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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
    I'm starting to think - yes. I asked one of the artists (Marvel's Patrick Zircher - currently illustrating Thor) to use his artistic eye to explain to me why guys who love horror movies and comic books are so totally freaked out by the Wraith - this was his response:

    "Maybe there's this androgeny that's unnerving. They're kind of sinister in that they seem like lean and bony men but blended (the long white hair, the paleness) with a witch or hag."

    At least he gave me a serious response, instead of 'because they're CREEPY!'


    That is a VERY interesting response. I think it's the best one I've heard. And may be that also explains, in some ways, why women find them interesting, besides that they're a challenge for us to tame.
    HONOR. A story.



      Originally posted by Traveler64 View Post
      That is a VERY interesting response. I think it's the best one I've heard. And may be that also explains, in some ways, why women find them interesting, besides that they're a challenge for us to tame.

      Amen to that, sister, Amen to that!

      (men will NEVER understand that at all...)



        Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post
        Exactly!! Well said LS! And to second what you were responding to: That's why people ARE ON this forum no? Because of their interest.


        I would love to be carried away by a wraith (Todd or Eric preferably) on a sinewy vine like Tarzan! HOOORAY!!
        Oh, I can just see that ( Todd or Eric or even Steve carrying one of us and swinging on a sinewy vine calling out like Tarzan

        Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
        I'm starting to think - yes. I asked one of the artists (Marvel's Patrick Zircher - currently illustrating Thor) to use his artistic eye to explain to me why guys who love horror movies and comic books are so totally freaked out by the Wraith - this was his response:

        "Maybe there's this androgeny that's unnerving. They're kind of sinister in that they seem like lean and bony men but blended (the long white hair, the paleness) with a witch or hag."

        At least he gave me a serious response, instead of 'because they're CREEPY!'


        An interesting analogy on the Wraith by Patrick Zircher on how men view the Wraith. I'ts the androgeny and the witch or hag reference. Maybe that is why women are more attracted to the Wraith I don't know the psycho babble word for it. So, let me explain what I'm trying to say. For years men alway feared women power. It is our power to give life now, I know this sounds contradictory in terms of the Wraith.

        So, first it is how the wraith look that most men fear. Zircher compare the look to a witch or hag. Women have been called witches or hags for centries and, this has always been negitive.

        Ok, I trying to put this all together with out going off track. I think men all ways feared things they can't control. I't is the same with women, men all way tried to control women. This even dates back to the time of the Druids.

        Now, that part I'm trying to get at. Why women are more attracted to the Wraith then men. First off they are bascally all males expect for the queen. and, they are queit intriging. I am trying to put this all together. As das once posted women feel a kinship with the wraith because they hunger and women feed the hungry.

        I am sorry if this post sounds a bit disjointed. I sometime get these thoughts in my head and, when I start to post them they don't come out the way I want them too. So, If you can understand what I was trying to say, good and, If I have confused anyone I'm sorry.



          Originally posted by Traveler64 View Post
          That is a VERY interesting response. I think it's the best one I've heard. And may be that also explains, in some ways, why women find them interesting, besides that they're a challenge for us to tame.

          I agree I think that is one of the most thorough answers we've ever gotten. They almost look like the witches we thing of that forever tempted Macbeth.

          "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


            Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
            It isn't keeping me from playing, tho!

            I was thinking about Steve, and how pretty he is...compared to Todd, who is a bit more masculine and mature. For some reason, this makes me think of Todd as more intelligent, while I think of Steve as a bit of a dandy, mostly concerned with his looks.

            Judging books by their cover, or Wraith by their hairdos...

            Anyway, we discussed this before. I take Michael more seriously as a scientist with his 'hybrid' look than with his pretty long-haired Wraith look. But I know it's just because - in my mind - the really pretty ones are eye candy, while more weathered Wraith - like Todd, and the SuperWraith, and Greg, and perhaps this new bald Wraith - seem more intelligent and capable. But I know I'm wrong...

            So - what do you think a pretty fella like Steve did? Was he a scientist? A doctor? A technician? A mechanic? An officer only? A trainer? A teacher? A...beautician??!

            Just wondering what you guys think different Wraith did aboard their hives...what duties and responsibilities do you think they were best suited for?

            They almost seem to be keepers. Or courters, like queen b-boys. The two we saw in what was the episode with Ford trying to take down a Hive Ship, and the one who is with the Keeper in Rising Part II. Maybe there are just candy. Hmmm.

            "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


              figured I'll pass through quickly... we all know what todd's drink is, yes?

              Last edited by naamiaiset; 05 July 2008, 11:22 AM.


                Originally posted by LiquidSky View Post
                Oh, I can just see that ( Todd or Eric or even Steve carrying one of us and swinging on a sinewy vine calling out like Tarzan


                An interesting analogy on the Wraith by Patrick Zircher on how men view the Wraith. I'ts the androgeny and the witch or hag reference. Maybe that is why women are more attracted to the Wraith I don't know the psycho babble word for it. So, let me explain what I'm trying to say. For years men alway feared women power. It is our power to give life now, I know this sounds contradictory in terms of the Wraith.

                So, first it is how the wraith look that most men fear. Zircher compare the look to a witch or hag. Women have been called witches or hags for centries and, this has always been negitive.

                Ok, I trying to put this all together with out going off track. I think men all ways feared things they can't control. I't is the same with women, men all way tried to control women. This even dates back to the time of the Druids.

                Now, that part I'm trying to get at. Why women are more attracted to the Wraith then men. First off they are bascally all males expect for the queen. and, they are queit intriging. I am trying to put this all together. As das once posted women feel a kinship with the wraith because they hunger and women feed the hungry.

                I am sorry if this post sounds a bit disjointed. I sometime get these thoughts in my head and, when I start to post them they don't come out the way I want them too. So, If you can understand what I was trying to say, good and, If I have confused anyone I'm sorry.

                I understand you perfectly.

                First, the Wraith have a beauty about them...perhaps not by human standards, but a beauty nonetheless. Women, more so than men, can see that beauty. The Wraith have a feminine beauty (like Johnny Depp), but they also have this 'creepiness' to them. I think women find this more intriguing then men. Men want 'perfect' faces, women tend to prefer 'interesting' faces. We like the angles and edges of their features, we love the pouty mouths and softened noses. And the hair, can't forget the hair.

                Also, women are nurturers, We see the Wraith as creatures who are simply hungry, looking to be babies crying for milk. Instinctively we feel sympathetic towards them because they are NOT monsters, or the undead, or something creepy like that - instead they are humanoid creatures who need to be fed.

                I'm gonna go feed Steve my imagination. I think...I think I will give him a telemarketer!!



                  Originally posted by LiquidSky View Post
                  Oh, I can just see that ( Todd or Eric or even Steve carrying one of us and swinging on a sinewy vine calling out like Tarzan


                  An interesting analogy on the Wraith by Patrick Zircher on how men view the Wraith. I'ts the androgeny and the witch or hag reference. Maybe that is why women are more attracted to the Wraith I don't know the psycho babble word for it. So, let me explain what I'm trying to say. For years men alway feared women power. It is our power to give life now, I know this sounds contradictory in terms of the Wraith.

                  So, first it is how the wraith look that most men fear. Zircher compare the look to a witch or hag. Women have been called witches or hags for centries and, this has always been negitive.

                  Ok, I trying to put this all together with out going off track. I think men all ways feared things they can't control. I't is the same with women, men all way tried to control women. This even dates back to the time of the Druids.

                  Now, that part I'm trying to get at. Why women are more attracted to the Wraith then men. First off they are bascally all males expect for the queen. and, they are queit intriging. I am trying to put this all together. As das once posted women feel a kinship with the wraith because they hunger and women feed the hungry.

                  I am sorry if this post sounds a bit disjointed. I sometime get these thoughts in my head and, when I start to post them they don't come out the way I want them too. So, If you can understand what I was trying to say, good and, If I have confused anyone I'm sorry.

                  It doesn't sound disjointed at all. I agree, and again well put. I think it is tied up to the female control thing too. What I do find interesting is that women find androgynous men attractive, however most can be said for the reverse situation.
                  I don't know much about this, but I'll make a stab at the psycho babble terms. I remember reading about Freud's Oedipus Rex syndrome (men who love their mothers, or who love women who remind them of their mothers), but I also remember hearing about before reading about the Electra syndrome. I thought this was the opposite where women went for men like their fathers. Apparently no--if anyone knows more please enlighten us here. Apparently, Freud's theory was that since all mothers are the first and most significant relationship a child has, both the male and female children are "in-love" with their mothers. The Electra syndrome is where a girl child gets jealous of the father because he is involved with the mother, whom the child considers her "right" and "love companion". So, mayhap there is a grain of truth to Freud's research, women are looking for the perfect man/woman.

                  "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                    I think the Steve, Mantis and Eward types are commanders in training. They did have the mask warriors following behind them. I would think that the Steve types were probably more than just eye candy and, I'm sure they had more power in the command chain. Or, they could be the gofer for the Queen. I love to see an episode on the power structure in the hive. I thought "The Queen" will give us a little insight on Wraith politics.




                      Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
                      figured I'll pass through quickly... we all know what todd's drink is, yes?

                      Clever! Of course that's it.

                      "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                        Here I am at last, raising a glass of mead, as golden as wraith eyes!

                        You have a very interesting discussion here, as for why women tend to be fascinated by the wraith while men tend to be frightened. I have for long thought myself as a weirdo anyway, but now I see I only increase the counter.

                        Well, whatever. Long life to the wraith!
                        My Stargate Atlantis fanfictions - Wraith font
                        Todd contacts Atlantis once more... (spoilers up to season 4) 1. Glimpse Into the Evil | 2. Of Wraith and Men (in progress)


                          Originally posted by Laura Dove View Post
                          Here I am at last, raising a glass of mead, as golden as wraith eyes!

                          You have a very interesting discussion here, as for why women tend to be fascinated by the wraith while men tend to be frightened. I have for long thought myself as a weirdo anyway, but now I see I only increase the counter.

                          Well, whatever. Long life to the wraith!
                          That would be a great episode. Ya I wonder how did the Lanteans make their ZPMs?

                          WK --I'm just finishing my wriathtini and I think I'm up for another.

                          "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                            I had this thought going on. What if the FX make-up people created the Wraith basically all female warriors but more like the comic book style. You know big busted, tiny waist but, still had the Wraith face and the long flowing hair and, subservient to the male ruler. I wonder then how the male viewers would feel about the Wraith.



                              Originally posted by LiquidSky View Post
                              I had this thought going on. What if the FX make-up people created the Wraith basically all female warriors but more like the comic book style. You know big busted, tiny waist but, still had the Wraith face and the long flowing hair and, subservient to the male ruler. I wonder then how the male viewers would feel about the Wraith.

                              I think they would love it.

                              "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                                Here's a comic book related banner I made. Secret Invasion is Marvel's 'big event' for the summer, where shape-shifting green space aliens take the form of heroes and invade earth...

                                hee! (the forum I use it on is black, thus the big black space to the side...)

                                Last edited by dasNdanger; 05 July 2008, 12:32 PM.

