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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    SK, also apparently in the SGU Finale
    Woolsey is stalled with the talks between earth and langara about using the planet as a supply line to destiny. there could be a mention of that in atlantis rising if you guys decide you wanna do that.


      I know that. I'm editing my report post as I don't want updates scattered across various posts and key points getting lost. Let's not mess that up, okay?
      (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
      Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


        Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
        I know that. I'm editing my report post as I don't want updates scattered across various posts and key points getting lost. Let's not mess that up, okay?
        Mea Culpa. Forgive me?


          This is making me sad....totally is going to write some smut....maybe that fic I have been working on since December.
          The Breeding Ground of Ships.


            Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
            Shoot, I knew there was something I'd forgotten to reply to.

            That's great that you were able to share these shows with your father. That's really special!

            I remember back when I was maybe 12 watching Julia Child with my dad (OMG I'm old enough to be your mother - don't comment). Anyway, she used a cleaver on a chicken and one half of the chicken went flying across the room. We looked at each other, wondering if we'd really seen what we thought we saw. Then we cracked up.

            Oh yeah, we used to watch Star Trek TNG & MASH together too.

            My point is that I have fond memories of those times from so long ago, so you probably will have Stargate memories w/your dad.
            Trust me i do. it was a very moving experience. every friday night we would sit down and we would just watch what crazy adventure SG-1 was going to get themselves into. and after watching this finale stargate episode, i felt like my childhood is over.


              apparently Gateworld Tweeted that we should be expecting some big announcement within the next 48 hours.


                Just a note, I've updated my SGU for Atlantis Rising report with my final timeline for the second half of SGU S2 and some thoughts on how this may affect our timing for the beginning of Atlantis Rising. (See ETA #2.)
                (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                  Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
                  apparently Gateworld Tweeted that we should be expecting some big announcement within the next 48 hours.
                  The exact tweet is: Stay tuned to GateWorld for a special announcement in the next 48 hours! We have some plans for the months ahead and want you to be a part.

                  It's clearly something about the website and not about the future (or not) of the Stargate franchise. Right now, that's not really a priority for us.
                  (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                  Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                    so i was re watching the SGU finale and on a closer note when Telford is talking to young and rush in his office there's something on his desk that resembles a calendar that say 10 19 on it. is that the day that they shot that particular scene or is that the day the events of gauntlet happened?



                      Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                      Like the Doctor Who generations tell each other about their Doctor and companion.
                      I saw a Tweet that had a pic of Wil Wheaton wearing a black T-shirt with a TARDIS that had each of the Doctors walking in succession out of it. That says it all right there!

                      Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
                      Hi to Probie and ShipperWriter!

                      Oh, crap, I forgot I gotta do that math for you guys. ::sheepish grin::
                      *waves* Hi, JT!!!

                      Amen! I don't give a rat's patootie about Extinction. No Elizabeth = no JT. Well, even if you have Elizabeth but have her written stupidly then I still don't want.

                      Oh, don't get me quoting "Finding Nemo"! I love it WAY too much to be healthy for a grown woman. "I shall call him Squishy and he shall be mine. And he shall be my Squishy."
                      "I speak whale." And hello, Echoes fic tag.

                      I bet he'll still be hot when he's 80.
                      Oh yeah. And his hair will still be crazy.

                      Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                      Speaking of the SGU finale... wow. I have to say, I'm impressed. And I feel really, really sorry for the SGU fans who are gonna be stuck wondering WTF happens next.

                      So, here's tonight's SGU for Atlantis Rising recap for the series finale, "Gauntlet."

                      Timecheck: In a conversation at the end of the episode between Rush and Eli, Rush says it's been a year since he met Eli. So the two seasons of SGU take place in just one year.

                      Story: Destiny is still trying to outrun those pesky technology-destroying drones, which have now blockaded every star system with a gate, and they keep attacking Destiny every time it drops out of FTL. After Destiny's last recharge in that big-ass blue star from the previous episode, they've now got a full tank of gas, which is enough to outrun the drones and get to the next galaxy... if they don't keep stopping for food, or keep running the life support, which puts too much of a drain on the power. They're estimating it could be three years or more before they reach the next galaxy, so the crew puts themselves in the stasis pods they found back in "The Hunt" to wait out the journey until they reach the next galaxy. Earth is alerted to the plan, and everyone is given a chance to stone back to Earth to say goodbye to their loved ones; Telford promises Young that they're not going to stop trying to find a way to reach Destiny and help them.

                      ETA: Catching up with the first part of the episode on the rewatch - When Young and Rush first report to Earth to let Earth know that Destiny has been blockaded by the drones, Telford tells Young and Rush that Langara is still refusing to allow Earth to use their planet to try to dial Destiny, and he specifically says that Woolsey is still working on diplomacy. Sounds like a clue that Atlantis is still on Earth at this time. Or that Woolsey has been replaced as expedition leader.

                      Unfortunately, one of the pods won't start up, so there's this bit of running around in a circle between Rush, Young and Eli about which of them will stay out; eventually, Eli wins out, since Young doesn't trust Rush, and Eli says that between him and Young, Eli's got the best chance of fixing the final pod so that he can join the rest of the crew in stasis. The show ends on all the lights on Destiny going out and Eli standing on the observation deck, looking out into FTL all alone.

                      Basically, what does all this mean for SGA Rising? Timeline wise, "Gauntlet" will take place a couple of months or so after our premiere, "Return to Pegasus, Parts 1 and 2." (Or maybe not, see my ETA above.) We might want to slide in a reference to what happened on Destiny, perhaps a mention of the SGC/IOA wanting Atlantis to work on figuring out another way to reach Destiny in order to send aid to the crew, searching for an Icarus-type planet in Pegasus, whatever. But we won't have to worry about explaining the sudden dropoff of status reports from Destiny, and we're pretty much free to chart our own course.

                      ETA #2: Okay, I've watched "Gauntlet" a couple more times (yay for East Coast and West Coast feeds!) and gone over my notes for SGU S2.5, and here's the final episodic timeline:
                      10 months after "Air"
                      - "Resurgence" – Eli says he's come a long way in his ten months on Destiny
                      - "Deliverance" – picks up right after "Resurgence"
                      - "Twin Destinies" – picks up right after "Deliverance"
                      - "Alliances" – picks up right after "Twin Destinies"
                      - "Hope" – begins 6 days after "Alliances"
                      - "Seizure" – may be a few days after "Hope"; Greer and Volker still recovering from the kidney surgery
                      - "The Hunt" – at least a few days after "Seizure"; Greer has recovered from his infection (in "Seizure") and been cleared for off-world duty, and Volker is also up and about and seems to be back to normal with his new kidney. (Yeah, that probably seems like a really short time to recover after kidney surgery, but remember, they've got Ancient medical tech on board to help out.) James says that they've all been vegetarians for the past 10 months, indicating it's still in the same month as the previous six episodes.

                      11 months after "Air"
                      - "Common Descent" – a few days after "The Hunt"; TJ still showing facial injuries from her encounter with the lizard cat. Team from Destiny is stranded on the Novan colony world for a day or two before reestablishing contact with Destiny. Then it's a week's trip to Novus, with them arriving at Novus at the very end of the episode.
                      - "Epilogue" – picks up right after "Common Descent"; at the end of the episode, Park states it will be ten days until they drop off the Novan colonists on the nearest Novan expedition world
                      - "Blockade" – more than ten days after "Epilogue", as Novan colonists from Common Descent have already been dropped off

                      A year after "Air"
                      - "Gauntlet" - Rush says it's been a year since he met Eli.

                      So, with the indication from Telford in "Gauntlet" that Woolsey may still be on Earth, it seems that Atlantis could also still be on Earth as well at the time of "Gauntlet." Due to the power issues that Eri and I are giving Atlantis after it returns to the Pegasus Galaxy in "Return to Pegasus" (Atlantis will have a ZPM, but just one), I really can't see any justification for Woolsey commuting back and forth between Atlantis and Earth to play diplomatic games with the Langarans. Logistically, it's a ridiculous waste of resources. So, I'm thinking that perhaps Atlantis should remain on Earth as well (first to make repairs from the Lucian Alliance attack on Atlantis that we're tying into events from "Alliances," and perhaps the IOA continuing to stall their departure). Then when Earth finally get the word about Destiny's crew having to go into stasis to survive their one long FTL jump to the next galaxy to outrun the drones, the push to convince the Langarans to agree to let Earth use their gate to dial Destiny is suddenly far less of a priority as Earth now has some breathing room.

                      Everyone, what are your thoughts? Is this an acceptable plan?

                      So... Second star to the right, and straight ahead 'til morning. A new dawn is about to rise over Atlantis.
                      A) Wow, I think SGU fans got frakked over more than we did with EatG.
                      B) I like the plan.
                      C) Awesome last line!

                      Back to work. Sort of.


                        In honor of today, Smut!Tuesday, this is the best I can offer, given that I'm currently surrounded by a bunch of high schoolers.

                        I will finish this and post it on ffdotnet later. Can't access it from school PC.

                        "Of Detectives and Doctors" Chapter 16
                        Elizabeth Weir walked into the station, Mitchell closely following her. Her appearance in the area was common, but the determined stride, the furrowed eyebrow, and the glare she wasn't directing at anyone in particular caused a few people to stare after her.

                        She stopped walking as she approached the desks located near O'Neill's office. A black dress coat lay over one of the chair backs, its owner approaching with a manila folder in his hands.

                        "Sheppard!" Cameron called out, making John's head look up from the folder.

                        John almost smiled but quickly replaced it with a worried frown as he met Elizabeth's eyes. "What happened?" he asked both parties, his eyes never leaving hers.

                        She sighed as she removed her business bag from her shoulder. "We have a problem."


                        Detective Evan Lorne returned from lunch to see Cameron Mitchell sitting as his desk, John Sheppard leaning against his, and the captain talking quietly to Elizabeth Weir. Nobody said anything, but the mood was tense. Evan couldn't put his finger on what was wrong.

                        So he waited.

                        A moment later, Elizabeth went into Jack's office, closing the door slowly behind them. Evan turned around and skewed his partner with a look of pure confusion. "All right, you wanna tell me what's going on?"

                        John groaned angrily. "Steven Caldwell works at Parks and Gililland. He made Elizabeth."

                        "Did anybody else notice?"

                        "He pulled her aside," he answered, implying that no one else in the office knew that their new paralegal wasn't a paralegal. "It's just ..."

                        Lorne glanced at him curiously. "What?"

                        "When Caldwell was an ADA, he would flirt with Elizabeth all the time."

                        Lorne almost laughed. "Is that what this is about? You're jealous?"

                        John shook his head. "No! Geez, Lorne! But he came onto Elizabeth so many times, always wearing that same navy blue sweater, that it made me wanna puke. And whenever she turned him down, he'd take it out on us."

                        "How so?"

                        John forced a chuckle, casting a sideways glance at him. "About five months before you came here, he got onboard with Kinsey and tried to force the captain to retire."


                        "Kinsey and the captain have a long standing feud. He always believed that he and Sam were having an inappropriate relationship for people in their positions. He asked Caldwell to look for a legal loophole, any reason why they should be fired."

                        Lorne pieced it together in his head. "Kinsey got Caldwell to do his dirty work for him," he concluded, looking between the closed windows in the office and his partner.

                        "Yep. When the matter got brought before a committee, they worked out an agreement and Caldwell resigned from the DA's office. Now he works private sector."

                        The door finally opened and Jack walked out, followed by Elizabeth. With her head held high, she looked at the detectives, a slight smile on her lips. "Are we ready to get back to work?"

                        Before anyone could reply, John grasped her elbow, muttering, "Elizabeth? A word?" and finding an empty interrogation room.

                        As they disappeared from view, Lorne turned and looked at his captain. "Sir?"

                        Jack held up a hand. "Let's give them a few minutes. Besides, I have a feeling that when Elizabeth gets done with him, he's gonna need some ice."

                        Lorne winced.


                        John shut the door, checking to make sure it was locked. As soon as he was sure no one would bother them, he started. "Are you out of your mind?!"

                        "John, calm down. This isn't a big deal."

                        "Oh, I'm calm. And yeah, this is a big deal."

                        "Jack agreed that this was the best way to proceed. As long as Steven keeps his mouth shut, there won't be any problems."

                        "Yeah, that's the part I'm worried about," John grimaced, running both hands through his hair as they paced around each other. Elizabeth had crossed her arms, sighing every time that John let another complaint fly.

                        "What, you don't trust him?"

                        "No," he replied immediately. "The snake went behind everybody's backs and tried to stage a coup de tat with Kinsey. Then he weaseled his way out of the whole mess that no one got blamed for. And --"

                        Elizabeth peered up at him, the black frame glasses still perched on her nose. "And what?" she asked.

                        John groaned, sitting on the edge of the table as Elizabeth came to stand in front of him. "I don't like it, that's all."

                        "That's rather vague, Detective," she replied, her tone humorous. When he didn't respond, she lifted his chin with her slender hand. "Hey. I'm a big girl. I can handle him, don't worry. If he asks me out one more time, I'll punch him."

                        John chuckled. "I'd like to see that," he admitted with a small grin on his face.

                        She moved closer, brushing her legs against his. "Don't worry about me."

                        "Easier said than done," he replied huskily, stretching his arms around her and pulling her towards him. "Sorry I went off on you again," he apologized into her hair.

                        She held the back of his neck. "Sorry I'm making you worry about me."

                        He pulled back slightly at that comment and stared at her. "You could be at home with Sedge and I would still worry about you. That's just the way I am. I may not be the best at all this emotional crap, but I'm better at it with you." He leaned forward, planting a long and tender kiss on her forehead. "Love you."

                        "I love you." Without any warning, she maneuvered her head and painstakingly began placing small kisses down the length of his neck.

                        "Umm, 'Lizabeth?"


                        "Whatcha doing?" he asked, his voice higher pitched than normal.

                        "Making out with my boyfriend," she simply replied. When she felt him stiffen, she released him, pouting as she looked at him. "What's wrong?"

                        "The windows," he quickly replied, nodding his head towards the dark tinted glass between them and the observation room.

                        Elizabeth glanced at the windows, releasing a frustrated sigh. "I can't get a break with you, can I?" she asked, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear.

                        John bit his lip, then suddenly moved his hands, settling around her waist. He gently pushed her away, licking his lower lip as he said quietly, "Stay here."

                        He went to the door, unlocked and opened it, then heard him say, "No, we're not done, Elizabeth!"

                        A door creaked. She heard the lock click on the other door, then he returned to the room, slamming the door behind him.

                        She raised an eyebrow at him. "John?"

                        When he finally turned around, she shuddered. The last time that she had seen his eyes that dark, that craving look on his face, it was the last time they had made love.

                        Before she knew it, lips were crashing, hands were mingling through hair, and she reached to remove her glasses.

                        He managed to distract himself long enough to pull her hand away, murmuring, "Leave them on," as he continued to repeat her motions from before he left the room.

                        She smiled as he pressed his lips to hers, drowning in the moment.


                          Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post

                          Yay, thanks for letting us know; I was watching the tail end of the SGU finale. And
                          I'm afraid for Peter, too.

                          Speaking of the SGU finale... wow. I have to say, I'm impressed. And I feel really, really sorry for the SGU fans who are gonna be stuck wondering WTF happens next.

                          So, here's tonight's SGU for Atlantis Rising recap for the series finale, "Gauntlet."

                          Timecheck: In a conversation at the end of the episode between Rush and Eli, Rush says it's been a year since he met Eli. So the two seasons of SGU take place in just one year.

                          Story: Destiny is still trying to outrun those pesky technology-destroying drones, which have now blockaded every star system with a gate, and they keep attacking Destiny every time it drops out of FTL. After Destiny's last recharge in that big-ass blue star from the previous episode, they've now got a full tank of gas, which is enough to outrun the drones and get to the next galaxy... if they don't keep stopping for food, or keep running the life support, which puts too much of a drain on the power. They're estimating it could be three years or more before they reach the next galaxy, so the crew puts themselves in the stasis pods they found back in "The Hunt" to wait out the journey until they reach the next galaxy. Earth is alerted to the plan, and everyone is given a chance to stone back to Earth to say goodbye to their loved ones; Telford promises Young that they're not going to stop trying to find a way to reach Destiny and help them.

                          ETA: Catching up with the first part of the episode on the rewatch - When Young and Rush first report to Earth to let Earth know that Destiny has been blockaded by the drones, Telford tells Young and Rush that Langara is still refusing to allow Earth to use their planet to try to dial Destiny, and he specifically says that Woolsey is still working on diplomacy. Sounds like a clue that Atlantis is still on Earth at this time. Or that Woolsey has been replaced as expedition leader.

                          Unfortunately, one of the pods won't start up, so there's this bit of running around in a circle between Rush, Young and Eli about which of them will stay out; eventually, Eli wins out, since Young doesn't trust Rush, and Eli says that between him and Young, Eli's got the best chance of fixing the final pod so that he can join the rest of the crew in stasis. The show ends on all the lights on Destiny going out and Eli standing on the observation deck, looking out into FTL all alone.

                          Basically, what does all this mean for SGA Rising? Timeline wise, "Gauntlet" will take place a couple of months or so after our premiere, "Return to Pegasus, Parts 1 and 2." (Or maybe not, see my ETA above.) We might want to slide in a reference to what happened on Destiny, perhaps a mention of the SGC/IOA wanting Atlantis to work on figuring out another way to reach Destiny in order to send aid to the crew, searching for an Icarus-type planet in Pegasus, whatever. But we won't have to worry about explaining the sudden dropoff of status reports from Destiny, and we're pretty much free to chart our own course.

                          ETA #2: Okay, I've watched "Gauntlet" a couple more times (yay for East Coast and West Coast feeds!) and gone over my notes for SGU S2.5, and here's the final episodic timeline:
                          10 months after "Air"
                          - "Resurgence" – Eli says he's come a long way in his ten months on Destiny
                          - "Deliverance" – picks up right after "Resurgence"
                          - "Twin Destinies" – picks up right after "Deliverance"
                          - "Alliances" – picks up right after "Twin Destinies"
                          - "Hope" – begins 6 days after "Alliances"
                          - "Seizure" – may be a few days after "Hope"; Greer and Volker still recovering from the kidney surgery
                          - "The Hunt" – at least a few days after "Seizure"; Greer has recovered from his infection (in "Seizure") and been cleared for off-world duty, and Volker is also up and about and seems to be back to normal with his new kidney. (Yeah, that probably seems like a really short time to recover after kidney surgery, but remember, they've got Ancient medical tech on board to help out.) James says that they've all been vegetarians for the past 10 months, indicating it's still in the same month as the previous six episodes.

                          11 months after "Air"
                          - "Common Descent" – a few days after "The Hunt"; TJ still showing facial injuries from her encounter with the lizard cat. Team from Destiny is stranded on the Novan colony world for a day or two before reestablishing contact with Destiny. Then it's a week's trip to Novus, with them arriving at Novus at the very end of the episode.
                          - "Epilogue" – picks up right after "Common Descent"; at the end of the episode, Park states it will be ten days until they drop off the Novan colonists on the nearest Novan expedition world
                          - "Blockade" – more than ten days after "Epilogue", as Novan colonists from Common Descent have already been dropped off

                          A year after "Air"
                          - "Gauntlet" - Rush says it's been a year since he met Eli.

                          So, with the indication from Telford in "Gauntlet" that Woolsey may still be on Earth, it seems that Atlantis could also still be on Earth as well at the time of "Gauntlet." Due to the power issues that Eri and I are giving Atlantis after it returns to the Pegasus Galaxy in "Return to Pegasus" (Atlantis will have a ZPM, but just one), I really can't see any justification for Woolsey commuting back and forth between Atlantis and Earth to play diplomatic games with the Langarans. Logistically, it's a ridiculous waste of resources. So, I'm thinking that perhaps Atlantis should remain on Earth as well (first to make repairs from the Lucian Alliance attack on Atlantis that we're tying into events from "Alliances," and perhaps the IOA continuing to stall their departure). Then when Earth finally get the word about Destiny's crew having to go into stasis to survive their one long FTL jump to the next galaxy to outrun the drones, the push to convince the Langarans to agree to let Earth use their gate to dial Destiny is suddenly far less of a priority as Earth now has some breathing room.

                          Everyone, what are your thoughts? Is this an acceptable plan?

                          So... Second star to the right, and straight ahead 'til morning. A new dawn is about to rise over Atlantis.
                          That is all a bit too much to take in after a bad night's sleep, so whatever you guys who are writing the first few eps say is okay by me. I'm glad we left Atlantis on Earth a good while. That makes us pretty much in line with canon. It would be relatively easy to make it a few months longer.

                          The city might also be militarized while on Earth which could explain Woolsey's absence.

                          Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                            Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                            In honor of today, Smut!Tuesday, this is the best I can offer, given that I'm currently surrounded by a bunch of high schoolers.

                            I will finish this and post it on ffdotnet later. Can't access it from school PC.

                            "Of Detectives and Doctors" Chapter 16
                            Elizabeth Weir walked into the station, Mitchell closely following her. Her appearance in the area was common, but the determined stride, the furrowed eyebrow, and the glare she wasn't directing at anyone in particular caused a few people to stare after her.

                            She stopped walking as she approached the desks located near O'Neill's office. A black dress coat lay over one of the chair backs, its owner approaching with a manila folder in his hands.

                            "Sheppard!" Cameron called out, making John's head look up from the folder.

                            John almost smiled but quickly replaced it with a worried frown as he met Elizabeth's eyes. "What happened?" he asked both parties, his eyes never leaving hers.

                            She sighed as she removed her business bag from her shoulder. "We have a problem."


                            Detective Evan Lorne returned from lunch to see Cameron Mitchell sitting as his desk, John Sheppard leaning against his, and the captain talking quietly to Elizabeth Weir. Nobody said anything, but the mood was tense. Evan couldn't put his finger on what was wrong.

                            So he waited.

                            A moment later, Elizabeth went into Jack's office, closing the door slowly behind them. Evan turned around and skewed his partner with a look of pure confusion. "All right, you wanna tell me what's going on?"

                            John groaned angrily. "Steven Caldwell works at Parks and Gililland. He made Elizabeth."

                            "Did anybody else notice?"

                            "He pulled her aside," he answered, implying that no one else in the office knew that their new paralegal wasn't a paralegal. "It's just ..."

                            Lorne glanced at him curiously. "What?"

                            "When Caldwell was an ADA, he would flirt with Elizabeth all the time."

                            Lorne almost laughed. "Is that what this is about? You're jealous?"

                            John shook his head. "No! Geez, Lorne! But he came onto Elizabeth so many times, always wearing that same navy blue sweater, that it made me wanna puke. And whenever she turned him down, he'd take it out on us."

                            "How so?"

                            John forced a chuckle, casting a sideways glance at him. "About five months before you came here, he got onboard with Kinsey and tried to force the captain to retire."


                            "Kinsey and the captain have a long standing feud. He always believed that he and Sam were having an inappropriate relationship for people in their positions. He asked Caldwell to look for a legal loophole, any reason why they should be fired."

                            Lorne pieced it together in his head. "Kinsey got Caldwell to do his dirty work for him," he concluded, looking between the closed windows in the office and his partner.

                            "Yep. When the matter got brought before a committee, they worked out an agreement and Caldwell resigned from the DA's office. Now he works private sector."

                            The door finally opened and Jack walked out, followed by Elizabeth. With her head held high, she looked at the detectives, a slight smile on her lips. "Are we ready to get back to work?"

                            Before anyone could reply, John grasped her elbow, muttering, "Elizabeth? A word?" and finding an empty interrogation room.

                            As they disappeared from view, Lorne turned and looked at his captain. "Sir?"

                            Jack held up a hand. "Let's give them a few minutes. Besides, I have a feeling that when Elizabeth gets done with him, he's gonna need some ice."

                            Lorne winced.


                            John shut the door, checking to make sure it was locked. As soon as he was sure no one would bother them, he started. "Are you out of your mind?!"

                            "John, calm down. This isn't a big deal."

                            "Oh, I'm calm. And yeah, this is a big deal."

                            "Jack agreed that this was the best way to proceed. As long as Steven keeps his mouth shut, there won't be any problems."

                            "Yeah, that's the part I'm worried about," John grimaced, running both hands through his hair as they paced around each other. Elizabeth had crossed her arms, sighing every time that John let another complaint fly.

                            "What, you don't trust him?"

                            "No," he replied immediately. "The snake went behind everybody's backs and tried to stage a coup de tat with Kinsey. Then he weaseled his way out of the whole mess that no one got blamed for. And --"

                            Elizabeth peered up at him, the black frame glasses still perched on her nose. "And what?" she asked.

                            John groaned, sitting on the edge of the table as Elizabeth came to stand in front of him. "I don't like it, that's all."

                            "That's rather vague, Detective," she replied, her tone humorous. When he didn't respond, she lifted his chin with her slender hand. "Hey. I'm a big girl. I can handle him, don't worry. If he asks me out one more time, I'll punch him."

                            John chuckled. "I'd like to see that," he admitted with a small grin on his face.

                            She moved closer, brushing her legs against his. "Don't worry about me."

                            "Easier said than done," he replied huskily, stretching his arms around her and pulling her towards him. "Sorry I went off on you again," he apologized into her hair.

                            She held the back of his neck. "Sorry I'm making you worry about me."

                            He pulled back slightly at that comment and stared at her. "You could be at home with Sedge and I would still worry about you. That's just the way I am. I may not be the best at all this emotional crap, but I'm better at it with you." He leaned forward, planting a long and tender kiss on her forehead. "Love you."

                            "I love you." Without any warning, she maneuvered her head and painstakingly began placing small kisses down the length of his neck.

                            "Umm, 'Lizabeth?"


                            "Whatcha doing?" he asked, his voice higher pitched than normal.

                            "Making out with my boyfriend," she simply replied. When she felt him stiffen, she released him, pouting as she looked at him. "What's wrong?"

                            "The windows," he quickly replied, nodding his head towards the dark tinted glass between them and the observation room.

                            Elizabeth glanced at the windows, releasing a frustrated sigh. "I can't get a break with you, can I?" she asked, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear.

                            John bit his lip, then suddenly moved his hands, settling around her waist. He gently pushed her away, licking his lower lip as he said quietly, "Stay here."

                            He went to the door, unlocked and opened it, then heard him say, "No, we're not done, Elizabeth!"

                            A door creaked. She heard the lock click on the other door, then he returned to the room, slamming the door behind him.

                            She raised an eyebrow at him. "John?"

                            When he finally turned around, she shuddered. The last time that she had seen his eyes that dark, that craving look on his face, it was the last time they had made love.

                            Before she knew it, lips were crashing, hands were mingling through hair, and she reached to remove her glasses.

                            He managed to distract himself long enough to pull her hand away, murmuring, "Leave them on," as he continued to repeat her motions from before he left the room.

                            She smiled as he pressed his lips to hers, drowning in the moment.
                            Implied smut. My favorite. You capture their characters very well, even in this AU.

                            Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                              Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                              That is all a bit too much to take in after a bad night's sleep, so whatever you guys who are writing the first few eps say is okay by me. I'm glad we left Atlantis on Earth a good while. That makes us pretty much in line with canon. It would be relatively easy to make it a few months longer.

                              The city might also be militarized while on Earth which could explain Woolsey's absence.
                              Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post

                              Yay, thanks for letting us know; I was watching the tail end of the SGU finale. And
                              I'm afraid for Peter, too.

                              Speaking of the SGU finale... wow. I have to say, I'm impressed. And I feel really, really sorry for the SGU fans who are gonna be stuck wondering WTF happens next.

                              So, here's tonight's SGU for Atlantis Rising recap for the series finale, "Gauntlet."

                              Timecheck: In a conversation at the end of the episode between Rush and Eli, Rush says it's been a year since he met Eli. So the two seasons of SGU take place in just one year.

                              Story: Destiny is still trying to outrun those pesky technology-destroying drones, which have now blockaded every star system with a gate, and they keep attacking Destiny every time it drops out of FTL. After Destiny's last recharge in that big-ass blue star from the previous episode, they've now got a full tank of gas, which is enough to outrun the drones and get to the next galaxy... if they don't keep stopping for food, or keep running the life support, which puts too much of a drain on the power. They're estimating it could be three years or more before they reach the next galaxy, so the crew puts themselves in the stasis pods they found back in "The Hunt" to wait out the journey until they reach the next galaxy. Earth is alerted to the plan, and everyone is given a chance to stone back to Earth to say goodbye to their loved ones; Telford promises Young that they're not going to stop trying to find a way to reach Destiny and help them.

                              ETA: Catching up with the first part of the episode on the rewatch - When Young and Rush first report to Earth to let Earth know that Destiny has been blockaded by the drones, Telford tells Young and Rush that Langara is still refusing to allow Earth to use their planet to try to dial Destiny, and he specifically says that Woolsey is still working on diplomacy. Sounds like a clue that Atlantis is still on Earth at this time. Or that Woolsey has been replaced as expedition leader.

                              Unfortunately, one of the pods won't start up, so there's this bit of running around in a circle between Rush, Young and Eli about which of them will stay out; eventually, Eli wins out, since Young doesn't trust Rush, and Eli says that between him and Young, Eli's got the best chance of fixing the final pod so that he can join the rest of the crew in stasis. The show ends on all the lights on Destiny going out and Eli standing on the observation deck, looking out into FTL all alone.

                              Basically, what does all this mean for SGA Rising? Timeline wise, "Gauntlet" will take place a couple of months or so after our premiere, "Return to Pegasus, Parts 1 and 2." (Or maybe not, see my ETA above.) We might want to slide in a reference to what happened on Destiny, perhaps a mention of the SGC/IOA wanting Atlantis to work on figuring out another way to reach Destiny in order to send aid to the crew, searching for an Icarus-type planet in Pegasus, whatever. But we won't have to worry about explaining the sudden dropoff of status reports from Destiny, and we're pretty much free to chart our own course.

                              ETA #2: Okay, I've watched "Gauntlet" a couple more times (yay for East Coast and West Coast feeds!) and gone over my notes for SGU S2.5, and here's the final episodic timeline:
                              10 months after "Air"
                              - "Resurgence" – Eli says he's come a long way in his ten months on Destiny
                              - "Deliverance" – picks up right after "Resurgence"
                              - "Twin Destinies" – picks up right after "Deliverance"
                              - "Alliances" – picks up right after "Twin Destinies"
                              - "Hope" – begins 6 days after "Alliances"
                              - "Seizure" – may be a few days after "Hope"; Greer and Volker still recovering from the kidney surgery
                              - "The Hunt" – at least a few days after "Seizure"; Greer has recovered from his infection (in "Seizure") and been cleared for off-world duty, and Volker is also up and about and seems to be back to normal with his new kidney. (Yeah, that probably seems like a really short time to recover after kidney surgery, but remember, they've got Ancient medical tech on board to help out.) James says that they've all been vegetarians for the past 10 months, indicating it's still in the same month as the previous six episodes.

                              11 months after "Air"
                              - "Common Descent" – a few days after "The Hunt"; TJ still showing facial injuries from her encounter with the lizard cat. Team from Destiny is stranded on the Novan colony world for a day or two before reestablishing contact with Destiny. Then it's a week's trip to Novus, with them arriving at Novus at the very end of the episode.
                              - "Epilogue" – picks up right after "Common Descent"; at the end of the episode, Park states it will be ten days until they drop off the Novan colonists on the nearest Novan expedition world
                              - "Blockade" – more than ten days after "Epilogue", as Novan colonists from Common Descent have already been dropped off

                              A year after "Air"
                              - "Gauntlet" - Rush says it's been a year since he met Eli.

                              So, with the indication from Telford in "Gauntlet" that Woolsey may still be on Earth, it seems that Atlantis could also still be on Earth as well at the time of "Gauntlet." Due to the power issues that Eri and I are giving Atlantis after it returns to the Pegasus Galaxy in "Return to Pegasus" (Atlantis will have a ZPM, but just one), I really can't see any justification for Woolsey commuting back and forth between Atlantis and Earth to play diplomatic games with the Langarans. Logistically, it's a ridiculous waste of resources. So, I'm thinking that perhaps Atlantis should remain on Earth as well (first to make repairs from the Lucian Alliance attack on Atlantis that we're tying into events from "Alliances," and perhaps the IOA continuing to stall their departure). Then when Earth finally get the word about Destiny's crew having to go into stasis to survive their one long FTL jump to the next galaxy to outrun the drones, the push to convince the Langarans to agree to let Earth use their gate to dial Destiny is suddenly far less of a priority as Earth now has some breathing room.

                              Everyone, what are your thoughts? Is this an acceptable plan?

                              So... Second star to the right, and straight ahead 'til morning. A new dawn is about to rise over Atlantis.
                              I'm feeling the same as SR. Honestly, I'm completely confused over the SGU developments. What am I supposed to change in my story?
                              Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


                                Morning all!

                                Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                                "I speak whale." And hello, Echoes fic tag.
                                Damn, I wish I was a writer cause that's some funny stuff right there.

                                Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                                In honor of today, Smut!Tuesday, this is the best I can offer, given that I'm currently surrounded by a bunch of high schoolers.

                                I will finish this and post it on ffdotnet later. Can't access it from school PC.

                                "Of Detectives and Doctors" Chapter 16
                                Elizabeth Weir walked into the station, Mitchell closely following her. Her appearance in the area was common, but the determined stride, the furrowed eyebrow, and the glare she wasn't directing at anyone in particular caused a few people to stare after her.

                                She stopped walking as she approached the desks located near O'Neill's office. A black dress coat lay over one of the chair backs, its owner approaching with a manila folder in his hands.

                                "Sheppard!" Cameron called out, making John's head look up from the folder.

                                John almost smiled but quickly replaced it with a worried frown as he met Elizabeth's eyes. "What happened?" he asked both parties, his eyes never leaving hers.

                                She sighed as she removed her business bag from her shoulder. "We have a problem."


                                Detective Evan Lorne returned from lunch to see Cameron Mitchell sitting as his desk, John Sheppard leaning against his, and the captain talking quietly to Elizabeth Weir. Nobody said anything, but the mood was tense. Evan couldn't put his finger on what was wrong.

                                So he waited.

                                A moment later, Elizabeth went into Jack's office, closing the door slowly behind them. Evan turned around and skewed his partner with a look of pure confusion. "All right, you wanna tell me what's going on?"

                                John groaned angrily. "Steven Caldwell works at Parks and Gililland. He made Elizabeth."

                                "Did anybody else notice?"

                                "He pulled her aside," he answered, implying that no one else in the office knew that their new paralegal wasn't a paralegal. "It's just ..."

                                Lorne glanced at him curiously. "What?"

                                "When Caldwell was an ADA, he would flirt with Elizabeth all the time."

                                Lorne almost laughed. "Is that what this is about? You're jealous?"

                                John shook his head. "No! Geez, Lorne! But he came onto Elizabeth so many times, always wearing that same navy blue sweater, that it made me wanna puke. And whenever she turned him down, he'd take it out on us."

                                "How so?"

                                John forced a chuckle, casting a sideways glance at him. "About five months before you came here, he got onboard with Kinsey and tried to force the captain to retire."


                                "Kinsey and the captain have a long standing feud. He always believed that he and Sam were having an inappropriate relationship for people in their positions. He asked Caldwell to look for a legal loophole, any reason why they should be fired."

                                Lorne pieced it together in his head. "Kinsey got Caldwell to do his dirty work for him," he concluded, looking between the closed windows in the office and his partner.

                                "Yep. When the matter got brought before a committee, they worked out an agreement and Caldwell resigned from the DA's office. Now he works private sector."

                                The door finally opened and Jack walked out, followed by Elizabeth. With her head held high, she looked at the detectives, a slight smile on her lips. "Are we ready to get back to work?"

                                Before anyone could reply, John grasped her elbow, muttering, "Elizabeth? A word?" and finding an empty interrogation room.

                                As they disappeared from view, Lorne turned and looked at his captain. "Sir?"

                                Jack held up a hand. "Let's give them a few minutes. Besides, I have a feeling that when Elizabeth gets done with him, he's gonna need some ice."

                                Lorne winced.


                                John shut the door, checking to make sure it was locked. As soon as he was sure no one would bother them, he started. "Are you out of your mind?!"

                                "John, calm down. This isn't a big deal."

                                "Oh, I'm calm. And yeah, this is a big deal."

                                "Jack agreed that this was the best way to proceed. As long as Steven keeps his mouth shut, there won't be any problems."

                                "Yeah, that's the part I'm worried about," John grimaced, running both hands through his hair as they paced around each other. Elizabeth had crossed her arms, sighing every time that John let another complaint fly.

                                "What, you don't trust him?"

                                "No," he replied immediately. "The snake went behind everybody's backs and tried to stage a coup de tat with Kinsey. Then he weaseled his way out of the whole mess that no one got blamed for. And --"

                                Elizabeth peered up at him, the black frame glasses still perched on her nose. "And what?" she asked.

                                John groaned, sitting on the edge of the table as Elizabeth came to stand in front of him. "I don't like it, that's all."

                                "That's rather vague, Detective," she replied, her tone humorous. When he didn't respond, she lifted his chin with her slender hand. "Hey. I'm a big girl. I can handle him, don't worry. If he asks me out one more time, I'll punch him."

                                John chuckled. "I'd like to see that," he admitted with a small grin on his face.

                                She moved closer, brushing her legs against his. "Don't worry about me."

                                "Easier said than done," he replied huskily, stretching his arms around her and pulling her towards him. "Sorry I went off on you again," he apologized into her hair.

                                She held the back of his neck. "Sorry I'm making you worry about me."

                                He pulled back slightly at that comment and stared at her. "You could be at home with Sedge and I would still worry about you. That's just the way I am. I may not be the best at all this emotional crap, but I'm better at it with you." He leaned forward, planting a long and tender kiss on her forehead. "Love you."

                                "I love you." Without any warning, she maneuvered her head and painstakingly began placing small kisses down the length of his neck.

                                "Umm, 'Lizabeth?"


                                "Whatcha doing?" he asked, his voice higher pitched than normal.

                                "Making out with my boyfriend," she simply replied. When she felt him stiffen, she released him, pouting as she looked at him. "What's wrong?"

                                "The windows," he quickly replied, nodding his head towards the dark tinted glass between them and the observation room.

                                Elizabeth glanced at the windows, releasing a frustrated sigh. "I can't get a break with you, can I?" she asked, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear.

                                John bit his lip, then suddenly moved his hands, settling around her waist. He gently pushed her away, licking his lower lip as he said quietly, "Stay here."

                                He went to the door, unlocked and opened it, then heard him say, "No, we're not done, Elizabeth!"

                                A door creaked. She heard the lock click on the other door, then he returned to the room, slamming the door behind him.

                                She raised an eyebrow at him. "John?"

                                When he finally turned around, she shuddered. The last time that she had seen his eyes that dark, that craving look on his face, it was the last time they had made love.

                                Before she knew it, lips were crashing, hands were mingling through hair, and she reached to remove her glasses.

                                He managed to distract himself long enough to pull her hand away, murmuring, "Leave them on," as he continued to repeat her motions from before he left the room.

                                She smiled as he pressed his lips to hers, drowning in the moment.
                                Bwahahaha! Caldwell's navy "courting sweater"! Who came up with that "courting sweater" line anyway? Every time I see him in that I crack up.

