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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Well, water contains smal living beings and it has energy you can sense Beck, only dead things have no energy, you could even try to feel the trees here *she smiles at Beck* just try it, it's not even as hard as when you try on someone, because water or plants can't try to block you from feeling them

    Joey:indeed, they don't have minds with confusing thoughts, so it's easier to get them clear


      *I grin a bit sheepishly* I've gotten quite good at locating my sisters even from across galaxies...still never tried to find something that isn't human...


        *smiles at her* I don't know if you can yet, it takes a good trained mind to locate something with just plain energy not human like, but it can be done *looks at Beck* you still got a part of me in you, this could make it easier for you to do

        Joey: it's just a try, if you can't well then it does not work yet, but we can teach you, because it can be useful if you can sense water, if you are out of water supplies standed somewhere


          *I look at Poet* I can locate a particular person anywhere over two galaxies...and not a waterfall? I feel like that's a little backwards... *I smile* But then I guess not, since I've been able to feel people's emotions as long as I can remember and so had more practice that way.

          Dell: Am I the only one here who can't feel people's emotions?

          Yes big Sis, you are. But then you can see spirits and Beck and I can't, so I guess it's fair right?

          Dell: That's true. *she smiles at me*


            (oops I'm really bad today, I just skipped over to FB for a moment, but Im back again! *facepalm*)

            *I close my eyes, listening the sound of the water & try to imagine it... but at first, nothing & open my eyes*
            -Nothing, it didn't work *I look at the ground feeling stupid*
            I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
            traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!



              *I put my arm around my sister and Dell does the same, we both hug her*

              Dell: Hey it's okay Sis, I couldn't do that if I wanted to anyway. *she smiles at Beck*

              Yeah, I just got told I probably wouldn't be able to do it now even if I did try. *I smile at Beck as well*


                Try again, and listen to it longer,...what can help you is if you try to imagine how the thing you want to sense feels...try to think how water feels on your skin if it doesn't wotk listening onyl yet *smiles at her* don't feel stupid, it's your first try....*looks at Aang* just because I say you maybe can't doesn't mean I would mind if you tried too, just for fun *she grins*

                Joey: yes, it wouldn't harm you to try it even if you can't at first, when Poet tried to fly her first Dart, well she crashed it totally, even if she concentrated so much, she just couldn't do was when we were 16 *smiles at his sister*
                Last edited by DarkenLycht; 23 March 2013, 07:27 AM.


                  (Chasing Beck back here from FB again now!)

                  *I look at Poet* I could try, but let's see if Beck can get it this time. *I smile at Beck*

                  *then I look at Joey* I could tell you about the first time I ever flew a puddle Jumper...that was um, interesting. *I giggle*


                    -ok, I'll try again *Concentrates on the water, listens to the sound, imagines a waterfall I remember playing in, years ago, thinking of how it feels, running water on my hands. Thinks to self; hmm felt a lot like this... wait, did- did I just feel water on my hands? In my excitement I forget to concentrate & I loose it*
                    -Oh drat! I thought I had it that time *frowns*
                    I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
                    traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!



                      *looks at Aang* sounds like much fun but flying Darts is great if you can do it, they are so fast *smiles*

                      Joey: I found it much more fun as you flew a hive *giggles* our general thought so as well I guess..

                      *looks at Beck* just try again, this time try to stay calm, you are having done it soon *smiles at her*


                        Well it was in my past reality, when I first went to that Atlantis. They discovered, or should I say the Carson of that reality...*my voice catches for a second as I remember the man I'd loved in that reality, but then I remember aCarson and my mind snaps back to this reality* He discovered I had the gene, and the Shep of that reality once tried to teach me to fly a Jumper...I managed to sink it straight to the ocean floor and it didn't have a shield so it flooded nicely. They had to send Rodney and Radek to work out how one puts a shield on a Jumper to get us out of the water...Shep was not amused and I was banned from flying in that reality. When I came here, I taught myself how to fly a Jumper before this Shep could offer me a flying lesson.

                        *I giggle at Dell's face at the idea of Shep being trapped in a sinking Jumper under water* Hey you've flown with me before! You know I can do it now!


                          Well; a jumper is a little smaller than a hiove ship *smiles blushing a bit* we had only a crew of 50 on board and I was to fly that hive to a save planet for the hibernation cycle but well, let's say the landing came unexpeced and very least I killed no one

                          Joey: no she really didn't which actually is remarkable due to the fact she managed to break the hive in two *he smiles* but we found everyone again


                            -ok, and again *Concentrates on the water, listens to the sound, hears it well, I stay calm & imagines a waterfall I remember playing in, years ago, thinking of how it feels, running water on my hands... I feel running water on my hands, it's a little cold, not much sun gets to this waterfall. I feel my hands tingle from the cold water & I start to walk forward towards some trees. Then my hands warm up; nope not this way, I turn right & walk straight & my hands get cold again; yes its this way. My hands tingle alot, the sounds is quite clear... & then I see it*
                            -guys! over here! *smiles*
                            I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
                            traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!



                              Well yes, a Jumper is smaller than a hive, but they won't let me near a Daedalus class ship...can't work out why that is! *I grin*

                              *Dell and I follow Beck to the waterfall*

                              Good job, Sis! We knew you could do it!


                                *hugs Beck* well done, dear friend, so let's go, you lead the way *smiles at her gently*

                                Joey: cool, well done *he smiles at Beck as well and then they follow the sisters*
                                Last edited by DarkenLycht; 23 March 2013, 08:19 AM.

