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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Originally posted by Crazy Tom View Post
    How is Todd not a villain? Isn't he Wraith? he might e a littel more subtle than the rest of his kind, but once a wraith, always a wraith.

    *ppssst!* Tom. You're supposed to be DEFENDING them, not condemning them!! LOL...

    Well, Todd isn't a 'villain' - he's just an unlikely ally at the moment, perhaps even a dangerous one.

    The only thing that makes the Wraith 'villains' is that they need to feed on humans to survive. Todd - at the moment - can't help it if he needs to eat people, just as long as he doesn't eat in front of the Lanteans should keep him in their good graces for a bit. I hope.



      Originally posted by Crazy Tom View Post
      How is Todd not a villain? Isn't he Wraith? he might e a littel more subtle than the rest of his kind, but once a wraith, always a wraith.
      Being a wraith might make him an enemy of Atlantis, but not necessarily a bad guy. And for now he's proved helpful and trustworthy enough to be a temporary ally, despite his bad habit of stealing intel whenever he can. He's what wraith can call their best negotiator, and probably the only chance to ever be at peace with the wraith.

      "The Queen" spoilers seem to go in this direction: Todd agrees to the Atlanteans' retrovirus that should give him the ability to process food, although not for free. Clever guy, hitting two birds with a stone.
      My Stargate Atlantis fanfictions - Wraith font
      Todd contacts Atlantis once more... (spoilers up to season 4) 1. Glimpse Into the Evil | 2. Of Wraith and Men (in progress)


        Originally posted by Laura Dove View Post
        I try not to whine too much about wraith and Todd on his blog, lest he kills them just in order to get rid of us.
        Yeah, I've worried about that myself. And yet...I can't seem to stop the whining...



          Wraith defenders? Cool.

<--- my scroll have a look at my dragons


            Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
            *ppssst!* Tom. You're supposed to be DEFENDING them, not condemning them!! LOL...

            Well, Todd isn't a 'villain' - he's just an unlikely ally at the moment, perhaps even a dangerous one.

            The only thing that makes the Wraith 'villains' is that they need to feed on humans to survive. Todd - at the moment - can't help it if he needs to eat people, just as long as he doesn't eat in front of the Lanteans should keep him in their good graces for a bit. I hope.

            Don't see why we can't defend the villain.


              Originally posted by Crazy Tom View Post
              Don't see why we can't defend the villain.

              HEE! I like your way of thinkin', CT...



                Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                HEE! I like your way of thinkin', CT...



                  I just watched "Spoils of War" again and I can't find any hint at all regarding whether or not Todd risked the whole plan.

                  It's almost as if the producers forgot about the ZPMs overload that was supposed to take care of the replicators mass. Neither Todd nor his technician show any surprise that the mass has become heavy enough to sink into the planet and collapse by itself, instead of the original coordinated explosions.

                  In fact, you could indeed interpret it that Todd stole just the appropriate ZPMs to delay the explosion, and that he knew very well that the humans would find another way in time (and he even knew how they would do), but the technician at least should show surprise. Well, unless he doesn't know the plan at all, maybe, so to him, everything seems normal.

                  That, or the writers didn't care about the actual humans' plan, because the episode was about the wraith and not the replicators.
                  My Stargate Atlantis fanfictions - Wraith font
                  Todd contacts Atlantis once more... (spoilers up to season 4) 1. Glimpse Into the Evil | 2. Of Wraith and Men (in progress)


                    Probably didn't care. I wouldn't.


                      Originally posted by Crazy Tom View Post
                      Probably didn't care. I wouldn't.
                      Oh, welcome to the WDC, where people always over-interpret things whenever it concerns wraith. Especially das, actually, but I admit doing the same almost as often.
                      My Stargate Atlantis fanfictions - Wraith font
                      Todd contacts Atlantis once more... (spoilers up to season 4) 1. Glimpse Into the Evil | 2. Of Wraith and Men (in progress)


                        Originally posted by Laura Dove View Post
                        I just watched "Spoils of War" again and I can't find any hint at all regarding whether or not Todd risked the whole plan.

                        It's almost as if the producers forgot about the ZPMs overload that was supposed to take care of the replicators mass. Neither Todd nor his technician show any surprise that the mass has become heavy enough to sink into the planet and collapse by itself, instead of the original coordinated explosions.

                        In fact, you could indeed interpret it that Todd stole just the appropriate ZPMs to delay the explosion, and that he knew very well that the humans would find another way in time (and he even knew how they would do), but the technician at least should show surprise. Well, unless he doesn't know the plan at all, maybe, so to him, everything seems normal.

                        That, or the writers didn't care about the actual humans' plan, because the episode was about the wraith and not the replicators.
                        See - this is why I think Todd had his own agenda all along - he really didn't care what happened after the Replicators started falling apart, all he was concerned about was getting a ZPM or three. Of course, it could just be Wraith personality, they don't tend to show much emotion unless they are angry, or in pain. I'm sure they are expected to remain cool in the heat of battle, no matter what happens. I mean, can you imagine a Rodney Wraith?? He wouldn't last five minutes!

                        Hey, Laura - did you see how many people in that 'planning the end of SGA' thread want the Wraith killed off. I hope that's not the feelings of the majority of fans...)



                          Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                          I'm sure they are expected to remain cool in the heat of battle, no matter what happens. I mean, can you imagine a Rodney Wraith?? He wouldn't last five minutes!
                          There is a strong "natural" selection against that.

                          Hey, Laura - did you see how many people in that 'planning the end of SGA' thread want the Wraith killed off. I hope that's not the feelings of the majority of fans...)
                          Hope so. As it would ruin any chance of having a Stargate Atlantis film, I suppose it won't happen, though. Anyway, I would very much prefer that the end of wraith as a threat is achieving peace rather than killing them all or turning them into humans (which is basically the same). I can picture very well Todd leading his wraith faction (who found a way to eat normal food) and crushing all other factions shoulder to shoulder with Atlantis.
                          My Stargate Atlantis fanfictions - Wraith font
                          Todd contacts Atlantis once more... (spoilers up to season 4) 1. Glimpse Into the Evil | 2. Of Wraith and Men (in progress)


                            Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                            *taps foot and waits for someone to show up*

                            Heeeellllooooo! Anyone out there?

                            Oh, btw - I'm thinking of starting a self-help group - Wraithaholics Anonymous. I realized today - when trying to explain why I find the Wraith so amazingly beautiful - that I'm basically...ya know...nuts.

                            I theought the WDC was already a self help group.

                            Thanks to DS for my siggy


                              Originally posted by LiquidSky View Post
                              A nut yeah, I'm a nut. I am a cashew nut.
                              I lovvvvvvvvvvvvvve Pistachio nuts. Does that count as a wraith nut????

                              Thanks to DS for my siggy


                                Originally posted by Wraithworshipper View Post
                                Oh, Sugar! You are definitely NOT a trifle! And if you're going to be anything, it should be expensive...definitely expensive! How about a white truffle?
                                Re Trifle TCF OT
                                White truffles covered with thick dark chocolate-and it would be definitely expensive. The sherry trifle with raspberry fruit and jelly, plenty of custard and whipped cream, the sponge must be welled soak in sherry. Yum.

                                Wraithie Quote re Eddy

                                *Looks questioningly at das's glare* "You're the one who pushed Eddy at me. Did you really think I wouldn't keep him around for just a little while? Anyway, you can have him back. Occasionally, I like to have intelligent conversation with a man. Yes! I know! Unless it's Todd, that's expecting a lot from any male, but all MC Sleazyhands ever wants to do is play with his stunner! Everything...all day about his stunner!"

                                Reply To Wraithie

                                Nice to know that wheather they are male human or wraith they all like to play with their stunners. Boys like their toys

                                Thanks to DS for my siggy

