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    Bad, BAD MCH...



      Originally posted by masterling View Post
      Das, LD, TMC- good thoughts. I never really thought about it but i guess if i lived for that long i would get board. Although they do state several times that they are a patient spices, so maybe boredom is not often experienced.

      Yes the patient of the hunter, the hunt for knowledge the thrills of the hunt for the top predator. If you do not become food for your Wraith mates what can you do with immortality?
      But I wonder as you get older there must come a time when even a Wraith you become world weary. Shep and Co at least have stopped Todd being bored.

      A theought:- I think the drones lives are cheap, they are just muscle. But dispite their immortality how long does your average Commander Wraith live for. Accidents must happen on the hive in the hunt or during culling, or if you displeased your queen or commander. Surely they can't all survive into "old age"

      I remember being told that after both World Wars there was the older generation who fought and survived - (for the Wraith Todd), the lost generation who did not survived and the very young who did not have to fight-(for the Wraith Steve).

      Thanks to DS for my siggy


        Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
        Bad, BAD MCH...

        Who me? * * Little sweet innocent me? *flutter eyelashes in an appealing manner*

        Das how can you say that about me I'm deeply shocked. All I said was boys and their toys.

        You think I'm bad, well hows this for real badness I'm going straight to the gutter and **drool ** about Mr June-Todd and Mr July-Shep tied to a chair. They are both are in my 2009 Stargate Atlantis calendar. And I maybe awhile so there*****

        Thanks to DS for my siggy


          Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
          Yeah, I've worried about that myself. And yet...I can't seem to stop the whining...

          Drags self out of calendar gutter......

          Das you are just following you natural instincts as a fully paid up member of the WDC.....

          returns to calendar gutter........

          Thanks to DS for my siggy


            Originally posted by Crazy Tom View Post
            I'll join.

            -Their really smart, they just don't seem it after 10000+ years of stagnation.
            Originally posted by kzaciswan View Post
            Wraith defenders? Cool.
            a very warm and wraithy welcome to you two



              MCH - is that the new SGA 'commercial' calendar, or a fan-made calendar??

              I hope some day we get some idea of how old the Wraith really are - like Todd, etc. But I think you're right about the war-scenario. Todd is like an old soldier from WWI or WWII...Greg and Bob were certainly from that era too, as was the Submersion queen. Hard to tell with Shawn - he may have been a bit younger, but since other Wraith looked to him to provide for them, he certainly could have been one of the old guard. Steve certainly seemed younger, a bit spoiled perhaps. I think he was definitely a post-war Wraith (Shawn may have been too, like I said, hard to tell with him). I'd like to think of Rhys as a younger Wraith, just 'cause he was purty.

              Of course, by 'younger' I mean like...8000 years old as opposed to 10,000+ years old...I mean, for all we know, a Wraith like Todd or Bob or Greg could be 15,000-20,000 years old, or older. We really don't know when the Wraith became more human-like, and since - in the past 10,000 years - their appearance hasn't changed much, I doubt there was much change in the thousands of years prior to the Ancient War.

              Of course, for being so stinkin' old, Todd still hasn't figured out how not to get captured, or lose a hive...



                Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                MCH - is that the new SGA 'commercial' calendar, or a fan-made calendar??
                It an official commercial calandar published by a UK company called Slow Dazzle. They have a web site Mine cost £7.99 which is a good price it usually more like £10.99. Not sure of the doller price.

                I'm having a serious problem with it through...... it sooooooooo hard to get pass June's and July's pages......

                I hope some day we get some idea of how old the Wraith really are - like Todd, etc. But I think you're right about the war-scenario. Todd is like an old soldier from WWI or WWII...Greg and Bob were certainly from that era too, as was the Submersion queen. Hard to tell with Shawn - he may have been a bit younger, but since other Wraith looked to him to provide for them, he certainly could have been one of the old guard. Steve certainly seemed younger, a bit spoiled perhaps. I think he was definitely a post-war Wraith (Shawn may have been too, like I said, hard to tell with him). I'd like to think of Rhys as a younger Wraith, just 'cause he was purty.

                Of course, by 'younger' I mean like...8000 years old as opposed to 10,000+ years old...I mean, for all we know, a Wraith like Todd or Bob or Greg could be 15,000-20,000 years old, or older. We really don't know when the Wraith became more human-like, and since - in the past 10,000 years - their appearance hasn't changed much, I doubt there was much change in the thousands of years prior to the Ancient War.

                Of course, for being so stinkin' old, Todd still hasn't figured out how not to get captured, or lose a hive...
                Me too more information need on the wraith, mind you if we had all our questions answered what would we all talk about!!!!!!

                The weather Errrr I don't think so

                Welcome Crazy Tom and Kzaciswan to WDC. Hope you have fun.

                Thanks to DS for my siggy


                  Did you guys neme every wraith we've see so far?

                  Anyways, if they kill off the wriath, It would be a tribute to the idiocitty that has infested this show. (writers)

                  It's like they make up every episode on the fly, there's no real storyline.


                    Originally posted by MCH View Post
                    It an official commercial calandar published by a UK company called Slow Dazzle. They have a web site Mine cost £7.99 which is a good price it usually more like £10.99. Not sure of the doller price.

                    I'm having a serious problem with it through...... it sooooooooo hard to get pass June's and July's pages......
                    Thankies - I'll have to check it out Monday to see if it's the same calendar available in the States.

                    Me too more information need on the wraith, mind you if we had all our questions answered what would we all talk about!!!!!!

                    The weather Errrr I don't think so
                    Well, this is true. But for some reason, I doubt we'd run out of stuff to talk about...I mean, we can talk for hours on end just about their fingernails, so imagine what we could discuss if we had more fuel to feed on!

                    And, besides, they'd never tell us everything we want to know - so we'll just have to keep making stuff up. What they really need is a female Wraith fan as a consultant for the writing team...THAT way we'd get exactly the episodes we want - like the one where the Wraith drive the Lanteans from Pegasus, and the other one, where we watch Todd get his hair brushed for 45 minutes (plus commercials for shampoo, of course...)



                      Alright, here's you chance to make a difference... sort of.

                      What do you want for the Wraith, I'm only asking becuase I'm in charge of the Wriath storyline for the AUVF and fans sometimes have really good ideas.

                      For more info,



                        Originally posted by Laura Dove View Post
                        the WDC, where people always over-interpret things whenever it concerns wraith.
                        Over-interpert?? Us?? naw

                        [[QUOTE]QUOTE=Crazy Tom;8764528]Did you guys neme every wraith we've see so far?
                        Yep, see here. thanks to Naami


                        Originally posted by kzaciswan View Post
                        Wraith defenders? Cool.

                        No worries Das, im sure we can find something to talk about. Just thing for all the questions they answer more are made


                          Originally posted by Crazy Tom View Post
                          Alright, here's you chance to make a difference... sort of.

                          What do you want for the Wraith, I'm only asking becuase I'm in charge of the Wriath storyline for the AUVF and fans sometimes have really good ideas.
                          Ultimately, what I want for the Wraith is to find an alternative food source, but without losing the ability or desire to feed. Those who wish to ally themselves with the humans (or, at least TRY to get along with humans) will suppress the desire to feed, much like an alcoholic suppresses the desire to have a drink. But they would still be a danger, at any time able to 'fall off the wagon' and suck on a human if they so desire. This way they could survive on any food source, but always craving humans - like, someone on a diet may crave sweets.

                          As such, they can become a better ally, but never one that could be totally trusted. The hate for the Wraith would still continue, the threat - the edge - would still be there. They could join with humans against Wraith who simply refuse to give up feeding on humans, too. So, you'd have two groups of Wraith - those who are trying to live in peace, and those who refuse to.

                          Another idea would be for Wraith to find a way to take only a little life while at the same time infusing the human with something (like their enzyme) that actually makes the human able to regenerate. This would only work if a little life is taken at a time, however - suck it all and the person will still die. But if they take only a little the human is able to fully recuperate in a short time. It would be a symbiotic relationship, but there would have to be some benefit to humans for them to go along with it - the promise of immortality, just like is given to the worshippers, perhaps. This is a bit of a 'creepier' concept, where humans would have their very own 'pet' Wraith following them around, feeding them and getting whatever 'reward' the Wraith gives in return.

                          That's just a couple ways that I can think of to ensure the survival of the Wraith. Well, that...or like I've said before - just driving the humans out and taking back Pegasus for themselves - THAT would be the best scenario all the way round!



                            Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post

                            This is a bit of a 'creepier' concept, where humans would have their very own 'pet' Wraith following them around, feeding them and getting whatever 'reward' the Wraith gives in return.

                            Oh, oh please sign me up for a "pet". Im all about adopting a cute little creature that needs a roof over it head and good eats!!!

                            All for them kickin out shep and co and takin back the PG!!!


                              GITM issue
                              Im worried that after tonights epi the wraith will be in big trouble. Didnt weir say that she was able to down load their tech, which is now in atlantis's hands. any one else get that feeling??


                                Originally posted by masterling View Post
                                Oh, oh please sign me up for a "pet". Im all about adopting a cute little creature that needs a roof over it head and good eats!!!

                                All for them kickin out shep and co and takin back the PG!!!

                                Yeah - that would be the best ending ever! The Wraith reclaiming the PG and all returning to normal. Afterall, when they ruled the PG, most humans had 500+ years of relative peace while the Wraith slept - that's FAR better than our average here on earth, where we can't even get ONE year without war in any given place. Imagine having 500 years of relative peace - entire generations - century after century - growing up without knowing war. We wouldn't know what to do with ourselves, would we?

                                Oh, and sure there were the occasional cullings to feed the keepers, and - of course - major attacks against advanced civilizations (Sateda), but for the most part, the majority of humans had it pretty good for centuries at a time under Wraith domination, enjoying far more peace and quiet than they've had since the Lanteans showed up. Can't really find fault in that, can we?


