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Buffy the Vampire Slayer

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    Ayers' Rock is one big spaceship isn't it? Doomsday spaceship. I knew it!

    I don't know man, why can't they come up with new stuff instead of dragging the good stuff through the mud. It'll probably be all emo, vampires that wanna talk about their feelings, and cheap emotions.


      I don't know man, why can't they come up with new stuff instead of dragging the good stuff through the mud. It'll probably be all emo, vampires that wanna talk about their feelings, and cheap emotions.
      ... This show was like that too on occasion. So basically... Not watching? Yeah, I'll call it as sucking and hope for another Moon down the track.
      ~ When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take back the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons! What am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! WITH THE LEMONS! I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that BURNS YOUR HOUSE DOWN! ~

      ~ Burning people! He says what we're all thinking! ~


        I'll wait to hear what other people think about the movie. Just not the same. Spike was awesomeness. The whole scooby gang.


          Spike should've been stake a long time ago. Or left dead when he sacrificed his life at the final episode.

          I'll give the shows ab even chance though.


            Buffy has always been my favourite show and will always hold a special place in my heart. I don't think I would mind if they did a remake of the series, but in like 30-50 years. Mind you I might be dead by then, but that might save me from seeing it, lol.


              Just read Part 4 of Last Gleaming, the Season 8 finale.
              Wow, I guess that totally puts an end to the constant talk of a Ripper spin off, can't believe that Giles is dead. Looking forward to seeing IDW covering the ground brining Spike and Angel to that point, looking forward to seeing where Spike got a bloody space ship from and an end to the constant continuity errors due to Angel being a couple of year behind.

              How is Season Nine going to possibly work after this? I'm guessing an exceedingly annoyed Willow as the Big Bad but given that we know she at least lives to Fray's time not sure what will happen there. Also, how are they going to repair the Scythe so that Fray can use it?


                Originally posted by pbellosom View Post
                Just read Part 4 of Last Gleaming, the Season 8 finale.
                Wow, I guess that totally puts an end to the constant talk of a Ripper spin off, can't believe that Giles is dead. Looking forward to seeing IDW covering the ground brining Spike and Angel to that point, looking forward to seeing where Spike got a bloody space ship from and an end to the constant continuity errors due to Angel being a couple of year behind.

                How is Season Nine going to possibly work after this? I'm guessing an exceedingly annoyed Willow as the Big Bad but given that we know she at least lives to Fray's time not sure what will happen there. Also, how are they going to repair the Scythe so that Fray can use it?

                He really killed Giles. I hope Joss made it a good one and worth it since he was supposed to be writing this last group.

                I haven't read any of the S8 comics but read about them every so often. I'll eventually get around to reading them. I am glad that Dark Horse finally got the rights to Angel though. I quit reading his IDW ones when the ongoing issues started.
                IMO always implied.


                  Buffy is one of the most beautifully made shows I have ever seen... besides Angel, Dollhouse and Firefly.

                  Yes, I am huge fan of Joss Whedon and cannot wait for his Avenger movie.


                    I havent read any of s8 but i saw your comments, and i wanted to comment in anger

                    GILES is dead!?!?!?!?!?! damnit his my favorite character behind Spike & Xander, ah they will probably bring him back in s9,

                    wish we could get a televised revival of Buffy, i miss it
                    Last edited by jasminaGo; 29 December 2010, 08:27 AM. Reason: adding spoiler tags
                    Last Movie Watched
                    X-men - First Class

                    Last Video Game Played
                    Life is Strange


                      Maybe the movie will spur some kind of chances for that? Although, I hope the movie fails, no offence, just somethings you should leave alone. Agree with Joss about Hollywood becoming unoriginal with all their reboots, pathetic.


                        Ok i just read how Giles died, they had Angel kill him? (i know he was possessed).....Angel? his like my least favorite character even in his own show lol

                        Originally posted by jmoz View Post
                        Maybe the movie will spur some kind of chances for that? Although, I hope the movie fails, no offence, just somethings you should leave alone. Agree with Joss about Hollywood becoming unoriginal with all their reboots, pathetic.
                        After what ive read about the movie i agree (no Xander/Willow? no Giles/Spike?) those characters are what made + Buffy herself Buffy, I'll give it a chance but i dont expect much at least it will be better than The Twilight Saga

                        I would however love a Joss Whedon s8
                        Last edited by mr_kennedy; 28 December 2010, 10:16 PM.
                        Last Movie Watched
                        X-men - First Class

                        Last Video Game Played
                        Life is Strange


                          Dude, SPOILERS! I am not caught up on the comics.


                            Neither am I, And I have put spoilers idiot
                            Last edited by mr_kennedy; 29 December 2010, 11:44 AM.
                            Last Movie Watched
                            X-men - First Class

                            Last Video Game Played
                            Life is Strange


                              I am finishing this afternoon my season 5 buffy with my dad.. i am quite excited, although I know whats gonna happen... but
                              i am eagerly to see how they are gonna bring her back


                                I am the only one who posts at the thread? I am gonna finish Buffy real soon and I am quite sad that it ends. Maybe I'll watch it again from the Beginning
                                I bought today the first vol of the season eight comics. I am quite excited. The drawings are looking amazing. But I will resist reading them after finishing season 7 I hope.. Only four episodes left. Although I think season six and seven was quite depressing. My favorite seasons so far are:
                                I cannot say where I put season 7 yet...

