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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by A.L.
    Oh Letters from Pegasus. I used to hate those jumper scenes because of the possible Shep/Teyla insinuations. Now I dislike it for what it implies on a friendship level. Whether she means it or not, that was a low blow.

    Teyla to Sheppard: "Not long ago you would have blithely left him [Orin] behind."

    Synonyms for "blithely":
    Without a care in the world.

    Even if Sheppard had decided to leave anyone behind in the end, I refuse to believe a single one of these words could describe his feelings on the matter.

    And then:
    SHEPPARD: What else do you want from me?
    TEYLA: Too much, I fear.

    After a year together on the same team, after all they've seen and done I think Teyla was being a bit harsh in this episode. I'll give her the benefit of the doubt that the stress of worrying over her friends made her cross lines she might normally have done - heck, we're all human and we do this. I probably were to if I were her and worrying about such close friends - but given the character I believe Teyla to be, there would/should have been a following scene (obviously not one we saw) where she apolgized for such horrible and untrue remarks made "Unthinkingly".

    That's always bugged me because I think Shep deserves better from Teyla given all he'd done to defend her and her people when most everyone else was ready to throw them to the wolves at times and because I think it's out of character for Teyla to be so cold in an attempt to get her way.

    Whew! Sorry. Rant done.


    you know I'd never really thought of that but it's true...Thank-you for sharing that it's a really good point..I can believe I didn't see it myself..I guess I wasn't really looking for it but I find from the middle Of Season two until the end of it...I really don't think Teyla's into him at all I mean
    She seemed rather repulsed after that kiss...sure it could be the roughness and shock...but still...and the whole Micheal think seemed to really seperate them even further

    For season two (wasnt sure if I should tag it or not...)
    You can never really know some completely. That's why it's the most terrifying thing in the world, really - taking someone on faith, hoping they'll take you on faith too. It's such a precarious balance, it's a wonder we do it at all. And yet...
    -Libba Bray


      I saw sparky from the beginning, but I didn't think too much about it considering it was a new series and I didn't know the characters. Also, like many people I also saw they were trying the Sheyla thing. I did not seriously consider sparky until later in season one, I guess after The Eye. I must say I was surprised at first when it seemed that Sparky was more popular than Sheyla. In my experience ships that seem more obvious from the beginning of a show(like Sheyla) tend to have the larger fanbase. So it was nice to know that I wasn't the only one who saw sparky.


        Originally Posted by Ruined_puzzle
        They skipped Common Ground. Blah, its probably going to show after Mckay and Mrs. Miller. Why must we wait such a long time for Shep backstory. *pouts*
        Hey, if it means we actually GET back story *cough*unlike Epiphany *cough*, then I'll wait a little longer. It'll be hard, but I'll do it.



          Originally posted by Easter Lily
          I never go into a scifi show expecting a ton of romance... I don't mind it in its proper place... but I'm one of those females that watch scifi purely for imaginative storytelling. If they can fit in a decent romance somewhere along the way, I'm not one to take issue.
          ITA...I actually came across SGA while waiting for Battlestar Galactica to start. It was the last 5 minutes of "Siege II," and it was the interaction of Shep and Weir that caught my attention (I'm always attracted by scifi shows/movies with strong female leads, but the presence of a hot guy never hurts )...and thus began my obsession. Once I did some research, I stuck with the show because of the story.
          I find it interesting that in the new scifi show, Eureka, there's a deliberate set up between the sheriff and the DOD rep (interesting parallel, methinks) ... Now that I is what I call intentional and actual UST. The banter, the interaction is actually written in. *shock, horror*
          Good...glad it isn't just me then!


            Originally posted by A.L.
            Hey, if it means we actually GET back story *cough*unlike Epiphany *cough*, then I'll wait a little longer. It'll be hard, but I'll do it.

            I thought I they said that some of his backstory is in a different ep. or that they were saving it for a later ep. Could someone confirm it or not, I think I asked this before but a can't remember the response.


              Originally posted by SGA_Love
              First post here and I have to start off by saying I'm not a serious Sparky shipper (Im not a serious shipper at all really)
              Im kind of conflicted if I like Sheppard better with Teyla or Weir but the more I talk/think about it, I'm starting to lean more towards sheppard and weir..They just seem more likey, and I've been watching a lot of Sparly fanvids and there just seems to be so much evidence of a deeper relationship... I especially love that one hug from S2...though I can't think of what episode its form..Im thinking the Hive
              The Seige 3... Still my favourite sparky moment hands down. Unbeaten for raw emotion and a fabulous performance by Joe Flanigan.
              I can't believe how many times I watched this moment before the episode aired. Thanks to someone who posted this on LJ? or You can Send? I can still remember the excitement on this thread when the news broke! People squeeing left, right and centre. Myself... I don't squee but I had a silly grin on my face for days.

              Personally, it doesn't really bother me if our couple is the preferred ship... or whether it's more popular/less than the other one. Mostly I just love the way Joe Flanigan and Torri Higginson bounce off one another as actors. (I love the intensity of their gazes and the way they respond to each other in kind.)

              It is good, however, to know that I'm not hallucinating about Sheppard and Weir... I mean there is something going on there right? Right?
              "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


                Originally posted by Easter Lily
                The Seige 3... Still my favourite sparky moment hands down. Unbeaten for raw emotion and a fabulous performance by Joe Flanigan.
                I can't believe how many times I watched this moment before the episode aired. Thanks to someone who posted this on LJ? or You can Send? I can still remember the excitement on this thread when the news broke! People squeeing left, right and centre. Myself... I don't squee but I had a silly grin on my face for days.

                Personally, it doesn't really bother me if our couple is the preferred ship... or whether it's more popular/less than the other one. Mostly I just love the way Joe Flanigan and Torri Higginson bounce off one another as actors. (I love the intensity of their gazes and the way they respond to each other in kind.)

                It is good, however, to know that I'm not hallucinating about Sheppard and Weir... I mean there is something going on there right? Right?
                Oh there is definately something going on there...weither or not it will ever be developed into anything is a different matter...
                You can never really know some completely. That's why it's the most terrifying thing in the world, really - taking someone on faith, hoping they'll take you on faith too. It's such a precarious balance, it's a wonder we do it at all. And yet...
                -Libba Bray


                  Whew! *wipes brow in exhaustion* I made it. I finally caught up. Course, who knows how long that will last as The New Boyfriend brought me flowers today and tomorrow we're having dinner with his friends and Friday is another friend's wedding reception (I WILL RECORD AND WATCH SGA OF COURSE!!) and that night my sis comes home from the Navy and Saturday is "surprise the fam with Sis' homecoming" and then have an SGA marathon to catch sis up on Season three *deep breath* so who knows when I'll be on again.

                  So in case it's another week until I see y'all again: have fun, be good and spread the Sparky Love!


                  PS Something to note: TNB has brown hair and hazel eyes. Hmmm. Sounds familiar. Lucky? Yes. Oh Yes.


                    Originally posted by gambit
                    I thought I they said that some of his backstory is in a different ep. or that they were saving it for a later ep. Could someone confirm it or not, I think I asked this before but a can't remember the response.
                    Carl Binder said in a semi-recent interview (I think with GW) that (spoilers for Common Ground and an unnamed second-half ep)
                    he would be writing the back story in an episode in the second half of the season. This would seem to indicate that it's not in Common Ground. I suspect Common Ground will be a much different episode than most of us have been anticipating.
                    Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                    Last update: 14 April 2006
                    Melyanna's Multimedia
                    Last update: 15 February 2006


                      Originally posted by Melyanna
                      Carl Binder said in a semi-recent interview (I think with GW) that (spoilers for Common Ground and an unnamed second-half ep)
                      he would be writing the back story in an episode in the second half of the season. This would seem to indicate that it's not in Common Ground. I suspect Common Ground will be a much different episode than most of us have been anticipating.
                      That's what I thought, thanks.


                        Originally posted by SGA_Love
                        Oh there is definately something going on there...weither or not it will ever be developed into anything is a different matter...
                        I don't mind if they don't...
                        I'm an accidental shipper anyway...
                        "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


                          Marbles , you quite right it did help that to start with , the two leads had great chemistry and of course were hot looking

                          Judging from reaction , it seems that a lot of newbies went to bat for Sparky after seeing strong episodes like The Eye /Storm and Siege. Personally I was a goner wth the first fight on the balcony *sigh* now only if we can have more of those eps in S3 Yup, Sparky fandom rules!

                          Totally OT- as a shipper I could not resist picking up shippy vibes on SciFi excellent new series Eureka between DODmom Allison Blake and Sheriff Jack Carter. Tuesdays(Wednesday in our part of the world) is looking considerably perky and ITA with Easter Lily that it`s
                          .... interesting that in the new scifi show, Eureka, there's a deliberate set up between the sheriff and the DOD rep (interesting parallel, methinks) ... Now that I is what I call intentional and actual UST. The banter, the interaction is actually written in. *shock, horror*
                          Now TPTB, would something like that actually hurt a scifi show like SGA?


                          “I know how Sheppard can be,” “He’s an incredibly strong man,” “and Elizabeth is his weakness. He doesn’t know how to handle that.”
                          - Rodney to AU Elizabeth : quote from PeanutButterer`s The Other Side


                            Originally posted by Meyanna
                            Carl Binder said in a semi-recent interview (I think with GW) that (spoilers for Common Ground and an unnamed second-half ep)

                            he would be writing the back story in an episode in the second half of the season. This would seem to indicate that it's not in Common Ground. I suspect Common Ground will be a much different episode than most of us have been anticipating.
                            Arg!! I was looking forward to the episode for that reason! Of course, I'm still looking forward to it...but *sigh* Will we ever get backstory? Although, I guess I should feel lucky because I didn't even know that Epiphany was *supposed* to have flashbacks until yesterday. I could only imagine my disappointment if I were watching the show at the time....all that hype only to be discarded (sounds a bit like a certain "LOST" character episode...coughSAWYERcough).


                            PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                              Originally posted by Stef
                              Arg!! I was looking forward to the episode for that reason! Of course, I'm still looking forward to it...but *sigh* Will we ever get backstory? Although, I guess I should feel lucky because I didn't even know that Epiphany was *supposed* to have flashbacks until yesterday. I could only imagine my disappointment if I were watching the show at the time....all that hype only to be discarded (sounds a bit like a certain "LOST" character episode...coughSAWYERcough).

                              John's back story has been cut from at least two episodes thus far, and possibly three.

                              It was originally to appear in 38 Minutes, which I will allow was far, far too early, and from a totally random source. (Ford was relating a story about Tora Bora and a captain to Teyla, which Sheppard had apparently told him the first night they were in Atlantis.)

                              Next it was to appear in Epiphany, and we all know how that went.

                              Season 3
                              There was early information that it would appear in Common Ground, but I'm not sure if this didn't have to do with wires getting crossed or fans misinterpreting a vague statement. However, it's been assured from more than one person, including the actual author of the episode, that it will appear this season.

                              For that reason, I'm optimistic... but for the reasons above, I'm not holding my breath.
                              Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                              Last update: 14 April 2006
                              Melyanna's Multimedia
                              Last update: 15 February 2006


                                Originally posted by gambit
                                I saw sparky from the beginning, but I didn't think too much about it considering it was a new series and I didn't know the characters. Also, like many people I also saw they were trying the Sheyla thing. I did not seriously consider sparky until later in season one, I guess after The Eye. I must say I was surprised at first when it seemed that Sparky was more popular than Sheyla. In my experience ships that seem more obvious from the beginning of a show(like Sheyla) tend to have the larger fanbase. So it was nice to know that I wasn't the only one who saw sparky.
                                I saw sparky early too, but I didn't want to ship for Atlantis. I have been shipping for SG1 (off line until the past few months, but shipping just the same) for ages, and I didn't want to start the cycle again with Atlantis. What can I say? When its there, its there! Tori and Joe have such a natural chemistry that John and Elizabeth really had no choice but to spark.

                                Off topic, seetheship, you aren't alone on the Eureka thing. However, I really am not going to ship for that series------yet.

