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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Hee. I loved Misbegotten (in the purely 'shippy and Lizzie-love sense. The A-plot sucked).

    Someone mentioned Lizabeth looking five years younger? I noticed that, but it was more a sense of "OMG! Torri is getting a chance to look more like herself!" And I love that. She's so much more giggly and girly out of character, from what I've seen. She was flirting so much in that "honour" scene-- I felt John didn't know quite what to make of it because it was so unusually blatant for her. I loved the lilt in her voice, teasing him.

    I loved Teyla's reaction to finding out he was alive. It made me feel like she was the delighted big sister or something like that. Very cute.

    Anybody back from San Diego yet?


      Originally posted by Liam
      There are a few slightly off-topic thoughts I want to address...
      Has Teyla ever called Sheppard "John" before? When she did it at the beginning I was thrown for a loop. Especially considering Liz's subdued reaction.
      She called him that in Condemned, when they'd all been whacked in the head a bit. Then there was the creepy bit in Conversion, but I think that's it for Season 2. I actually find it really weird when someone other than Elizabeth calls him by his first name. She's the only one who's done it with any regularity.

      But I liked Elizabeth's subdued reaction. I liked that she actually had to take a moment. She's spent so much time in the last few episodes just running around that it was nice to see her really react to something, even if it was quiet.

      Though I'm sure if John had stepped through the gate, there would have been hugging.

      Originally posted by Liam
      And another thing
      why is it that Teyla gets put in command when mommy and daddy (i.e. Elizabeth and John) are away? Why isn't Lorne or Radek in charge? That kinda bothers me.
      I'm of the opinion that she had been asked to start the search for Ford in The Intruder – something she would have been doing anyway, in all likelihood – but that someone else was actually running the city. In the case of No Man's Land, Lorne and Zelenka, along with the rest of the senior staff, weren't there. Beckett was there, but I think Elizabeth probably trusted Teyla with the operation of the city more than Beckett. She's a lot more level-headed in a crisis than he is.

      Originally posted by Liam
      And one last thought
      if Woolsey is the wolf least likley to bite Weir, does that leave open the chance Sheppard can get a little nip on her ass?
      Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
      Last update: 14 April 2006
      Melyanna's Multimedia
      Last update: 15 February 2006


        Forgive me for sounding impatient, I'll blame the local channels and their "We're still stuck in season 1" ways for my behavior, but does anyone have a transcript for Misbegotten??
        My Myspace (doesn't that seem redundant?)

        Sig courtesy of Whistler84, R.I.P.


          Originally posted by firedust22
          Forgive me for sounding impatient, I'll blame the local channels and their "We're still stuck in season 1" ways for my behavior, but does anyone have a transcript for Misbegotten??
          Not yet, sorry. I need subtitles, some of the dialogue escaped me-- *bashes her 80% hearing* Anybody have any idea where to get those? In English?


            Originally posted by Marbles
            There wasn't just an elephant in the room, they were stampeding all over the place!
            Heh, true that. And welcome

            I have to say that I loved John in this episode.
            Not just because of how he reacted to Woolsey etc,
            but in general.
            This whole retrovirus storyline is getting boring, although I liked that they showed how it is slowly getting out of hand (oh that battle for survival). The Michael and Teyla scene was also good. Many of Teyla's best scenes have been with him.
            Some of the better lines of the episode?
            "Are you my executioner?"
            "I wish!"
            *hearts Ronon*

            Now, why, during the staff meeting, did the camera cut to John and McKay like that? And why did Elizabeth's look stay on John for so long out of everyone during that moment? Who directed this episode? Or more importantly, who did the editing for this episode?


              Hello has all, Me I am new, and I am one 500%100 to shweir, I am
              French, and I board one can of evil with English, fortunately that it
              ya the dictionaries. And if not you tell what of beautiful, on shweir it?


                SG-1 Transcripts at Yahoo Groups has the transcript of Misbegotten already. I think you may have to join to access it, but registration and all that is free. If you're already a member, it's available here.
                Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                Last update: 14 April 2006
                Melyanna's Multimedia
                Last update: 15 February 2006


                  Hey everyone great thread!
                  Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


                    THANK YOU MELYANNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                    And I'm off to read up on the latest sparky! This is firedust22, saying happy shipping and good night!!

                    My Myspace (doesn't that seem redundant?)

                    Sig courtesy of Whistler84, R.I.P.


                      I'll add my thumbs up.
                      I found myself smiling at their banter in the office scene. This was one of those scenes that have led me to view them in the vein of the 1930s/40s "Screwball Comedy" romances (Philadelphia Story, Bringing up Baby, Woman of the Year, and just about any other romantic comedy Hepburn was in then).

                      However, I though the episode overall wasn't as good as last week's.
                      A lot of it seemed rushed, as if there were scenes edited out because it ran long. Part of the problem was that they never really said how many weeks it covered, though a fair amount of time (I'd guess close to a month overall) obviously passed - get hive ship working, do minimal fixes on the Dedalous (sp?) after it was tractored into the hive ship, return to Atlantis, find a planet and set up a camp for the humanized Wraith, fix both ships, plus the time Weir and Woolsey had to wait for the Asgard ship to come to Earth then get them to Atlantis which has to be at least a week or so, and however long Woolsey was on Atlantis.

                      I did like Caldwell's scene with Woolsey, not specificaly for any pro-Sparky connotations, but for his support of Sheppard and Weir. It seems he's come to see just how valuable John's ability to think outside the box is; it's saved him and his crew several times. And having to deal directly with the scientists so much recently has probably given him a better understanding of just how well John & Elizabeth keep things running, and how hard their jobs are.

                      Also like how pragmatic Woolsey is becoming. I was worried for a while about his questions, especially those that got John so riled up. But between finding out he'd been used by Kinsey, then almost getting killed his first time off world, where the IOA members made an already bad situation worse, Woolsey's priority is shifting to what's best for Earth, and by extension the SGC & Atlantis, and wording his reports for the IOA accordingly.


                        Originally posted by Vixen
                        Heh, true that. And welcome

                        I have to say that I loved John in this episode.
                        Not just because of how he reacted to Woolsey etc,
                        but in general.
                        This whole retrovirus storyline is getting boring, although I liked that they showed how it is slowly getting out of hand (oh that battle for survival). The Michael and Teyla scene was also good. Many of Teyla's best scenes have been with him.
                        Some of the better lines of the episode?
                        "Are you my executioner?"
                        "I wish!"
                        *hearts Ronon*

                        Now, why, during the staff meeting, did the camera cut to John and McKay like that? And why did Elizabeth's look stay on John for so long out of everyone during that moment? Who directed this episode? Or more importantly, who did the editing for this episode?
                        Gotta love the directing and editing here.

                        First off, welcome all NEWBIES and prodigal Sparkies!!! Glad to have your input. No mints, but I'll offer a cocktail called "Event Horizon" instead.

                        And also a cute fluffy fic here: Twist of Fate

                        And did somebody say Liz looks five years younger? Hell yes!!!
                        From Misbegotten:

                        And one of John, for good measure.

                        Awww, don't they look hawt? Now if somebody can only squish them close together....

                        And thank you Ankareeda for the vids and caps. I squeed again (unheard of!)

                        Sig made by Dana and RealmofX


                          A few Sparky caps from Misbegotten

                          The look of lurve!

                          Hee. Rodney, again, being the ever observant bunny


                            Originally posted by Ankareeda
                            Atlantis will be my death on day , it's such a horrible time here in Germany, when it's airing. Too late for staying up and too early for getting up.

                            Anyway I cut the two very squee-worthy scenes from "Misbegotten" out, for all the people who can't watch it. So enjoy! BUT BEWARE SPOILER!

                            Home Scene - You Tube Spoiler
                            Home Scene - YSI Spoiler

                            Honor Scene - You Tube Spoiler
                            Honor Scene - YSI Spoiler

                            And thank you very, very much for all the comments and green about my manip video. I'm really glad you enjoyed it!
                            THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!
                            'John Sheppard are you defending my honour?' LMAO!!
                            GO SPARKY!!!!
                            three's a crowd...
                            ahh thats better

                            aww cute.

                            I think people who don't watch Atlantis are crazy.
                            And I think people who don't watch Stargate SG-1 are equally as whacked.



                              This was posted on the John_Elizabeth livejournal, by a member named Medie:

                              "Hi all!

                              A friend is attending comic con (alas I am in Canada and thus deprived!) and texted me in utter aggravation about an hour or so ago. Apparently during their on stage session, Joe jokingly stage kissed Torri (I'm guessing the dip and smooch but I don't know) and to my friend's utter horror she didn't get a picture of it.

                              I'm guessing she's not the only one of our number there though so, did *ANYONE* snag a shot of this momentous occasion and want to share the pretty? *pleading look*"

                              My response?

                              You know, I'm resolutely not going to squee because it's Joe and Torri, and not John and Elizabeth, and I have major problems with any hint that people ship actual real people, but when I read this, I didn't imagine Joe doing a dip and smooch on Torri - I imagined John doing a dip and smooch on Elizabeth, and *that* made my brain explode.

                              Also, it's just sweet that Joe and Torri are comfortable and friendly enough to joke around with each other like this!

                              Anyway, just thought I'd share!
                              My Livejournal, feel free to friend me.


                                Originally posted by Ironic
                                This was posted on the John_Elizabeth livejournal, by a member named Medie:

                                "Hi all!

                                A friend is attending comic con (alas I am in Canada and thus deprived!) and texted me in utter aggravation about an hour or so ago. Apparently during their on stage session, Joe jokingly stage kissed Torri (I'm guessing the dip and smooch but I don't know) and to my friend's utter horror she didn't get a picture of it.

                                I'm guessing she's not the only one of our number there though so, did *ANYONE* snag a shot of this momentous occasion and want to share the pretty? *pleading look*"

                                My response?

                                You know, I'm resolutely not going to squee because it's Joe and Torri, and not John and Elizabeth, and I have major problems with any hint that people ship actual real people, but when I read this, I didn't imagine Joe doing a dip and smooch on Torri - I imagined John doing a dip and smooch on Elizabeth, and *that* made my brain explode.

                                Also, it's just sweet that Joe and Torri are comfortable and friendly enough to joke around with each other like this!

                                Anyway, just thought I'd share!

                                *comes out of lurk-mode for a bit* omg, for real? Eeek...wouldn't Joe's wife mind? I know if my husband went around smooching other women, I'd get a little p.o.ed about it.

                                other than that, i am SO HAPPY about EVERYTHING that's been happening in the new season!!! but i had a question...does anyone know what happened to the transcripts that gateworld puts up? i really liked how the person here writes the transcripts.

                                i hope that this draws out for a while. i actually hope john and elizabeth don't end up together that soon. I hope there's a LOT of tension and flirting between them meanwhile though...because that would keep us happy (I would keep me happy anyway! ).

                                lub lub!

                                p.s. can anyone post transcripts? it's apparently going to take a while to join that yahoo group that provides transcripts because the moderator needs to approve. thanks in advance!

                                *re-enters lurking mode*

