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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    Mornin' all (again!)

    I love slobbing around in jammies... but this morning I have awoken strangely energised and have already made a list of stuff I have to do/want to do!
    This is not like me...

    I am taking my daughter to the wave pool, grocery shopping, cleaning house, having another child over for a playdate, meeting a friend for coffee...
    wow, my jet-setting lifestyle!

    Hope you are feeling better Blen... how is everyone else's health?
    I've stayed cold-free this hols but all that will change once I get back to stuffy warm classrooms!

    The Doctor and the Wild Man Thread... Keeping the dream alive.


      Originally posted by Mountiegirl View Post
      Thank you! I might re-watch the episode... just for the Lorne moments... No, MUST REVISE!

      Nice one.

      For all the sick feel batter. For the ones studding good luck. For the one still in pajamas and still in bad enjoy it.

      Good Shabbat to u all and see u after Saturday


        Originally posted by fuchsia View Post
        Mornin' all (again!)

        I love slobbing around in jammies... but this morning I have awoken strangely energised and have already made a list of stuff I have to do/want to do!
        This is not like me...

        I am taking my daughter to the wave pool, grocery shopping, cleaning house, having another child over for a playdate, meeting a friend for coffee...
        wow, my jet-setting lifestyle!

        Hope you are feeling better Blen... how is everyone else's health?
        I've stayed cold-free this hols but all that will change once I get back to stuffy warm classrooms!
        OK who put the extra caffeine in Fuschia's coffee? I too have a list, but am being lazy!

        Originally posted by pinielf View Post
        Nice one.

        For all the sick feel batter. For the ones studding good luck. For the one still in pajamas and still in bad enjoy it.

        Good Shabbat to u all and see u after Saturday
        you stay safe (idiot me just noticed your location), things are getting rough around you. Take care.
        Last edited by Rac80; 02 January 2009, 05:38 AM.


          Thank you Pinielf.

          Rache, that sounds good - having some soup. I think I'll go get some right now. Mushroom I think.

          Fuchsia - in your list of things you plan to do, I got as far as

          I am taking my daughter to the wave pool, grocery shopping, cleaning house, having another child ....
          and I thought you were planning on having another baby All in a day!

          Edit - I hadn't noticed your location either Pinielf - like Rache I too say stay safe.


            Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
            Thank you Pinielf.

            Rache, that sounds good - having some soup. I think I'll go get some right now. Mushroom I think.

            Fuchsia - in your list of things you plan to do, I got as far as

            and I thought you were planning on having another baby All in a day!

            Edit - I hadn't noticed your location either Pinielf - like Rache I too say stay safe.
            I too looked at Fuschia's list and wondered if there was something she hadn't told us
            what kind of mushroom soup? *iz getting peckish here *


              Originally posted by pinielf View Post
              Nice one.

              For all the sick feel batter. For the ones studding good luck. For the one still in pajamas and still in bad enjoy it.

              Good Shabbat to u all and see u after Saturday
              Okay... going to do a bit more revision... then some Chuck (love that show!) and some Lorne as a treat for doing some good work!

              Thank you to Blen for the sig!


              I'm a 60%er!!!
              Proud member of the Major Lorne/Kavan Thunk thread
              Proud member of Sam/Jack family thread

              Proud member of The Doctor and the Wild Man Thread


                My mushroom soup was Baxter's Mushroom Potage. And very nice it was too.


                  Originally posted by fuchsia View Post
                  Thanks, Ever!
                  I can never remember what people have said...
                  And I was totally forgetting the age gap between sam and jack!
                  Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                  Great pics SeN Pity Badboyz theory about Deadalus Variations didn't come true. I think we have far more imagination than TPTB.

                  Would you believe I am still in my pyjamas and it is nearly 2 pm It will soon be time for bed again.
                  I had to change my clothes at 2pm today cause I went to visit my parents It is so great to be allowed to stay just at home! I love it

                  Some more thunk pics


                    Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                    My mushroom soup was Baxter's Mushroom Potage. And very nice it was too.
                    they don't sell that here.
                    *wanders off to the pantry to see what is available for snackin"*


                      Just re-watched Road Not Taken... question: Do you think that, in the Alternative universe, Carter and Lorne were having a "Thing"
                      Because when she told him his Carter had died he looked really sad... and when he comes running in after the explosion... I just had a thought...
                      Okay... sorry, random I know.

                      Thank you to Blen for the sig!


                      I'm a 60%er!!!
                      Proud member of the Major Lorne/Kavan Thunk thread
                      Proud member of Sam/Jack family thread

                      Proud member of The Doctor and the Wild Man Thread


                        Originally posted by Mountiegirl View Post
                        Just re-watched Road Not Taken... question: Do you think that, in the Alternative universe, Carter and Lorne were having a "Thing"
                        Because when she told him his Carter had died he looked really sad... and when he comes running in after the explosion... I just had a thought...
                        Okay... sorry, random I know.
                        I wondered that myself?


                          Originally posted by Mountiegirl View Post
                          Just re-watched Road Not Taken... question: Do you think that, in the Alternative universe, Carter and Lorne were having a "Thing"
                          Because when she told him his Carter had died he looked really sad... and when he comes running in after the explosion... I just had a thought...
                          Okay... sorry, random I know.
                          Hm, don't know, personally I'd say 'no'
                          Because Mitchell would have exactly the same look on his face when he'd loose 'his' Carter
                          And we all know that 'our' Carter was most definately involved with someone else

                          eh, bbt (whatever the topic because we're 99% OT *lol*)

                          Did you notice Ronon's jacket in the last Pic SeNedra posted?
                          It makes him look like it's actually his belli
                          Couch Potatoe Ronon... *lol*
                          += +lots of children
                          Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller supporter!


                            Hello guys
                            We have a new episode tonight One more and it's over


                              Well, I know that in the "normal" reality she is with Jack (pretty obvious!) but in the other... I rewatched the clip when he came into her lab and she showed him the pic... It just seemed like they were a couple and the pic was cute of them... I was just intrigued...
                              I think TPTB could have mentioned it in Atlantis or something but I don't know... I just thought I would mention it because I was watching the episode (and not revising, can someone make me work...)

                              Thank you to Blen for the sig!


                              I'm a 60%er!!!
                              Proud member of the Major Lorne/Kavan Thunk thread
                              Proud member of Sam/Jack family thread

                              Proud member of The Doctor and the Wild Man Thread


                                Originally posted by Mountiegirl View Post
                                Well, I know that in the "normal" reality she is with Jack (pretty obvious!) but in the other... I rewatched the clip when he came into her lab and she showed him the pic... It just seemed like they were a couple and the pic was cute of them... I was just intrigued...
                                I think TPTB could have mentioned it in Atlantis or something but I don't know... I just thought I would mention it because I was watching the episode (and not revising, can someone make me work...)
                                Na, honestly, even though I'm not averted to Lorne/pretty girl in this case Sam (in another reality only ) I still think it's the same as the 'Ark of Truth' kiss on Cam's cheek. Friendship.
                                Ah, but I know a certain group of fans *whistles to hide that the fact that she's part of it* always sees more than there is *lol*
                                It should have been Lorne she was married to anyway! I mean... Rodney... please
                                += +lots of children
                                Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller supporter!

