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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Royal_Nonesuch
    As for the Cooper quote, not sure where Pocus' quote comes from, but there is a nice one form him in the Episode Guide. Here it is:

    "You go in with certain intentions...For example we originally hoped that the Weir/Sheppard relationship would be the Jackson/O'Neill relationshiop but in reverse, with the civillian being in charge of the military man. But as you have probably seen, that relationship has evolved much differently. In fact, Sheppard and Weir don't clash much at all and the coinflict we envisioned between them doesn't seem to work when we try . Part of thisis because Weir is not on the team,and part of it is because of the tone of Atlantis. People seem to want to see our heores fighting the Wraith--not each other." (Gosling 21)
    Hmmm, sounds famaliar. Even I am not sure if this is the article I was thinking of. For some reason I remember the article saying that Caldwell was brought in specifically to be the antagonist. Your quote brings out the same idea about Shep/Weir. Thanks for quoting it. I definitely agree that I like Shep and Weir working together. It is kind of difficult to pull off a true antagonistic relationship when the two people involved keep looking into each other's eyes deeply and mentally planning a late night meeting involving strawberries and chocolate.

    I spent a few hours last night looking thru things I had read recently. It is going to bug me now. Oh well.


      Originally posted by Pocus
      I definitely agree that I like Shep and Weir working together. It is kind of difficult to pull off a true antagonistic relationship when the two people involved keep looking into each other's eyes deeply and mentally planning a late night meeting involving strawberries and chocolate.
      hehe good call
      three's a crowd...
      ahh thats better

      aww cute.

      I think people who don't watch Atlantis are crazy.
      And I think people who don't watch Stargate SG-1 are equally as whacked.



        Originally posted by Pocus
        Hmmm, sounds famaliar. Even I am not sure if this is the article I was thinking of. For some reason I remember the article saying that Caldwell was brought in specifically to be the antagonist.
        I remember the same quote, too, but I'm having a lot of trouble finding it. I think it may have been something in the early print media from last season.

        To be honest, I'd like to see John and Elizabeth have another argument in the same vein as Hot Zone, but given how close they've been lately, I think it would really blow up into something spectacular. I doubt insubordination would come into it, but it'd be nice to see a really heated argument between them. Fundamentally they're very much alike, but they do have some pretty stark differences at times, and I think John's still enough of a maverick to stand up and tell her she's wrong.

        Besides, fiction teaches us that these kinds of arguments are when unintentional admissions of feelings happen.
        Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
        Last update: 14 April 2006
        Melyanna's Multimedia
        Last update: 15 February 2006


          Originally posted by Melyanna
          I remember the same quote, too, but I'm having a lot of trouble finding it. I think it may have been something in the early print media from last season.
          There's some reference to Caldwell being an antagonist in GW's interview with Mitch Pileggi last July (found here). Don't know if that's what you're thinking of - he actually talked more about trying to keep Caldwell from simply being an antagonist.

          *drops back into lurkerdom for a while*
          ~La (I used to be a lurker, but this place just sucks you in...)
          The Nameless Forest. Also, my LJ, where you can find my fic attempts.


            KerMcG90- Beautiful banner, Well Done!!!!

            Now, as for similarities between other characters on other shows. They are bound to always exsist. It can pretty neat or entirely frustrating. What I like about John and Elizabeth is that(despite a few random similarities) they are a "new animal".

            I think that there is an inherent unuiqeness to them that helps to build a realistic, compatible and even passionate(however understated it may be) relationship. A relationship that to me, covers a full spectrum of emotions and ideas and desires. As stated before, I not just talking about "romance".....their responcibilities, their friendship, their ideas of leadership and much, much more. That is why I stand by them..........

            Btw, nice photo's everyone!

            Happy Posting
            It doesn't matter what you believe in, just believe in something. I believe in myself, in others, in Love, in peace and Health and well-being for ALL.....


              Originally posted by LurkerLa
              There's some reference to Caldwell being an antagonist in GW's interview with Mitch Pileggi last July (found here). Don't know if that's what you're thinking of - he actually talked more about trying to keep Caldwell from simply being an antagonist.

              *drops back into lurkerdom for a while*
              I'm reminded of this item from a summary of the Trinity commentary.
              "Joe Flanigan didn’t like the argument in Weir’s office where Sheppard sided with Caldwell instead of with Weir like he usually does. Martin explained that Sheppard had to side with Caldwell because McKay had entrusted him (Sheppard) with the job of persuading Weir to let them go back." So he's made up his mind that they can't be antagonists. Hmm. And since everything JF says about relationships is carved in stone, I guess it's true.
              But I certainly agree. They need a good riproaring, airclearing, heartpumping, fingerpointing, spitflying scene kind of like the first balcony argument in the pilot. *And she goes to slap his face, and he grabs her wrists, and shakes her and then she knees him in the groin gives him the eyebrow of doom, but instead of letting her go he kisses her senseless...I got nothin'.

              Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                Woo Hoo!!!! I found the article I was thinking about! (of course you guys are probably tired of the subject by now, but I just had to get it out of my head).

                It is an interview with Torri H. in Dreamwatch Magazine that someone had scanned and put in their LJ. That is why I am not linking it. I will just give you the excerpt that I was thinking of:

                "Mitch Pileggie has been a joy to work with, even though he is obviously and antagonist for my character." she notes. "They brought Mitch in to take the place of the conflict between Weir and Sheppard, because the producers felt the audience preferred Sheppard and Weir to more like allies"
                Dreamwatch Magazine Feb 06. Article starts on page 37.

                Whew! Now my brain can get on with other things.


                  Now on to the next subject! Arguements!!!

                  IMO, a good rip-roaring, jaw clenching , nostril flaring arguement is just what every relationship needs occasionally to breathe new life into it. See my sig for a hint about how I see adversity. I find that it helps to clear the air, relieve stress, and change the predictable pattern that some couples get into.

                  I have been with my hubby for 15 years (as of yesterday) and we don't argue much. He is my best friend and the one I always go to for advice, comfort, or fun. BUT, there are times I could string him up with the dog leash! I find that after a little (or not so little) tiff, we are closer than we were before and have a deeper understanding of who the other person is at this point in life.

                  I want that for our Sparky couple.


                    Originally posted by Vala_Black
                    i dont think TPTB shoulve said Teyla is Sheppard's potential love interest in the first place and shouldve waited for the natural interaction between characters and develop on that.

                    Sparky forever!

                    I went into the show not having any idea of this original plan. The ship between them just went right by me. I don't usually go looking for ship. I look for actors who have good chemistry. I noticed Torri and Joe had good chemistry.


                      Originally posted by Pocus
                      Woo Hoo!!!! I found the article I was thinking about! (of course you guys are probably tired of the subject by now, but I just had to get it out of my head).

                      It is an interview with Torri H. in Dreamwatch Magazine that someone had scanned and put in their LJ. That is why I am not linking it. I will just give you the excerpt that I was thinking of:

                      "Mitch Pileggie has been a joy to work with, even though he is obviously and antagonist for my character." she notes. "They brought Mitch in to take the place of the conflict between Weir and Sheppard, because the producers felt the audience preferred Sheppard and Weir to more like allies"
                      Dreamwatch Magazine Feb 06. Article starts on page 37.

                      Whew! Now my brain can get on with other things.
                      Yay, you found it! I had a feeling it was a magazine quote, but I had no idea when it was said or who said it. I like the remark Joe made in the Trinity commentary as well, but again, I'd like to see a good argument between them sometime.

                      And Athena directed me to take a look at SciFi's main website, where they've got little ads up for Friday's shows, and what should they be using for Atlantis but this? (Vague summary of "The Misbegotten" on the image.) I just find it highly, highly amusing that the network keeps using John and Elizabeth like this.

                      ETA: This is a Photoshop job, by the way. Well, I'm almost certain. I believe that image of Elizabeth is the same one that's on the Elizabeth wallpaper at SciFi's site. So one or the other has been Photoshopped.
                      Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                      Last update: 14 April 2006
                      Melyanna's Multimedia
                      Last update: 15 February 2006


                        Originally posted by Melyanna
                        And Athena directed me to take a look at SciFi's main website, where they've got little ads up for Friday's shows, and what should they be using for Atlantis but this? (Vague summary of "The Misbegotten" on the image.) I just find it highly, highly amusing that the network keeps using John and Elizabeth like this.

                        ETA: This is a Photoshop job, by the way. Well, I'm almost certain. I believe that image of Elizabeth is the same one that's on the Elizabeth wallpaper at SciFi's site. So one or the other has been Photoshopped.
                        *compares it with her desktop*

                        Hmm. Maybe. Though the shirt she's wearing in the promo pic is a bit darker in colour than the one on the wallpaper. I do think they used the original base image with the gate and the water for this also, though.

                        At least now we have an explanation of the episode title.

                        Also... new group wallpaper at the SciFi site. Woot!


                          Originally posted by Trialia
                          *compares it with her desktop*

                          Hmm. Maybe. Though the shirt she's wearing in the promo pic is a bit darker in colour than the one on the wallpaper. I do think they used the original base image with the gate and the water for this also, though.

                          At least now we have an explanation of the episode title.

                          Also... new group wallpaper at the SciFi site. Woot!
                          I just looked again at the wallpapers, and this image is almost certainly a cut-and-paste job of the two images used in the John desktop and the Elizabeth desktop. They've just played around a bit with the contrast levels, especially with Elizabeth, probably to make them match a bit better. They've also done something weird to her hair, but that doesn't surprise me much. For some reason, the amateur manips I've seen have generally overmatched the "professional" ones by miles. (Honestly, the TV Guide cover last year? That was one of the worst Photoshop jobs I've ever seen, and I'm not saying that because I'm not overly fond of the subject matter. )
                          Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                          Last update: 14 April 2006
                          Melyanna's Multimedia
                          Last update: 15 February 2006


                            ...What was that about 'personal space'? (spoilers, possibly for Progeny?)



                              Originally posted by Trialia
                              ...What was that about 'personal space'? (spoilers, possibly for Progeny?)

                              Hehe, I think what makes me happiest about that picture is
                              that Elizabeth's wearing a vest. But I think I've ranted on this topic recently, so I'll leave that alone.

                              Anyway, yup, that picture is cute. I'm kind of hoping that John takes it upon himself in this episode to protect her a bit. Just a couple more weeks till Major Winchester we find out.
                              Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                              Last update: 14 April 2006
                              Melyanna's Multimedia
                              Last update: 15 February 2006


                                Originally posted by Melyanna
                                Hehe, I think what makes me happiest about that picture is
                                that Elizabeth's wearing a vest. But I think I've ranted on this topic recently, so I'll leave that alone.

                                Anyway, yup, that picture is cute. I'm kind of hoping that John takes it upon himself in this episode to protect her a bit. Just a couple more weeks till Major Winchester we find out.
                                Oh, yeah, I love that too, but what I have to love most, in a shippy way, is the fact that
                                those two are the only ones of the gang touching each other at all, even in close proximity. Do the others smell or something?

                                In a character or actress way... I just love that Lizzie looks so tiny next to John and Rodney. <3

