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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Vixen
    But-but, they're supposed to be John's weakness

    Seriously though, are tptb even aware of the fans' reaction to it?

    I read an interesting theory based on tptb's and JF declarations about hot aliens on SGA, and i'm finding it to make more and more sense. I don't remember where i read this, but i'ts not the ifrst time someone's voiced this concern. That the women are tptb's response to the slashers, tptb want to make absolutely sure that *everyone* knows that Sheppard is heterosexual, which is why they put him in these situations always showing interest in hot women.


      Originally posted by Erised
      Yes yes the hug was awesome and extremely squeee-worthy but this season the writers showed too much ship on Lizzie's side and not enough on John's side... which.. makes the hug.. not so significant anymore.
      I expect John to throw his arms around her at the end of "The Real World"!
      awwww... i would soooo love that... *imagines*.... soo right... and Lizzie deserves a hug!!!!!!!
      ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


        Originally posted by Bama
        I love how a lot of her internal stress is related to John too. I'd love to see the two of them get into a discussion and John ask her "What has happened to put you on edge so?" and I'd love to hear her answer! If she's honest, and if he's honest they'll both realize that her constant stress over John and the other's well-being is a big part of that.
        I agree Bama. I think the John related stress that Elizabeth feels comes from two completely different angles. One, they're very, very close. They understand each other. There's a level of comfort there between those two characters. They can muck around, play around, flirt and it just isn't tense. There's a natural connection. The second thing is that Elizabeth has just one person who understands what she's going through, and that's John. They're the two leaders of this thing that they never imagined they'd be involved in. They rely on each other.

        If something happened to John, she'd be losing her right hand man, leaving her on her own with nobody she trusts to deal with issues on Atlantis, and she'd also be losing her closest friend.

        The only other one I can realistically se Elizabeth having any kind of personal connection with is Carson, as a close friend, becaus of his role as the doctor and being a nurturing sort of character...


          Originally posted by Luz
          I read an interesting theory based on tptb's and JF declarations about hot aliens on SGA, and i'm finding it to make more and more sense. I don't remember where i read this, but i'ts not the ifrst time someone's voiced this concern. That the women are tptb's response to the slashers, tptb want to make absolutely sure that *everyone* knows that Sheppard is heterosexual, which is why they put him in these situations always showing interest in hot women.
          OMG, now that theory is interesting...and disturbing on so many levels. TPTB don't listen to their audience and, God forbid, shippers and fanfic writers, but to the slashers?! I mean, don't get me wrong, everybody is free to write and think and see whatever they want. Just the fact that it's not my cup of tea doesn't make it worth less than aynthing else. But why on earth is this particular group supposed to be more significant than we are...or others for that matter? Besides, putting him with another chick every second week just to make sure he doesn't come across as gay is like killing a lab rat every second week to show that they really really really die when you put them in boiling water. (bad example, my apologies!) What's the point? People will always see what they want to see.

          Btw, I read this particular JF quote too. He said something to the extend that he was a simple-minded guy who wanted action and hot girls. Besides the fact that I'm not really impressed with this attitude, I was like 'yeah right, that's gonna make good character development in the next...what...15 seasons?!' I really wonder where that comes from.

          Originally posted by Bama
          Hmmmm...any idea on how many 'female' viewers there are in the SGA audience? I notice that many /majority of posters here are female but I don't know on the overall breakdown. I'd find that Nielsen info interesting.

          As far as I know there's definitely a majority of female viewers for both SG-1 and SGA but unfortunately I don't have any exact number. Would be interesting though. Maybe someone else can come up with stats?


            Originally posted by Erised
            Yes yes the hug was awesome and extremely squeee-worthy but this season the writers showed too much ship on Lizzie's side and not enough on John's side... which.. makes the hug.. not so significant anymore.
            I expect John to throw his arms around her at the end of "The Real World"!
            Hmm. You know what, Erised? I think it'd be great if they did the sort of thing they did with Mulder and Scully on X Files. Remember when she was sick? Remember that scene in the hospital, when she'd been diagnosed with cancer. She was standing there in a dressing gown in a hallway, and he was stressed because she was sick, and there was a hug. Do you remember the feel of that scene? That sort of thing would be good. Perhaps with Elizabeth's concerns about the situation she's in, and the fact that she's worried about her leadership skills...


              AHHHH Memento Mori MY FAVE ep! Cos it was all about how hard he was willing to fight for her survival while she sort of resorted to *sound incredibly cliche* throwing in the towel. But she knew he was out there fighting for her just because she understood the kind of person he was. Their friendship.... *swoony for the third time today*

              Okay, now I know what you're talkin' bout there alyssa.
              ~Friendship is like peeing your pants, everyone can see it but only you can feel the true warmth. ~


                Originally posted by Erised
                Yes yes the hug was awesome and extremely squeee-worthy but this season the writers showed too much ship on Lizzie's side and not enough on John's side... which.. makes the hug.. not so significant anymore.
                I expect John to throw his arms around her at the end of "The Real World"!
                Season 3 definitely needs to show more ship from John's side. And I think after "the real world", Liz is definitely going to need a hug, and I hope John will be willing to give it to her. *hint hint ptb* John throwing his arms around her to comfort her, and just genuinely show her he cares would help to show that no matter what alien chicks they've thrown at John, the only one he truly cares about is Elizabeth. And that no matter what happens, he's going to be there for her when she needs him the most.


                  Originally posted by GateByte
                  Season 3 definitely needs to show more ship from John's side. And I think after "the real world", Liz is definitely going to need a hug, and I hope John will be willing to give it to her. *hint hint ptb* John throwing his arms around her to comfort her, and just genuinely show her he cares would help to show that no matter what alien chicks they've thrown at John, the only one he truly cares about is Elizabeth. And that no matter what happens, he's going to be there for her when she needs him the most.

                  Nicely said, GB!! That's the thing. Regardless of the alien chicks, Elizabeth is the only one you actually see him having any real connection/conversation with


                    Originally posted by sunny
                    AHHHH Memento Mori MY FAVE ep! Cos it was all about how hard he was willing to fight for her survival while she sort of resorted to *sound incredibly cliche* throwing in the towel. But she knew he was out there fighting for her just because she understood the kind of person he was. Their friendship.... *swoony for the third time today*

                    Okay, now I know what you're talkin' bout there alyssa.
                    It is a wonderful ep. And I honestly believe that Torri and Joe have an amazing David/Gillian style connection on screen


                      Originally posted by alyssa
                      Nicely said, GB!! That's the thing. Regardless of the alien chicks, Elizabeth is the only one you actually see him having any real connection/conversation with
                      i second that!!!!!! it is a plain truth!!!!!!!

                      friends of mine that are anti shippers even say that if there had to be ship, it wouls be John and Elizabeth!!!!! W00T!!!!!!!!!!!
                      ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


                        Originally posted by Lexa Jayde
                        i second that!!!!!! it is a plain truth!!!!!!!

                        friends of mine that are anti shippers even say that if there had to be ship, it wouls be John and Elizabeth!!!!! W00T!!!!!!!!!!!

                        I know what you mean, Lexa. I have a friend who's a Sam/Jack shipper who watches Atlantis, but isn't obsessed (like us ). She sees Shep/Weir, because there's a friendship there. They've either worked hard to set that up (tptb) or Torri and Joe just know how to work the lines they're given to add that something more to them.


                          Originally posted by alyssa
                          Hmm. You know what, Erised? I think it'd be great if they did the sort of thing they did with Mulder and Scully on X Files. Remember when she was sick? Remember that scene in the hospital, when she'd been diagnosed with cancer. She was standing there in a dressing gown in a hallway, and he was stressed because she was sick, and there was a hug. Do you remember the feel of that scene? That sort of thing would be good. Perhaps with Elizabeth's concerns about the situation she's in, and the fact that she's worried about her leadership skills...
                          I remember that scene. It was so well done, and I think that it would be a perfect scene between S and W. It showed the care and concern that close friends have for one another, and it also allowed for Scully to let down her walls and lean on someone for support. If that is to happen on SGA, the only person I can think of whom Weir would let close enough to see her like that is Shep. Carson I think she considers a good friend, but I don't think she considers Shep as much 'under her command' as Carson. Technically he still of course, but I think the mentality that he has kind of 'joint' leadership (since he has a lot of influence with Weir) is becoming more prevelant. She is turning to him when she needs a friend to lean on, and also when she is unsure of her decision, whether something was 'right' or 'wrong'.

                          Lovebar made by natz099
                          My LJ * Forgotten-Secrets


                            Originally posted by SapphireJewelledQueen
                            I remember that scene. It was so well done, and I think that it would be a perfect scene between S and W. It showed the care and concern that close friends have for one another, and it also allowed for Scully to let down her walls and lean on someone for support. If that is to happen on SGA, the only person I can think of whom Weir would let close enough to see her like that is Shep. Carson I think she considers a good friend, but I don't think she considers Shep as much 'under her command' as Carson. Technically he still of course, but I think the mentality that he has kind of 'joint' leadership (since he has a lot of influence with Weir) is becoming more prevelant. She is turning to him when she needs a friend to lean on, and also when she is unsure of her decision, whether something was 'right' or 'wrong'.

                            Agree completely Sapph. And how many days til you go to Vancouver to meet Joe??

                            I think a scene like that would work well. Elizabeth is very Scully like in a lot of ways. Very much in control. She's the serious, sensible one. She has the weight of the world (universe!) on her shoulders...


                              Originally posted by SapphireJewelledQueen
                              I remember that scene. It was so well done, and I think that it would be a perfect scene between S and W. It showed the care and concern that close friends have for one another, and it also allowed for Scully to let down her walls and lean on someone for support. If that is to happen on SGA, the only person I can think of whom Weir would let close enough to see her like that is Shep. Carson I think she considers a good friend, but I don't think she considers Shep as much 'under her command' as Carson. Technically he still of course, but I think the mentality that he has kind of 'joint' leadership (since he has a lot of influence with Weir) is becoming more prevelant. She is turning to him when she needs a friend to lean on, and also when she is unsure of her decision, whether something was 'right' or 'wrong'.
                              Slightly off topic, but I'm loving your sig Sapph! It's very cute. I tried to give you green, but I have to spread the love. May go looking for green recipients....


                                Ali, nope I don't remember that scene... haven't watched X-Files in ages, and I don't think I ever saw that episode.

                                Sapph, I agree. She is turning to him for assistance. This is why I loved Critical Mass so much. It showed that Lizzie can trust and talk to John about what is on her mind. And he did a great job with telling her that she did what she had to do. I wish we got to see that kind of interaction more.

                                and we finally beat the forum record. Almost 1000 people. Beats the hell out of summer premiere

                                Oh and I think SG-1 finale totally kicked arse. SGA didn't

