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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Originally posted by Winter
    I couldn't feel sorry for the Wraith in Sateda - It made me angry that they would use Ronon to hunt like that - or any human for that matter. I was all for Ronon in that ep. It was very fulfilling to see him kick their butts like that and piss off that huge Wraith.
    Oh, I'm still all for Ronon - and I don't care about the masked warriors...but the ones with the faces...those I kinda have a soft spot for, even when they're being nasty. Oh, except for the ugly commander dude... lol...



      I hope that a small faction of Wraith receive the permanent retro virus. If the Wraith could be given the retro virus and retain their memory and knowledge, but lose some of the aggression they could become potentially powerful allies. I don't want the Wraith to be wiped out like the Goa'uld were some type of settlement should be reached.

      I do love the Wraith as an enemy, but I loved them even more when they were allied with the human fleet in BAMSR.


        Originally posted by Ehecatl
        I hope that a small faction of Wraith receive the permanent retro virus. If the Wraith could be given the retro virus and retain their memory and knowledge, but lose some of the aggression they could become potentially powerful allies. I don't want the Wraith to be wiped out like the Goa'uld were some type of settlement should be reached.

        I do love the Wraith as an enemy, but I loved them even more when they were allied with the human fleet in BAMSR.

        Yeah, I kinda like 'em as allies too - just as long as they don't get toooo tame.

        BTW - I need a good screencap of the pic in your avatar...can you give me a link? I'm leaving work - and high speed now - and going home to dial up. No way I'll be able to effectively search for that picture (full pic like in the banner, not just head shot). But me WANTS!!

        Thankies in advance!



          hello all! not staying long... my old lab is all live and active again, so i thought i'd drop off a little treat... i've got about five teyla and ronan clones, a few shepard, a dozen mckay, and a horde of kavenaugh... enjoy! oh, and i do take orders if you feel like someone else
          I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


            Originally posted by Lilith View Post
            hello all! not staying long... my old lab is all live and active again, so i thought i'd drop off a little treat... i've got about five teyla and ronan clones, a few shepard, a dozen mckay, and a horde of kavenaugh... enjoy! oh, and i do take orders if you feel like someone else
            huh? Anyone wanna 'splain that to us noobies? Lillith, maybe? LOL Anyone. . . ??


              i have alb in the OT with some very advanced cloning tech... seriously, my stuff would make the asguard envious.... anyways, it's open to anyone who wants to play... my only rule is don't blow up my lab... kinda hard to do b/c it in itself is build on a forth dimension and is riddled with sub-dimensions... basically TARDIS tech without the time travel.... anyways, the duplitron3000 and the hybrid conductors are one of the most popular in my lab... everyone, new and old, plays with the cloning machines every now and then.... and as such, i make clones of all our favourite wraithie snacks and bring them over here for all to enjoy... anyone out of the entire 'verse that you wanna cull, just name 'em and i'll have clone in no time... full of nutrition and substance, my working alternative to a healthy food sourse
              I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


                Originally posted by Lilith View Post
                i have alb in the OT with some very advanced cloning tech... seriously, my stuff would make the asguard envious.... anyways, it's open to anyone who wants to play... my only rule is don't blow up my lab... kinda hard to do b/c it in itself is build on a forth dimension and is riddled with sub-dimensions... basically TARDIS tech without the time travel.... anyways, the duplitron3000 and the hybrid conductors are one of the most popular in my lab... everyone, new and old, plays with the cloning machines every now and then.... and as such, i make clones of all our favourite wraithie snacks and bring them over here for all to enjoy... anyone out of the entire 'verse that you wanna cull, just name 'em and i'll have clone in no time... full of nutrition and substance, my working alternative to a healthy food sourse
                Ah-ha! Glorious!


                  Todd made it out alive...I...I think....

                  Anyway, now I can re-watch the episode without biting my nails...

                  Last edited by dasNdanger; 11 January 2008, 07:42 PM.


                    Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                    Todd made it out alive...I...I think....

                    Anyway, now I can re-watch the episode without biting my nails...


                    Hehe, yes!
                    I'm so glad he did!
                    I'm also usually sad when a wraith queen gets killed, but this one was rather nasty to poor Todd. I guess she was hormonal and moody hahaha.


                      Originally posted by Risem View Post

                      Hehe, yes!
                      I'm so glad he did!
                      I'm also usually sad when a wraith queen gets killed, but this one was rather nasty to poor Todd. I guess she was hormonal and moody hahaha.
                      So todd did make it out I can tell my lil sister she thought he died at the end and I agree she was a bit nasty she scowled at the other wraith for trying to prolong his death from her feeding time. but todd as happy to see the crew save him until ronan pointed the gun at his face and sheppard hated tht McKay kept calling todd "Old-friend" and he thought todd was an ugly name even though it was funny when sheppard responds "I went to college eith a guy named todd he was kinda pale"


                        Originally posted by Caretaker_Of_The_Wraith
               was funny when sheppard responds "I went to college eith a guy named todd he was kinda pale"
                        THAT made naming him 'Todd' WORTH it!

                        I REALLY hope the next Wraith is named Brad...That would just be hilarious! A whole hive of preppy Wraith. Todd, Brad, Clark, Allen, Scott, Teddy, Chad...

                        Okay - what is your opinion on Todd's opinion of Rodney? He seemed rather impressed (I think) with Rodney in BAMSR, or something. You know...when Rodney got the idea of how to defeat the replicators...Todd just seemed, impressed, or something, when Rodney got excited and left the room.

                        Or...maybe he was hungry...and was sad to see his dinner walk away...



                          Is "Todd" death now or he life??? It was ugly to see how the "birth" of a faceless Wraith is... It look like a "birth" from a Uruk hai from Lord of the Ring.
                          But I think that "Todd" is now the friend of Shepp and co....


                            Hello! I'm Sorekai and I've loved the Wraith since Steve! (Is it just me or does that sound like an introduction at a AA meeting?) I was wondering if I could join? It would made my day!
                            Broadcast in all known languages.........including Welsh...


                              Originally posted by Degilwen View Post
                              Is "Todd" death now or he life??? It was ugly to see how the "birth" of a faceless Wraith is... It look like a "birth" from a Uruk hai from Lord of the Ring.
                              But I think that "Todd" is now the friend of Shepp and co....
                              Todd's alive. Well, i'm not sure about Shep but Mckay seems to like Todd.

                              I agree about the birthing part, but there's only so many ways they could pull it off.


                                Originally posted by Sorekai View Post
                                Hello! I'm Sorekai and I've loved the Wraith since Steve! (Is it just me or does that sound like an introduction at a AA meeting?) I was wondering if I could join? It would made my day!
                                welcome sorekai! of course you may join so long as you bow down to our wraithy overlords hehe steve was an interesting wraith. he didnt talk that much but when he did he had that sarcastic smugness about him that made him such an awesome character such a shame what happened to him. but he will live on in infamy im sure

                                I'm not dead. Yet.

