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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Thank you dasNdanger, for that detailed comparison.
    Now i want to watch "Seven Samurai" when the chance arises, and i'll be seeing the Wraith in those parts!


      Originally posted by keeperofthehive View Post
      Thank you dasNdanger, for that detailed comparison.
      Now i want to watch "Seven Samurai" when the chance arises, and i'll be seeing the Wraith in those parts!
      There's also a decent anime version - modern, steampunk version of the original, but keeping true to the movie as far as those who survive, and those who die. And in that one, Kambei is like, TOTALLY hot!


      Can't you just picture Todd in that role... (actually, he looks more like Rhys...)



        You people should watch this interview with this prominent scientist on Quantum physics....Alien existence is highly likely, and so probably the existence of Wraith. None the less....It is darn interesting!!!!! A mindblower that opens your senses....



          Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
          I still think it's highly possible that the Wraith tampering with the ZPMs could have been the problem. For one, Todd learned where these ZPMs would be while sitting at the conference table with the others. Secondly, he knew Rodney was pretty sharp (as indicated by his 'hmmm' after Rodney got his 'best idea'). Third, Todd's more than willing to take the gamble. I just think it would be cool to learn that Todd's tampering almost screwed up the plan - it would just make him more Wraithy - slippery and cunning - and that's what I like about him.
          Nah, that would make him slippery and foolish. Replicators are just too great a threat to risk rendering useless their only chance against them. Especially since Todd knew where the ZPMs that Rodney would use were, he could have targeted any other.

          Oh, reminds me I forgot yet another point: The darts appeared to fly quite far away from the replicator blob. Rodney, on the other hand, probably chose ZPMs that were very close to the blob (the explosion wouldn't have been effective otherwise).

          The only way I could agree that Todd would take the risk is if he was assured enough that the humans WOULD indeed find another viable solution. It's more than being willing to trust humans to succeed in an insane plan, it's trusting them that even if you ruin that plan, they still will find a viable solution. It's destroying their plan C and hoping they will come with a successful plan D. I doubt Todd praises humans that much, even Rodney.

          I don't want him too nice, and yet...I don't want him to become an enemy. More like...a pesky ally, the type that helps out, but not without stirring up the pot first.
          Oh, yes, I definitely agree with that. I called them "business partners" rather than allies on JM's blog in one of my first comments. And in my fanfic, I don't know yet when and how I'll use it, but Todd

          uploaded a virus into the computer he worked with at the beginning of the fic. Rodney was sure he couldn't download any sensitive data, and he was right; he just forgot about uploads.

          And yeah - it would totally ruin the show for me if they turned him into an all-out enemy. Too easy, too predictable, too...dull.

          I'm telling Bam Bam you said that! I'll probably make him blush!
          He's shy? Well, I could tell him myself, I read his thread, but I think *I* would be a bit shy to admit it to him, though.

          (Oh, by the way, did you see that noir replied to you on JM's blog?)

          Originally posted by masterling View Post
          Ya i know, i guess i am just worrying that the show will take a turn i dont want and then it will be ruined for me. Because right now im very happy and obsessed with it. If he leaves the grey area and goes "evil" i will have to find another show to entertain me. And im very picky. Also this forum would be in an uproar and get depressing and id lose one of my fav. outlets. (wow, scary to think iv become attached to ya all)
          ***deep breath. Alright, rant out, feel better, everythings going to be fine.***
          Oh yeah, I know all too well how you'd feel. Even fanfic or earlier seasons would lose their appeal to me, because I would know what the official show would do to him in the end.

          Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
          He's the Wraith in Phantoms, portrayed by James (Bam Bam) Bamford. No speaking lines, but we do get to see him carry Teyla. Now, everyone can imagine a Wraith scooping them up in their arms, and carrying them off to the nearest hive.
          We don't see him well in the episode, but Wraithworshipper has a nice promo pic of him in her album.
          My Stargate Atlantis fanfictions - Wraith font
          Todd contacts Atlantis once more... (spoilers up to season 4) 1. Glimpse Into the Evil | 2. Of Wraith and Men (in progress)


            Originally posted by Laura Dove View Post
            We don't see him well in the episode, but Wraithworshipper has a nice promo pic of him in her album.
            Very nice. Leather trousers look good on Wraith.


              Joe M said that Michael and Todd will not have a scene together during season 5.

              A reply like that could mean Michael lives on.

              While some think Michael will be killed, think about the exact opposite: he manages to escape with Torren and can finish up his Hybrids.

              I'll be much more suspension than killing him. And with that update, and the possible Hive ships he's grown all through the season, he might be ready for an attack pretty soon...

              If it's not by the end of the season, then maybe the mid-season of next year? Or just an ep or so in between...

              I don't think they should kill Michael without it being at least a worthy two-parter.

              If they would let him have Torren anyway, they can show they have some 'insert b-word in here' and that would be good for the show. Showing a 'worst case scenario' in one episode works only if you let the villain still work towards it in an alternate timeline, too...

              If not, The Last Man meant absolutely nothing.

              Plus, in an early RL interview, she stated the kid will be in Atlantis at the beginning of the season, maybe indicating that he's going to 'disappear' later on. Or the episode wasn't spun yet. But probably it was, right? It's a Michael ep...

              In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

              I wish I got to know you better.


                Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post
                Joe M said that Michael and Todd will not have a scene together during season 5.
                A reply like that could mean Michael lives on.
                Interesting thoughts. From the spoilers I know,

                I don't think we will hear about Michael a lot in most of season 5. But maybe "Vegas" and the 100th episode will be about him?

                That would be great.
                My Stargate Atlantis fanfictions - Wraith font
                Todd contacts Atlantis once more... (spoilers up to season 4) 1. Glimpse Into the Evil | 2. Of Wraith and Men (in progress)


                  Directly, no, but indirectly, there's possibilities...

                  S&R - He lost Teyla and Torren.

                  The Seed - He's working on ways to make himself a fleet.

                  Whispers - the failed Hybrids

                  In Inquisition - His spies just have to detect such a thing, and he'll be mad when he finds out the Lanteans will leave unharmed.

                  The Prodigal - Maybe Inquisition will result in him coming up with or speeding up the plan to kidnap Torren, should that happen in there.

                  Infection - Possibly infected Todd's Hive with something because he's read in Woolsey's files that he's the head of the largest (?) Wraith faction, because Teyla's played his Queen and he's jealous, because Todd's friends with the Lanteans while they absolutely refused to work with him or let him go... He must have read about his looks in Woolsey's file, too? Possibly even security camera picture?

                  19/20 - Probably more 20 - A full scale attack that needs to be finished up in 6x01?

                  Meh, almost 10. Need to get up for Disney at 4, so I should turn in.

                  See you all on Monday!

                  In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                  I wish I got to know you better.


                    Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post
                    Directly, no, but indirectly, there's possibilities...
                    S&R - He lost Teyla and Torren.
                    The Seed - He's working on ways to make himself a fleet.
                    Whispers - the failed Hybrids
                    In Inquisition - His spies just have to detect such a thing, and he'll be mad when he finds out the Lanteans will leave unharmed.
                    The Prodigal - Maybe Inquisition will result in him coming up with or speeding up the plan to kidnap Torren, should that happen in there.
                    Infection - Possibly infected Todd's Hive with something because he's read in Woolsey's files that he's the head of the largest (?) Wraith faction, because Teyla's played his Queen and he's jealous, because Todd's friends with the Lanteans while they absolutely refused to work with him or let him go... He must have read about his looks in Woolsey's file, too? Possibly even security camera picture?
                    19/20 - Probably more 20 - A full scale attack that needs to be finished up in 6x01?

                    Yep, he might have occasions to learn important secret things about Atlantis and/or Todd. Not sure how the episodes will really turn out, though, we'll have to wait a (long ) bit.

                    Meh, almost 10. Need to get up for Disney at 4, so I should turn in.
                    See you all on Monday!
                    Have a nice week-end.
                    My Stargate Atlantis fanfictions - Wraith font
                    Todd contacts Atlantis once more... (spoilers up to season 4) 1. Glimpse Into the Evil | 2. Of Wraith and Men (in progress)


                      Originally posted by Laura Dove View Post
                      Nah, that would make him slippery and foolish. Replicators are just too great a threat to risk rendering useless their only chance against them. Especially since Todd knew where the ZPMs that Rodney would use were, he could have targeted any other.
                      Well, JM didn't do a mailbag today, so we'll probably never know. I still think it smells fishy, though.

                      Oh, reminds me I forgot yet another point: The darts appeared to fly quite far away from the replicator blob. Rodney, on the other hand, probably chose ZPMs that were very close to the blob (the explosion wouldn't have been effective otherwise).
                      Yeah, but if they were too close to the blob, wouldn't there be a risk of them being destroyed by the blob before they could be activated?

                      I guess the bottom line is that I'd like to think Todd had the Wraith stones to risk screwing up everything just to acheive his goal. He did risk the destruction of his hive in the explosion, but I'm thinking of the even bigger risk of throwing a monkey wrench into the mission itself, just because he can (as Rodney told him). Sometimes I'd like to think that he's smiling and agreeing with the humans, while he's got his fingers crossed behind his back, planning to do something totally different.

                      Fan fic...*sigh* I really wish I could get into it, but I just can't - too much to reeeeaaaaad. I have ADD really bad - sometimes it takes all I have just to read this thread and JM's blog...I'm even having trouble keeping up with my weekly comic book pull, and they've got pictures!

                      Not sure if Bam Bam is shy, but I sense a certain modesty in him. Really seems like a nice guy.

                      Thanks - I saw noir's reply, and I replied back. I betcha JM hates when we use his blog for our personal message board.

                      Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
                      Very nice. Leather trousers look good on Wraith.
             You got that right! If they did one thing right, it's how they designed the Wraith. My only complaint is that the older uniforms seems more ornate, while the newer ones, like Todd's, seem a bit plain. I'm not complaining though, because the lovely packages they wrap up more than make up for what is lacking in the costumes.

                      Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post
                      Joe M said that Michael and Todd will not have a scene together during season 5.
                      I was under the impression by the way he said it that an encounter could be possible in S6 - IF there is an S6. If not, I'm betting such an encounter could happen in a movie.

                      I wouldn't mind if he took the baby - I may not even mind if he killed the baby, other than the fact that it may be WAY too dark for SGA if he did. And, if he did, any lingering sympathy for Michael would go right out the window. So, I can see him taking the baby, but not hurting him.

                      However, if he did take the baby, it would only be for an episode or two, like most of their edgier ones. Shame they don't do something drastic that lingers over the entire season, or, at least, through the mid-season 2-parter. Draw out the suspense a bit. For instance, I would have loved to see Ronon remain a Wraith worshipper for a few more episodes...that would have been so cool! But alas, all was fixed by the time the credits rolled. I understand why they do it (because it's a more traditional type show, not like BSG or Lost where you're left hanging, episode after episode. SGA, just by the nature of it's writing, needs to wrap things up quickly so that characters will be free to act in the way fans expect them to act.

                      Sometimes I'd just like to see something a bit different. For instance, I kinda like what they were doing with Ford...I would have liked to see him keep popping up, being his crazy ol' self. That was cool. So, too, it would have been cool to see Ronon doing the Wraith's bidding for a while - maybe THEN we would have gotten a good grasp on what makes the Wraith tick. But instead they put everything back nice and tidy, and now we'll never know why the Wraith want lowly humans hanging out with them in the hive.



                        *taps foot and waits for someone to show up*

                        Heeeellllooooo! Anyone out there?

                        Oh, btw - I'm thinking of starting a self-help group - Wraithaholics Anonymous. I realized today - when trying to explain why I find the Wraith so amazingly beautiful - that I'm basically...ya know...nuts.



                          Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                          *taps foot and waits for someone to show up*

                          Heeeellllooooo! Anyone out there?

                          Oh, btw - I'm thinking of starting a self-help group - Wraithaholics Anonymous. I realized today - when trying to explain why I find the Wraith so amazingly beautiful - that I'm basically...ya know...nuts.

                          No worries, we are all a little nuts if we'er here Das. You just gotta decide on what kind of nut ya are. Me personally- im going for a Macadamia Nut. ***O, good god im laughing at my own ridiculous joke. Its way past bed time***


                            A nut yeah, I'm a nut. I am a cashew nut.


                              I'm not a nut, I'm a trifle

                              And I think finding Wraith attractive is perfectly fine. No need for meetings, the only meeting I want is with a wraith



