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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Linzi
    CG is the episode where Kolya captures Sheppard and imprisons him next door to a Wraith who slowly sucks the life out of Sheppard. I have a scanned piccie from a scifi mag of old Shep if you want me to post it, but it is not nice!
    I hope that info helps!
    CG just got interesting! I would like to see that pic


      *wanders in*
      Fic Rec: Logically Irrelevant by miera.

      Scurry off and read, my minions!

      *wanders out*
      Don't you want to look beyond the horizon?

      In the 2 hours and 14 minutes that Torri Higginson was online, there were 272 posts in the Elizabeth Weir Wow Thread. I was responsible for 2 of them. (Oh yeah and Gateworld crashed, but that's not important)

      Please click here to feed the hungry, protect endangered land, and help fight breast cancer without spending a penny (inspired by the Whistler 84 in Memoriam thread)


        Originally posted by mentalmichael
        *wanders in*
        Fic Rec: Logically Irrelevant by miera.

        Scurry off and read, my minions!

        *wanders out*
        *cackles and snuggles up to the brilliant fic because she keeps going back to re-read it* Good idea, MM.


          Totally on topic but completely off subject (make sense??)... I wandered into the S/T thread and saw a post comparing what we saw in Sateda with what we saw in TLG:
          John had the gameboy in his hand, and instead of even sparing Weir a glance, I mean even a worth of his time, he blatantly focuses his entire concentration the game and just gives a few mumbled responses. To me not only is it rude for someone to do that to another person (that would make me livid to the point of ripping it out of his hand and tossing it), it also shows a lack of interest and relative disregard for the other. I do feel John and Elizabeth are good friends, so maybe he's pretty comfortable in doing rude things.

          With Teyla, once she asked to speak to him, he took the time out not to only close the game but also put it away.
          I am not Sheyla bashing!! The argument intrigued me..... Wondering what y'all think.....

          ETA: I'm not asking for Sparky insights into the TLG scene...I know we've discussed that to death! I was more drawn to the comparison between the eps.


            Originally posted by Marbles
            Totally on topic but completely off subject (make sense??)... I wandered into the S/T thread and saw a post comparing what we saw in Sateda with what we saw in TLG:

            I am not Sheyla bashing!! The argument intrigued me..... Wondering what y'all think.....

            ETA: I'm not asking for Sparky insights into the TLG scene...I know we've discussed that to death! I was more drawn to the comparison between the eps.
            I thought Shep was too embarrassed about the kiss to look Weir in the eye, and frankly I don't even remember Teyla being in that scene. I just remember Caldwell making a remark and leaving, but I've only seen that episode once. *shrugs*

            When all else fails, change channels.


              Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
              and frankly I don't even remember Teyla being in that scene.
              She wasn't. The second part of that quote--the part concerning Teyla--was from "Sateda," not "TLG."


                My take on those two scenes is that context is everything.

                The Long Goodbye
                John and Elizabeth had both been terribly compromised and had nearly killed each other. And yeah, the kiss would have been embarrassing because it was forced, and it was used to trick the others. They were both rather mortified about everything that had happened.

                There was awkwardness here, but neither of them had just tried to kill the other or anything. There had been no alien possession and nothing that would cause a lot of drama between them. The fact that there was awkwardness here says a lot more about how very far apart Sheppard and Teyla are than the awkwardness in the above scene.

                Apples and oranges, if you ask me. You can compare the end of Conversion with the end of The Long Goodbye, but comparing that scene in Sateda with the end of The Long Goodbye is ignoring a whole lot of context and coming at the scene from entirely the wrong angle.
                Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                Last update: 14 April 2006
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                Last update: 15 February 2006


                  Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                  I thought Shep was too embarrassed about the kiss to look Weir in the eye, and frankly I don't even remember Teyla being in that scene. I just remember Caldwell making a remark and leaving, but I've only seen that episode once. *shrugs*
                  I agree. He was concentrating on whatever he was playing/reading because he was too embarassed to look at Elizabeth.
                  Her reaction was basically the same when she looked away and slid down in the bed.

                  In Sateda,
                  though John was hesitant, I don't think it was because he was embarassed, just that he has trouble expressing any sort of emotions. And of course he was looking at Tayla then, they were talking while eating together. And he was responding to her thanks for going after Ronan and how he and Elizabeth made them both feel part of Atlantis.
                  Totally different situation than TLG.


                    I echo everyone's thoughts. It was just an angle I had never thought of before, and I thought it strange that out of all that happened in both those scenes, this person focused on the fact that John
                    put away the "Solitare" when Teyla came in but not with Liz.
                    But you're right...totally different circumstances...totally different purposes. Thought the observation was kinda cool, though...whether or not it was significant. But let's not dwell on that too long, I suppose..... After all, we shippers tend to examine every little detail with our own specialized glasses, don't we?


                      Originally posted by Linzi
                      Spoilers ahead for Common Ground and Phantoms. Only read if you really don't mind being spoiled!
                      CG is the episode where Kolya captures Sheppard and imprisons him next door to a Wraith who slowly sucks the life out of Sheppard. I have a scanned piccie from a scifi mag of old Shep if you want me to post it, but it is not nice! There's no backstory in CG, but plently of action as Shep fights the Wraith in hand to hand combat.
                      Phantoms as Josie has said, is indeed the Sheppard backstory episode, with insights into what happened to Sheppard in Afghanistan. There's also supposed to be some sort of Wraith technology influencing team members, but I don't know how reliable that rumour is.
                      I hope that info helps!
                      I'd love to see that picture....well, maybe not LOVE to see it because I'm sure it will be somewhat disturbing...but I'd be interested. This whole episode sounds very intriguing to me even if it isn't what I expected. Hopefully...
                      We get some shots of Liz being concerned and trying to save him


                      PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                        ahh that episode looks to be really good.. Maybe they'll have some nice sparky moments for us ^_^



                          Originally posted by Melyanna
                          My take on those two scenes is that context is everything.

                          The Long Goodbye
                          John and Elizabeth had both been terribly compromised and had nearly killed each other. And yeah, the kiss would have been embarrassing because it was forced, and it was used to trick the others. They were both rather mortified about everything that had happened.

                          There was awkwardness here, but neither of them had just tried to kill the other or anything. There had been no alien possession and nothing that would cause a lot of drama between them. The fact that there was awkwardness here says a lot more about how very far apart Sheppard and Teyla are than the awkwardness in the above scene.

                          Apples and oranges, if you ask me. You can compare the end of Conversion with the end of The Long Goodbye, but comparing that scene in Sateda with the end of The Long Goodbye is ignoring a whole lot of context and coming at the scene from entirely the wrong angle.
                          ITA with you on this, apples and oranges, it's like comparing Shweir with Sheyla ( lol ), you can't compare future lovers with friends
                          Seriously, there's not much to compare between the two scenes, one's about an awkward alien possession that lead to weird kiss and the other's about friendship.

                          Originally posted by Trialia
                          It really isn't that tight anymore, judging by the numbers. If you check out LJ, Yahoo, forums, fanlistings... Sparky is the #1 followed 'ship for this show and McShep is #2. It makes me chuckle when people say "oh but they're just numbers, those people are twisting them for their own devices!!"... because the simple fact is, that we don't have to.
                          Thx Trialia , I feel so much better. I just needed a confirmation because deep down I knew that most part of the internet fan base shipped sparky I'm glad so many people answered my "so interesting" question lol



                            On the subject of the comparision of the two scenes by the Sheylas, this is why I avoid their thread. If you are so confident in your ship, and in no way are threatened by Elizabeth, then why make the comparison? Why even bring her into the discussion. I would think after the near marriage proposal they got in Sateda that they would be over the moon and only talking about positive things. I know we would be under similar circumstances.

                            I agree that it's apples and oranges. Heck it's vegetables and fruit, dogs and screwdrivers. Let's not forget that John knew exactly the second that Elizabeth woke up even though he was supposedly concentrating on his solitaire game. And we don't need shippy glasses at any time for any reason!

                            Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                              Originally posted by Southern Red
                              On the subject of the comparision of the two scenes by the Sheylas, this is why I avoid their thread. If you are so confident in your ship, and in no way are threatened by Elizabeth, then why make the comparison?
                              Agreed. It's all in the context and thus it's a cheap comparison to make.

                              Let's not forget that John knew exactly the second that Elizabeth woke up even though he was supposedly concentrating on his solitaire game. And we don't need shippy glasses at any time for any reason!
                              That's the cutest part of the whole scene for me. She had barely opened her eyes and didn't even move her head before he knew she was awake. Either he was watching her and then quickly picked up his palm pilot when he saw her stir, or else he just felt her wake up. Either way is equally hot in my shippy book.


                                Originally posted by Southern Red
                                And we don't need shippy glasses at any time for any reason!
                                Yeah yeah yeah, I've seen all the love without even going out and getting me a pair! Just know...since so many folks here talk about 'em...uhh..........*hides in shame*

