looks so cute there! *pets the Lizzeh hair* And John actually was still wearing the black t-shirts, they were just hiding under his BDU shirt. They must have been shy.

                    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                    Thanks both of you.

                    And the fact that they're both all in black in the dark makes it even better.
                    Indeed. All sorts of fun things can happen in the dark.

                    Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                    It's been a weird few months. I'm kinda like Weir - going from fighting TPTB to being an apologist for them
                    Heh, sometimes I'm the same way.

                    Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                    Do you mean the Hayden Christensen/Natalie Portman ones? I've seen them, but the second one was fairly boring. I may have fallen asleep, I can't recall now. The third I only watched to see what happened to Vader. It gave me a "that's it??" feeling at the end
                    Yep. It's in the second one.

                    Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                    Good recap. I hadn't thought about it quite like that, but it is rather personal. I found it interesting that she phrased it "you're not in command here" rather than in charge. She put it in his language.
                    *nods* Elizabeth, unlike some characters, understands how to talk to John.

                    Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                    Sheppard: Gun safety is for wusses
                    I rather like this one (but then, I made it, so maybe I'm a little biased):

                    Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                    Weir: Is that your sidearm?

                    Sheppard: It is, but keep searching
                    Last edited by Rosehawk; 24 April 2012, 06:32 PM. Reason: Remove IMG tags
                    (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                    Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                      Hello everyone!

                      Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                      And the fact that they're both all in black in the dark makes it even better.
                      I know right, they defiantly wanted to make it easier to blend in while they were “exploring” their surroundings, and by that I mean trying to find as many dark corners and ancient closets as possible.
                      In all seriousness though, I wonder why she suddenly wore black, I mean when she have been of world (though technically they weren’t of would but you know what I mean, they were on a mission) before she still wore red.

                      Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                      Good morning Sparkies and goodbye. I'm off to Virginia horse/wine country for a day of wine tasting and stuffing my face checking out quaint little towns with quaint little inns. See ya later.
                      I hope that you’re having a great day.

                      Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                      Yum. Lizzeh looks so cute there! *pets the Lizzeh hair* And John actually was still wearing the black t-shirts, they were just hiding under his BDU shirt. They must have been shy.
                      Hmm, yupp, shy, or maybe they didn’t want to make it any more obvious than it already was...

                      Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                      *nods* Elizabeth, unlike some characters, understands how to talk to John.
                      Yupp, ‘Letter from Pegasus’ is another episode where that is obvious.

                      Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                      I rather like this one (but then, I made it, so maybe I'm a little biased):

                      Love the icon.
                      Last edited by Rosehawk; 24 April 2012, 06:32 PM. Reason: Remove IMG tags


                        Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                        Do you mean the Hayden Christensen/Natalie Portman ones? I've seen them, but the second one was fairly boring. I may have fallen asleep, I can't recall now. The third I only watched to see what happened to Vader. It gave me a "that's it??" feeling at the end

                        What? You lost me at novels. There's a Hand Empire?
                        I had the same feeling after watching Revenge of the Sith.

                        The Empire of the Hand was founded by an Imperial Grand Admiral out in Wild Space, I think.
                        I tell you Teal'c, hockey is the coolest game on Earth!

                        Did you not say it is played on ice, O'Neill?


                          Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                          *nods* Elizabeth, unlike some characters, understands how to talk to John.

                          I rather like this one (but then, I made it, so maybe I'm a little biased):

                          That she does.

                          I really like that one SK!!
                          Last edited by Rosehawk; 24 April 2012, 06:32 PM. Reason: Remove IMG tags
                          I tell you Teal'c, hockey is the coolest game on Earth!

                          Did you not say it is played on ice, O'Neill?


                            *staggers in* I am so full. *looks for antacid*

                            But seriously, it was a great day. The rain held off until we finished the wine tastings, which were wonderful. We wanted to buy some of everything. One place had a live singer who reminded me of Emmylou Harris a bit. It was a perfect day in the hills and valleys of beautiful Virginia. And then we ate way too many mussels at a great seafood place and now I need to collapse.

                            Love the icon SK. My sentiments exactly.

                            Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                              *drowsily drops in*

                              Hey, peeps. I'm sick. Yay!!!

                              Entirely sarcastic. Sore throat last night transitioned into full blown head cold today. Sinus headache, runny nose, the works. Add to that the urge I've had on and off all day to throw up, and I'm done for. Headache is finally starting to go away a little. Should get some sleep.

                              On the plus side, being sick is very good inspiration for Sparky fluff.

                              I'll probably be here for post-a-thon tomorrow, which is great because ... I've never seen "Sanctuary". Hee hee! Have a good night, everyone!


                                Originally posted by Brie View Post
                                Love the icon.
                                Originally posted by mandogater View Post
                                That she does.

                                I really like that one SK!!
                                Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                                Love the icon SK. My sentiments exactly.
                                Thank you, everyone! That particular shot of John just begged to be iconned with that line.

                                Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                                *staggers in* I am so full. *looks for antacid*

                                But seriously, it was a great day. The rain held off until we finished the wine tastings, which were wonderful. We wanted to buy some of everything. One place had a live singer who reminded me of Emmylou Harris a bit. It was a perfect day in the hills and valleys of beautiful Virginia. And then we ate way too many mussels at a great seafood place and now I need to collapse.
                                Whoohoo! Glad to hear a good time (and good eating!) was had by all! Even if tummies are now stuffed to the gills.

                                Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                                *drowsily drops in*

                                Hey, peeps. I'm sick. Yay!!!

                                Entirely sarcastic. Sore throat last night transitioned into full blown head cold today. Sinus headache, runny nose, the works. Add to that the urge I've had on and off all day to throw up, and I'm done for. Headache is finally starting to go away a little. Should get some sleep.

                                On the plus side, being sick is very good inspiration for Sparky fluff.

                                I'll probably be here for post-a-thon tomorrow, which is great because ... I've never seen "Sanctuary". Hee hee! Have a good night, everyone!
                                Ohnoes! *sends virtual hugs, lots of tissues and hot tea with lemon* Sleep sounds very good, that should help. And I'm sure laughing at the insanity of "Sanctuary" will make you feel lots better.
                                (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                                Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.

