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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Atlantis will be my death on day , it's such a horrible time here in Germany, when it's airing. Too late for staying up and too early for getting up.

    Anyway I cut the two very squee-worthy scenes from "Misbegotten" out, for all the people who can't watch it. So enjoy! BUT BEWARE SPOILER!

    Home Scene - You Tube Spoiler
    Home Scene - YSI Spoiler

    Honor Scene - You Tube Spoiler
    Honor Scene - YSI Spoiler

    And thank you very, very much for all the comments and green about my manip video. I'm really glad you enjoyed it!


      Originally posted by Ankareeda
      Atlantis will be my death on day , it's such a horrible time here in Germany, when it's airing. Too late for staying up and too early for getting up.

      Anyway I cut the two very squee-worthy scenes from "Misbegotten" out, for all the people who can't watch it. So enjoy! BUT BEWARE SPOILER!

      Home Scene - You Tube Spoiler
      Home Scene - YSI Spoiler

      Honor Scene - You Tube Spoiler
      Honor Scene - YSI Spoiler

      And thank you very, very much for all the comments and green about my manip video. I'm really glad you enjoyed it!
      Squeeeeeee! Thank you so much!!! *hugs and kisses*


        OMG. I haven't even watched the ep yet and I'm already giggling over that last scene.

        The tone of voice she uses-- squeeeeeeeeeeee. Teasing and adorable.


          Originally posted by Royal_Nonesuch
          Aside from the super shippy (yes I think it's safe to classify it as such office scene, did anyone else find Caldwell's "I've been around long enough to know what's going on" comment to be hinting at a Sheppard/Weir relationship? It did come right after Woolsey's "She insisted Sheppard be commander". Just seemed like a little hint to me.

          Night all,
          We don't wear shippy glasses, now, do we?

          Actually, that's an interesting point. I hadn't noticed that, or thought of it like that. Must go watch the episode again sometime...
          ~La (I used to be a lurker, but this place just sucks you in...)
          The Nameless Forest. Also, my LJ, where you can find my fic attempts.


            Well I have just one word to say about Misbegotten.

            I wasn't prepared for much either, but
            when we finally got to the scene with her welcome home speech I couldn't believe my eyes. There was John turned so that he faced only her with his back to the team and looking at her like I personally have never seen him look at her before. I almost came off the couch. And the eye!sex just went on and on. Oh my! Then the office scene just finished me off. My favorite line was "I've never seen you like this before." Well maybe his woman has never been so threatened before. Now if that's how he reacts when her job is in danger, I just can't wait for TRW. OMG! And yes, there were moments when one could make a Shep/Teyla connection if one really squinted while wearing shippy glasses, so they are still going to continue jerking us around. But the Sparky moments were so obvious and took up whole scenes. Oh yeah. Sparky is back. Thank the stars above.Now next week we get to see how he reacts when she shows interest in another man. Oh my, my.

            Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


              Originally posted by Ankareeda
              Atlantis will be my death on day , it's such a horrible time here in Germany, when it's airing. Too late for staying up and too early for getting up.

              Anyway I cut the two very squee-worthy scenes from "Misbegotten" out, for all the people who can't watch it. So enjoy! BUT BEWARE SPOILER!

              Home Scene - You Tube Spoiler
              Home Scene - YSI Spoiler

              Honor Scene - You Tube Spoiler
              Honor Scene - YSI Spoiler

              And thank you very, very much for all the comments and green about my manip video. I'm really glad you enjoyed it!

              Oh my gosh, thank you so much for putting this up, hon *hugs*
              That totally made my day Squee!


                Originally posted by Marbles
                Pops up from a year of lurking for a quick look around....
                Whew, I just got back after a 14 hour internet outtage. Glad to be back! Wow it sure is loud in here from all the Squeeing!!!! With great reason I must add.

                I thought Misbegotten was a great episode. Can't wait to watch it again.
                Loved how John got all defensive of Elizabeth and her decisions. He made sure Woolsey knew that he backed her all the way and would do it again in a heartbeat!

                Welcome Marbles. I was a long time lurker too. I can tell you from personal experience, it will be hard to go back into hiding.


                  Originally posted by Royal_Nonesuch
                  Some great Sparky tonight! The
                  "are you defending my honor?" was very flirty and Shep's rsponse was so cute! I love how he handled himself in this ep. He didn't want Liz to get in trouble, so he contained his actions and made level headed decisions.

                  Aside from the super shippy (yes I think it's safe to classify it as such office scene, did anyone else find Caldwell's "I've been around long enough to know what's going on" comment to be hinting at a Sheppard/Weir relationship? It did come right after Woolsey's "She insisted Sheppard be commander". Just seemed like a little hint to me.

                  Night all,

                  YES I was thinking the exact same thing during that scene. Thought I was crazy...but apparently not


                    Welcome back, Marbles! Gate gal, there's always room for one more... and a dozen of your closest converts friends. And Evenstar, I don't recognize you either – welcome, I think?

                    Originally posted by Southern Red
                    I wasn't prepared for much either, but
                    when we finally got to the scene with her welcome home speech I couldn't believe my eyes. There was John turned so that he faced only her with his back to the team and looking at her like I personally have never seen him look at her before. I almost came off the couch. And the eye!sex just went on and on. Oh my! Then the office scene just finished me off. My favorite line was "I've never seen you like this before." Well maybe his woman has never been so threatened before. Now if that's how he reacts when her job is in danger, I just can't wait for TRW. OMG! And yes, there were moments when one could make a Shep/Teyla connection if one really squinted while wearing shippy glasses, so they are still going to continue jerking us around. But the Sparky moments were so obvious and took up whole scenes. Oh yeah. Sparky is back. Thank the stars above.Now next week we get to see how he reacts when she shows interest in another man. Oh my, my.
                    It's so much sweeter when we're not expecting anything, but I'm a little sad that I didn't get Athena trying to IM me when all she could say was "asliksdg."

                    The eye contact in the briefing room just went on and on and on! That really surprised me, actually. I mean, if TPTB were wanting to downplay this relationship (which I don't think they were), having them stare intensely at each other in front of other people and start to get emotional is not the way to go. Not only had he never looked at her like that before, I'm not sure he'd looked at any woman like that before.

                    And then... "John Sheppard, are you defending my honor?" Goodness. John was so flustered, and Elizabeth was so flirty. A more objective friend of mine (read: not a shipper) commented that it would be hard not to read something shippy into "It's the thought that counts." And someone on LJ noted that John really couldn't come up with a reason why he was so passionately defending her... which I find encouraging.

                    Honestly, I didn't see any attempts at Shep/Teyla in this episode. I saw what would probably be construed as Shep/Teyla, but as that seems to have happened with Critical Mass, where they had absolutely no scenes together, that's not really what I'm interested in. I didn't see anything that looked like a deliberate attempt at Shep/Teyla. Teyla's jubilant "John!" was coupled with Elizabeth's equally emotional (if quieter) reaction. And, well, the later scenes where John's asking Teyla if she's all right have got nothing on The Eye or Before I Sleep.

                    I would actually like to see them develop an honest-to-goodness friendship between Sheppard and Teyla. It doesn't seem natural for them not to be friends, once they've gotten past the initial awkwardness from the early romantic attempts, and it'd do wonders for Teyla as a character to give her a relationship that isn't trying to be romantic. We all got to see a new side of her last year when they let her loosen up a bit around McKay, after all. But anyway.

                    I'm really, really looking forward to The Real World now.
                    Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                    Last update: 14 April 2006
                    Melyanna's Multimedia
                    Last update: 15 February 2006


                      Interesting that in the episode discussion thread there were several mentions of Shep/Weir, which I found interesting. There usually isn't much ship mentioned there. Others have noticed.

                      When all else fails, change channels.


                        Well, If I may be so bold
                        but I think the scene where Shep defends her honor might just have been the best Sparky moment of the series. And it was mostly due to Torri's reaction. She had this cute little lilt to her voice. "Well, it's the thought that counts."

                        But then again
                        I thought the group scene could have been better. Where Elizabeth tries to convey her feelings. Sheppard needed to say something like "Well you don't need to get all mushy on us." I think that would have been fantastic.

                        But beyond some of the interpersonal aspects, I wasn't a huge fan of the actual plot.
                        This retrovirus arc just doesn't work for me.
                        I'm bad. I'm nationwide.


                          I just thought I'd pop in and offer up a squee! for sparkiness in yesterday's ep.


                            Originally posted by Melyanna
                            The eye contact in the briefing room just went on and on and on!
                            I counted 5 seconds of silent gazing, and then a further 3 while she's talking - and still looking at John - before she ducks her head.

                            Was 39:30 even that long? Doesn't seem so.


                              Hey, Liam, welcome back! Haven't seen you around in a while.

                              Originally posted by Liam
                              Well, If I may be so bold
                              but I think the scene where Shep defends her honor might just have been the best Sparky moment of the series. And it was mostly due to Torri's reaction. She had this cute little lilt to her voice. "Well, it's the thought that counts."
                              The whole scene was just cute beyond belief, and something I honestly never thought we'd get in this show.

                              Originally posted by Liam
                              But then again
                              I thought the group scene could have been better. Where Elizabeth tries to convey her feelings. Sheppard needed to say something like "Well you don't need to get all mushy on us." I think that would have been fantastic.
                              Well, if this show has taught me nothing else, it's never to look a gift horse in the mouth. I actually thought Rodney's attempt to alleviate the awkwardness was adorable. And I liked that, for once, it wasn't John trying to make light of the situation. He knew what he'd put Elizabeth through, and making a joke about it just wouldn't have been as sweet as telling her she didn't have to say it for them to know.

                              Originally posted by Liam
                              But beyond some of the interpersonal aspects, I wasn't a huge fan of the actual plot.
                              This retrovirus arc just doesn't work for me.
                              Ugh. I totally agree.
                              I liked the retrovirus arc at the beginning, but now it's just become a morass of horrible, horrible mistakes.
                              Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                              Last update: 14 April 2006
                              Melyanna's Multimedia
                              Last update: 15 February 2006


                                Originally posted by SallyLizzie
                                I counted 5 seconds of silent gazing, and then a further 3 while she's talking - and still looking at John - before she ducks her head.

                                Was 39:30 even that long? Doesn't seem so.
                                *checks clip file* Looks like the eye contact in 39:30 went on for twelve or thirteen seconds. But that was through mostly constant conversation and angsting.
                                This was more about them just staring at each other and not being able to talk, which is probably what made it feel so much longer.
                                Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                                Last update: 14 April 2006
                                Melyanna's Multimedia
                                Last update: 15 February 2006

