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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Thanks I haven't heard that song for ages!
    Come sit, I need to know what is going on, there is more than you have let on isn't there?
    *he looks from me to Aang and back again*


      *kind of only half looks at Shep*

      Well um, there is...
      But if you're to know what it is, Dell will have to tell you herself...*looks over at Dell* *A-Carson tightens his grip on me slightly*


        First! *I get up and go to my bag and pull out a box, I take it over and hand it to Carson*
        This is a communications device, I have another one so we can make a link.
        Where the hell did you get that? is it Ancient?
        No it is Goa'uld, and I can't tell you how I got it, just know that you can't let anyone see it. you think I was in trouble before, if the General found out I had these, i would never see the light of day again!


          A- I won't say anythin' about it, Lass. I wouldna' want ye to get in any more trouble. *he moves me off his lap and takes the device to our bedroom to hide it* *he returns and sits down, pulling me back onto his lap* There we go, all taken care o'. Now what?


            I don't really know how to start...
            Try at the beginning.
            Yeah, the beginning.....I was born on a different earth, I lived a different life, I was happy, had a family, then there was an inter dimension explosion and I was thrown into this one. The Dell from this one was thrown somewhere else, but we were to different, I couldn't just slot into her life, So the SGC took me in, I'm like their foster kid.
            Last edited by Dellruby; 25 January 2013, 10:13 PM.


              ...The thing is...she can never go back to her reality...she can never go back to her life. This..we..are her life now. *looks up at Shep*

              A- I..know how tha' is. Bein' a clone, I canna ever go back to Earth. I have th' memories of Mum an' all...but I will never be allowed ta see 'er or visit Scotland again... *he sighs and I turn slightly to wrap an arm around his shoulders*


                Yet another reason why I can't let you go without me!
                I never wanted to leave you, but....if you- we get caught, it could get very bad!
                And I will be there for you when you need me!
                *I hug him and bury my head in his neck*


                  We'll all be there when you need us, Luv. All of us. *glances back at Carson for his agreement*

                  A- Aye, we'll all do our parts. I'll stay 'ere in the city and cover for ye. But Aang, do be careful. I couldna' imagine wha' I'd do if anythin' happened to ye, Love. *he pulls me close in a hug and I can feel the hot tears beginning to form in my eyes*


                    So, what is the real reason you are going back to Earth?
                    I won't actually know till I get there, but there is obviously something that needs to be done that can't be traced back to certain people.
                    *holds me at arms length and looks me in the eye* Are you saying what I think your are a hitman?
                    I've never had to kill anyone yet, but I'm guessing one day I will be asked to. Problem is, I don't think I could.
                    I hope you can't either, you can't un-take a life once it is done!


                      Well, whatever Dell is asked to do, I know that I will be right there beside her. General O'Neill will never know it, but Dell will have me, and I would hope you as well, Shep, right there to back her up.

                      A- If I didna' think I was of more use here in th' city, I'd go along...but I do believe I'd be more use to ye here, keepin' a lid on things from this end. *Carson shakes his head slightly at the memories of his time off-world and the trouble he's ended up in with it*


                        I'm sure you will have your hands full Carson, there will be questions when both Aang and Shep go missing at the same time I get sent back!
                        She is not wrong there buddy, what ever you say, Liz won't believe you!


                          A- Aye, that'll be true. But per'aps I can convince 'er to look the other way a bit an' not report ye. After all, she's been lettin' me, a clone o' the chief medical officer, live '' IOA still thinks there's only one Dr. Carson Beckett. *chuckles a bit*

                          Whatever you do, Love, be careful. You have nowhere else to go if this goes wrong, so you need to be careful not to get yourself in trouble. *hugs Carson*


                            We will all be careful, not one of us is going to take risks we don't need too!
                            *he says it to everyone, but looks at me*
                            I'm not going to do anything stupid, and just for the record, I know how to handle a gun!
                            I was trained up as a marks man while I was at the SGC, I'm a pretty good shot.


                              *looks over at Dell* Then why is it I'm the one with a gun when we go off world? I'm pretty sure I couldn't hit a giant, flying BARN. *facepalms comically*

                              A- Love, I've seen ye shoot. Y're not all that bad actually. *smiles at me*


                                Call it a cover? Liz doesn't know I can shoot either, guess the dear old General didn't want me put on a team where I might get shot at.
                                I think I see a date at the gun range in our future.

