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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Originally posted by Degilwen View Post
    Xep I don´t like Archie... he look really like a oldie Wraith .... But I know now what Shepp and co do in this hive. Somebody on a other board tell that the Wraith have steal some ZPM´s from the Replicators. And now McKay,Shep and co want this... but the Queen is angry and would "eat" the humans.....
    Oh degilwen, i agree that he a bit looks like he has been putting his finger into a lightsocket somewhere. But maybe you should look better at Archimedes. Well i know i see the beauty in nearly everything, but the replicators ( blergh)...Archimedes is not very old for a Wraith. look at his throat. The skin around his neck is still tight. But Archimedes is a very very wise wraith with deep insight. Observe his behavior. Then maybe you will see.


      Originally posted by susanne View Post
      ok so i couldnt help it a filthy dirty fight between two wraith in a mudpit is ASKING to be writ of course i could take things several different ways and this is the first one i came up with.

      *****-----***** warning*****-----*****

      spoilers for all my sins remember'd read at yer own risk folks.


      Gabriel stood back observing the wraith around him, it had been a mistake to change course. They should have gone t the rendezvous site as agreed, the atlantians would never trust him but he had been overruled. Archimedes stood to the side watching him, both wraith had never gotten along but they had both been posted on this hive. Even the hive wasn’t big enough anymore, and Archimedes was grating on his nerves fast. Suddenly a high pitched beeping noise cracked the uneasy silence and Gabriel looked down, it was a transmittion from the queen, as her face flashed up he bowed low and she sneered. “ I want your hive to check our old feeding grounds. See how much of our territory is gone through the replicators.” Gabriel nodded. “I want you to personally see the sites. Take the scientist and a dart when you arrive.” Gabriel remained impassive as he spoke “of course my queen” she scowled at him and the communication ended. He resisted punching the console and turned to look at the scientist, pleased to note Archimedes looked just as horrified and angry with this as he did. “You heard the queen, pack, now.” With a sneer to rival even the queens Archimedes departed the control room leaving Gabriel and the soldiers alone. “He will be trouble. I know it.”
      With things packed, the hive hovering at the edges of its territory and the dart ready to go, Gabriel swept over the equipment and was forced to share combined space with Archimedes in a dart, it was awfully cramped. “Will you please keep your appendages to yourself?” “Im trying to pilot scientist, I can’t fly this dart without hitting something of yours!” “I suspect your rather enjoying it too!” “Oh just shut up and keep quiet. We have a long journey.” That was the abrupt end to the conversation as the dart flew through space not meeting a single trouble, a few months ago you couldn’t get so far as the next planet without the ever present replicators somewhere nearby. It was good to have them gone and Gabriel could concentrate on other matters. “What are you doing?” “Im afraid I need to move” “you certainly cannot move scientist! Stay where you are!” After 5 minutes of nonstop argue Gabriel sighed as silence resumed, half an hour more and he would be at the first planet. Then that damn scientist can stretch his legs. 15 minutes later Archimedes broke the peace. “I for one find it outrageous the queen made me bring you along.” “Made you bring me along? She told me to bring you along as ‘you might be useful’ I don’t see how!” “I worked on the replicators programming for months!” “Yes and I helped create the code that brought the downfall of the replicators!” “ You had that idiot scientist McKay helping you!” “Oh yes… didn’t he say he wouldn’t help you?” Archimedes growled from behind Gabriel’s seat and he snickered a little. Gabriel had just shut that damn mouthy wraith up. Thank god. 5 minutes later they landed safely on the planet none the worse for wear and unloaded the equipment from the sweeper. “Do you hear anything scientist?” he watched Archimedes silent for a minute “no I don’t” “is there something…. Odd about that to you?” “That there are no sounds of inferior creatures in the forest? Or the grasslands?” “Yes.” “That is troubling.” “This planet I believe was taken, everything was taken.” “ We still need to do a sweep” “ but I am correct, there is nothing here. Not a sound out of this place.” “Still…” Gabriel was getting frustrated with Archimedes. He doubted a superior wraith. “Listen here scientist, I am the commanding wraith here. I am sure there is no life among these bushes; the humans and the animals have been taken. We are moving on.” Now he saw Archimedes start to get angry, obviously he still wanted more time to ‘stretch his legs.’ “ I will give you 5 minutes while I pack up the equipment. Do as I say wraith.” “Yes sir.” 10 minutes later two pissed off wraith were huddled inside a dart loaded with wraith equipment heading for the next planet in their territory; this one was a good hour away. As Gabriel sat concentrating on the destination Archimedes was still fuming cramped in the back of the dart. “Why couldn’t I pilot?” “Because scientist, you are here to do the science. I am here to drive.” A whole bickering hour later, after having argued over why Gabriel should drive, how he drives and how a scientist could drive the dart haphazardly skidded into the dirt of another planet, both occupants- who were trying to throttle each other at the time- toppled out of the cockpit and straight into what Archimedes would describe as a cesspit of filth, muck and unhygienic elements. Or mud to Gabriel. As both men stood up looking at the quagmire consuming their boots in filth Gabriel kicked some dirt in anger sending it flying into Archimedes, for a scientist he was very good at a soldier’s way of fighting. Dirty. And you couldn’t get any dirtier than a wraith launching himself at you for spraying you with even more filth. They both flew back into the mud with a splat coating Gabriel’s hair in thick mucky goo; Archimedes tried to throttle him again with which Gabriel responded by grabbing a fist full of his hair and pulling him into the mud with him, now they were both covered head to toe with mud, and with swift punches to the face and chest Gabriel was gaining the upper hand, wraith fought dirty with one another. It was the only way to win, in response to having his chest pounded in Archimedes scooped up a handful of mud and threw it at Gabriel temporarily blinding him, exhausted, filthy and wet they crawled out of the mud pit and shook off the worst of the mud, it still stuck firm to their hair – and Gabriel’s beard – but they were too exhausted to do anything about it right now. Collapsing on the grass they panted gaining their breath, Gabriel had come off better, giving Archimedes a fair few bruises and bleeds, but they would mend. “You know,” he panted next to the scientist “next time we get a mission we do that before we go” Archimedes chuckled weakly and sat up “I think its time to get to work.” Gabriel just waved him off still panting, “give me a minute. I am not as young and headstrong as you.”


      rotflmao.... i could see that all happen up front of me. It is all so....recognizable....


        Originally posted by Winter View Post
        hmmm. . .an interesting theory Lillith. Gonna have to give that one some thought.
        Wraith are not a sexual at all....


          Originally posted by Xepherah View Post
          rotflmao.... i could see that all happen up front of me. It is all so....recognizable....
          glad you like it xeph i wrote that verging 2 am in the morning and it was the first thing to come to my head, although i could twist it a few other ways toying with the idea of wraith in an arena (roman gladiator style) but that seemed better

          I'm not dead. Yet.


            Originally posted by Xepherah
            There is a world of difference between cowardice and the urge for selfpreservation. Any Wraith would acknowledge that. But for them indirect selection is a very important part in their existence. So those who are not fertile will be taking care of the others as if they were their own descendents. You see thesame with bees and ants. And one particular specie of the praying mantis. We all saw Reunion I pressume? I listened well to what Ara said. Until we saw the truth. I do not believe she was brainwashed. But at the end of our life´s we will begin to refllect that what we have done. She said they pushed us to the brink of our lives so we would experience our lies.
            So i do not believe it was all indoctrination. Ara said this with passion and love, with a begging look in her eyes when she faced Ronon concerning this matter. Stubborness can indeed make you break your own neck. I think the Wraith are for sure to give something in return ( and that would be something big). But i do not believe becoming a worshiper, is based on fear. Anyone knows when someone bows because of fear, they will leave and betray you as soon as they had the chance to. The Wraith certainly would know this.
            Nothing is to be feared only to be understood. And how do we receive the greatest comprehension?
            Thanks, I see your point. Not sure I saw Reunion - Like I said in one of my first posts on this forum, I've only watched SGA kinda-sorta over my husband's shoulder. I liked it okay, but really didn't pay attention to most stuff...not until the Wraith suddenly became interesting to me in Common Ground. NOW I want to go back and watch from the beginning, to better understand this enemy, who also can be a very interesting ally.



              Why do you think that the Wraith with a face have NO normal Sex? I mean they have human dna, human bodys and they have genital criterias (male and female). And I remember that McKay ask Todd in Millers Crossing if he have a family. In misbegotten the guy ask for her woman... I think they have Sex.... and they are more in her evolution as a Itarus or a bee.
              Xeph I like more Bob and Steve... Oh here some cute Pic´s I found:


                Originally posted by Degilwen View Post
                Why do you think that the Wraith with a face have NO normal Sex? I mean they have human dna, human bodys and they have genital criterias (male and female). And I remember that McKay ask Todd in Millers Crossing if he have a family. In misbegotten the guy ask for her woman... I think they have Sex.... and they are more in her evolution as a Itarus or a bee.
                Xeph I like more Bob and Steve... Oh here some cute Pic´s I found:

                Those pics are indeed cute. A Wraith being scared of a cat. i thought they would feel related to cats because of the eyes, and a cats behavior...Well both Wraith and cats are really charming


                  Ah thank you Xepherah for explaining the second one of the cute pics- I truly did not understand it!!!! Yes Cats and Wraith are very similiar - ever see how smug a cat gets when a cat gets his or her way- Remember how wonderfully smug Erik sounded and looked when he told Mackay that they were on their way to Earth...i love Wraith when they get that look

                  Mind you i love Wraith full stop...they are all so lovely - er except Genghis Khan from Sateda!!!!!

                  It looks like we have gained some new members as well as a pair of knockers!!! By knockers I mean people who come and cricticise Wraith on a Wraith loving thread not what that means in the English slang version- although they did sound a like a right pair of ti....that is it I will stop there. It seems everyone gave them a right rhetorical send off with dose of of the old verbals! it made me be proud to be in the Wraith Defenders Club- the Way it was handled so well

                  WElcome to those new members who joined us in those last pages- I can not recall your names but you are so welcome. Actually its a wonder I am even awake at present as I seem to wanto nothing but hibernate.

                  Thank you all those people who laughed at the Twelve Wraith Days of Christmas i missed that the first time i looked and someone greened me too- thank you so much for that.

                  With this "thing" in Spoils of War lets hope our Wraith come off well in this season- they deserve something good- Wraith just Rule!
                  We are angels of death in black leather
                  Your demons without wings, we glide
                  We are angels in black with a hunger
                  Not your sheep to change or guide.
                  We are angels in the blackness for ever


                    Originally posted by Degilwen View Post
                    Why do you think that the Wraith with a face have NO normal Sex? I mean they have human dna, human bodys and they have genital criterias (male and female). And I remember that McKay ask Todd in Millers Crossing if he have a family.
                    I was just considering it as a possibility. From 'The Gift' -

                    McKAY: But I thought you already said they had a number of genetic characteristics similar to humans.

                    BECKETT: They do -- but they're still much closer to the bug creature that attacked Major Sheppard than to us.

                    In group living insects such as bees, ants and termites there are Queens who reproduce, a small number of males and the rest (females) are sexually inactive. The Wraith are different in that the majority of hive members are male instead of female but this doesn't neccessarily mean that they couldn't follow the general group living insect reproductive pattern. If Wraith males have sex, who are the majority of them going to have sex with when there are thousands of them to one female?

                    In 'Be All My Sins Remember'd' we learned that many hive ships are without Queens so there's even less opportunity for sex.

                    Originally posted by Degilwen View Post
                    In misbegotten the guy ask for her woman... I think they have Sex.... and they are more in her evolution as a Itarus or a bee.
                    In 'Misbegotten' the humanised Wraith were told that they were under quarantine and the women of their people were immune to a disease. The humanised Wraith didn't remember anything so would have believed that they were from a normal human society with men and women. It's even likely that female marines and medical staff had been sent to the planet to show these rv'd Wraith what women are. Michael was told he had parents and came from Texas but there was no truth in that.

                    I suppose it all depends on how one views Wraith. I've always regarded them as insects with humanoid aspects so have always imagined their social set up to be akin to bees or termites. I could be wrong, though, because I don't write the scripts. If I did I'm afraid I'd have a very unromantic set up where the majority of the males are really neuter because thousands of sexually active males to one female would be somewhat redundant to my way of thinking.


                      Ah thank you Xepherah for explaining the second one of the cute pics- I truly did not understand it!!!! Yes Cats and Wraith are very similiar - ever see how smug a cat gets when a cat gets his or her way- Remember how wonderfully smug Erik sounded and looked when he told Mackay that they were on their way to Earth...i love Wraith when they get that look

                      Mind you i love Wraith full stop...they are all so lovely - er except Genghis Khan from Sateda!!!!!

                      It looks like we have gained some new members as well as a pair of knockers!!! By knockers I mean people who come and cricticise Wraith on a Wraith loving thread not what that means in the English slang version- although they did sound a like a right pair of ti....that is it I will stop there. It seems everyone gave them a right rhetorical send off with dose of of the old verbals! it made me be proud to be in the Wraith Defenders Club- the Way it was handled so well

                      WElcome to those new members who joined us in those last pages- I can not recall your names but you are so welcome. Actually its a wonder I am even awake at present as I seem to wanto nothing but hibernate.

                      Thank you all those people who laughed at the Twelve Wraith Days of Christmas i missed that the first time i looked and someone greened me too- thank you so much for that. it was you Suzanne thank so much

                      With this "thing" in Spoils of War lets hope our Wraith come off well in this season- they deserve something good- Wraith just Rule!

                      Well I am off to feed now!!
                      We are angels of death in black leather
                      Your demons without wings, we glide
                      We are angels in black with a hunger
                      Not your sheep to change or guide.
                      We are angels in the blackness for ever


                        Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                        This is the beauty of the thing...the idea of a Wraith/human partnership.

                        He must feed. Do you trust him not to feed on YOU? Perhaps. He'd have to earn that trust, of course. Say he does. Now - what does he feed on?

                        Do you adopt a 'don't ask, don't tell' policy? Just sit back and figuratively watch him go out the door at night, come back in the morning...and never question him about what happened in between?

                        And who would he chose to feed upon? Innocents, as in the past? Or, would his relationship with humans give him a stronger moral conscience, where he'd almost take on the skin of a hero, feeding only on muggers and rapists and murderers? I really, REALLY don't see that happening, simply because it would waterdown the Wraith's personality too much, and make him a bit too cliche.

                        I have a question - when a person is fed upon - do they EVER regain the lost years (in time), or does it permanently take those years away? If the human can recuperate, then partial, selective feeding - almost like our forefathers used leeches and bloodletting for medical purposes - could be an option. But it would take immense self-control on the Wraith's part, as well as people willing to put their bodies through even a short, partial feeding.

                        Can Wraith be sustained by eating normal food? If they can get just SOME norishment and strength from normal food - this would be an option. They would stay alive, but - perhaps - in a weakened, malnurished state. This would be the best scenario because it would tax the Wraith's self-control without making him NEED to suck on his buddies (obviously, there would be a FEW occasions when he could feed, such as on enemies who attack, etc).

                        This would make for the most interesting scenarios. First, it would bring out the Wraith's emotion - from humor to anger - in dealing with his weakened, half-starved state. Like I said, it would tax his self-control as he waited for the next enemy to attack, and - perhaps - his next satisfying meal. It could also be a good plot device. A story could involve members of Atlantis being killed in a Wraith-like manner, and - of course - all suspicion would fall upon him. The moral and ethical questions - and difficulties - of having him on the team, or as an ally, would be great.

                        Also, it could jeapordize the way the Atlantis team is received by the different civilizations they encounter. I mean, some don't like Ronon and Tayla hanging around...imagine if while you're negotiating, your Wraith buddy comes into the room uninvited...

                        Man (jumping out of his seat): "What is this??! Who let this MONSTER in here??!"

                        Shep: "Settle down, settle down. He's with us, and I'll vouch for him..."

                        Man: "VOUCH for him??! These things slaughtered my entire village!! They...they...FEED on humans!!"

                        Shep: "Now, calm down. This one doesn't feed..."

                        Rodney (under his breath): "much." *leans into Sheppard, and whipsers* "Guy's got a point...and...oddly's SAME the one I'VE BEEN TRYING TO MAKE FOR MONTHS..."

                        Shep (whispering through his teeth): "Shut it. This is not the time or the place., and make nice with our creepy bug guy over there, before this whole deal falls through."

                        Rodney: "And if I don't?"

                        Shep: "You'll be dinner."


                        Okay - that was lame...but it there's so many possibilites open for both plotlines, and scenes both amusing and deadly serious, if you have a Wraith hanging around as a permanent ally.

                        Hey das

                        The system of morals you are referring to are our own. Our moral guidelines for what is right and wrong. For us, killing a human being for any reason is murder - one human killing another. For the Wraith however, killing a human being is not murder, it is a necessity and we cannot call it murder. That would be imposing our morals / culture on them. There is no malice in what they are doing, only instinct for survival and we cannot blame them for that. It is what they are. For a Wraith to take on our 'moral conscience' would actually be silly.

                        In the ep Condemned, there is a Wraith that enjoys dining with the leader of a group of humans - he tells the human that the food he eats there, while he enjoys the taste does not sustain him.

                        In the ep Instinct we find out that the male Wraith is taking one or two humans a month.

                        So, our food, while they can eat it does not sustain them and they require at least one human a month go get by. That is why our ally was okay for so long and why Steve lasted so long.

                        I don't think having a Wraith around would be so great. It would not be believable and that is key for a good story.

                        It is interesting to think though what our ally might do in the future. He has developed respect for the team and might help them exclusively in extenuating circumstances. Don't ask for examples because I can't think of any just yet. Give me some time. LOL


                          Originally posted by kaeyla View Post
                          Mind you i love Wraith full stop...they are all so lovely - er except Genghis Khan from Sateda!!!!!
                          I loved his awesome strength and power so found him rather magnificent in that respect.

                          Originally posted by kaeyla View Post
                          By knockers I mean people who come and cricticise Wraith on a Wraith loving thread not what that means in the English slang version- although they did sound a like a right pair of ti....that is it I will stop there.
                          I'm glad I wasn't eating or drinking anything when I read that because I fell around laughing.


                            Originally posted by Winter
                            Hey das

                            The system of morals you are referring to are our own. Our moral guidelines for what is right and wrong. For us, killing a human being for any reason is murder - one human killing another. For the Wraith however, killing a human being is not murder, it is a necessity and we cannot call it murder. That would be imposing our morals / culture on them. There is no malice in what they are doing, only instinct for survival and we cannot blame them for that. It is what they are. For a Wraith to take on our 'moral conscience' would actually be silly.
                            I agree. I was trying to figure out a way that the HUMANS would be able to live with the idea, without necessarily imposing their moral code on the Wraith...AND keep SGA within what is acceptable viewing for such a show. Thing is - if it was an HBO series, or something, there would be no problem with having a main character feeding on people whenever the need arises, it is...there's certain boundaries the show itself must say within (fan fic, of course, is a totally different situation... )

                            In the ep Condemned, there is a Wraith that enjoys dining with the leader of a group of humans - he tells the human that the food he eats there, while he enjoys the taste does not sustain him.

                            In the ep Instinct we find out that the male Wraith is taking one or two humans a month.

                            So, our food, while they can eat it does not sustain them and they require at least one human a month go get by. That is why our ally was okay for so long and why Steve lasted so long.
                            Okay - thanks for the clarification. I've seen bits and pieces of the episodes mentioned - but like I've said before, never paid rapt attention. NOW I am.

                            So - a human a month. NO problem. How many bad guys do they have to kill per episode? PLENTY of food to go around, if the Wraith can get to it before someone else does.

                            I don't think having a Wraith around would be so great. It would not be believable and that is key for a good story.
                            I don't think having one around for every. single. episode. would be good, either. I think of Worf on Next Generation - I loved Worf, but his presence kinda wussified the Klingons, IMHO. Now...his brother Kern on the other hand...he maintained that wildly aggressive Klingon persona, and thus was an exciting character (again, IMHO) each time he showed up. I would hate to see the Wraith toned down too much by having the character overused. If there's about 20 episodes a season, I'd be VERY happy if five of those had the Wraith, with two - at most - focused specifically on him. But I'd still like to see the character of Todd - or at least a similar character - as part of the permanent cast.

                            It is interesting to think though what our ally might do in the future. He has developed respect for the team and might help them exclusively in extenuating circumstances. Don't ask for examples because I can't think of any just yet. Give me some time. LOL
                            I like this character lots - which gives me this really bad feeling that he will eventually be killed off - perhaps sacrificing himself to save Sheppard ...just seems like a very un-Wraithy thing to do. But I would be very unhappy if they did something like this because I'm just getting used to the character, and really starting to like him, and am looking forward to any future possibilities for him in the stories.

                            Time will tell. But I really do hope they keep the character (regardless of actor) around.



                              Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
                              I was just considering it as a possibility. From 'The Gift' -

                              McKAY: But I thought you already said they had a number of genetic characteristics similar to humans.

                              BECKETT: They do -- but they're still much closer to the bug creature that attacked Major Sheppard than to us.

                              In group living insects such as bees, ants and termites there are Queens who reproduce, a small number of males and the rest (females) are sexually inactive. The Wraith are different in that the majority of hive members are male instead of female but this doesn't neccessarily mean that they couldn't follow the general group living insect reproductive pattern. If Wraith males have sex, who are the majority of them going to have sex with when there are thousands of them to one female?

                              In 'Be All My Sins Remember'd' we learned that many hive ships are without Queens so there's even less opportunity for sex.

                              In 'Misbegotten' the humanised Wraith were told that they were under quarantine and the women of their people were immune to a disease. The humanised Wraith didn't remember anything so would have believed that they were from a normal human society with men and women. It's even likely that female marines and medical staff had been sent to the planet to show these rv'd Wraith what women are. Michael was told he had parents and came from Texas but there was no truth in that.

                              I suppose it all depends on how one views Wraith. I've always regarded them as insects with humanoid aspects so have always imagined their social set up to be akin to bees or termites. I could be wrong, though, because I don't write the scripts. If I did I'm afraid I'd have a very unromantic set up where the majority of the males are really neuter because thousands of sexually active males to one female would be somewhat redundant to my way of thinking.
                              I agree with you ciannwn. My thoughts were along the lines of these people have the potential for an indeterminable lifespan. For this reason it would be illogical for them to be driven to reproduce like humans as we have seen their vast numbers become unsustainable. In some insect colonies and even some mammals (mole rats actually - its just a nasty thing!) the dominant female or queen in the case of insects actually has the ability to cause the other females to become infertile while they reside within her colony. I'm not going to get into how the rat does it - if you want to know, google it. Its icky grody NASTY!

                              It really is amusing how much we know collectively about how other animals reproduce. Sex. It just goes to show the importance it holds in our lives. LOL It was never good enough that animals and insects multiply - we had to find out how and it was most likely the first thing we examined! I am speaking of course of all the scientists, biologists, anthropologists etc who ever studied new species.

                              Gotta love it!

                              So with the knowledge we gain from SoW and our speculations - what would make the Wraith more interesting to us - a reproductive act that we can relate to or something completely foreign. If the Wraith are asexual or do not reproduce via a sexual act we can relate to would that make them more intangible than if they had more of a connection with humanity via some of their characteristics of sexuality. How completely foreign is too foreign?

                              It is common knowledge that we gravitate to things that we can relate to. . .


                                Ah Ciannwn- it was great to Genghis fight on Sateda-SGA team had to cheat to beat him. i could not help it with the knockers thing!

                                I have been reading here about the Wraith reproduction discussion here- maybe they have more than one way- perhaps they go for the insect way when reproducing Wraith Warriors- grow faster quicker retaining ancestral and racial knowledge- like spiders do- or jung collective pool of conciousness of past knowledge for wraith. That way The queen can have many soldiers in creation as soon as without having to carry them internally.

                                Perhaps Wraith like Sexy Steve- sorry behave, Steve Gabriel and Bob are birthed in mamilian palcental fashion- either singularly or multiplely like twins- even a human female can produce up to four children with out fertility drugs. Wraith healing abilities are phenominal- would a Wraith female be able to heal herself rapidly after birthing a wraith child in the mammalian placenta fashion- and could other Wraith share and carry part of her birthing labour with their mind abilities too so she doesn't have to bear the pain alone. In this Way she would recover faster and far better than a human woman.

                                I can not see someone As Sensual and hungry as Wraith not having sex- it would be odd i feel. Perhaps the strongest male and not necessary in physical strength would win over other suiters to produce offspring- wraithlings...with his queen so the best genes are passed on too for that season or cycle of time. What about those WRaith who have no chance to mate with with their Queen- maybe as a big reward to those wraithworshippers who serve loyally perhaps the highest reward of all would be to lay with A Wraith they knew or chose. Perhaps a blind eye would be turned to those unions as long as any conceptions never ever occurred with those human bears some thinking about ...
                                We are angels of death in black leather
                                Your demons without wings, we glide
                                We are angels in black with a hunger
                                Not your sheep to change or guide.
                                We are angels in the blackness for ever

