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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Carson pic spam from the Long Goodbye (click to enlarge)



      » Love your signature, Haliyah! And lovely piccies watcher652! *thunky*

      » I've seen the Lifetime movie, does anyone know where to get the soundtrack? *searches*

      » And ... the times is funky. Until it's fixed it's gonna seriously irk me


        ahh HAIR in TLG


          Originally posted by watcher652 View Post
          If you know anybody who needs a room or has space in their room for the San Diego Comic Con, send me a PM. I'd like to share with someone who likes Paul so we can talk about him. Or someone who watches Stargate. Or watches science fiction on tv, I can recognize most shows. Actually, I just need room mates!

          I have a room at a well known hotel chain less than 4 miles from the convention center, but I need some room mates to offset the cost. Or I could switch if they have room for one small person.

          The SDCC has a room mate request on its site, but that's my last resort. Which at this late date looks like I might have to use. 8^(
          Some corrections to my original post:

          1) The hotel is about 1.2 miles from the convention center. It looks like about 12 blocks on the map, which is closer than some of the official con hotels. It's in the same price range as the con hotels.

          2) The con doesn't have a room mate request service. I don't why I thought that. I'm sure they don't want to have any responsibility if something should go wrong between people. They have a blog where people can comment on the hotel situation.

          My kind of guy:
          "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
          Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
          (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


            finally got a chance to see Paul's new movie. yum yum


              Originally posted by Jersey13 View Post
              I got my federal tax refund back in early March while I was in Ireland... I really ought to use it to pay off the rest of the loan for my car, but I will still have plenty left over for some spending money at FedCon.

              EDIT: Has everybody here seen Paul's Lifetime movie? Is there anyone who hasn't, but wants to? PM me.
              I want... PM you


                Joe Mallozzi posted some really nice pics of Paul and Nicole





                  (((((Haliyah))))))!!!! You can go!

                  The hotel room I've booked costs $119 a night. Now, since Idlewild still isn't sure and you couldn't make it (at that point), I'd resigned myself to the idea of covering the entire cost. So, if $25 or $30 a night works for you, I'd be happy to divide it up that way if it means you'd be able to make it.

                  As for my friend, she realized the con is held on Father's Day weekend, so she won't be able to make it. So, it's back to plan A and the three of us (or 4 if TJinLoca still needs a room Sunday night). Other options include checking prices on other nearby (walking distance) hotels, but I think the con rate might be as cheap as we'll find.

                  Ugh, I don't want to think about money anymore tonight. I spent the day depressing myself realizing I can just barely scrape together enough to afford the trashy, low-income apartments by my grad school, IF I get the job as a T.A. I'm supposed to get as well as some other part-time job, and if no money-draining disasters come up. I may end up living at home for another few years and commuting the hour to campus. Wouldn't be that different from undergrad and as a paying tenant, my mom's partner couldn't tell me what to do anymore. I'm probably insane to continue planning to go to FedCon USA, but the money's already committed and I'm more concerned about how to earn enough regularly after the move up there, so... But, stuff to worry about tomorrow. Tonight, there's lovely pics of Paul on JM's blog (and Nicole without Trill spots, which is still odd to me), my muse is eagerly feeding me fic ideas, Haliyah might join us in Dallas, and there's chocolate pie in the fridge. Not a bad way to end a day.

                  Oh, and no, I completely forgot Paul's movie was coming up and was at graduation while it aired. (Long, boring graduation too, but for the mariachi band at the end and hearing my name mispronounced.) Will it be re-airing anytime soon? The pics posted look really interesting!



                    haha those pics have made me a shipper >_< can't help myself. multishipping is a way of life...

                    I didn't manage to finish watching Paul's movie before I went to work, but it was as I said before "yum".


                      .:I wouldn't feel right dividing it unequally; it seems you're in as dire a spot as I for money right now, but, as you said, the money's already committed. I will, however, need to budget quite stringently, so I need to know. I'm just wondering if I should book a flight yet...

                      .:On a slightly OT side note...DOES NICOLE DEBOER NEVER AGE?! O.O


                        Originally posted by HyperCaz View Post
                        haha those pics have made me a shipper >_< can't help myself. multishipping is a way of life...

                        .:LOL! I'll have to see how the characters interact, but they are damn adorable, aren't they?


                          Yeah adorable

                          hmm well thanks to Jersey, I bring 3 screencaps from MMD&H. Please don't make me write out the title lol. You might go "THREE? HyperCaz only made THREE screencaps?"

                          There is a reason, and I'm sorry. I lack a certain something, which doesn't let the movie play in a certain something, so had to go to plan B. Meaning that I can't make any more than one cap per scene.



                          I have failed you all!

                          *glomps Jersey*


                            .:Yay Cazcaps!

                            .:I wish thee the ability to acquire what thou doth need. :3

                            .:Is he wearing contacts? O.O He looks kinda...hazel. *tilts head*

                            .:...Am I the only one that wants to print out the last one and gouge a pen through his ring? Repeatedly? < : (

                            .:*extremely scared of herself*


                              Originally posted by idlewild202 View Post
                              YAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!! You can go!! Oh I am so happy for you

                              As for room costs, I have absolutely no idea! SETI did book a room (I think), but then she was telling me something about she has a friend who is going who has points to get a super cheap room at another hotel within walking distance of the hyatt. I haven't given it much thought cuz I still have no idea if I am going or not! My check still hasn't cleared ...and I gotta admit, that money is starting to look awfully tempting to use on my horse's vet bill (nothing wrong, just regular check ups/vaccinations/paperwork/etc.)

                              I really really WANT to go! Just not sure if I will be able to or not!! *crosses fingers for luck*

                              p.s. OMG... you brought back the iPaul! I just so love that siggy!

                              .:Whoa. I completely missed this post. O_o

                              .:Oooooh, I really hope you can come! D: I know you'd still be welcome to bunk with us!

                              .:^_^ Yep! It was getting a little stale down 'round my sig. I thought iPaul would be just the perfect thing to freshen it up.


                                Originally posted by Haliyah View Post

                                .:...Am I the only one that wants to print out the last one and gouge a pen through his ring? Repeatedly? < : (

                                .:*extremely scared of herself*
                                Reminds me of an amusing animation someone once made, but with the ring he sported in X-Files... lol...

                                Obsession invokes scary, scary thoughts.

                                and OT but

                                scary scary thoughts when the seemingly normal guy who brings the newspapers to the supermarket where you work and smiles and nods as he leaves suddenly turns into the prime suspect for a murder and you FREAK OUT SO MUCH you have to watch MMD&H a couple of times before you feel calm enough to SPEAK!

                                ^ true story

