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STAKS: The Anti-Kirking Discussion Thread

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  • MajorShipper
    STAKS! WOW! I finaly found yall! I found this thread a long time ago, and said that i would get on when i was old enough. an now i am. i love the idea of anti-kirking, my boys belong with their teamates.
    anyway thats how i feel about it.

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  • lissa1000
    Originally posted by Exiled Master View Post
    Eureka! I think I know the antidote to kirking. Include more sexual tension within the cast. And if you have a scifi comedy, make the guys oblivious to the alien girls' advances. Like
    Both ideas sound like fun to me!

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  • Exiled Master
    Eureka! I think I know the antidote to kirking. Include more sexual tension within the cast. And if you have a scifi comedy, make the guys oblivious to the alien girls' advances. Like

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  • Royal_Nonesuch
    Just had to stop by and put in my support for Rodney's comment as well. I was cheering lol. Rodney sees it--I'm glad the writers can have a little fun with the whole thing (since we know they know what we call Sheppard's antics).

    I'm really enjoying S3 so far. They've done an excellent job building up the characters instead of wasting precious creen time on kirk encounters.


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  • SlytherinGal
    hehehe...yea i was, but unfortunately he wasn't there...but Michael did kiss me

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  • Willow'sCat
    Originally posted by Potions_Mistress
    HA! that is great Toaster I hope Shep/Joe doesn't kirk with all us women that will be in Chicago at the end of the month ...who dares me to kiss him or touch his hair and see what he does
    I hope you are joking PM. *hence the * Or maybe you need to read the etiquette thread for attending cons.

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  • SlytherinGal
    i loved that part well, i loved all of M&MM but that was funny

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  • Trek_Girl42
    Originally posted by Erised
    McKay and Mrs. Miller
    Rodney came to Atlantis with his sister and Sheppard was slightly hitting on her and McKay goes: "she's married" and Sheppard said that he was just saying Hi, and Rodney said something like "Yeah, sure, Kirk"
    ... Can't remember the exact way they said it
    Yay Rodney!

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  • Erised
    Originally posted by Trek_Girl42
    What happened?
    McKay and Mrs. Miller
    Rodney came to Atlantis with his sister and Sheppard was slightly hitting on her and McKay goes: "she's married" and Sheppard said that he was just saying Hi, and Rodney said something like "Yeah, sure, Kirk"
    ... Can't remember the exact way they said it

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  • Trek_Girl42
    Originally posted by Erised
    HA! OMG! KIRK? I love Rodney, LOL! Good job TPTB.... someone has been checking the STAKS thread.
    What happened?

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  • Erised
    HA! OMG! KIRK? I love Rodney, LOL! Good job TPTB.... someone has been checking the STAKS thread.

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  • SlytherinGal
    HA! that is great Toaster <snip>

    snipped with a reminder to leave the actors out of it.
    Last edited by Skydiver; 10 September 2006, 08:15 AM.

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  • astronomicalchick
    Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
    Oh yeah, I made this for a challenge and completely forgot to share it with you guys. You know, the ones who would enjoy it the most...*headdesk*

    (Stuck behind the url tag to spare innocents from the full trauma of Tower)

    This is fantastic!!! It is totally worthy of your nefariousness!!

    And just perfect.

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  • Linzi

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  • Tracy Jane
    Thanks for the birthday wishes guys

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