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Doctor Who News, Articles, Cast and Crew Interviews

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    Originally posted by Madeleine_W View Post
    Breaking news: a UK actor has been found on imdb who has NOT been the subject of recent speculation on internet sites or in print in connection with the vacant position of The Doctor.

    "I'm honoured," said the unnamed actor. "It's a distinction, one could almost say unique, to be singled out in this manner at this time."

    In years past, several highly respected actors were not mentioned in connection with the role. The anonymous young actor is pleased to be in the company of such luminaries as Laurence Olivier, John Barrymore, and Henry Irving, none of whom were ever mentioned in connection with the role.

    "Those are some big shoes to fill, but it's an exciting challenge and he'll do his best to live up to it," said a close friend.

    I can't believe even Jamie Bamber has been associated with it.....nothing against him, but I really can't picture him as the Doctor.


      Originally posted by Pitry View Post

      Originally posted by Trek_Girl42 View Post
      I can't believe even Jamie Bamber has been associated with it.....nothing against him, but I really can't picture him as the Doctor.
      I think we just have to accept that every man and his dog is going to be asked or add their two cents....

      "There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about".


        Morrissey 'would jump' at 'Dr Who' role

        David Morrissey has said he would "jump at the chance" to play the lead role in Doctor Who, fuelling speculation that he has been earmarked for the part.

        Morrissey told the Radio Times that he loved playing a guest role alongside David Tennant in Christmas Special 'The Next Doctor' and would return to the show if asked.

        A preview on Children In Need showed the two actors both playing the role of the Time Lord during a meeting in Victorian London.

        "I've had a great time... If they asked me back I'd jump at it, I think it's a great character and I've loved every minute" said Morrissey.

        The State Of Play star previously responded to rumours that he will take over from Tennant, saying: "As for any talk of me taking over as the next Doctor, well, if or when they do choose someone, they would have to be totally different to David - which I am."


          Originally posted by Madwelshboy View Post
          Morrissey 'would jump' at 'Dr Who' role
          Well as long as it is not Steven Patrick Morrissey. Oh can you imagine? The most depressed Doctor yet. Actually I would watch that!


            I LOVE Jamie Bamber....mmmh but I am not sure if I'd have him as the doctor. Not sure. I am so subjective on that subject. I loved him in those Horatio Hornblower movies and of course BSG

            Morrissey as the doctor LMAO. Well, at least that would be adoctor who knew how to sing and yeah be constantly depressed LOL
            He's like fire, ice and rage. He's like the night, and the storm in the heart of the sun.
            He's ancient and forever. He burns at the centre of time and he can see the turn of the universe.
            And he's wonderful.


              Robert Carlyle has suggested that he would be willing to take over from David Tennant in Doctor Who, although he denied being contacted about the role.

              Responding to the frequent rumours surrounding him, the 47-year-old actor told the Daily Record: "This has followed me for two years. But no-one has ever approached me about it and I never wanted to talk about it because you can't talk about another actor's part."

              Carlyle, who recently starred in 24: Redemption, also suggested that he would be willing to play The Doctor. "I would treat [the role] with respect and regard it properly, but I would have to be approached about it first," he said.



                If he hasn't been approached yet, it's unlikely the producers are interested in him for the role.

                Then again the Producers are always good at giving false leads


                  Um, how old is Robert? 47? He would be well over the "40" that has been widely quoted as the top age range for the new actor. Although I have yet to read that in an actual interview with SM.

                  Also no thanks, as much as I did enjoy (and am currently enjoying in repeats) his acting as Hamish.... well he will always be Hamish to me, and he would need to drop the accent as well.

                  Interesting note though, he was in an episode of "Craker" where his character killed Christopher Ecclestone's character... Funnily enough at the time Chris had longish hair and Robert was a skin head!


                    Originally posted by Madwelshboy View Post
                    "As for any talk of me taking over as the next Doctor, well, if or when they do choose someone, they would have to be totally different to David - which I am."
                    I think what David Morrisey said is the key to the new Doctor.

                    DT is so very popular that they wouldn't want someone in the role with any likeness to him. Which is why I think they might go with an older actor. I certainly wouldn't want to see anyone younger than DT when he started.

                    So I hope '40' isn't the maxium age for the new actor.


                      Not really news but has anyone read the uncyclopedia entry for DW.


                      The Eleventh Doctor: Michael Jackson
                      Rumours roam in the internet about a possible future role in the series of Michael Jackson as The Doctor. Other rumoured possibilities are:

                      Pee-Wee Herman
                      Oscar Wilde
                      Mr. T
                      The Pope
                      Chuck Norris
                      A kidney's stone
                      A Chefmage
                      A Disco Bandit
                      Optimus Prime
                      Some kind of primitive lemur from Madagascar


                        Just for a giggle, I'd say either James May or Boris Johnson.
                        Long before you and I were born, others beat these benches with their empty cups,
                        To the night and its stars, to the here and now with who we are.

                        Another sunrise with my sad captains, with who I choose to lose my mind,
                        And if it's all we only pass this way but once, what a perfect waste of time.


                          Clarke: Black Doctor is 'a possibility'

                          A black man could be next in line to play The Doctor, according to Doctor Who actor Noel Clarke.

                          David Tennant recently announced that he is to leave the sci-fi show at the of 2009, prompting speculation that Peep Showstar Patterson Joseph could take on the role.

                          "I was the first black companion. If he is the first black Doctor, then good luck to him," said Clarke, who plays Mickey Smith in the time-travelling series.

                          "[The Doctor] is an alien life form who changes and transforms and there is no reason why it can't be a woman, an alien, a man, a fellow. So whoever it is, good luck to them."

                          Other actors linked to the role include David Morrissey and Robert Carlyle.



                            'Brigadier' dreams of 'Doctor Who' return

                            Nicholas Courtney is keen to reprise his role as Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart on Doctor Who - almost two decades after his last appearance.

                            Courtney, who can currently be seen as The Brigadier in the season finale of The Sarah Jane Adventures, told Doctor Who Magazine that he would savour the character returning to his parent show.

                            "That would be very nice," said the veteran actor, who first appeared as the UNIT icon in 1968. "Yes, I shall look forward to that. In my dreams."

                            Courtney also praised the current incarnation of Doctor Who, stating that "David Tennant has enormous charisma about him" and that "Russell T. [Davies] has done marvels".



                              Originally posted by BruTak View Post
                              Just for a giggle, I'd say either James May or Boris Johnson.
                              Or Jeremy Clarkson



                                James May : howls with laughter :

                                Hey how about Alan Davies
                                He's like fire, ice and rage. He's like the night, and the storm in the heart of the sun.
                                He's ancient and forever. He burns at the centre of time and he can see the turn of the universe.
                                And he's wonderful.

