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Major Lorne/Kavan Smith Thunk Thread

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    Btw and totally OT on my crappy last few days ...

    I finally got my boss to grant me a few much needed vacation days ... next week. And as usual, I want to go to the sea. It's where I can really relax and forget the crap at home. May 1st is a holiday here, so I won't need all that many of my vacation days, either. Sounds perfect, doesn't it?

    Now my mom is making a heap of a fuss because my dad has decided to go with us (us being my daughter and me). Mom doesn't want to come, though she could, of course. Not that taking dad will make it relaxing for me, we have so different ideas about what vacation means, but I think I can give him this as a birthday present.

    I have been rushing home from the school, taking mom to the doc, getting her meds etc and basically being exhausted as all hell at the end of the day. Her doc says he can't find anything wrong with her, except for her hyperventilating and stressing herself out, but he will do the complete set of tests just to be sure.

    What really makes me question the whole thing is that she was fine until she found out dad wants to come with us. I really, really need this vacation and this mess is not helping me get back on my feet. *sighs* I am so torn on this.
    I'm a 60%er. - Kethry's fanfiction


      Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post
      Yes don't you remember those? From back around christmas? She gave us all one for presents?

      I remember. I was just wondering whether they worked as well as hoped.

      It was Strawberry & Green Pepper I'm not sure of the brand off the top of my head(will look in a bit).

      Uh did you get the Email I sent you?
      Yep, got it and will answer soon.

      Strawberry and green pepper? Sounds weird.
      I'm a 60%er. - Kethry's fanfiction


        Good choice!

        Me too. I need lots of Joe.

        I'm a 60%er. - Kethry's fanfiction


          Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
          Btw and totally OT on my crappy last few days ...

          I finally got my boss to grant me a few much needed vacation days ... next week. And as usual, I want to go to the sea. It's where I can really relax and forget the crap at home. May 1st is a holiday here, so I won't need all that many of my vacation days, either. Sounds perfect, doesn't it?

          Now my mom is making a heap of a fuss because my dad has decided to go with us (us being my daughter and me). Mom doesn't want to come, though she could, of course. Not that taking dad will make it relaxing for me, we have so different ideas about what vacation means, but I think I can give him this as a birthday present.

          I have been rushing home from the school, taking mom to the doc, getting her meds etc and basically being exhausted as all hell at the end of the day. Her doc says he can't find anything wrong with her, except for her hyperventilating and stressing herself out, but he will do the complete set of tests just to be sure.

          What really makes me question the whole thing is that she was fine until she found out dad wants to come with us. I really, really need this vacation and this mess is not helping me get back on my feet. *sighs* I am so torn on this.
          Awwww Kethry *HUGS*

          My grandmum does much the same thing, except for her it occurs at 4 predictable times a year- My Uncle's birthday, My Grandfather's birthday, and the 'anniversary' of their respective passings. So I empathize with you.

          Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
          I remember. I was just wondering whether they worked as well as hoped.
          Well I know when I took my early test version to California it worked wonderfully.

          Yep, got it and will answer soon.
          Okay was just curious and worried it hadn't arrived. Hope it wasn't too daunting

          Strawberry and green pepper? Sounds weird.
          Its Coppeneur chocolate. I am actually surprised at how good it tastes considering that it is Erdbeere & Grüner Pfeffer

          I'm a 60%'er


            Originally posted by kethryveris View Post

            I like your scene, Lizzie...except for the part where the beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep appears. Can't we do without that? The rest is just fine as it is and keeps the door open for a re-appearance of our fav major in a potentially, possibly, eventual, maybe second movie.

            Doc Keller smacks the monitor and the beeeeeeeep stops.

            Keller: Sorry about that...*gives McKay an evil look* Someone said they were going to fix that.

            Teyla dries her eyes. Is he....OK? she sniffs.

            Keller: He'll be fine in a day or too. He has the thunkers to think about...

            Sheppard looks worried: Oh God not the thunkers and whumpers. Hey Ronon...wait for me!

            Lorne groans and opens his eyes: I'm alive?

            Keller: Yes you are Evan..... just...saved by the thunkers who want you in the next movie...

            Lorne smiles: I love those guys.



              Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post
              Doc Keller smacks the monitor and the beeeeeeeep stops.

              Keller: Sorry about that...*gives McKay an evil look* Someone said they were going to fix that.

              Teyla dries her eyes. Is he....OK? she sniffs.

              Keller: He'll be fine in a day or too. He has the thunkers to think about...

              Sheppard looks worried: Oh God not the thunkers and whumpers. Hey Ronon...wait for me!

              Lorne groans and opens his eyes: I'm alive?

              Keller: Yes you are Evan..... just...saved by the thunkers who want you in the next movie...

              Lorne smiles: I love those guys.

              Now that's the right spirit! You go, Lorne!

              I'm a 60%er. - Kethry's fanfiction


                Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post
                Awwww Kethry *HUGS*

                My grandmum does much the same thing, except for her it occurs at 4 predictable times a year- My Uncle's birthday, My Grandfather's birthday, and the 'anniversary' of their respective passings. So I empathize with you.

                *hugs Mac back*

                The horrible thing is that I still can't be certain she is okay and this is only induced by our trip. I hope the next tests prove that she is fine and I can stop feeling horrible (either for not taking her seriously or for being mad at her for spoiling my vacation). *sighs*

                Well I know when I took my early test version to California it worked wonderfully.

                Well, then maybe I should take mine for the ferry ride to the island (if it should happen).

                Lorne has already packed for the trip.

                I'm a 60%er. - Kethry's fanfiction


                  Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post
                  Doc Keller smacks the monitor and the beeeeeeeep stops.

                  Keller: Sorry about that...*gives McKay an evil look* Someone said they were going to fix that.

                  Teyla dries her eyes. Is he....OK? she sniffs.

                  Keller: He'll be fine in a day or too. He has the thunkers to think about...

                  Sheppard looks worried: Oh God not the thunkers and whumpers. Hey Ronon...wait for me!

                  Lorne groans and opens his eyes: I'm alive?

                  Keller: Yes you are Evan..... just...saved by the thunkers who want you in the next movie...

                  Lorne smiles: I love those guys.

                  That just made my touch of depression a little better!!


                    Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
                    Btw and totally OT on my crappy last few days ...

                    I finally got my boss to grant me a few much needed vacation days ... next week. And as usual, I want to go to the sea. It's where I can really relax and forget the crap at home. May 1st is a holiday here, so I won't need all that many of my vacation days, either. Sounds perfect, doesn't it?

                    Now my mom is making a heap of a fuss because my dad has decided to go with us (us being my daughter and me). Mom doesn't want to come, though she could, of course. Not that taking dad will make it relaxing for me, we have so different ideas about what vacation means, but I think I can give him this as a birthday present.

                    I have been rushing home from the school, taking mom to the doc, getting her meds etc and basically being exhausted as all hell at the end of the day. Her doc says he can't find anything wrong with her, except for her hyperventilating and stressing herself out, but he will do the complete set of tests just to be sure.

                    What really makes me question the whole thing is that she was fine until she found out dad wants to come with us. I really, really need this vacation and this mess is not helping me get back on my feet. *sighs* I am so torn on this.

                    Originally posted by kethryveris View Post

                    Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post
                    Doc Keller smacks the monitor and the beeeeeeeep stops.

                    Keller: Sorry about that...*gives McKay an evil look* Someone said they were going to fix that.

                    Teyla dries her eyes. Is he....OK? she sniffs.

                    Keller: He'll be fine in a day or too. He has the thunkers to think about...

                    Sheppard looks worried: Oh God not the thunkers and whumpers. Hey Ronon...wait for me!

                    Lorne groans and opens his eyes: I'm alive?

                    Keller: Yes you are Evan..... just...saved by the thunkers who want you in the next movie...

                    Lorne smiles: I love those guys.

                    Yay go Lorne

                    Banner Made By: Fainne | I'm a 60%er | My Youtube


                      Originally posted by Atlantean2005 View Post
                      That just made my touch of depression a little better!!
                      Glad to have helped


                        Thanx for the well-wishes, folks. Things are looking pretty good. Just have to get back into my routine around here.

                        kethry - sorry to hear your parents are giving you problems.
                        Atlantean - hope you feel better ....
                        Lizzie -- great 'save' there!!
                        Ya know, guys, those chocolate 'flavors' just dont sound too good. The strawberry is about all I can think of might be good.....

                        Hey mac - tomorrow is Earth Day -- I think Lorne and I owe some trees someplace ---

                        Came up with this too --- albeit has nothing to do with much of anything other than Kavan's interview back in Jan.
                        sigpic myLornefanfic


                          FYI: Kavan TV appearance. Nightmare at the End of the Hall is currently one on LMN. Came on at 8 pm eastern. Didn't know this until my mom told me. It comes on again in the morning/tomorrow at 12 am and again at 12 pm. Just a heads up!


                            Originally posted by Atlantean2005 View Post
                            FYI: Kavan TV appearance. Nightmare at the End of the Hall is currently one on LMN. Came on at 8 pm eastern. Didn't know this until my mom told me. It comes on again in the morning/tomorrow at 12 am and again at 12 pm. Just a heads up!
                            DVR is set to record

                            It's Complicated Butterflies and Hurricanes


                              Originally posted by Atlantean2005 View Post
                              FYI: Kavan TV appearance. Nightmare at the End of the Hall is currently one on LMN. Came on at 8 pm eastern. Didn't know this until my mom told me. It comes on again in the morning/tomorrow at 12 am and again at 12 pm. Just a heads up!
                              Am watching it now - had to watch Idol first but recording second showing and will watch first half then, too. I'm thinking I just figured out the storyline/plot! Will see soon if I got it right!!

                              sigpic myLornefanfic


                                Originally posted by SciFiSGFan View Post
                                Am watching it now - had to watch Idol first but recording second showing and will watch first half then, too. I'm thinking I just figured out the storyline/plot! Will see soon if I got it right!!

                                IMHO, and probably a lot of other people's,... YOU'RE GONNA LOVE IT!!!

                                BTW, sorry about everything going on with you. Hope all goes well!

