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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Aang View Post

    Well...this reality or another, you exist here. With us. And we...we love you, Dell.
    Thanks, but it means what ever it is General O'Neill wants me to do, well it's not legal or safe. and if I'm caught, no one knows me.

    That is why backup will be good!


      ...You were the one left with no do you deal with losing your entire life and not being able to get any of it back? I couldn't...I couldn't do that. If I lost the life I have here...I don't even want to think about it.

      ...Of course, the person who doesn't exist on going to be the first choice for doing something illegal. You don't exist. Can't...can't be traced back to the General. Well that really does it, I'm definitely going with you then. And if I get in trouble, so be it. I wouldn't let you go alone.


        Well I take comfort that they are still in their own, my own reality, and there is probably a Dell there. They don't exist here, this realities Dell never married or had kids, so it is not like I'm being kicked out of there lives. and I've found some really good friends here, I like this life, and I want to come back to it.


          Well, I'm glad you want to come back here, because you''re a big part of our lives here, in this reality. If you didn't come back, it'd break our hearts. As it is, Shep thinks you're being sent back to Earth permanently. So does A-Carson. And I have to pretend that until we leave.

          Speaking of leaving...what the hell am I gonna tell A-Carson? I can't just...vanish with no explanation. He'll worry and I'd rather him not have to worry. And it might set the city into an uproar if I just vanish as well.


            um, called back to earth because an old Aunt died?
            I'm not sure, tell him your going with me because you feel That if I'm sent away, you should be too?
            I don't know...going to the main land for some time out?


              Here, I know. I'll tell Carson I'm escorting you back to Earth and tying up some loose ends back there before I come back to the City. I'll give him one of the communication balls too, so he can talk to me at least. I...Liz will probably kill me when I get back because I'm not supposed to go off world, but Carson will cover for me, I know he will. And you and I will both come back to the city afterward then.


                Sounds good. ok, I better go pack a bag and get the balls, Then I have to go spend some time with Shep.


                  And I'll go talk with Carson and get him straightened out on *ahem* what's happening.

                  *hugs Dell and then quickly heads off to find Carson*

                  A- Love, there ye are. I've been wonderin' where ye got to.

                  I'm here. But um, when Dell is sent back to Earth...I'm going to escort her through the gate. I have a few loose ends I need to tie up before I can become a permanent resident in the city anyway and it'll give me a little more time with Dell before...well...before I have to come back.

                  A- A'right, Love. I'll miss ye while y're gone...will there be any chance o' communicatin' with ye while ye are back on Earth? *his hands are around my waist and my arms are around his neck*

                  Yes, I'm working on that, Love. I could never leave you for days on end without any means of communication. But I'm going to miss you. *kisses him* But...Elizabeth...doesn't know I've decided to return to Earth yet. In fact she may never know. As far as you know, I'm on the mainland with Teyla's people for a vacation, alright?

                  A- If it means tha' much to you, then that's what I'll tell Elizabeth if she should ask. *he kisses me*

         does. I'm losing my Sister because of the stupid thing I did, so if I can get a couple of more days with her, then I'll take it.


                    *goes to my quarters and throws a few mismatched things in a bag, then in a bottom draw, I dig out the 2 communication balls, and put them in my bag. Then bag in hand I go to the door, I pause and look back....there is always the chance I won't be able to come back. the door closes behind me, and I head to Carsons where I expect to find Shep*


                      *Carson and I finally make our way back to his quarters where we settle on one of the couches, Shep is already sitting on the other one, looking a bit sad*

                      Hi Shep...Dell will be on her way shortly, I think...*smiles a bit*

                      *Carson pulls me onto his lap and hugs me* *I snuggle into his arms*


                        *I come into the room, drop my bag by the door and head towards the couch, but Shep gets up and meets me half way with a hug*
                        I'm going to miss these!
                        I'm not letting you go, I'll take you away somewhere, either that or I will go back with you, and leave the service.
                        I can't let you do that.
                        You can't stop me.
                        You are need here, not just wanted, but needed, all these people on Atlantis need you to keep them safe! Tell him A-Carson!


                          A- Aye, I'm afraid the Lass is correct. We do need ye here, Lad. Atlantis canna' function if ye leave the service an' go to Earth with Dell...we'll all be missin' her, but ye really should stay 'ere an' keep the city safe... *hasn't let go of me the whole time*


                            I can't function if Dell isn't here!
                            You need to stay. Ok look at it this way, if you follow me, disobeying orders they could court marshal you, how would it do anyone any good if you get thrown in the brig!
                            But I just can't let you walk away! Don't ask me to do that, please!
                            *I look at Aang wondering what the hell I'm going to do?*


                              Shep. I..I wasn't going to tell you this but I am going back to Earth with Dell. *looks at Dell* *puts the cloak on and actvates it* *deactivates it* If you are bent on coming to Earth with us for a while...I could go and get the other cloak and you could sneak through with us...*looks at Shep, hoping that telling him what she did doesn't get her in trouble...*


                                *looks at Aang for a moment, then grins*Go get it! Nothing will keep me here now!
                                I have no idea how I will do it, but I will cover for you as long as I can.
                                *I'm in Sheps arms, my eyes closed*
                                There it is settled.
                                ok, I guess I better bring the pair of you up to date, you better know what it is you are getting into! *Looks at Aang*
                                Lets sit down.

