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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
    Evening Bailey.

    Those figures don't reflect my faves at all. My favourite is The Runaway Bride (Santa's a robot! - I'm wearing a wedding dress! Yes, you look lovely!) My least fave is The Next Doctor.

    BTW there is a rumour circulating at the moment that J K Rowling is writing a Doctor Who short story (along with some stories by other British children's authors). More will be revealed on Monday!
    That sounds like a lot of fun.

    I don't remember all of the Christmas episodes clearly, but I'd guess that means that those I do remember are probably better than those I've gone fuzzy on.

    I think my favorite was probably The Christmas Carol. While my least favorite was probably either The Next Doctor or The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe... kind of a toss up.


      My fave Christmas one was Runaway Bride least fave is The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe.

      It would be cool to see what J.K. puts the Doctor through


        Right. I'm finally off to Middle Earth with SB and Mr Blen.

        Oh, BTW, BBCA have acquired that detective series starring David Tennant and Arthur Darvill.

        See you when we get back!


          That sounds like it could be a great combo for a detective show. Looking forward to that.

          Have a good time, Blen.


            Share what you think Blen! I saw it and am wondering what others thought of it


              The Hobbit


              Loved it. But..... I thought it was a little slow at the beginning and SB thought it was over-animated in places.

              It was great seeing Frodo again, preparing for the party & going off to meet Gandalf in the woods. Thorin was a great character, really well played by Richard Armitage. Also Martin Freeman was great as Bilbo. We all loved Radagast the Brown with the birds in his hair. SB cried when she thought Sebastian the Hedgehog had snuffed it. Another favourite bit of mine was the fight between the stone giants. SB thought the goblins were over animated and I agree that parts were a bit overdone. None of those dwarves seemed to get a scratch despite falling over a cliff!

              So all in all we didn't think it was quite as good as Lord of the Rings but it was still excellent and I can't wait to see the next part.


                I had similar thoughts. It was good but there sere some issues.

                The part where it looked like the hedgehog died was sad I was glad he came back

                I have to say though even though we didn't get a very good look at him what we saw of Smaug was excellent! and yes I am the person who though awwww look how cute he is all snuggled under the gold


                  I'm looking forward to seeing Smaug in all his glory. He certainly had enough gold to snuggle under.


                    Me too and yes he did.


                      Watched OUaT tonight!! Still grinning!!


                        I loved that ep! although I do have to say
                        I found myself saying Poor Regina so often during that ep.

                        I wonder who Cora killed if not Archie

                        I can't wait for next week that ep looks good too really it would almost have been easier for me if I didn't watch until the show was over so I could watch them all one after another rather than wait lol


                          I have thought of doing that... or saving a few of them in a row and watching them in batches.

                          I loved seeing Pongo... oh... and Radek in the beginning before he was turned into a fish.

                          I really want Regina to actually be allowed to change on the show! I think it would make for a much more interesting character. You already have Cora and Hook for the baddies... Rumple for the gray areas... don't know what it would hurt for the writers to allow Regina to struggle with her endevour to be good.

                          I said "poor Regina" many times too.

                          Is King Richard gone?


                            I have a friend I got watching the show and that is how she is doing it

                            I was surprised to see Radek although it took me a minute to realize it was him what with the beard and no accent

                            Pongo is so cute if only Archie had taken Pongo barking at "Regina" as a warning.

                            I hope they make Regina good too. She was trying and her pushing Emma away like that anyone might have done in that situation she was framed for murder no one would listen to her and they just assumed that she was guilty. It would frustrate anyone and cause them to act out like that.

                            Which one was King Richard? there was King George that is the only one I remember


                              My daughter is now watching season one on Netflix. I also got season one on DVD for Christmas. I'd love to do a rewatch once there are two seasons to watch together.

                              No... I probably mean King George... Charmings "kind of" dad...


                                I have season 1 on DVD and watched most of it the last couple days

                                yeah that is King George I have no clue last I saw they found out he killed Billy (poor Gus who could kill that cute mouse in human form) to set up Red. Maybe they pushed him across the town line to make him forget his true self. I would think they would have to show him again at some time.

