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    Ehrmmm...We should name those two Wraithmales. ( the one who served Gabriel first but betrayed him, and this Wraithcommander with that OH overly utterly take-my-breath-away-smile... And How do we call the Queen? WRAITHLORD!!! you love the queens. you have any suggestions?


      Originally posted by Winter
      And it still leaves open how the guys with the faces come to be. . .
      I think I read somewhere that one of the creators/producers - something - said that the ones with faces come about in less technical ways...indicating that it's more like human reproduction as we know least, that's the impression I got.

      I think that Shep likes him but is having issues with it. I believe he is trying to be realistic about the whole thing, remembering that at any moment the Wraith could betray him/them. I think Rodney kind of forgets until he is reminded - he is awfuly comfortable with the Wraith (ally). He trusts him - I guess because he spent so much time sitting right next to him unbound.
      Exactly! Rodney just gets so excited about whatever it is he's working on, he just totally forgets that the Wraith next to him is a deadly life-sucking bogeyman....UNTIL he's reminded. I liked how - in BAMSR - he tried to get the Wraith to admit to joking about feeding on him, and Todd just kinda cocked his head to the side, as if to say, 'who's joking?'


      Another thing I find quite amusing - did you notice that Shep seems to be the only one allowed to name anything without being criticized? LOL Rodney got crap when he named Fran, Ford always got crap for trying to name stuff but Shep pulls a whimpy name like Todd outta his arse and that's just fine! LMAO NOT!

      I refuse to call the Wraith Todd.
      I think Todd is a funny name. My sister is afraid of snakes, and she moved to a region of the country that has TONS of snakes. They live all around her even lives by the front door. She couldn't go out of her house because of the fear she had of them. So, she fixed it by naming them 'cute' she can tolerate the snakes okay - she's still afraid of them, but as long as they have non-threatening names, she can deal with it.

      I think the same holds true here. 'Todd' is a non-threatening name for a VERY threatening character. It helps the crew deal with his presence by subconsciously softening the danger he presents by giving him a tame name.

      I personally don't think the Wraith have names. This assumption from lines like 'What do you call yourself' from the Keeper in The Rising. Notice she didn't ask 'What is your name' which I think would have noted a personal familiarity with the tradition. As a race that communicates almost entirely telepathicly (except when we're watching LOL) I don't believe they would have need of names which would make our use of them a curiosity to them. It might actually be kind of fun to find out what each of us is called. . .
      I think you could be right to an extent. Todd seemed very fascinated by Sheppard's name...very quick to use it. But he doesn't do that with his own race - they refer to each other by rank or position or ship - queen, hive, dart, commander, etc. I haven't heard a name yet, UNLESS...unless they hold their names in such high regard that they feel it disrespectful to even speak their names, except in extreme circumstances. It may be their deepest secret - what they call themselves as individuals - something they only share with their closest of brothers.

      Lastly - in my hella long post - Anyone else here think that Teyla's 'abilities' are a little out there for a human? I think it might be realistic for her to be able to maybe trick the queen, annoy her to distraction but a full on bodily take over. . .hmmm. Dunno 'bout that. That was the only part about the ep I wasn't with 100%.
      I'm thinkng that the hormonal changes in her body due to her pregnancy, and the joining of her mind with her child's, is what gave her such a powerful mental link (are all of her race telepathic, or just her due to the Wraith gene? Her child obviously has the same telepathic ability?).

      But I don't know enough about her to say for sure.

      I hope you all had a nice weekend.

      Had a great weekend, thanks! Hope you did, too!



        Originally posted by Winter

        I believe the Wraith in the birthing scene was Scott Heindl - the guy with the little chin. He was in Reunion. I'm not certain which one Brendan was yet. I need to watch it again.
        Look again - birthing sceen Wraith had a larger chin...he's not the one who was talking with the Queen.

        Originally posted by Xepherah
        ...But i indeed hold it for impossible for Teyla to control a Queens mind. It is exaggerated. And makes the Queen look weak. Heh, Well we all know that Wraithmales are so intensely powerful, but a Queen is a "might" on her own. Bob, did hurt Teyla when she tried to enter his mind. Go figure!
        ( Instead that he would be hurting me, ooh baby hehehehe) If Teyla could overpower a Queen, then it means her whole system had to be rewired to do so. You cannot control the mind of an insectoid, unless you are at least 65% one yourself. Besides the Queen is thousands of years older then Teyla. She has way more experience then Teyla. To the Queen it would feel like a small sting of a needle inside her mind. Instead of a knife....Okay i cut the chatter.....
        Keep one thing in mind - the Queen was weak and vulnerable...she needed to feed. In THAT state she could easily be overpowered mentally...just like how we - as humans - often can't think straight when we are very hungry.

        No suggestions on names for the characters. The Queen will be - the Queen. LOL. Not too many queens, so not too confusing. The one who appeared before her...we'll call him...Ted. And the other one, Butch.



          Originally posted by Xepherah View Post
          I basically I do think the Wraith do have names. Even when telepathic you have to have a reference to get to someone. Ofcourse you can remember his face, when doing so. But i think it is very important not to disclose that name to outsiders. Yet they could name themselves. We do that as well. Like having nicknames or chosen names. It is the name what means the most. You identify yourself with it. I think for Wraith it works no different. With what name do you indentify yourself with? But as we humans are eager to give everything a name, for we cannot refer to something when something remains unnmaed. Words and language is sooo poor though. But i find Todd a horrific name. It doesn´t say anything. i myself prefer to call him Gabriel. One of the Archangels but that is not it. Personally i see the Wraith as subethereal intelligent sentient beings. A name can also depict the great value of things and beings. It is not like "God" God is no name. It is a title. And if there was so, it is too great to be named for it a name cannot refer to the greatness of a god. I see Wraith as deities. But I am confident that they do have names. Absolutely 100 % sure of that. But the less you say the less you have to answer. It is hard to find someone in a mass of people when something goes wrong if the person in particular does not have a name.

          Ehr...No it is not possible for a human to take over a Queen. Maybe because of the second life in her...her child..added some strength to it. But then the child is as far as I know not a Wraith. Teyla does have Wraith DNA. But that cannot be so powerful to control the mind of a full Wraith. Forget about the nova mind of a queen. Maybe she would be able to control the mind of a Michael like figure. for the human dna may lessen the " Wraitheffect" But i indeed hold it for impossible for Teyla to control a Queens mind. It is exaggerated. And makes the Queen look weak. Heh, Well we all know that Wraithmales are so intensely powerful, but a Queen is a "might" on her own. Bob, did hurt Teyla when she tried to enter his mind. Go figure!
          ( Instead that he would be hurting me, ooh baby hehehehe) If Teyla could overpower a Queen, then it means her whole system had to be rewired to do so. You cannot control the mind of an insectoid, unless you are at least 65% one yourself. Besides the Queen is thousands of years older then Teyla. She has way more experience then Teyla. To the Queen it would feel like a small sting of a needle inside her mind. Instead of a knife....Okay i cut the chatter.....

          None the less. Long live the WRAITH!
          Hey Xepherah - long time no see.

          About the name thing - think about the depth and complexity of telepathic communication. When searching for someone in a crowd you would have only to peruse the minds of your fellows to find the one you were looking for. Verbal communication is so limited.

          At first I didn't want to consider the Wraith to not have names either but that would make them so different. Since we are so accustomed to naming things - that is such a huge theme of Atlantis - naming things - that it would just be such a wonderful thing to have the Wraith without the very thing we so adamantly cling to. Names. It is just too sweet - sad we have no way to identify them with our words but it just makes them that much more interesting and mysterious! It makes me want in!

          I have to agree about the Wraith in Condemned - he is fabulous!


            Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
            Look again - birthing sceen Wraith had a larger chin...he's not the one who was talking with the Queen.

            Keep one thing in mind - the Queen was weak and vulnerable...she needed to feed. In THAT state she could easily be overpowered mentally...just like how we - as humans - often can't think straight when we are very hungry.

            No suggestions on names for the characters. The Queen will be - the Queen. LOL. Not too many queens, so not too confusing. The one who appeared before her...we'll call him...Ted. And the other one, Butch.

            I was thinking about how vulnerable she would be after giving so much to her offspring - in fact, I considered that immediately upon clicking the 'submit reply'. Afterthoughts come with such clarity it can be annoying!


              Originally posted by susanne View Post
              wraithlord! i love the new icon! and RL is horrible i know >.> come back soon with more juicy info please!
              Glad you like it susanne RL is indeed horrible and I'll try my best to find some more juicy Wraith info.
              Originally posted by Xepherah View Post
              And How do we call the Queen? WRAITHLORD!!! you love the queens. you have any suggestions?
              How about Laura or Jane or maybe Alice what do you think of those?
              I'll see what else i can come up with later right now i have to go off again for a little while.


                Wow a lot what I read.... Hmmm Relationship between Wraith and human... Why not but I think we have here a problem... Wraith need humans as food. I don´t think that Shepp and the Team can accept, that Todd/Gabriel need a human as food. Gabriel is now castaway ( in german we say Verstoßener I don´t know the right word for this ) under the Wraith... Like Michael.. He can´t go backt to the Wraith too. So I think the Wraith don´t need a Queen.
                And I think that a Wraith with a face like Bob, Steve,Shawn and the Queen are normal born and have a childhood. Perhaps this "Face" Wraith kidnap some humans (see the gift) and they have sex with them.... We know that Teyla have Wraith DNA in her genetic make up but we don´t know how she get this. I think that what I wrote, that Wraith have Sex with humans.... And so the Face Wraith beginn.
                And I think that Teylas Baby is a Wraith from a Wraith and not from a Arthosian...


                  Originally posted by Degilwen View Post
                  Wow a lot what I read.... Hmmm Relationship between Wraith and human... Why not but I think we have here a problem... Wraith need humans as food. I don´t think that Shepp and the Team can accept, that Todd/Gabriel need a human as food. Gabriel is now castaway ( in german we say Verstoßener I don´t know the right word for this ) under the Wraith... Like Michael.. He can´t go backt to the Wraith too. So I think the Wraith don´t need a Queen.
                  And I think that a Wraith with a face like Bob, Steve,Shawn and the Queen are normal born and have a childhood. Perhaps this "Face" Wraith kidnap some humans (see the gift) and they have sex with them.... We know that Teyla have Wraith DNA in her genetic make up but we don´t know how she get this. I think that what I wrote, that Wraith have Sex with humans.... And so the Face Wraith beginn.
                  And I think that Teylas Baby is a Wraith from a Wraith and not from a Arthosian...
                  Actually, in The Gift they explain why she has Wraith DNA. Besides, if Wraith like Bob and Steve et al came from humans, how did the first come about? The Ancients said they evolved but how can they evolve if it takes a human female to bear them? It takes a female Wraith to create the soldiers, but a human female to create a Wraith female and that can only happen with a male Wraith like Bob, Steve et all - you see, this just makes an ugly ambiguous circle. Oiy! The Wraith must be able to reproduce on their own or their genetic material would be far too diluted by human dna.

                  I don't think Teyla's child will be Wraith - that would just be too lame. If that happened, I think I would be so ashamed of the writers I would be forced to stop watching Atlantis.


                    Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                    Welcome Sorekai, I'm new too!

                    LOL! Yeah, he'd feast on Ronon in no time! I love the tension between Ronon and Todd - they just kinda leer at each other, each 'challenging' the other to make the first move.

                    Only thing is - isn't Ronon a Runner with an immunity to feeding...meaning he can't satisfy the Wraith's hunger? So...I don't know if Todd would feed on him, or just kill him.

                    it was nice to see Todd sit down for a What I liked about the actor (Penny) who played Todd in BAMSR (besides being a bit better looking), is that he had a VERY sly smile...which made me wonder what Todd was really up to.

                    Oh! Did anyone notice that Brendan Penny was listed in the credits for SOW? I think he was the Wraith in the birthing scene - the one who cut the new soldier out of his coccoon. Look again, and see if it isn't Penny.

                    Todd was played by Christopher Heyedahl and Brendan Penny played the Wraith technician/scientist controling the weaponary that todd order and soon betrayed him to the queen
                    I'm not sure on that answer about ronan b/c I started watching SGA when I saw Steve so


                      Originally posted by Caretaker_Of_The_Wraith
                      Todd was played by Christopher Heyedahl and Brendan Penny played the Wraith technician/scientist controling the weaponary that todd order and soon betrayed him to the queen
                      Penny was the betrayer? Maybe because he didn't get to play 'Todd' in this episode... (I still think he's also the one helping with the birthing scene.)

                      I am NOT in a good mood tonight - I saw Poisoning the Well for the VERY FIRST TIME. I really understand now why fans loved Steve so much - he was so cool!! Man...I was so bummed when he died...ruined my whole evening...

                      They need to bring in another 'Steve'. Different character, of course, but with the same confidence and superior attitude. He was just perfect!



                        Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post

                        I think you could be right to an extent. Todd seemed very fascinated by Sheppard's name...very quick to use it. But he doesn't do that with his own race - they refer to each other by rank or position or ship - queen, hive, dart, commander, etc. I haven't heard a name yet, UNLESS...unless they hold their names in such high regard that they feel it disrespectful to even speak their names, except in extreme circumstances. It may be their deepest secret - what they call themselves as individuals - something they only share with their closest of brothers.

                        I personally thing this too. For example the Allies queen used Michel's name like and insult when speaking with him. Also Steve (very) vaguely suggested he might have a name by stating; "I am your death, that is all you need to know."

                        Also, does anyone have a link to that wraith naming thread?


                          What do you guys think of the name Laura for the Spoils of War Queen i think its the perfect name for her but i was wondering what you guys thought of it?
                          Originally posted by Risem View Post
                          does anyone have a link to that wraith naming thread?
                          There's no actual wraith naming thread that i know of the closest thing i know to it is the All Wraith Thunk Thread


                            Originally posted by Risem
                            I personally thing this too. For example the Allies queen used Michel's name like and insult when speaking with him. Also Steve (very) vaguely suggested he might have a name by stating; "I am your death, that is all you need to know."
                            Yes - just watched that episode last night, and I thought that Steve was doing one of two things - concealing his true name (perhaps it's a Wraithy name that humans cannot pronounce, but that translates as 'I am your death'), OR...he felt a bit vulnerable because he really doesn't have a name (therefore, isn't considered an individual, but instead part of the collective hive), and so came up with some threatening answer, just to put the fear of No-Name Wraith into Shep & Co.

                            Still, I'd like to think they have names, but that those names are too sacred to speak aloud.



                              Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                              Yes - just watched that episode last night, and I thought that Steve was doing one of two things - concealing his true name (perhaps it's a Wraithy name that humans cannot pronounce, but that translates as 'I am your death'), OR...he felt a bit vulnerable because he really doesn't have a name (therefore, isn't considered an individual, but instead part of the collective hive), and so came up with some threatening answer, just to put the fear of No-Name Wraith into Shep & Co.

                              Still, I'd like to think they have names, but that those names are too sacred to speak aloud.

                              Mornin' das!

                              I have to say, just because they don't have names wouldn't negate their individuality. Since we are so accustumed to having names as it is a necessity for us we have difficulty imagining what it could be like in another culture - one whose primary form of communication is telepathic. The possibities of this are endless and a name really isn't imperative. They are not like borg, one of many - but individuals of a culture that is in many ways, beyond us. I read somewhere that the writers were trying to achieve an enemy that was so different and felt so foreign - and it mentioned the fact that maybe they don't have names, which as we have seen just totally throws us all for loop. We want them to have names - we want to know what they call each other so badly its driving us crazy!

                              Grudgingly, I let the whole name thing go - I had ideas - some good names but it didn't feel right. Maybe I'll write a little story about a mission . . . just to see what happens.


                                Orginal wrote from Winter

                                Actually, in The Gift they explain why she has Wraith DNA. Besides, if Wraith like Bob and Steve et al came from humans, how did the first come about? The Ancients said they evolved but how can they evolve if it takes a human female to bear them? It takes a female Wraith to create the soldiers, but a human female to create a Wraith female and that can only happen with a male Wraith like Bob, Steve et all - you see, this just makes an ugly ambiguous circle. Oiy! The Wraith must be able to reproduce on their own or their genetic material would be far too diluted by human dna.

                                I don't think Teyla's child will be Wraith - that would just be too lame. If that happened, I think I would be so ashamed of the writers I would be forced to stop watching Atlantis.
                                You forget that nobody made experiments with Teyla (except Michael). In my thinking was it the ancestors from Teyla.. We don´t know how old the Arthosian humans are... We know that a Wraith kidnap Arthosians and this scientist ( I think it is Todd ) want create a new generation of food. Perhaps this experiment on the humans show this Wraith that the human womans can get Wraith babies? See Ellia.. She is a little Wraith girl an eat at first normal food. Then as "Teen" she begin to "eat" human energie... And if you see the episode "The Hive" you can see that the Wraith are not only are interested on food... The Queen say that some humans are her server... Why not as "birthmachine" for the Wraith? Look this Wraith guy if he look back to Neera... He smile and in his eyes I see symphatie for Neera.. Perhaps this girl is the mistress of him?

                                And I think that Michael is in fact the "Dad" of Teylas baby or have you see that Teyla have a affair with a Arthosian??? And see what this baby do.... Help Teyla to have control over the Queen... Why? I say this baby have more from a Wraith

