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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Erised

    A very Sparky End
    I just put a part of the end there though. Before that Lizzie and John were talking about how they were screaming all the time but no words would come out..

    It was very sparky but I thought that some people who have dial-up would take too much time to download.
    Thanks for that Erised and everyone else who has put up spoilers etc. I shouldn't have looked, but just can't help myself! Really looking forward to seeing this in a few weeks time.

    When they feel a bit better, they SO need to push those beds together!!!


      Originally posted by Athenaktt
      Jenova is right, there is so much more in the episode that is squee worthy. Other than that to make more of one line then it really was. I think we need to look at the bigger picture here.
      John is a hopeless romantic. And he's hopelessly in love with Elizabeth.

      Also I believed he called Elizabeth "Elizabeth" for pretty much the whole episode...well, when he was himself, I mean.
      Sure on that last one? Thought he called her Lizbeth.

      I know it's not called Sparky bc of the spark but if one ep deserves to be mentioned as THE sparky ep it's TLG!
      What an intense eye-sex!


        *depressed after Long Goodbye - wanted more*
        gumboYaYa: you are all beautiful, your words and openness are what make that shine. don't forget how much talent love and beauty you all have.
        so for now, peace love love love more love and happy, and thank you, thank you, thank you
        love Torri


          After reading all of u guys' opionions about the episode I have to say that I can't wait to see it now.
          Erised: Thanks so much for the vids.

          Rodney's face when John/Liz kiss is priceless.

          Thanks wizengamot for the link to the screencaps.

          McKay: Oh, believe me that's not the first thing we tried.
          Sheppard: I shot him.... In the leg.

          Ford: How can something as big as Atlantis just sink?
          Sheppard: I'm sure the passengers on the Titanic were asking themselves the same question?!

          McKay: You're right- if only we had a magical tool that could slow down time. I foolishly left mine on Earth - did you bring yours?

          McKay: I will try, but despite what you all may think, I am not Superman


            Originally posted by Qasim
            *depressed after Long Goodbye - wanted more*
            Meh, same here. At least both parties were consensual this time.


              Originally posted by Qasim
              *depressed after Long Goodbye - wanted more*
              Feel that way, too (a little). I like what I've seen. It's a great episode.
              Hopefully the few next episodes will be as good as TLG.

              I just noticed there are only 4 more eps from S2! Then we have to wait until June or July...


                Originally posted by Jenova Synthesis
                I just noticed there are only 4 more eps from S2! Then we have to wait until June or July...
                *gets more depressed*

                *has sudden urge to start a petition to replace SGA with the "Shep/Weir weekly shipfest"*
                gumboYaYa: you are all beautiful, your words and openness are what make that shine. don't forget how much talent love and beauty you all have.
                so for now, peace love love love more love and happy, and thank you, thank you, thank you
                love Torri


                  Originally posted by Qasim
                  *gets more depressed*

                  *has sudden urge to start a petition to replace SGA with the "Shep/Weir weekly shipfest"*
                  *signing in*

                  But I'm sure fanfics will fill the time well. And vids and other projects too of course.

                  I think I got too much optimism for breakfast


                    Squishes & snuggles thread!

                    Lurker No More!! Whew... I'm back! Christmas kinda kicked my @$$ this year!

                    My random TLG thoughts... which seems like I should be posting in the general episode thread, but most other GW threads scare me... ha! you can't make me go!


                    The "line" we've all been waiting for was, meh... of course the casual shippy veiwer may think hmmm?... He care for her more than wha?!, but not!John was as much of a liar as not!Elizabeth. He was trying to play on Teylas feelings. So whatever. That was of the good.

                    Not enough $#@^ Ronon! grr. OMG getting shot is hot! (er... on TV)

                    Major!hottie Lorne needs a haircut RFN!

                    OK, apparently everyone looked hot in this episode Beckett! McKay!

                    I loved the ep!!!
                    It just wasn't very shippy to me. It's weird, it's not like I'm expecting them to declare their undying love get married and live happily ever after, like a romance novel... but gimme SOMETHING!!! (I prefer painful something, which may be my problem.)

                    Maybe, IMHO, the second half of the season, just isn't doing it for me. Can't really put my finger on why? I'm definately catching shipper apathy. Mel calls hers zen. I'm just getting meh.

                    But it's still all good. I think I may be developing a ship/split personality.

                    Hey! New smilies-> wee! And HELP! How do they spell Ronon? Ronan?


                      Originally posted by Athenaktt

                      And you know what...this is the closest we are ever going to get with Elizabeth waking up with John next to her in the morning. So....that just means they spent the night together. Sure it was in the infirmary, but they did spend the night together.
                      hahaaa Athena, this is so true!
                      Not to mention the fact that he said "Good Mornring" to her. I know, I know, you say that to everybody, but didn't it just sound extremely sparky?


                        I always find the 'placement' of certain lines fascinating. I think sometimes if you listen, you can also hear the writer's voice coming out in the story. John/Halan said something incredibly intriguing right after
                        the kiss.
                        He said to Elizabeth/Phoebus, "That's not what I expected..." Now, while on the surface that is just a line to indicate that Halan expected Phoebus to 'attack'' rather than kiss him.
                        However, as an old xf shipper, I learned that sometimes a line is just a line and sometimes, it's not. If like me, you believe the writers send theme messages via scripted lines then that line has multiple meanings and just as surely as halan was speaking to phoebus, so was john speaking to elizabeth and the writer to his audience. John didn't 'expect' what is happening with elizabeth. He didn't expect or anticipate in any way the surprising feelings developing within this relationship. He is caught off guard and unprepared. He is a man without a 'plan' or without a 'guide'. The situation is new and he finds himself floundering. The writer also may be telling us that this 'thing' between shep and weir has very much caught he and the rest of tptb off guard and they are as stunned as shep is by the turn of events.

                        I think it's interesting to look at what was said to Teyla after that
                        AU kiss by wraithagression! shep. He backed away and said..."That was interesting..." It was almost like he'd thought about perhaps what she'd be like to kiss before and found her interesting and fascinating on some levels.
                        It reminded me of a scientist who might be conducting an 'experiment'. The writer there also seems to be saying..."We believe this could be interesting...but..."

                        It all keeps coming back to one thing for Sheppard. And that's the one PERSON he keeps coming back to time after time. The one person he seeks out and is drawn to talk to; to laugh with; to think with, share with and challenge. And it's the one person that is always there for him. Elizabeth.


                          Originally posted by Qasim
                          *depressed after Long Goodbye - wanted more*
                          There is always season 3 to hope for.

                          Can you wait until next summer?

                          When all else fails, change channels.


                            Oh.. my.. god. Just watched TLG (stupid internet dying last night! Argh!) and I have a new favorite episode!
                            So the "he cares for you line" didn't come out like we'd hoped, but the infirmary scene totally made up for it! Torri had me in stitches with the embarrassment! That last shot, where Liz kinda sinks down on the pillow was just hilarious! I can definitely see it as awkward between them in a sense like a kid that just got caught kissing her crush and is embarrassed about it.

                            And during that kiss... well, Carson and Rodney certainly didn't mind! Actually, it seemed to me like they liked the idea. I loved the "hopeless romantic" line - cracked me up!

                            I'm definitely off to watch this one again...
                            "Sometimes we reach what's realest by making believe..."
                            My LiveJournal - My Photography - My Art


                              Originally posted by xfkirsten
                              Oh.. my.. god. Just watched TLG (stupid internet dying last night! Argh!) and I have a new favorite episode!
                              So the "he cares for you line" didn't come out like we'd hoped, but the infirmary scene totally made up for it! Torri had me in stitches with the embarrassment! That last shot, where Liz kinda sinks down on the pillow was just hilarious! I can definitely see it as awkward between them in a sense like a kid that just got caught kissing her crush and is embarrassed about it.

                              And during that kiss... well, Carson and Rodney certainly didn't mind! Actually, it seemed to me like they liked the idea. I loved the "hopeless romantic" line - cracked me up!

                              I'm definitely off to watch this one again...
                              Great description! Agree with every observation and 'read' you have into this scene.


                                I think someone needs to write a fanfiction about what's going through our sparkys minds during The Long Goodbye
                                Don't look at me. I'm a horrible writer
                                Michael? Dorka? *wink*

                                Originally posted by xfkirsten

                                And during that kiss... well, Carson and Rodney certainly didn't mind! Actually, it seemed to me like they liked the idea.

                                I'm definitely off to watch this one again...
                                it seemed like they weren't that much surprised, and that they have already noticed something between John and Lizzie. Sure they weren't themselves, but I have a feeling that if someone else became Thalan and Phoebus!Lizzie kissed him, the reactions would have been waaay different.

                                hehe nevermind... just a crazy idea of an extremely obsessed shipper

