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Buffy the Vampire Slayer

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    Whedon mostly signs off the stories I think, but not creative consultations. And I, as a reader, can tell that tv Buffy wouldn't do that. I might pick it up again, not sure.


      I don't think Buffy would do that either, and whether Joss wrote that particular bit or not (I'm thinking probably not) but he has put his name to this. *shrug* I'd say wait till it's finished. Go read some fan boards to see if it was worth reading by the end and then decide whether to spend any more money on it.

      I quite enjoyed Angel: After the Fall and Joss helped outline that but he didn't write them. Brian Lynch did an excellent job, imo. He knew the characters and the show. Joss dropped his involvement in Angel after that series. Aftermath that followed it up completely sucked all around because of the writing and art, both from new people.

      I'm not reading the ongoing Angel, but the guy they have (who wrote the Fable comics) doesn't seem to have a handle on basic series cannon or the characters from comments I've read of people not particularly liking them. The basic premise they started off with sounds good, but properly writing the characters does make a difference on whether they are a good read or not. They had a good thing going with Brian Lynch as the writer whether Joss was involved or not. The ongoing could be great, but the wrong guy is writing them. Though Lynch is supposed to be writing a Spike series sometime in the future. He has a great handle on Spike. Go spend your money on that instead when it comes out.
      IMO always implied.


        This is why Joss Whedon can't make a new Buffy movie

        We've been hoping for a big-screen Buffy the Vampire Slayer movie for years. And time and again the project has hit a roadblock. The latest reason you won't be seeing a new Buffy in your local theater anytime soon?

        Apparently, it's High School Musical star Vanessa Hudgens.

        According to ShowbizSpy, Hudgens was being courted to costar with Sarah Michelle Gellar in a theatrical reboot to the TV series, but the actress turned down the chance, as far as we can tell primarily because she believed Buffy was too old-school a vampire universe now that we all live in Stephenie Meyer's world.

        "She felt that with Twilight still so massive Buffy would not be the best option right now," said one insider. "The idea was to have Sarah back but with Vanessa as a fresh, new character. The project has been shelved for now."

        Has Twilight made Buffy appear so old-fashioned that it can't get off the ground without a High School Musical star? Can that possibly be? Say it ain't so!


          Originally posted by Madwelshboy View Post
          This is why Joss Whedon can't make a new Buffy movie

          We've been hoping for a big-screen Buffy the Vampire Slayer movie for years. And time and again the project has hit a roadblock. The latest reason you won't be seeing a new Buffy in your local theater anytime soon?

          Apparently, it's High School Musical star Vanessa Hudgens.

          According to ShowbizSpy, Hudgens was being courted to costar with Sarah Michelle Gellar in a theatrical reboot to the TV series, but the actress turned down the chance, as far as we can tell primarily because she believed Buffy was too old-school a vampire universe now that we all live in Stephenie Meyer's world.

          "She felt that with Twilight still so massive Buffy would not be the best option right now," said one insider. "The idea was to have Sarah back but with Vanessa as a fresh, new character. The project has been shelved for now."

          Has Twilight made Buffy appear so old-fashioned that it can't get off the ground without a High School Musical star? Can that possibly be? Say it ain't so!

          Screw. Twilight.


            Stephenie Meyer is worst thing to happen to vampires since sunlight.


              That is hilarious. And sad. And... I'm off to find a way into an alternate universe or two now.
              ~ When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take back the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons! What am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! WITH THE LEMONS! I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that BURNS YOUR HOUSE DOWN! ~

              ~ Burning people! He says what we're all thinking! ~


                I don't believe that, Buffy will always be relevant. I'm reminded of this though:




                  And who is Vanessa Hudgens? As far as I'm concerned she is irrelevant whether or not she actually said what the article implies.

                  Meh, I actually don't care about a movie unless it has the original cast/characters anyway....and Joss.
                  IMO always implied.


                    Originally posted by LoneStar1836 View Post

                    And who is Vanessa Hudgens? As far as I'm concerned she is irrelevant whether or not she actually said what the article implies.

                    Meh, I actually don't care about a movie unless it has the original cast/characters anyway....and Joss.
                    Vannessa Hudgens was the star of the High School Musical movies.


                      Originally posted by Replicator Todd View Post
                      Vannessa Hudgens was the star of the High School Musical movies.
                      I saw that in the post but all of that High School musical whatever is all irrelevant to me. So she is a me.
                      IMO always implied.


                        Originally posted by Replicator Todd View Post
                        Screw. Twilight.
                        Amen to that, my friend.
                        MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
                        "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
                        Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


                          Spike all the way!!!


                            Originally posted by AresLover452 View Post
                            Spike all the way!!!
                            Probably my favorite character of both Buffy and Angel. I wish they brought back that bratty god chick from season 5 or something of Buffy, forget her name, the blonde. She might have been a total chick but she was a great bad guy.


                              she was a good vilian


                                Glory was pretty cool. When I rewatched the entire show recently, I liked her a lot more than I did the first time. Adam's still rubbish though.

                                I really liked Drusilla in season two as a villain, but she was never as cool whenever she returned.

