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Major Lorne/Kavan Smith Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post
    Yes, yes it is too much to ask

    Originally posted by Lyconia View Post
    are you ok? do we need Lorne to give you CPR?

    It's Complicated Butterflies and Hurricanes


      Originally posted by Elizabeth Bartlett View Post
      are you ok? do we need Lorne to give you CPR?

      Banner Made By: Fainne | I'm a 60%er | My Youtube


        Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post
        Though personally I won't be celebrating too much until I actually *SEE* it and assure that he *lives* through the whole thing.
        Ah I celebrated. I mean they could have left him out completely, introduced some no-name low rank as a military fill-in, like they did in a few eps – go Kavan

        Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post
        Oooh very kind of Lorne

        but that can't possibly have cooled you off!!!
        *laughs* True…but it makes me wish I was ‘dressed’ like him!

        But..but...but....I can't wait to see him again under any circumstances...regardless of the risks... I want to see him in some proper fact as he's been under used so far I would rather they used him really well in one last mission. Even if they killed him....And if they did kill him I want action, bullet wounds, blood, torn uniform( but no damage to the holster ), dragging his sorry self through the Stargate and into the infirmary where he's put in bed in scrubs and attended to with everyone crying at his bedside as the monitor flatlines........beeeeeeeeep.......
        Oooh I hadn’t thought of that. I suppose if he has to die (say to save the human race or whatever) I’d love to see it be whumpy and heroic

        Did I dream this or did they actually have 'Evan' said in a ep but it ended on the cutting room floor? if so I see that there's going to be quite a few deleted scenes in the Season 5 DVDs. *fingers crossed*
        I think you’re right! And Joe did say the deleted scenes would be on the DVDs…

        Originally posted by Lyconia View Post
        Looks like its getting pritty hot in there too
        *laughs* Well it was ninety-five degrees here today, so here comes some more nekkid Lorne…


          Howdy folks --

          Just a *beam-in* before I go to bed. It's been a long RL weekend -- and while not so great - it could of been worse.

          Fri nite, late evening, my other half came in from outside, where he'd been working on a van, complaining of no feeling in or ability to move his right arm. I called the rescue squad and they were here in a few minutes. By the time they got here, the feeling and ability to move his hand was returning a bit. They kept him and I got home about 2am. Long story short ----- he had a small stroke. I brought him home from the hospital this afternoon and they are hopeful that with therapy he will regain the complete use of his right arm (it's better but weak and not much control). Also with some medication and diet change we should not have to worry too much about it happening again - at least not for a long time. And yesterday was our anniversary -- I went to dinner with my friend and her son.

          Sorry to dump this on you guys - I hesitated to even bring it up... but hoped noone would be too 'put off' by it - I realize it probably doesnt belong here...... But I didnt want to ignore anyone's lovely picspam posts or other news, just havent been in the frame of mind to take the time or even enjoy it as I should of.

          Thnx all.
          sigpic myLornefanfic


            *drools and sighs contently.*


              Live a life less ordinary ... Live a life extraordinary with me ...


                internship update
                got an email this morning (8am CST) saying that they're giving the applications a final review and will let people who got know at the end of this week!

                However the waiting might kill me

                *knocks on wood and crosses fingers*

                It's Complicated Butterflies and Hurricanes


                  Originally posted by SciFiSGFan View Post
                  Howdy folks --

                  Just a *beam-in* before I go to bed. It's been a long RL weekend -- and while not so great - it could of been worse.

                  Fri nite, late evening, my other half came in from outside, where he'd been working on a van, complaining of no feeling in or ability to move his right arm. I called the rescue squad and they were here in a few minutes. By the time they got here, the feeling and ability to move his hand was returning a bit. They kept him and I got home about 2am. Long story short ----- he had a small stroke. I brought him home from the hospital this afternoon and they are hopeful that with therapy he will regain the complete use of his right arm (it's better but weak and not much control). Also with some medication and diet change we should not have to worry too much about it happening again - at least not for a long time. And yesterday was our anniversary -- I went to dinner with my friend and her son.

                  Sorry to dump this on you guys - I hesitated to even bring it up... but hoped noone would be too 'put off' by it - I realize it probably doesnt belong here...... But I didnt want to ignore anyone's lovely picspam posts or other news, just havent been in the frame of mind to take the time or even enjoy it as I should of.

                  Thnx all.
                  Don't even think twice about it. For me, I'm okay with "dumping" and really don't see it as such. I'm glad for both of you that it was just a small stroke and that he has a good prognosis.

                  Happy Anniversary

                  Sig by Luciana, csom & scifan & Avi's by Snowball


                    Originally posted by Elizabeth Bartlett View Post
                    internship update
                    got an email this morning (8am CST) saying that they're giving the applications a final review and will let people who got know at the end of this week!

                    However the waiting might kill me

                    *knocks on wood and crosses fingers*
                    Good luck EB!!

                    @Sci- **HUGS** for you I need to email you something that might make you giggle a bit later.

                    I'm a 60%'er


                      Intentional repost

                      It's Complicated Butterflies and Hurricanes


                        Originally posted by Lyconia View Post

                        *Hits floor again*
                        Too much for ya!

                        Originally posted by Cathain Nottingham View Post
                        Ah I celebrated. I mean they could have left him out completely, introduced some no-name low rank as a military fill-in, like they did in a few eps – go Kavan

                        Oooh I hadn’t thought of that. I suppose if he has to die (say to save the human race or whatever) I’d love to see it be whumpy and heroic
                        a fellow whumper.

                        I hope it hits 100 tomorrow

                        Originally posted by SciFiSGFan View Post
                        Howdy folks --

                        Just a *beam-in* before I go to bed. It's been a long RL weekend -- and while not so great - it could of been worse.

                        Fri nite, late evening, my other half came in from outside, where he'd been working on a van, complaining of no feeling in or ability to move his right arm. I called the rescue squad and they were here in a few minutes. By the time they got here, the feeling and ability to move his hand was returning a bit. They kept him and I got home about 2am. Long story short ----- he had a small stroke. I brought him home from the hospital this afternoon and they are hopeful that with therapy he will regain the complete use of his right arm (it's better but weak and not much control). Also with some medication and diet change we should not have to worry too much about it happening again - at least not for a long time. And yesterday was our anniversary -- I went to dinner with my friend and her son.

                        Sorry to dump this on you guys - I hesitated to even bring it up... but hoped noone would be too 'put off' by it - I realize it probably doesnt belong here...... But I didnt want to ignore anyone's lovely picspam posts or other news, just havent been in the frame of mind to take the time or even enjoy it as I should of.

                        Thnx all.
                        Sorry to hear that Sci....and you deserve a hug..

                        See..thats how I like him....dirty, whumped and with a smile... doesn't get any better that that

                        Originally posted by Elizabeth Bartlett View Post

                        internship update
                        got an email this morning (8am CST) saying that they're giving the applications a final review and will let people who got know at the end of this week!

                        However the waiting might kill me

                        *knocks on wood and crosses fingers*
                        Or just dirty and whumped that works as well.

                        crosses fingers too.


                          Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post
                          Well I can still feel bad for you How'd the Major Lorne airport pillow work out for you?
                          Major Lorne airport pillow? was it to rest your weary head there?

                          Yes, I'm sure it is a good sign really, it just seems *odd* I guess. BTW- that chocolate was amazingly good for the questionable combination of flavors(I'm not normally a 'fruity' chocolate person)
                          Questionable combination of flavours??? Are we talking Lindt chocolate? Lemon-pepper, cherry-chili or orange? I'm EXTREMELY partial to the orange-dark chocolate myself, like the lemon pepper and eat the cherry-chili if I must.

                          Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post
                          But..but...but....I can't wait to see him again under any circumstances...regardless of the risks... I want to see him in some proper fact as he's been under used so far I would rather they used him really well in one last mission. Even if they killed him....And if they did kill him I want action, bullet wounds, blood, torn uniform( but no damage to the holster ), dragging his sorry self through the Stargate and into the infirmary where he's put in bed in scrubs and attended to with everyone crying at his bedside as the monitor flatlines........beeeeeeeeep.......

                          I like your scene, Lizzie...except for the part where the beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep appears. Can't we do without that? The rest is just fine as it is and keeps the door open for a re-appearance of our fav major in a potentially, possibly, eventual, maybe second movie.
                          I'm a 60%er. - Kethry's fanfiction


                            *huggles all the distressed thunkers*

                            *special hugs to SF*

                            And a little pick-us-up pic spam:

                            I'm a 60%er. - Kethry's fanfiction


                              Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
                              Major Lorne airport pillow? was it to rest your weary head there?
                              Yes don't you remember those? From back around christmas? She gave us all one for presents?

                              Questionable combination of flavours??? Are we talking Lindt chocolate? Lemon-pepper, cherry-chili or orange? I'm EXTREMELY partial to the orange-dark chocolate myself, like the lemon pepper and eat the cherry-chili if I must.
                              It was Strawberry & Green Pepper I'm not sure of the brand off the top of my head(will look in a bit).

                              Uh did you get the Email I sent you?

                              I'm a 60%'er


                                I need a bit of Joe

                                Sig by Luciana, csom & scifan & Avi's by Snowball

