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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Anuna View Post
    can i vote more than once? *O.o*

    oh, is it a 'i-can-vote-every-day-once' game?


      Originally posted by Torri012 View Post
      OMG! you wrote it! OMG! you really did *freaks out*

      i can remember how we talked about the idea i made and i said you 'may' write something... *drooling* .. OMG! girl, i love you now

      i cant wait for the actual story! LOVE the teaser thing

      Took a little longer to get me started. Just needed to wait till the last story was finished to see how this was going to work. But now I know.

      I changed it from a crashed spaceship to the use of the Wraith dart and yes to make it more interesting. (see below)

      John doesn't know Lizzie is still alive. The Wraith found her whilst escaping an erupting volcano.

      I know, I'm evil.


        o0o0o0o Worm i'm excited now!
        Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
        Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


          omg that sounds really good! *grins*


            Originally posted by gateraid View Post
            Okay Anuna, you caught me!! Hope you are feeling better after your day at work

            But dang, it's unfortunate that of all the eps I could have come in on, this is the one that's up for discussion. Ignoring the sparky moments, I'd have to say it was a bit of a snooze-fest (what can I say, I'm a guy, I need some action). I really liked the end though (the addresses) as it was more than I'd expected and caught me off guard, with a highly optimistic outlook.

            I did enjoy the sparky scenes, I always do You guys are right in that he didn't have to be with Elizabeth for most of the ep. He chose to. And he took the time to find out when her birthday was. AFAIK nobody else has bothered to do that, for anyone.

            Sorry to be a downer on my first post in this thread. I might be persuaded to change my mind though
            Ahahah, he's here!!! YAY!!!! I bored this poor guy out of his mind until he started posting here. Stay, stay! We love new faces and you don't have to agree with us all the time. Well only thing you have to agree with is that sparky is totally awesome. I think we agree on that.

            Now I'm gonna get my butt kicked but you know what? I partially agree with you. The part with the Ancients and Janus felt too dragged out. But what I loved were all teh sparky moments, and moments with two Elizabeths, especially when old Elizabeth tells our Elizabeth that she doesn't regret her choice because she is alive, exploring the new galaxy (meaning our Elizabeth is there, and young and exploring Pegasus). My favorite line there was the one about breathing.... that inspired me to write that recent story.

            I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.




              stereophonics Are Coming To Australia!! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee:d:d:d:d I'm So God Damn Excited Right Now
              Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
              Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


                OK, anyone else found what's her name - the ancient lady in BIS strange? I mean the way she spoke. I just wanted her to open her mouth more while speaking. *I am really really strange*

                Janus was nice, and I wondered if he had a little crush on Elizabeth.

                A_B: I have no idea who/what that is, but YEAYYY!

                Lurkers: Come out & play. We don't bite. Just give you Sparky mints.
                sig made by me


                  Originally posted by atlantis_babe34 View Post


                  stereophonics Are Coming To Australia!! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee:d:d:d:d I'm So God Damn Excited Right Now
                  Who? Sorry, but I just had to.

                  Welcome gateraid, we love having the male perspective on here. I agree partially also about BIS. I just wanted them to hurry up and get back to Sparky. LOL. I wish we could have seen John talking to old Elizabeth. It was hinted at but not shown. That must have been very interesting. And the fact that he reminded her it was "their" birthday tells me that little fact was on his mind a lot. I wonder if he had more planned than just the gift and had to put it on hold. OMG! Plot bunny. *runs*

                  Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                    Everyone has a crush on Elizabeth. In case you've forgotten... Lady in red
                    I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                      Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                      Who? Sorry, but I just had to.

                      Welcome gateraid, we love having the male perspective on here. I agree partially also about BIS. I just wanted them to hurry up and get back to Sparky. LOL. I wish we could have seen John talking to old Elizabeth. It was hinted at but not shown. That must have been very interesting. And the fact that he reminded her it was "their" birthday tells me that little fact was on his mind a lot. I wonder if he had more planned than just the gift and had to put it on hold. OMG! Plot bunny. *runs*
                      ooohhh!!! Now that would be a great ficlet/fluff. Gives SR some candy. Wonder if he had it set up as a surprise party, or he sensed that she wanted to be alone that day, before old Elizabeth was discovered.
                      sig made by me


                        Personally I'd like tor ead about Old Liz and Shep convo. I wonder if he would be charming as we know he can be. SR I think I'll go and watch "Painted desert serenade" right now.
                        I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                          Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                          Everyone has a crush on Elizabeth. In case you've forgotten... Lady in red
                          I love this vid so much!! Def one of my favorite elizabeth ones


                            I guess I could round my videos up in one place. *grin* And I just got Sony Vegas - it looks like a great program, now I just have to learn how to make videos with it.
                            I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                              Originally posted by Wormhole View Post

                              Took a little longer to get me started. Just needed to wait till the last story was finished to see how this was going to work. But now I know.

                              I changed it from a crashed spaceship to the use of the Wraith dart and yes to make it more interesting. (see below)

                              John doesn't know Lizzie is still alive. The Wraith found her whilst escaping an erupting volcano.

                              I know, I'm evil.
                              ooooh. i cant wait to read it *already drools*
                              do i get my credit? *rofl*lol*

                              when you think the ff is finnished?? *jumps nervous from one leg to the other one*

                              Originally posted by atlantis_babe34 View Post


                              stereophonics Are Coming To Australia!! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee:d:d:d:d I'm So God Damn Excited Right Now

                              Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                              Everyone has a crush on Elizabeth. In case you've forgotten... Lady in red
                              heeh, this vid is soo cool i think


                                Originally posted by atlantis_babe34 View Post


                                stereophonics Are Coming To Australia!! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee:d:d:d:d I'm So God Damn Excited Right Now

                                lol I don't know who they are, but I do know how exciting it is to go see a band/siinger you love. Saterday I'm going to Kelly Clarkson's concert, and I'm SO excited, she's fantastic

