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Major Lorne/Kavan Smith Thunk Thread

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    *struggles to lift up a hand and wave hello* Afternoon LorneLovers (translation = everyone who's posted in the last twenty-four hours at least). It's pushing 90 degrees here and I think I'm melting... That's no reason to torture ya'll though so I present half-nekkid Lorne Spam


      Any reason huh Cath?

      It's Complicated Butterflies and Hurricanes


        Originally posted by Elizabeth Bartlett View Post
        Any reason huh Cath?
        *laughs* I was thinking how even the light clothing I have on feels like a parka, I thought dressing him in less was fitting


          Originally posted by Cathain Nottingham View Post
          *laughs* I was thinking how even the light clothing I have on feels like a parka, I thought dressing him in less was fitting
          No complaints here

          Photobucket question;
          does anyone know how/if I can get rid of the 'album visits'?

          It's Complicated Butterflies and Hurricanes


            Originally posted by Elizabeth Bartlett View Post
            Photobucket question;
            does anyone know how/if I can get rid of the 'album visits'?
            Photobucket answer-

            as far as I can tell we are now 'stuck' with this. I don't like it and wish it and the 'newly uploaded' pictures bit would go away. makes me feel odd when I log in and its all 'hi these are some of what you've uploaded recently'

            Edited to add:

            It looks like if you click the little triangle in the upper left corner of the box it 'goes away'(minimizes the box) and doesn't appear.

            I'm a 60%'er


              So in case you haven't seen it already straight from Joe M's blog in regards to the Atlantis movie:

              Yes, all of the regulars and semi-regulars you’ve grown to know and love are in play - Sheppard, McKay, Teyla, Ronon, Woolsey, Keller, Zelenka, Lorne, Beckett, Chuck, Banks, and Todd - in addition to a couple of surprise guest stars.
              See more Here

              Though personally I won't be celebrating too much until I actually *SEE* it and assure that he *lives* through the whole thing.

              I'm a 60%'er


                Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post
                First off *HUGS* again for Charles de Gaulles. I am so sorry that it was horrid.
                Oh well, it's not your fault. And maybe it wouldn't have been as bad if they had made us wait at the gate the plane was actually going from, not the one where only the busses to the plane were going from...

                Though you know, I was very surprised by how little we discussed Kavan while we were together....
                Me, too! But you know, I think that's actually a good sign

                Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post
                Though personally I won't be celebrating too much until I actually *SEE* it and assure that he *lives* through the whole thing.
                Yes, exactly. Like I said a few times already: The good thing about Lorne NOT being in the movie would have been that the writers wouldn't have gotten a chance to kill him off.
                Last edited by RowenaR; 20 April 2009, 03:00 AM.
                I'm a 60%er.

                I will always place the mission first.
                I will never accept defeat.
                I will never quit.
                I will never leave a fallen comrade.
                "There is no problem that cannot be solved by the use of high explosives."


                  mmmm and half nekkid Lorne is always good... *smirks.*


                    Thanks to Jumble for the icon and siggy.
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                      Great pics everybody
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                        Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post
                        Photobucket answer-

                        as far as I can tell we are now 'stuck' with this. I don't like it and wish it and the 'newly uploaded' pictures bit would go away. makes me feel odd when I log in and its all 'hi these are some of what you've uploaded recently'

                        Edited to add:

                        It looks like if you click the little triangle in the upper left corner of the box it 'goes away'(minimizes the box) and doesn't appear.
                        Thanks! I know,
                        although I uploaded a bunch of Kavan pics so they're easy on the eyes

                        Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post
                        Though personally I won't be celebrating too much until I actually *SEE* it and assure that he *lives* through the whole thing.
                        My thoughts exactly, and I would love to head the word 'Evan' Is that too much to ask?

                        It's Complicated Butterflies and Hurricanes


                          Originally posted by RowenaR View Post
                          Oh well, it's not your fault. And maybe it wouldn't have been as bad if they had made us wait at the gate the plane was actually going from, not the one where only the busses to the plane were going from...
                          Well I can still feel bad for you How'd the Major Lorne airport pillow work out for you?

                          Me, too! But you know, I think that's actually a good sign
                          Yes, I'm sure it is a good sign really, it just seems *odd* I guess. BTW- that chocolate was amazingly good for the questionable combination of flavors(I'm not normally a 'fruity' chocolate person)

                          Yes, exactly. Like I said a few times already: The good thing about Lorne NOT being in the movie would have been that the writers wouldn't have gotten a chance to kill him off.
                          True, but it still is nice to know that they know he's there right? Riiiiight?

                          Originally posted by Elizabeth Bartlett View Post
                          Thanks! I know,
                          although I uploaded a bunch of Kavan pics so they're easy on the eyes
                          my pictures are usually exclusively Kavan as 99% of the time lately I've been uploading all my screencaps...

                          My thoughts exactly, and I would love to head the word 'Evan' Is that too much to ask?
                          Yes, yes it is too much to ask

                          I'm a 60%'er


                            Originally posted by Hermiiod View Post
                            Heehee! *insert evil Asgard laugh*

                            Incidentally, if any of you know what an evil Asgard laugh sounds like let me know.
                            That would be an interesting sound

                            Originally posted by Cathain Nottingham View Post

                            Oooh very kind of Lorne

                            but that can't possibly have cooled you off!!!

                            Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post
                            So in case you haven't seen it already straight from Joe M's blog in regards to the Atlantis movie:

                            Though personally I won't be celebrating too much until I actually *SEE* it and assure that he *lives* through the whole thing.
                            Originally posted by RowenaR View Post
                            Yes, exactly. Like I said a few times already: The good thing about Lorne NOT being in the movie would have been that the writers wouldn't have gotten a chance to kill him off.

                            But..but...but....I can't wait to see him again under any circumstances...regardless of the risks... I want to see him in some proper fact as he's been under used so far I would rather they used him really well in one last mission. Even if they killed him....And if they did kill him I want action, bullet wounds, blood, torn uniform( but no damage to the holster ), dragging his sorry self through the Stargate and into the infirmary where he's put in bed in scrubs and attended to with everyone crying at his bedside as the monitor flatlines........beeeeeeeeep.......


                            My thoughts exactly, and I would love to head the word 'Evan' Is that too much to ask?
                            Did I dream this or did they actually have 'Evan' said in a ep but it ended on the cutting room floor? if so I see that there's going to be quite a few deleted scenes in the Season 5 DVDs. *fingers crossed*


                              Originally posted by Hermiiod View Post
                              thats gorgeous Hermiiod

                              Originally posted by Cathain Nottingham View Post
                              *struggles to lift up a hand and wave hello* Afternoon LorneLovers (translation = everyone who's posted in the last twenty-four hours at least). It's pushing 90 degrees here and I think I'm melting... That's no reason to torture ya'll though so I present half-nekkid Lorne Spam

                              Looks like its getting pritty hot in there too

                              Originally posted by Elizabeth Bartlett View Post

                              Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post
                              Though personally I won't be celebrating too much until I actually *SEE* it and assure that he *lives* through the whole thing.
                              Indeed - thats why i didnt want him to be in the movie ... but thanks for the heads up

                              *gets up from floor*

                              Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post

                              But..but...but....I can't wait to see him again under any circumstances...regardless of the risks... I want to see him in some proper fact as he's been under used so far I would rather they used him really well in one last mission. Even if they killed him....And if they did kill him I want action, bullet wounds, blood, torn uniform( but no damage to the holster ), dragging his sorry self through the Stargate and into the infirmary where he's put in bed in scrubs and attended to with everyone crying at his bedside as the monitor flatlines........beeeeeeeeep.......

                              *Hits floor again*

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                                Sig by Luciana, csom & scifan & Avi's by Snowball

