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    HMC- Yep thats it. But I thought it was later in the season, not The Queen.

    Thanks for clearing that up.

    I think you are correct it will be later in the season, just not sure which episode it will be. I get the impressiom Atlantis told Todd about the gene therapy-about the time of the Queen episode. His price for him thinking about the therapy, or of his cooperation is Atlantis lets Teyla goes with him as his Queen to his meeting with another Queen from an allied Wraith hive.

    Thanks to DS for my siggy


      Go Bob!!!!!
      Steve, Bob and Todd. What chummy guys!


        HMC- that sounds like a perfictly logical action.

        Wraith named BOB- Awesome name, and ya BOB rocks!!! (but thenagain they all do)


          omg - risem, I lack the worsto say how awsome that picture is. You are very talented! (pitty I can't green you again - mental green)



            Originally posted by LiquidSky View Post
            One thing I have to say Risem: BEE-YOU-TIF-FULL!!! I only wish I could digitally paint like that. Opps! that is 10 words


            You know Wraithie you have a way with words And, this fits the Wraith. I always think of this Wraith as beautiful and silent. I think his now called Mantis. I know what you mean with screencaps because they film in widescreen you have to do lots of cloning with the pictures to get a full shot

            Originally posted by Wraithworshipper View Post
            Thank you LS, Laura Dove, Alauralen and Icarium! I've hit kind of a creative frenzy again. I sent a pic to Kar that I haven't posted and I've created two more siggies. I have another siggie that I had up for about 30 minutes, but took down in favor of the one I have now because it was said to be a bit too sad.


            I hope you like these offerings, as well.

            I still have a creepy new wallie idea to flesh out, so to speak.


            Hmm...Mantis is giving Edward a run for his money today.
            These are awesome! I love them.

            Originally posted by Wraithworshipper View Post
            Since we have seen a Queen child, I, too, would like to think that there are little Steve's, Mantis's and Greg's running around somewhere, but Kar has really made me think about this quite a lot.

            We've been informed in an interview that there are 5-25 templates the Wraith work with for cloning, so...other than females, I don't think there are any Wraith children anymore.

            A Wraith Queen would have to be raised up to be Queen. The job is too important, and I can see one being created only when a mature Queen, for whatever reason, sees the need for one. It may be that a Wraith Queen is born in a more traditional sense (or may even be 'hatched' from an egg-like sack/shell more in keeping with the insect part of the Wraith DNA) in order to be a more identical DNA match to the spawning Queen.

            The 'youngest' looking Wraith males we've seen were that one dart pilot accidentally killed by Beckett and that one young runner, so that leads me to two thoughts:

            1) 'Running' is a training type program for the Wraith, but is also an activity in which older Wraith males may wish to participate as a 'sport'. It may also act as a tool for 'culling' the less than able of the new additions to their ranks. I also tend to think that 'running' isn't universal among the Wraith hives. I suspect it's more prevalent with some hives over others.

            2) Progressing from 'running', those younger males become the dart pilots doing the culling. They go out and collect the food, and then they wait their turn at the bounty. It would seem to me that a hungry dart pilot might be an eager, and somewhat more efficient, collector of food. If he's not, he remains an expendable pilot. As we have seen in previous episodes, they are quite plentiful in number and just as expendable in those numbers.

            My final conclusion is, therefore, those cloned models who survive being 'young' (IE: being runners and pilots) have the opportunity to mature and progress within the Wraith society.

            Mantis looked young, but from his behavior, I'd guess as being quite a bit older than Steve. Shawn and Erik, I'd place on a par, older than Steve, maybe not as old as Mantis. However, as they were somewhat independant in their activities, especially Shawn, maybe older than Mantis. We never really got to know poor Neo, but from his body movements of studied wariness on Sateda, I'd say he was on old hand at running. I'd place him at about Steve's age. From that inexpert anaysis, the conclusion would be that pretty much everyone else we've seen has been ranging in age anywhere between those guys and the even older set of Bob (not as old as Todd, but old none-the-less), Greg, Todd, Barbosa (the Sateda King), and Taina/Ariel (Submersion).

            Just a few thoughts,

            Oddly enough a big, masked Wraith of about 220lbs, 6' 1", with red-blonde hair is the winner in tonights dreams! (Hee! Hee, Kar-baby!)

            PS: @masterling and Shan! Thank you! As I mentioned, I still have an idea for my next wallie which needs some more thinking. I may have other stuff which appears first, as I really want this particular wallie to be special. I also miss doing the calendars. I'm sorry, Shan, but the darker stuff just seems to be my forte. I'll try to slip in some silly work from time-to-time just to keep things from getting too morbid!

            Wow! This post has taken me over an hour to write, so back to bed I go. The sound of my poor cat crying out in the rain, at 9:55 at night, was the reason I got up! Don't you know I'm gonna be kissing fuzzy behind for awhile.

            (NOW...back to dreaming of my Wraithly Kar!)

            A very good point about the 'never growing up' because they'd never really faced the challenge of another technologically advanced race!
            This is quite fascinating and we will forever be discussing it, until somehow SGA Season 5 settles some of this. On the other hand, they might open more questions; I hope. This is great.

            And all this discussion has opened an interesting plot avenue in my little story.

            BTW, new episode coming up in a few days.

            Originally posted by Risem View Post
            Hey guys!
            I finished the painting.
            I should have timed it, I'm not sure how long it took this time. I'd say less than 15hours though.


            Okay seriously, I will get around to Todd sometime. *giggles*

            Someone called it sublime. That's the best word for it. It is totally amazing, Risem. Now, when do we get Todd

            Originally posted by MCH View Post


            I think you are correct it will be later in the season, just not sure which episode it will be. I get the impressiom Atlantis told Todd about the gene therapy-about the time of the Queen episode. His price for him thinking about the therapy, or of his cooperation is Atlantis lets Teyla goes with him as his Queen to his meeting with another Queen from an allied Wraith hive.

            Wow... this is interesting. I do wonder what Todd is giving the Atlanteans in return for getting Tey'la to play a Wraith Queen.

            Gawd! I hope they don't botch this episode after all this hype.

            I missed a lot of interesting discussions...
            HONOR. A story.



              Originally posted by Traveler64 View Post
              Wow... this is interesting. I do wonder what Todd is giving the Atlanteans in return for getting Tey'la to play a Wraith Queen.
              S5 spoilers
              the team goes to todd to propose the therapy. he likely agrees to accept it (in ep 17/18 maybe) and in exchange, gets teyla. todd knows he's vulnerable feeding on humans and is a semi-ally, but I'd be cautious if I were him... look what the lanteans "help" (experiments) did to steve and michael.

              todd also has to teach teyla how to act like a queen.
              Last edited by naamiaiset; 17 July 2008, 11:52 PM.


                Originally posted by MyFavoriteWraith View Post
                OMG! She is sublime, Risem. Wonderful job! A future Queen perhaps?
                Very possible.

                Icarium, masterling, toomuchcaf, MCH, Laura Dove, Shanthaia, Traveler64 Thanks for your wonderful comments.
                Todd will be coming along eventually. I've been completely stuck on how to paint him. Portrait, full painting? BAH!

                Ps, I use photoshop and a wacome tablet.

                Originally posted by MCH View Post
                Ok I went back had a look at some magazines and Gateworld interviews. I found one with Alan McCullough as he is talking about season 5 I'm using spoilers. But this maybe where you both heard about the enzyme/gene therapy

                Following on some stuff we culled from Michael's research, we make a proposition to Todd later in the year. The episode I'm just finishing right now, it's called "The Queen. We set up the episode. We go to Todd with a gene therapy we've managed to develop using Michael's research, which we believe will make the Wraith able to process food and thus not have to feed on humans anymore.

                Hope that helps MCH
                That very much sounds like just the "activation" of their digestive system; nothing more.


                  Originally posted by Risem View Post
                  Hey guys!
                  I finished the painting.
                  I should have timed it, I'm not sure how long it took this time. I'd say less than 15hours though.


                  Okay seriously, I will get around to Todd sometime. *giggles*
                  OMG! That is absolutely gorgeous! The color that you used is beautiful. She looks so very deep in thought. I wish I had half your talent!

                  Banner made by gypsy_morph AKA JenKM1216.


                    hello everyone! it's been quite a while since i last stopped by.. how are all my wonderful wraithies?
                    I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


                      Originally posted by Lilith View Post
                      hello everyone! it's been quite a while since i last stopped by.. how are all my wonderful wraithies?
                      As for me, desperately waiting for upcoming season 5 episodes to get my wraith fix with fresh episodes.
                      My Stargate Atlantis fanfictions - Wraith font
                      Todd contacts Atlantis once more... (spoilers up to season 4) 1. Glimpse Into the Evil | 2. Of Wraith and Men (in progress)


                        Originally Posted By Risem

                        Season 5

                        That very much sounds like just the "activation" of their digestive system; nothing more.
                        Yes it does, but it could be very important to giving the Wraith another source of food. With the view that eventually the Wraith could lose their ability to absorbed through the feeding hand what ever it is they take from human apart from killing them. (I'm sorry I still can't work out what Wraith need from us is it energy or essence of human).

                        But I think this could rob the Wraith of the awesome fear they inspire in the human world. Turning them from the big, fierce, bad, life sucking cats of the Pegasus Galaxy to the cute pussy cats of the Galaxy-reminded of Fianne birthday picture ot Todd with pink ribbons in his hair.

                        But that would kill the Wraith off as the main enemy of Atlantis. So I guess what could happen if we get (please please) season 6 Atlantis gets caught in the middle of a much bigger civil war between Todd and his faction and the rest of the Wraith as they battle for the survivial of the Wraith, with some where in there Michael as well.
                        Thanks to DS for my siggy


                          Originally posted by MCH View Post
                          Season 5
                          But that would kill the Wraith off as the main enemy of Atlantis. So I guess what could happen if we get (please please) season 6 Atlantis gets caught in the middle of a much bigger civil war between Todd and his faction and the rest of the Wraith as they battle for the survivial of the Wraith, with some where in there Michael as well.
                          IMO some wraith, if not most wraith, would never agree to let humans prosper in the Pegasus galaxy. Even if they get a means to feed from something else than humans, they will want to remain the masters of the galaxy. Atlantis is powerful, therefore dangerous, therefore must be eliminated.
                          My Stargate Atlantis fanfictions - Wraith font
                          Todd contacts Atlantis once more... (spoilers up to season 4) 1. Glimpse Into the Evil | 2. Of Wraith and Men (in progress)


                            Laura Dove

                            IMO some wraith, if not most wraith, would never agree to let humans prosper in the Pegasus galaxy. Even if they get a means to feed from something else than humans, they will want to remain the masters of the galaxy. Atlantis is powerful, therefore dangerous, therefore must be eliminated.
                            In that case LD, it will be all out, no holds barred war. The gloves will really be off and the war will not end until either the Wraith or Atlantis win. But the cost to the galaxy will be high as both sides fight for their survival of their species and way of life.
                            To the victor goes the spoils.
                            How very sad I see parallels with some of the events happening here in other countries. Oh dear sorry. It is to be hope that is not the way the writers go. There is mention of a new enemy coming in so that may make it a three way fight - cross and double cross deals which to me is much more interesting than a all out war.

                            Thanks to DS for my siggy


                              Originally posted by MCH View Post
                              In that case LD, it will be all out, no holds barred war. The gloves will really be off and the war will not end until either the Wraith or Atlantis win. But the cost to the galaxy will be high as both sides fight for their survival of their species and way of life.
                              To the victor goes the spoils.
                              How very sad I see parallels with some of the events happening here in other countries. Oh dear sorry. It is to be hope that is not the way the writers go. There is mention of a new enemy coming in so that may make it a three way fight - cross and double cross deals which to me is much more interesting than a all out war.
                              It's so much speculation rather than a spoiler that I think we can remove the spoiler tags now.

                              Really, I wouldn't mind seeing a wraith + human alliance against either wraith who want to keep their absolute control over the galaxy, or humans who don't accept any form of peace with the wraith. In fact, I would even like it much more than any new evil-only foe.

                              The difference with real life is that for the show to remain entertaining, there has to be conflict over and over again, while in real life we can only hope for peace. But as I already said, I don't mind seeing any amount of wraith dieing on screen, as long an other significant amount stays alive. We already know wraith are very divided, and I'd love to see an Atlantis + Todd's hives alliance against other hives.
                              My Stargate Atlantis fanfictions - Wraith font
                              Todd contacts Atlantis once more... (spoilers up to season 4) 1. Glimpse Into the Evil | 2. Of Wraith and Men (in progress)


                                Laura Dove

                                It's so much speculation rather than a spoiler that I think we can remove the spoiler tags now.

                                Really, I wouldn't mind seeing a wraith + human alliance against either wraith who want to keep their absolute control over the galaxy, or humans who don't accept any form of peace with the wraith. In fact, I would even like it much more than any new evil-only foe.

                                The difference with real life is that for the show to remain entertaining, there has to be conflict over and over again, while in real life we can only hope for peace. But as I already said, I don't mind seeing any amount of wraith dieing on screen, as long an other significant amount stays alive. We already know wraith are very divided, and I'd love to see an Atlantis + Todd's hives alliance against other hives.
                                Hum a Atlantis+Todd's hive alliance put on a more formal basis would be interesting. We know there are Wraith Worshippers on the hives, are there any planets of humans who will side with the Wraith or more likely with this new enemy we are starting to hear about?

                                I put my first comments in spoilers just in case.

                                Thanks to DS for my siggy

