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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by pkprd869 View Post
    Howdy sparkies! SR when you coming to Chicago? KR did you get my PM? It seems like I'm always behind. Just thought I'd drop off a little Sir John and Lady Elizabeth. (I promise the next installment will be longer )

    “Well Sir John, it appears your Lady Elizabeth is going to leave you behind,” Chaya spoke from her throne with an air of smugness.

    “She still has time,” Sir John replied defiantly.

    “Your optimism is laughable,” Chaya chuckled.

    “And your cynicism is pitiful,” Sir John shot back.

    “We shall see,” Chaya responded a stern glare.

    “We will see I’m right,” Sir John met Chaya with his own look of determination.

    Outside the ice castle…

    Lady Elizabeth and Ronon could see Chaya’s stronghold in the distance as they rode in silence. Lady Elizabeth could feel the butterflies starting to flutter in the pit of her gut. She was grateful Captain Caldwell rented horses for them when they reached land, but she could feel time running out to reach Sir John. Lady Elizabeth glanced nervously at a bundle that contained her new dress. Thoughts of Chaya’s magic, honor, and cunning plagued Lady Elizabeth’s mind.

    “What bother you?” Ronon broke the silence.

    “Oh, just thinking,” Lady Elizabeth put on a nervous smile.

    “Ronon not know if Chaya be honest either,” Ronon spoke seeming to know what Elizabeth was thinking.

    “Even if we rescue Sir John, I don’t know if Chaya will let us go,” Lady Elizabeth responded in a concerned tone.

    “Chaya double-cross Zelenka. We have to fight our way out,” Ronon hypothesized.

    “We three versus an army of P.O.U.S’s. You and Sir John are great warriors, but those odds are impossible,” Lady Elizabeth let the fear creep into her voice.

    “Ronon not know what happen,” the ogre sighed in frustration.

    “We’ll figure out something. A little faith goes long way,” Lady Elizabeth offered a comforting smile.

    “We find way to get happy ending,” Ronon gave Lady Elizabeth a toothy grin.

    The companions continued to ride towards Chaya’s frozen citadel. Lady Elizabeth could feel the cold air emanating from the ice palace. She rubbed her shoulders in response to the chill that took hold of her. Ronon offered her his heavy leather coat but Lady Elizabeth refused. Ronon simply threw the large garment over Lady Elizabeth’s frame with a grunt.

    Later inside Chaya’s palace…

    “Your mistress has less than an…” Chaya began but was interrupted by the opening of her throne room’s doors.

    “Your highness, two strangers approach,” a P.O.U.S knelt and reported to the ice queen.

    “Who are they?” Chaya asked still sitting on her throne.

    “A woman and an ogre on horseback my queen,” the penguin answered.

    “I see. Refuse them entrance until I say otherwise,” Chaya ordered and waved her servant away dismissively.

    “Seems your love has made a new friend,” Chaya flippantly taunted.

    “Good. We need as many friends as we can get around here,” Sir John responded in kind.

    “What is he, hired muscle?” Chaya asked stepping down from her throne.

    “I doubt it. Probably just another lost soul that needed help too,” Sir John remained where he was.

    “My queen, the visitors are becoming quite unhappy. The ogre looks especially angry,” a penguin servant informed Chaya.

    “Let them in,” Chaya ordered then turned her attention to Sir John, “I hope your love can make her case in less than an hour.”

    “I present Lady Elizabeth of Gaia,” Ronon proudly announced entering Chaya’s throne room.

    “Mommy, don’t stop there,” Torren complained.

    “You will be going trading with your father tomorrow and need your rest,” Teyla replied as she tucked her son into bed.

    “Okay, but there better be some kind of fighting,” Torren informed more than anticipated where the story would go.

    “You’ve been playing with Ronon too much,” Teyla smiled and kissed her son goodnight.
    I will be in Chicago at this time next week. *squees*

    Originally posted by Probie View Post
    This was not necessary. I'm jealous. Don't add SR will see him in three days or I will hate this thread

    By the way, HI HOMIE!!! Nice to see you and I like the fic

    Originally posted by Lizabeth View Post
    Heads up to EM, SK, Southernred and anyone else in charge of, I see no way to comment on the blog. You have to log in to comment and there's no way to register an account or anything. I don't know if it's like a livejournal thing where you log in through that or what, but irregradless, I suggest allowing anonymous comments. I, for one, am much more willing to comment if I don't have to join something to do so and I think others would be too. But anyway, maybe it's just me, but right now I don't see anyway to comment even if I wanted to get some sort of account.
    SK is correct. We are not quite ready for comments yet. And I'm not sure we will allow anonymous comments even when we are ready. Personally I don't want to open up that particular can of worms. We will have lots of opportunity for comments when we get the episodes up. Thanks for your interest.

    Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


      yeah anonymous comments would be a bad thing. people are more likely to be fair/nice if they have to register for something.


        Originally posted by VampyreWraith View Post
        yeah anonymous comments would be a bad thing. people are more likely to be fair/nice if they have to register for something.
        Though even that's not always a guarantee. But at least it's something.
        (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
        Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


          Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
          Though even that's not always a guarantee. But at least it's something.
          yea, someone has to be pretty sad/pathetic to register for something just to bash it, but it unfortunately does happen.


            Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
            I will keep you all waiting no longer.
            I present, Missing Moments: Chapter 18: Intruder

            18: Intruder

            (on Earth)

            The smile on his face warmed her heart. He had just been promoted to Lieutenant Colonel and that was something he could to be proud of... it was something he had definitely deserved.

            With a clear bounce in his step, he made his way over to her.

            "Congratulations, Colonel."

            He laughed softly. "I sure do like the sound of that rank."

            She gave him a soft smile and cast her eyes away before looking back at him. "John, are... are we good?"

            "Of course we are." He assured her, even though she could read the regret in his eyes.

            They smiled at each other, but something still felt wrong between them.

            Before she could utter another word John was pulled away by Jack O'Neill who dragged him towards some of the new soldiers who had been reassigned to Atlantis. She watched him for a couple of moments, regretting this situation between them, regretting the gaping hole she had created between them, regretting that she couldn't allow herself to just hug him to show him how proud she was.


            (after the last scene on the Daedalus)

            Another trip on the rollercoaster had passed and it left Elizabeth reeling once more. John had risked his life for the greater good again and it had hurt her badly. The thought that he would die without him knowing how she felt for him nearly broke her apart. She now realized it didn't matter if they were more than friends or not. She loved him and no amount of distance between them could stop that. So she found herself in front of his quarters on the Daedalus.

            Hesitantly, she knocked on his door.

            When he opened it, he seemed surprised to see her. She didn't blame him as she had been distant to him ever since their last talk on the balcony back on Atlantis.

            "Hey." He simply said.

            "Hi. Do you mind if I come in?"

            John noticed she looked nervous and he wondered what was up.

            "'Course not." He said and took a step away from the door to allow her access.

            She looked more nervous now and he dreaded what she was going to say to him. He had learned the hard way that the equation: 'Elizabeth + nervousness + him' usually equaled to 'not good'.

            "So, what's up?" He asked, trying to get the conversation rolling, no matter how hard he knew he was probably going to regret it.

            Elizabeth wrung her hands and sighed. "Simon and I broke up." She didn't know why she blurted that little detail out, but it somehow seemed important that he knew.

            "Oh... well... I'm euhm... sorry to hear that?"

            She could tell by the look on his face that he wasn't sure what to do with that information and she could also tell he really wasn't sorry.

            "No you're not." She said with a small smile.

            He looked sheepishly for a moment. "No, I'm not..." and then returned the smile.

            She couldn't stop her smile from growing, but then she became serious again. It was an action that worried him and wiped the smile of his face too.

            "Look, John..."

            "I know, Elizabeth. We're just friends... your break-up with Simon changes nothing... I get it."

            For a split-second she looked surprised. "That's not what I wanted to say."

            Now it was John's turn to look surprised... make that stunned. "Oh..."

            "When you risked your life earlier today... twice... I realized something." She took a breath before continuing. "I realized that it didn't matter if we're close or not because I care about you too deeply to not care every time you risk your life. I realized that... that..."

            "Lizbeth..." John took a step closer to her. "We don't have to do this fast or even now... I liked the pace that it was going."


            He nodded and gently brushed a lock of hair behind her ear. His hand lingered for just a moment longer. "I want to take it slow with you. You're... you're more than worth the wait."

            Her smile grew and she slightly blushed. It made him swell with pride because he was able to make her blush like that.

            "I was wondering." She started carefully. "Can I stay with you tonight?"

            "Always." He said without hesitation.

            That was just great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep up the outstanding work!!!!!!!!!
            I tell you Teal'c, hockey is the coolest game on Earth!

            Did you not say it is played on ice, O'Neill?


              Originally posted by nephtys59 View Post
              Just for fun


              Any prompts? Or motto?
              The first time I watched this episode I imagined her repeating to herself thank God he's alive when she started to rock back and forth a little.
              I tell you Teal'c, hockey is the coolest game on Earth!

              Did you not say it is played on ice, O'Neill?


                Originally posted by VampyreWraith View Post
                yeah anonymous comments would be a bad thing. people are more likely to be fair/nice if they have to register for something.
                If we get commenting online, for everyone, you'll prolly have to register. It's not that I don't trust the SG fans, but when a can of worms is opened, it's easier to send a warning out to people or when things completely get out of hand, ban people. I really don't want to ban anyone, but I know how cruel some people can be.

                Sig by me


                  Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                  I will be in Chicago at this time next week. *squees*

                  Oh come on. This is not nice, mommy. But at the same way, I can't wait your
                  Sig made by nephty and avi by Kris....THANK YOU!


                    Three of us in the same room. This can be funny.
                    The more the merrier

                    If it had been Chevron this weekend, you could have counted me in
                    That would have been fun, it certainly was at the last one.


                      yea, someone has to be pretty sad/pathetic to register for something just to bash it, but it unfortunately does happen.
                      Some pathetic people seem to obtain a sick enjoyment out of it.


                        Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
                        If we get commenting online, for everyone, you'll prolly have to register. It's not that I don't trust the SG fans, but when a can of worms is opened, it's easier to send a warning out to people or when things completely get out of hand, ban people. I really don't want to ban anyone, but I know how cruel some people can be.
                        Spoken like a true webmaster. Let's hope our wonderful website brings out the best in everyone and they won't feel the need to say something negative just to get attention.


                        Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                          Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                          I will be in Chicago at this time next week. *squees*

                          SK is correct. We are not quite ready for comments yet. And I'm not sure we will allow anonymous comments even when we are ready. Personally I don't want to open up that particular can of worms. We will have lots of opportunity for comments when we get the episodes up. Thanks for your interest.
                          Oh. I didn't realize we didn't have commenting opened. My entire last blog post was asking questions! *headdesk*

                          I'll update that with something more story-like...

                          EDIT: I can't update because I can't log-on--is work being done on the site? I'll come back and check in later...
                          Last edited by Eri13; 20 August 2010, 04:58 AM.
                          Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


                            Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                            Oh. I didn't realize we didn't have commenting opened. My entire last blog post was asking questions! *headdesk*
                            That's what confused me.

                            ETA: My experience with blogs was that you could allow anonymous comments and still moderate them, not allowing them to be shown until you approved them. At least I thought that's what you could do. That's what I was suggesting. But maybe that's not possible, I don't know.
                            Last edited by Lizabeth; 20 August 2010, 06:28 AM.


                              Joe won't be in Glascow. Too bad but hey he has new project. He's very busy and it's good.

                              I was watching season 5 of SGA. Well "watching" is a big word. I felt asleep during 'Brain Storm'. I can't watch this season. Too much for me.
                              Sig made by nephty and avi by Kris....THANK YOU!


                                Originally posted by Probie View Post
                                I was watching season 5 of SGA. Well "watching" is a big word. I felt asleep during 'Brain Storm'. I can't watch this season. Too much for me.
                                Isn't it though? Everything gets so dark. Literally too. My sister and I had this running joke that only Elizabeth knew how to turn on the lights.

