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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    *I shake my head* None of us meant for any of that to happen...crap, I have to go do a little paperwork. I'll be in the office nearby... *I turn and head into the office*


      *sings quietly to herself*
      Dell Alone again, naturally...
      *Keller comes in*
      Keller oh look, you have been left all alone, no body love you?
      Dell That is your problem, not mine.
      Keller Well, now Aang has got her claws well and truly into A-Carson, maybe things will settle down here, and I will be able to get some real work done.
      Dell Watch your mouth Keller.
      Keller why, what are you going to do?
      Dell Don't push me!
      Keller You know I'm really sick of you and your so called sisters, you think you are hot shots, when really you are all rejects from other realities.
      Dell you are really starting to get on my nerves now.
      Keller Aang gets on my nerves, she's not even a real doctor! She endangers all the lives she touches!
      Dell that's it! *I've been sitting on my bed, now I stand up and cross the small space between it and Keller and punch her, she staggers back a step or too, but I didn't have the power behind it that I had hoped, and she comes back at me screaming and grabs my hair and I punch her in the stomach, and follow with an upper cut. Again she staggers back, but doesn't go down. She comes back at me and kicks me in the leg, the bad leg, I go down, but reach out as I do, and pull her down with me.
      Aang has heard the noise and has come out of the office, she has also called Shep. He comes in just after I have pulled my self up enough to sit on top of her and punch her in the face a couple of more times!Then he grabs my arms from behind and pulls me off her.

      What the hell is going on?!
      Last edited by Dellruby; 09 April 2013, 11:50 PM.


        Keller she attacked me!
        *Shep takes me back and puts me on the bed and looks in my eyes*
        Dell? want to tell me what is going on here?
        Keller Oh yeah right, like she will tell you the truth!
        shut up Keller. Dell?
        Dell She was bad mouthing Aang. I warned her to quit it, when she didn't I....hit her.
        Keller She went mad, she starting beating me!
        Is this true Dell?
        Dell I wish I could have beat her, but I couldn't even knock her down, only managed to drag her down with me when she kicked me in the leg.
        Keller Liar!
        *Aang pulls up the leg of the scubs I'm wearing and you can clearly see my leg has been rebroken*
        Aang this doesn't look like she is lying to me.
        Keller it wouldn't, not to you!


          Keller, go to your quarters and stay there. Aang, check over Dell Please, I will talk to you all separately. I'm putting guards on the door here, I will not have a repeat of this!


            *I look up at Keller, my eyes glittering dangerously*

            Do as Shep says, Jennifer. Get your ass out of my sight. Now. You really don't want to still be here in the next three minutes. I will not be as merciful as the Carsons would. *I speak quietly, but my voice cuts through the room like so many knives*

            *then, knowing Dell will feel it because I have not numbed it yet, I properly set the leg with the same splint I had on it yesterday before I healed it...I wince as she does, but I need to get the leg reset and quickly*

            Oh Sis...I really am grateful to you for defending me like that. And you know I believe what you say happened. But a fist fight? When you're already injured? That...maybe wasn't so bright, Sis. *I smile and shake my head as I check her for further injuries*


              Sorry missed a bit, Shep already had Dell back on the bed oops. Fixed


                Dell I didn't plan on it, I told her to not to push me...I couldn't even knock he over! a light weight like her, and I couldn't do it!
                Dell, if you do anything like this again, I don't know that I will be able to keep it quite.
                Dell Keep her away from me, and Aang, and for that matter Beck, and we won't have a problem.
                what am I going to do with you?


                  *I look up at Shep*

                  Keep Keller the HELL out of this infirmary, Shep. You know I am not a killer, I can barely hurt even a Wraith like Rollings sometimes, but if Keller steps foot in here while I am here, I cannot promise I won't do something I'll regret later. She's gotten on my last nerve just now.

                  *finished checking on Dell, I'm sitting on the edge of her bed, visibly shaking with anger*

                  She hurt my sister. You know I cannot stand by and let that go unpunished.


                    I think I know where I can send her, it won't be forever, but at least, it will keep you apart in the mean time. I'm going to talk to Elizabeth...I'm going to have to tell her what I saw, you may have to explain to her about it later Dell, but I think you can hold your own.

                    Dell I'll be right. *he leaves the room and I turn back to Aang there are tears in my eyes* Um sis, my leg hurts.


                      (Damn it! Why do i always miss the fights with Keller? Does she know im Tok'ra now? Next time she trys something & im there, i will knock her out & give her a good scare. I'll talk some sense into her- for a while. Aang u still here? Hope not! Its past 5am! Dell? You sticking around? I'll be back after dinner & dishes. C u soon if u still here then)
                      I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
                      traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!



                        well I'm here at the moment, but Aang is gone...I'm board having to play cards on FB to fill in time....can't take much more...try starving, it is good for me!


                          (ok I'm back & answered ur pm Now I will try my hand at being Aang & see to your leg!)
                          I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
                          traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!



                            Aang: Oh, sorry sis, I'll give you some painkillers to numb the pain
                            *she jumps down from the bed, grabs the syringe of painkillers from the medical tray by the end of the bed & injects it slowly into the end of IV cord*
                            Aang: There, that should numb it enough to be bearable *smiles at her sis, then resumes her spot on her usual chair beside Dell's bed, though still viably shaken with anger & she stares at the opposite wall. Then A-Carson returns alone, without Carson*
                            I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
                            traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!



                              Dell Mmmm, thanks sis, feels better already. I'm sorry I got into a fight, ruined all your good work, but....that woman is just so up herself she would never need an internal exam!
                              *Aang smiles, then starts to giggle*
                              Aang That wasn't very nice of you
                              Dell don't feel like being nice, she broke my leg, it hurt!
                              Aang Couldn't tell by the way you were punching her
                              Dell I was transferring my pain in a healthy way...well healthy for me, not so much for her.
                              Aang No Not so much. I hope you don't get in to much trouble.
                              Dell What can Elizabeth do, send me home...I'm the only citizen on the base.


                                Aang: I'm sure Elizabeth wouldn't kick you out, I mean this is your home now & well your injured for one, so I as a doctor & your sister would not let you go & there will be a bruise soon to prove where Keller kicked you. The charts say that I mended your leg to an extent with the healing device & that your leg was no longer broken, just a hairline fracture. Now with that bruise & the fact your leg is broken again, supports your story. It's the truth, Keller kicked you & broke your leg again
                                *A-Carson is now behind Aang & speaks, making her jump*
                                A- She did wha' now? *steps beside Aang to look at her & then to Dell & back* Why woul' she do such a thin'? She's a doctor, no' a bloody kick-boxer! *Aang's face asks 'you don't believe me?' And he notices this and so replies*
                                A- I believe ye, jus' I canna' believe she woul' do tha'. It's jus' no' on. If I 'ad caugh' 'er in tha act *shakes his head*
                                I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
                                traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!


