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Buffy the Vampire Slayer

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    OMG I LOVE the musical episode! I've got the soundtrack around here somewhere. It's brilliant.


      Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post

      Couldn't stand the brooding ******* Angel.
      ow...u must be one for the very *very* few women who don't like Angel

      anyway I don't recall the episode titles, but is that "musical episode" u guys are talking about the one where everyone sings because they're under the spell of some kinda shark-head demon ? I vaguely remember it


        "Once More With Feeling", but the demon mastermind isn't a shark guy, he's got red skin and poor fashion taste.


          Originally posted by Jeffala View Post
          OMG I LOVE the musical episode! I've got the soundtrack around here somewhere. It's brilliant.
          I do fondly remember that episode. It has been too long since I've seen it.
          MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
          "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
          Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


            Originally posted by SoulRe@ver View Post
            ow...u must be one for the very *very* few women who don't like Angel
            Sig by ME.


              Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
              Anywho, love the show, love the characters...most of them anyway. Couldn't stand the brooding ******* Angel. Preferred Blondy Bear, er, Spike.
              I'm your opposite I loved Angel in BTVS, could never get enough of him But the strange thing is, he did nothing for me on Angel. He was kinda boring, made some strange decisions and I couldn't quite like him. If it wasn't for Wesley I would have given up on the show after the first season.

              As for Spike..At first he annoyed the heck outta me and I rather disliked him. Over time I did warm up to his character and I thought he was really sweet in the final episodes of the series but I find this whole fan-love-for-Spike-thing very weird nad uncomprehensible.

              Speaking of the watcher, Giles is my favorite on the show. It was love at second episode! Even if I did catch the show (season1) in Syndication before tuning in for the new episodes. And boy can he carry a tune! Absolutely loved his entrance in Two to Go - "I'd like to test that theory." He kicked Wicca ass! For a while anyway.
              On this we agree. Giles was probably my favourite character as well.

              Wesley wasn't given a chance, by Buffy or Faith...or Giles for that matter. I felt so bad for him!...even if he was a bit of a wuss at times. He evolved into quite the action hero over on Angel. If they could see him now!
              Ah, Wesley. Let's face it, he was hopeless on Buffy! But IMO bringing his character back on Angel was the best thing that happened to that show. He's the only reason I'm still watching (I'm mid-season 4 right now). Plus I believe that his evolution from the helpless, stiff wuss to this cynical, self-confident, hands-on action guy was one of the most seamless, believable character changes ever done on tv (SG-1 writers, you should have paid attention writing Daniel!!). I love it.

              Back to Faith, the only thing I like about her is her name since it happens to be my middle name.
              I go back and forth on Faith. In some episodes I love her, in some I love to hate her, but in some she's just waay over the top.

              Not so fond of Tara, hate Dawn...little brat! Anya is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma. Anyanka, the once powerful vengeance demon, is afraid of bunnies. I have kind of a like/hate thing with her. There are times where she makes me crack up and times where I just want to smack her!
              Oww, I like Tara. I guess it's a rarity.
              I'm rather indifferent about Down. She had her moments, I just prefer the original characters.
              Anya always made me smile and she was a fairly atypical tv character - I liked her.

              [B]I'm curious to hear what you all thought/think of the Once More With Feeling. The musical episode. Does anyone have the soundtrack? Still listen to it?
              I love this episode! I rewatch it most often of the whole series. And yes, I do have a soundtrack and yes, I still listen to it (even if I think that SMG really shouldn't have sung quite so much )
              There's a good chance this opinion is shared by Ashizuri
              awesome sig by Josiane


                Ok, i've read Buffy is coming to MTV on Jan. 10. But it is not on MTV's schedule! I really want to watch it!


                  They have pushed it back.

                  Original announcement info here.

                  Updated here.

                  Tuesday, Jan 19 at 11am EST/PST is now when it is supposed to start.
                  IMO always implied.


                    Darn it! I can't watch it at that time.....I don't have Logo either.


                      Originally posted by Jeffala View Post
                      OMG I LOVE the musical episode! I've got the soundtrack around here somewhere. It's brilliant.
                      i have the soundtrack too and a few of the songs are on my iPod... lol!!


                        Finished Buffy season 4 + Angel season 1.


                        Was a decent season. I probably prefered it over season 3. Reading around, most people don't seem to rate season 4 though.

                        Liked them all moving on from high school, and adjusting to their lives. Xander/Anya, Willow/Oz/Tara good.

                        Loved that Spike was a regular this season. Started off his usual evil self, then lost the ability to hurt/kill humans, so decided to start killing off demons just because he could. And still tried to manipulate and use the scooby gang, and get the chip out of his head.

                        One thing i didn't like was there were too many of the frat party disaster episodes.

                        Something Blue was a really funny ep. Spike + Buffy engaged.

                        Hush was brilliant. My equal favourite episode of the series so far.

                        Faith was back and was good in a few episodes, such as when they she and Buffy switch bodies.

                        Superstar was a weird episode with Jonathan the star. Last episode was a bit random as well. Strange way to end it.

                        They almost made Adam to powerful a villian, but magic and teamwork was able to beat him.

                        On reflection, there were a lot of average stand alone episodes, but i liked it as they were all moving forward, plus a lot more Spike!


                        First thing i noticed, was i really like the intro. Cool tune.

                        Cordelia and her humour fit right in straight away.

                        Boyle seemed alright, but they killed him off quick, passing his ability to Cordelia.

                        Wesley is great. Liked how they introduced him as the big bad bounty hunter.

                        I really liked episode 8, I Will Remember You.

                        They wrapped up the Faith storyline well.

                        Overall, not a bad start. Need more of a season Arc in the future.
                        Science Fiction is an existential metaphor; it allows us to tell stories about the human condition.

                        Isaac Asimov once said individual science fiction stories may seem as trivial as ever to the blinder critics and philosophers of today, but the core of science fiction, its essence has become crucial to our salvation if we are to be saved at all.




                          Finished all of Buffy now.

                          If i had to rate the seasons i'd go: 2, 5, 7, 6, 4, 3, 1.

                          Show definitely got better as it continued.

                          Got a bit addictive from season 5, decided to watch it all through, and do Angel 2-5 later on. Large part of that was due to Spike, who became my favourite character. Stole every scene he was in.

                          Having watched the series through now, i think the BTVS is the story of Spike, much more than anything else. No coincidence that the weakest seasons were 1+3 with no Spike. If you look at all the seasons it tells a story of him, more so than any of the others. 2 - Evil, crippled, jealous. 4 - Crippled because of chip, forced to adapt, since he is a warrior at heart, switches sides just for the fight. 5 - Crush of Buffy, helps the gang more. 6 - Acts out on his emotions for Buffy, and at the end seeks out a soul to make himself a better 'man'. 7- Crazy, used by the first, dealt with his past, loves Buffy, and smart enough to know she can never return his feelings the same way, but remains loyal and never loses faith. It is he who is the shows 'champion' in the end in place of Buffy, where he sacrifices himself to defeat The First.

                          As a show, it really impressed some of the creative stuff they did, as well as the character development of all the characters. Completely different to when they first started out in year one. Moved from a teen show, to an adult show really well. Never lost the comedy throughout either.

                          Season 5:

                          Very good. 2nd best season of the show imo.

                          Liked how they introduced Dawn. Her being a key was cool.

                          Glory was almost an unbeatable nemesis. Good to see the gang have to run away.

                          Spike with his growing crush for Buffy was classic. His feelings continued to grow, and didn't give up her or Dawn to Glory after all the torture.

                          The Replacement with two Xanders was funny. Buffy Bot also great.

                          The magic box was a good place for Giles and Anya.

                          The Body was a fantastic episode. One of the best of the series. Very emotional.

                          The Gift was a great end to the season. Very powerful episode.

                          Season 6:

                          They bring Buffy back! Good to see how it effected them all, Buffy most of all. She was in heaven!

                          The Trio were lame as 'big bads', but supplied good comedy throughout the season, and were an inconvenience at times.

                          Not much Giles in the last 2 seasons. Guess he had served his purpose, but when around it was quality.

                          Once more with a feeling was a really creative episode. Worked well with the singing, but also progressed the plot well, and several big secrets came out.

                          Tabula Rasa was very funny. Randy Giles! Giles/Anya. Classic. Also showed Willows reliance on magic.

                          Buffy and Spike acting out on their passions was good. Was only basic emotion, and the attempted rape scene shows how much spike had to learn, and also how much the show had changed since the early high school seasons.

                          Xander leaving Anya at the wedding was unexpected. Shows how much he had matured. Anya trying to get revenge on him with asking for wishes was funny, but then became serious, as shows how she has grown, by telling Spike not to wish at the end after they were caught.

                          Willow becoming addicted to magic, trying cold turkey, then the tragic death of tara turned her into pure evil/revenge. Only Xander could stop her. Good someone other than Buffy saved the day.

                          Season 7:

                          Very good season. Long arc. End of days/war feel through it. Lot of death and hurt, such as potentials, and even Xander losing his eye. The First was the ultimate evil.

                          New High School. Buffy as counsellor was good.

                          Spike came back with a soul! Thought he might have gone to find a way to hurt himself or Buffy, but instead went looking for the thing he thought she most wanted/needed. Came back crazy for it too.

                          All out war. Council destroyed. All the potentials hunted down worldwide. Buffy forced to step out and become more of a leader.

                          The way The First used and manipulated Spike throughout the season was good. He never lost faith that Buffy would save him, and she did. Through the trigger we learned more about his past. His faith was repayed when she removed the chip.

                          Liked Xanders end speech to Dawn in potential. Both underrated for the efforts throughout the series.

                          Storyteller was a good episode to give Andrew more time. He fit in well this season in his quest for redemption.

                          Faith came back, and was better than her earlier appearances, largely due to character development.

                          Caleb was an awesome villain. One of the best. Great job by Nathan Fillion.

                          Liked how they all stood up to Buffy when she was being reckless, even if she was right, but then accepted her back, when both she and they realised it was for the best.

                          Good end to the season with Buffy and the gang taking the fight to the hellmouth. Potentials becoming slayers, and Spike saving the day by sacrificing himself. I thought Buffy was going to die at the end. It's what slayers do, but it wasn't meant to be. Was Spike's moment to shine.

                          Good series. Surpassed my expectations. Earned itself a place in my top shows of all time at 9.
                          Last edited by MB.Eddie; 06 February 2010, 08:08 PM.
                          Science Fiction is an existential metaphor; it allows us to tell stories about the human condition.

                          Isaac Asimov once said individual science fiction stories may seem as trivial as ever to the blinder critics and philosophers of today, but the core of science fiction, its essence has become crucial to our salvation if we are to be saved at all.




                            Originally posted by col aga View Post
                            Oww, I like Tara. I guess it's a rarity.
                            Really? I liked Tara - I thought she was sweet.

                            The character I'm not so crazy about is Xander - he can be funny, but he can also be quite a jerk sometimes.

                            So is this just a free-ranging thread? Jump in anywhere?

                            I watched "Lie to Me" last night (S2), via Hulu. That's one of my favorite episodes I think. I kept laughing today thinking of the scene where Buffy is desperately trying to warn the vampire worshipers of the danger, then suddenly realizes what the guy is wearing and breaks off into "could you have a dorkier outfit?"
                            - Life after Stargate -
                            Agent Carter * Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. * The Blacklist * Castle * Elementary * Grimm
                            Hawaii Five-0 * The Mentalist * NCIS * NCIS:LA * Once Upon a Time * Rizzoli & Isles


                              Originally posted by Killdeer View Post
                              I watched "Lie to Me" last night (S2), via Hulu. That's one of my favorite episodes I think. I kept laughing today thinking of the scene where Buffy is desperately trying to warn the vampire worshipers of the danger, then suddenly realizes what the guy is wearing and breaks off into "could you have a dorkier outfit?"
                              I watched that one yesterday as well or at least part of it as the weather played havoc with the satellite signal.

                              I caught the part where Angel, Willow, and Xander go to the vamp wannabes' hangout, and Angel is rambling on about how these people don't really know anything about vampires to include the way they dress and this guy walks by wearing the same shirt and trench coat he had on. lol.
                              IMO always implied.


                                Ha! Yes, that was great, and Angel talking to Willow about honing his brooding skills....
                                - Life after Stargate -
                                Agent Carter * Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. * The Blacklist * Castle * Elementary * Grimm
                                Hawaii Five-0 * The Mentalist * NCIS * NCIS:LA * Once Upon a Time * Rizzoli & Isles

