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Buffy the Vampire Slayer

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    Originally posted by Ripple in Space View Post
    Sorry I missed your question earlier...

    Wesley was not meant to die until Joss found out that Angel wasn't being renewed. They didn't find out until the end of S5, but Joss planned on continuing the franchise in another form.

    Angel's cancellation was ridiculous. Angel was the WB's #2 drama, so Joss figured he could ask for a renewal decision early. The WB chose not to renew (shortly thereafter the exec who pulled the plug was fired).

    The WB then offered to make an Angel trilogy of TV Movies to continue the Buffyverse. David Boreanaz (Angel) refused unless they could get a theatrical release, so the movies fell through.

    Then Joss and the WB planned on Spin-off movies, one starring Spike, one starring Illyria/Wes, and a third with Willow. All parties were on board, but James Marsters (Spike) gave them a deadline simply because he thought that him being 20 years older than Spike was supposed to look was getting silly.

    Joss' schedule (Serenity, formerly Wonderwoman, etc.), the WB's closure and everything caused too many delays, and now 20-something Spike is beyond what 45-y/o Marsters can see himself pulling off.

    The chances of any movies are basically gone, but the BBC is planing on doing a Giles/Ripper Movie/series.

    As for what happens next, Joss is currently writing the continuation, and we now know that:
    Angel, Spike, Illyria, Connor, Nina (Angel's girlfriend) and Electro-Gwen survived. The team disbanded, Angel now works alone... well with his pet dragon (the dragon in NFA was working for TPTB). Spike thinks that after killing the Circle of the Black Thorn, he's atoned for his evil, and has retired for now.

    Connor, Gwen & Nina form a resistance for humans.

    Gunn was turned into a vamp, and now is a Big Bad.

    Wes died, but his ghost is working for Wolfram & Hart, since his contract extends past death. He's implied to be straddling the line between good and evil, but aides both W&H and Angel.

    And Wolfram & Hart sent all of Los Angeles into a hell dimension to punish Angel & co. It's implied that they're trapped there.
    Sonds like David Boreanaz is ultimatly respo nisble then for the buffyverse ending i wonder why he wouldn't make tv / dvd movies.


      Originally posted by redrama9 View Post
      Sonds like David Boreanaz is ultimatly respo nisble then for the buffyverse ending i wonder why he wouldn't make tv / dvd movies.
      I imagine he figured that committing to television movies about the same character he'd been playing for 8 years couldn't be the best career move. To be honest, his Bones gig now gives him better exposure than the Buffyverse ever did.
      "Most of our John Sheppard impressions sound more like a demented Jimmy Stewart than Joe Flanigan."
      ~David Hewlett


        Originally posted by Ripple in Space View Post
        I imagine he figured that committing to television movies about the same character he'd been playing for 8 years couldn't be the best career move. To be honest, his Bones gig now gives him better exposure than the Buffyverse ever did.
        Unfortunately I've got to agree.....though I just started watching Bones and he's great in it; he looks like he's having a lot of fun.


          Originally posted by Ripple in Space View Post
          The Master was just after Sunnydale, and Adam would've eventually been defeated by the US Government, maybe Woolsey would've taken care of him . But Angelus, Glory, Willow and The First could've destroyed the world.

          The Senior Partners love the World and claim responsibility for making the world as it is. Life on Earth IS THEIR APOCALYPSE. Jasmine would have enslaved the world.

          I don't know, I think Angel's just better in general, aside from being slightly weaker.
          The Master's rising would have also brought apocalyptic hordes of demons (possibly the Old Ones) out of the Hellmouth. The tentacular demon was just the beginning.

          Adam wouldn't have ended the world instantly, but his army was a dire threat to the world and only the combined powers of Willow, Xander, Giles, and Buffy stopped it from happening.

          I agree that Angel's Big Bads operated on less of a seasonal basis and more of a series basis. It was all leading up to conflicts with Jasmine and the Senior Partners.

          Also, I don't honestly think that Connor/Cordelia was that icky. Except for the fact that she was possessed by Jasmine, but Connor didn't know that. Factoring in Quor'toth time, she was only four years older than him.


            Originally posted by BubblingOverWithIdeas View Post
            The Master's rising would have also brought apocalyptic hordes of demons (possibly the Old Ones) out of the Hellmouth. The tentacular demon was just the beginning.

            Adam wouldn't have ended the world instantly, but his army was a dire threat to the world and only the combined powers of Willow, Xander, Giles, and Buffy stopped it from happening.

            I agree that Angel's Big Bads operated on less of a seasonal basis and more of a series basis. It was all leading up to conflicts with Jasmine and the Senior Partners.

            Also, I don't honestly think that Connor/Cordelia was that icky. Except for the fact that she was possessed by Jasmine, but Connor didn't know that. Factoring in Quor'toth time, she was only four years older than him.
            We saw an alt. dimension where the Master succeeded. Giles must've pulled some mojo to keep the hellmouth closed. And I doubt that there were Old Ones down there. The Master just hung out in Sunnydale. At some point the US Military would've taken Adam down. I'm pretty sure a fighter jet or tank would've owned him.
            "Most of our John Sheppard impressions sound more like a demented Jimmy Stewart than Joe Flanigan."
            ~David Hewlett


              The Master presumably rose from the Harvest in the Wishverse. The Hellmouth opening and the demons escaping to end the world was only mentioned as what would happen if he got out months later, from feeding on Buffy (Slayer blood, that's the good stuff).

              Adam already engineered the deaths of the majority of the troops in the Initiative base. If the Scoobies hadn't been there, the casualities would have been total, and the outside world would be without warning for the emergence of Adam's army. Being military demon-cyborg-zombies, they'd be both willing and able to use fighter jets and tanks of their own. Adam himself, with his uranium power core and incredible toughness, probably wouldn't be taken out by anything less than a nuclear strike, if the military could make his location.


                In a roundabout way...



                April 28, 2008 12:51 PM

                The WB, Kids’ WB Live Again Online
                By Sergio Ibarra

                Warner Bros. Television Group will resurrect its former broadcast network, The WB, as a new ad-supported Web video-based interactive site, The site will feature some of the studio’s most popular shows from its library targeted to the 16- to 34-year-old demographic.

                Warner Bros. also will launch, a site aimed at ages 6-11, featuring the studio’s collection of animated favorites, from classic Looney Tunes sketches to more recent fare.

                Both sites are touted as “interactive and personalized,” allowing users to create playlists and communities based around their preferred programming.

       will include shows from its broadcast lineup, including “Buffy the Vampire Slayer,” “Everwood” and “Roswell,” in addition to shows produced by Warner Bros. Television such as “The OC,” “Veronica Mars” and “Friends.” Viewers will be able to watch episodes of the series and interact with other fans.

                REST AT LINK ABOVE


                  Joss Whedon is planning to resurrect Buffy The Vampire Slayer on the big screen, an Australian newspaper has claimed.

                  The success of vampire film Twilight has led the writer to consider bringing the franchise to cinemas, reports the Herald-Sun.

                  Whedon is said to have a script based on the TV show ready to start production as soon as he is given the green light.

                  The Buffy character first appeared in 1992 movie Buffy The Vampire Slayer, starring Kristy Swanson.

                  Whedon then adapted the story for the small screen in 1997, with Sarah Michelle Gellar in the title role.



                    YAY! I hope it comes to fruition.


                      Ditto ! I really miss the Scooby Gang .
                      The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


                        THE RETURN OF DARTH ROSENBERG!

                        (Doubtful, but it would make me extremely happy.)


                          You liked Dark-magicky,vengeful Willow too ?

                          Oh boy,I'd love to see more of that from Alyson Hannigan !
                          The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:



                            Even the Season 7 episode where Anya and Buffy go at it and Willow went all dark and veiny for about 3 seconds was delightful.


                              Darth Willow is awesome she was pretty much the highlight of season 6 for me(well her and Tara any ways)

                              spoilers for Buffy Season 8
                              also I liked her appearance in the current Buffy Season 8 Arc~


                                If it is a Buffy-VERSE then
                                People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but *actually* from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint... it happens to kinda look like the name 'Jeremy Bearimy' in cursive English.

