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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    One word: *THUNK*

    Great caps everyone!

    My LiveJournal :: Walls :: Sigs:: Icons :: FanVids
    "Who looks at a screwdriver and goes 'Ooh! This could be a little more sonic?!'" - Cpt. Jack Harkness


      *sigh* Gosh I loved that movie. It was so funny. DH has a very warped mind. And Paul looks so thunkable in it.
      Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


        I don't take credit for taking them....just finding them lol


        Yano, I wonder how DH felt with Paul kissing his sister lol


          Originally posted by Scottish Doctor View Post
          annnnd more



          Originally posted by Scottish Doctor View Post
          I don't take credit for taking them....just finding them lol


          Yano, I wonder how DH felt with Paul kissing his sister lol
          You put that warning to late The caps are great though, after sitting in the library studying for a microbiology test for 4 hours, a little paul makes me feel better

          maybe he wants Paul and his sister to get together, Paul is his best friend afterall...or is she married I cant remember

          P.S. I have just been informed that Jewel Staite confirmed in her blog that she will be returning for Season 5...*spirits suddenly go down again*
          Last edited by Chezlee; 24 January 2008, 02:26 PM.


            Originally posted by Scottish Doctor View Post
            Dunno if this was done already...probably was but what the I looked around the internet and JACKPOT

            ADB TIME!!!
            Yippieeeee! I loved the caps, reminded me how I laughed myself silly watching the movie. Thank you for posting these, Scottish Doctor!

            I already knew about Jewel Staite returning for the fifth season but I still don't think that necessarily rules out we'll see quite a bit of Carson yet. No matter how much I prefer Beckett as CMO or feel indifferent about Keller (and that's the most positive thought I can manage), I really didn't expect TPTB to ditch her just because the fans were rallying for Paul McGillion's return. They may be somewhere high up in the clouds but I'm convinced they still believe getting Jewel Staite onto the show was a success.

            While we're already posting caps from ADB, I'll provide some of the pics I have. Get your thunking pillow at the ready and proceed on your own risk.


            twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


              Yay! Time for more thunkiness after surviving finals week! Not to mention I also recieved my DVD sets! I'm absolutely enjoying the cast commentaries.

              Originally posted by Chezlee View Post
              i am a little worried after last nights episode. the thought never went through my mind, but...what if they make Keller a main character? She is in a bunch of promo shots when someone like Zelenka isnt in any and he is in tons of episodes for 4 years...and for those who havent seen it
              Keller is suddenly a genius child prodigy and with that revelation I cant see her and beckett working together IMO. and it seems that she is going to get with Ronon so if that happens she cant just go back to Earth if Beckett comes back...

              so yeah a liiitttllleeee worried. I know we will probably find out next wekk but the wait is killing me!
              I'm kind of hoping the Keller-Ronon thing is one-time only - 'yeah, we kissed, we're friends, but it was really awkward and we don't want to talk about it ever again.' But I don't know - doesn't she want to go back to Earth anywhoots? That's an easy out, if not a Wraith dinner party. Maybe she'll bring Carter too. But I can't see her and Carson working together. And I never got why Radek was never in any of the promo pictures. Hmph.

              Originally posted by erb View Post
              Frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if this year was a test season to see how Keller was received. The red carpet treatment JS has been given as a recurring character vs what others have received has only served to disgruntle me further with this casting choice. Zelenka is many times the character Keller is....but he's not a draw for the key demographic.

              But you bring up a point, I've mentioned previously. What do you do with this character if you bring Beckett back? I will not be pleased if he has to take a backseat to her. I don't care about seeing her, but some people do. I fear in trying to please everyone, tptb will please no one, and that Paul/Beckett's role will be undermined. I hope my worries are unfounded, but I'm losing confidence with each episode.
              Aye, yes the 'key demographic'. Which I find really odd because doesn't the Atlantis demographic seem to be mainly female? Or, at least a very significant female fan base. Do TP not get that? Or is it because the majrity of them are male? Or for Atlantis are they assuming that Atlantis fans are the same as the typical average sci-fi viewer? I don't care what they do with Keller, or Carter for that matter other than that they get shipped off Atlantis.

              Originally posted by Jenner8675309 View Post
              We have done A LOT! Our latest win is a featurette on the S4 disks. For you newbies we have a thread under Fandom called Keep The Lion Rampant (its a sticky, you can't miss it!) and of course, You can go see all the massive press coverage and campaign wins and catch up. I am very, very proud of it ALL
              The S4 discs are great news!

              Originally posted by ashely86 View Post
              This may have already been discussed but....

              is it possible that the Carson that died was the clone, and that the Carson that comes back in The Kindred is the real thing?
              Yup, discussed several times across the board, but I think it's the most likely scenario, not to mention the best one.

              Originally posted by JennyJ View Post
              Yesterday I watched Sunday - the first 24 minutes. I couldn't watch the other part... But the first half was so sweet.... Now I realized I miss Carson from Season 4....
              I still haven't watched Sunday all the way through. I watched about 24 minutes too, and then couldn't take it anymore - I was tearing and even trembling when it first started. I've also seen the end scene as posted on YouTube. Makes me very ... soft and tender (lightly put.).

              Originally posted by Chezlee View Post
              Theres also a comment Michael makes about "but I could not do to it alone" and then he gets distracted by the alarm or something
              Also some clues in 'Misbegotten' Ithinks.

              Originally posted by Jenner8675309 View Post
              Save Carson makes the TV Zone Yearbook. Giant thanks to Suekay for the tips!!!
              Whoot! Wow, three mentions!

              Originally posted by Chezlee View Post
              And it made me think, we are all so sad that Beckett "died" on the show, what would we do if any of our Atlantis actors died in real life, ESPECIALLY Paul Mcgillion??
              I would try to appear unaffected, bottle up my emotion. But in general I try not to think about such things.

              Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
              awwwwwww,he's just so adorable......There's just something so lovable about him!!
              Yup! There's something to make me *squee* every time he's on screen. <3

              Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post
              I think 'Conversion' is a great choice for posting caps today since it also deals with what can go horribly wrong with using drugs, but it also magnificently portrays Carson's compassion and undying loyalty to his friends and patients.
              =] Lovely caps as always!


                *grins* Doesn't Paul just have lovely legs? ... Oh the gutter-ish thoughts all of these ADB pictures are unleashing! Keep 'em coming!

                I agree with twin, I don't think JS' s5 return rules out anything where PM is concerned. A lot of it really depends on what happens in "The Kindered." Who knows, whatever is revealed there might make it difficult to just plop Beckett back into his CMO role. And to be 100% honest, I don't think I'd want them to just push him back into his old role. I want the character to grow and change through all of this, not just get stuck back in the same old box. Who knows where they could take the character now and I honestly think there's room for both of them. If you can have Zelenka and McKay on the same show, why not Keller and Beckett?

                A couple of my recent walls ...

                And something to go with the "bump" theme from earlier.

                My LiveJournal :: Walls :: Sigs:: Icons :: FanVids
                "Who looks at a screwdriver and goes 'Ooh! This could be a little more sonic?!'" - Cpt. Jack Harkness


                  Originally posted by Chezlee View Post
                  P.S. I have just been informed that Jewel Staite confirmed in her blog that she will be returning for Season 5...*spirits suddenly go down again*
                  Well pffft on her lol

                  Just because she's returning doesn't mean she's a regular nor sticking around for awhile. Just means she'll be in at least the first episode Here's to me hoping anyway I hope she gets eaten by a wraith

                  My computer is being slow so I cannot post the rest of the screencaps but here's where I got them from. I believe I stopped on page 3 but I don't remember


                  Also, I found this over at Chevron One, thought it was HILARIOUS

                  Annnnnnd a manip, by yours truly


                    Great walls, cshawzye! I really loved the colours in the second one, very nice contrast to PM all in black; but my favourite is the last one! The Gate in that one is no doubt a masterpiece! Plus I like the pic of PM in the last one best. You all make me such a happy thunker!

                    To further cshawzye's argument, I don't think it would be much in character for Beckett to come back after so much time has passed and try to reclaim his old position. If he's only the half the man he's always been, he will shake Keller's hand and be happy for her while trying to find a place to fit in again, which I might add could prove a challenge of its own.
                    twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


                      Great manips, Scottish Doctor!

                      Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post

                      To further cshawzye's argument, I don't think it would be much in character for Beckett to come back after so much time has passed and try to reclaim his old position. If he's only the half the man he's always been, he will shake Keller's hand and be happy for her while trying to find a place to fit in again, which I might add could prove a challenge of its own.
                      Thanks. Glad you liked the walls.

                      And I definitely agree, Beckett isn't the kind of guy to just walk in and demand that he be given his old post. I would think he would try and find a way to work with her. Plus, who knows, maybe his experiences give him a little bit of insight or perspective that would make him an asset in the field and on missions. It could prove to be a good thing for Beckett to have Keller back on Atlantis sitting in the infirmary. It might free up more of his time to focus on other things. With all of the genetic manipulation stuff concerning the Wraith/Michael, there could be an interesting storyline there for Beckett. Especially now after all he's been through. Or, there could be any number of alternate ways he could handle what's happened to him. There seem to me to be a lot of different possibilities in the situation.

                      My LiveJournal :: Walls :: Sigs:: Icons :: FanVids
                      "Who looks at a screwdriver and goes 'Ooh! This could be a little more sonic?!'" - Cpt. Jack Harkness


                        Love the colours, Scottish Doctor!

                        Originally posted by cshawzye View Post
                        And I definitely agree, Beckett isn't the kind of guy to just walk in and demand that he be given his old post. I would think he would try and find a way to work with her. Plus, who knows, maybe his experiences give him a little bit of insight or perspective that would make him an asset in the field and on missions. It could prove to be a good thing for Beckett to have Keller back on Atlantis sitting in the infirmary. It might free up more of his time to focus on other things. With all of the genetic manipulation stuff concerning the Wraith/Michael, there could be an interesting storyline there for Beckett. Especially now after all he's been through. Or, there could be any number of alternate ways he could handle what's happened to him. There seem to me to be a lot of different possibilities in the situation.
                        I too feel it would be unnatural for him to immediately step back in - I would rather have him reintegrate into the position after a while. It does seem he has some work to do regarding Michael/etc.


                          Originally posted by cshawzye View Post
                          If you can have Zelenka and McKay on the same show, why not Keller and Beckett?
                          But tptb like to focus on Rodney and Rodney's expertise. Zelenka goes hand-in-hand with that.

                          Medicine and most of the soft sciences don't get much respect. Even in a lot of the episodes where you would expect to see the doctors (md) shine, Rodney saves the day.


                            Originally posted by erb View Post
                            Even in a lot of the episodes where you would expect to see the doctors (md) shine, Rodney saves the day.
                            Or at least he tries to take credit for saving the day. 'The Real World' anyone? When Beckett had the idea about which way to deal with the nanites, McKay later said it was 'their' idea. So if McKay finds the way to save the day, it's his triumph, and if someone else comes up with it, it's their idea! Just as Rodney's sister said in 'M&MM', "You share credit now?"
                            twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


                              Originally posted by erb View Post
                              But tptb like to focus on Rodney and Rodney's expertise. Zelenka goes hand-in-hand with that.

                              Medicine and most of the soft sciences don't get much respect. Even in a lot of the episodes where you would expect to see the doctors (md) shine, Rodney saves the day.
                              True enough, McKay is most often the focus. Though, I think tptb are really starting to let other characters shine. Especially taking Quarantine for example.

                              In terms of the medicine stuff, we're not talking about "House" or "ER" or something. The show isn't medically based, so in some sense I can understand the focus on McKay's type of science and it saving the day. Especially in dealing with the Ancients. It seems that the two types are very intermingled. I think it's a lot of give and take and I don't think it's a stretch to have both MDs on the show. It's just a matter of tptb finding the right balance between the two. Now, whether or not they can do that is a big if. That really has yet to be seen.

                              My LiveJournal :: Walls :: Sigs:: Icons :: FanVids
                              "Who looks at a screwdriver and goes 'Ooh! This could be a little more sonic?!'" - Cpt. Jack Harkness


                                Originally posted by cshawzye View Post
                                In terms of the medicine stuff, we're not talking about "House" or "ER" or something. The show isn't medically based, so in some sense I can understand the focus on McKay's type of science and it saving the day. Especially in dealing with the Ancients. It seems that the two types are very intermingled. I think it's a lot of give and take and I don't think it's a stretch to have both MDs on the show. It's just a matter of tptb finding the right balance between the two. Now, whether or not they can do that is a big if. That really has yet to be seen.

                                Yeah, big 'if', if the writers can pull it off in a good way. I can see Keller working alongside him in surgeries and stuff, but I can't see her out in the field. But there could be instances when the others are off-world and while Carson is gone they have an emergency back on Atlantis. I can see something like that, but Carson would still have to be the primary focus.

                                And no Carson-Keller romance! (As one suggested on another thread) This isn't Grey's Anatomy, folks! I'm hoping the Ronon-Keller will be a one-time thing. I'm starting to get this weird, somewhat creepy adoration of Keller/Zelenka.

