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Nikola Tesla/Helen Magnus Shipper Thread

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    Originally posted by es! View Post
    Can anybody give me examples of a successful RST ship? I'm just curious whether there is such a thing.
    John/Aeryn (Farscape)!! One of the best written couples (on one of the best written shows) of all time. They had MASSES of UST from the start. Things were kiiiiind of complicated with them at times, but technically they got together in season three, and by the end of the series they were
    married and had a baby.
    They are a perfect example of how, with good writing that stays true to the characters, and lets them grow and develop individually as well as together then a TV couple never has to get boring or kill the show.


      Originally posted by es! View Post
      Can anybody give me examples of a successful RST ship? I'm just curious whether there is such a thing.
      Tom/B'lana (sp?) on Star Trek: Voyager. They had LOADS of UST at the beginning (actually, they hated each other at first ), but eventually
      they got married. And later on they had a baby

      And even though it's been a while since I've watched the show (I was like, 10? when it ended), I don't remember their ship ever becoming stale or boring or ridiculous. From what I can recall, everything about their ship was written pretty well and realistically, and even after the ST was "resolved" their personalities didn't change drastically and they were still sort of snarky

      Actually, thinking about it now, I'd love for Teslen to develop like their relationship did. It wouldn't be far-fetched or too fluffy.
      Sig by ME!!!


        Originally posted by lillypilly View Post
        John/Aeryn (Farscape)!!
        I swear, if Helen & Nikola end up like those two, I will personally fly to America and slap Damien and co upside the head.

        But no, TV couples don't have to be to boring. There's more to a relationship than UST. It's just every executive fears the "Moonlighting curse" and tries to balance UST with what the fans want, which never ever works (citing Jack and Sam again).


          That's a good example, too! Aw, I always loved Tom/B'Elanna.


            Originally posted by misaditas View Post
            I swear, if Helen & Nikola end up like those two, I will personally fly to America and slap Damien and co upside the head.
            Haha, well I said it was complicated. I thought where they ended up was perfect for them.


              Mimzy: Also, on the UST - Amanda did NOT say

              that they would never hook up because the ST would then be gone. She was just weighing pros/cons of RST "exploding" vs. constant UST. She never definitively said the ST would even BE gone if they got together - she was just questioning whether that would happen or not (probably not - I mean, those two will NEVER stop bantering, EVER).
              Uh oh, now you've done it. I'm gonna have to watch the character profile again so I can get exactly what she said. Or were you referring to her saying that in some other interview?

              ZaraShade: If anyone has any song requests for vids btw please let me know. I need a good song for a vid
              I heard one on the radio yesterday that made me think of them but I don't know the name of it.

              misaditas: Completely agree with you. Nikola is an all-or-nothing kind of guy, and I think he'll be more wary of a relationship because of this and in spite of his constant flirting. He wants the commitment. Helen's crazy not to take him up on it, imo
              Yeah I think he is too. I see him as someone who can flirt when he's free to but then when he gets with a woman he really wants he can be very committed to her. I think maybe Helen might be more wary than crazy. She knows they are both complex people, and that Nikola always has an agenda, and changing their relationship will make things even more complicated between two people who already have a long history. So maybe she just wants to make sure it's right. ....but she shouldn't wait TOO long.
              Thanks to yamiinsane for my lovely sig.


                Originally posted by Mimzy View Post
                Meh...I'm kind of miffed about the first kiss being in there at all, just because it seems so distracting from the natural Teslen development, especially since J-Yo is only in 5 episodes. And I KNOW it fits with Helen's character, it's just that after hearing about all the Teslen stuff it's starting to look like a kiss with a random char. is going to be totally out of place. No offense, but the show doesn't need anymore plot holes -_-
                I get the impression that...
                In Monsoon... I think Helen and Sandrine's character have had a hell of a bad day, and it maybe just boils down to that 'OMG we survived it' and perhaps that need for some sort of comfort / intimacy and maybe wasn't planned? I don't think it's going to be one of those 'magnus goes on a date' episodes... I may be wrong *shrugs*
                But because of this I don't see it as a threat to Teslen at all. Again - as you say with Monsoon being early on and Tesla coming in later on - and add to that what AT said about interesting relationship development between them (Helen and Niko)... I think it just happened because AT wanted Helen to kiss someone... and then things sort of evolved??

                Originally posted by lillypilly View Post
                Oh gosh, those spoiler vids!

                I don't know, I can't help it, I really love the idea, partly because Helen Magnus is my hero and she should basically be kissing everyone, all the time *cough*including me*cough* but also because it's nice to see the show put their money where their mouth is on the whole 'Helen has had female as well as male lovers in the past' thing. And I can apparently think all that and still ship the heck out of Nikola/Helen, I don't know how it works, I just do! *shrug*
                Yep, I agree with this =)

                Originally posted by max_omega View Post
                Okay i come bearing some Teslen art work....although can't decide which one i like the best. Spoiled for one picture in the art work.
                Lovely! I think I like the middle one best =)

                Originally posted by StarSancFar View Post
                i'M GLAD THEY LET HER DABBLE TOO! It would seem ssilly that she wouldn't have experimented in her time, especially as now se's lived a whole nother 113 years! Although she might not have had any relationships in that time to keep a low profile etc...
                I'm still undecided on the bolded... I mean...
                she could assume a new personality/name etc. and if she had any sort of relationship/contact they'd be dead by the time she went back to the Sanctuary? *shrugs*

                Helen secret is making me excited! To me I think it's gonna be something ot do with her time in hiding....
                I thought that...
                The secret is just the fact that she had to live for 113 years to get back to them?? And hasn't told them all?

                Originally posted by es! View Post
                the WORLD will be in danger. It will be one of the last two eps, right? Means a mind-blowing EPIC cliffhanger!
                Helen and Niko probably have to split and both go their dangerous paths to reach whatever doodlidoo in time... they don't know whether they will see each other again, and Helen, being the girl, is ready to cave in and kiss him already!

                Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                Hm. But I think that 'Hey, honey, would you pass the sugar?' would be just the thing to say before all hell breaks loose.
                I can see that!

                Originally posted by ZaraShade View Post
                Probably for the dicussion thread but I'm going to mention it here anyway...
                I think James said Helen steps back into being her and joins her timeline right after she leaves to go back in time, so then there'll only be one Helen. What a shame, I think Nikola would have thoroughly enjoyed two Helens.

                Originally posted by Mimzy View Post
                Random, but that made me think of this scene from the movie The Last Mimzy (where I get my name lol). TBH if Helen and Niko had kids, they'd be exactly like the ones in that movie - super-smart with random telepathic powers
                I always wondered about that! I love hearing about how people chose their usernames

                Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                I think in some cases it plays a part in creative decisions what fans think and mostly in the negative way. After all, angry fans are usually the most vocal fans And I admit... Shippers are often the most ...passionate about the how's and why's concerning the characters and the way they interact with others.
                Sanctuary has shown not to shy away from 'unpopular' decisions though. Take Ashley and the fan response that came with it.
                Having said that, I don't see them say, killng off Helen, or Tesla. It would cost them viewers for sure and I do believe that they take that into account while writing.

                Originally posted by es! View Post
                Well, the comparison shows only that Teslen are the more prolific bunch, and the YT comparison shows only that Druitt had a head start with webisodes

                But it's cool stats nonetheless. Thanks for checking, ladies!
                And ofc, we have to remember that any stats. are only representative of the people who decide to contribute to the fandom of each ship *shrugs* whilst I like to occasionally look at stats and think "woohoo my ship choice is doing better" I know it's not necessarily true. There will be many fans who *lurk* and so don't express preference, as well as those who don't have the internet (yes, even in this day and age I know many people who do not have the internet at home). Many, many extraneous variables.

                Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post

                I think that Helen/Niko shippers are the ones who need the words to capture the banter and the motivation, while Helen/Druitt shippers need the facial expressions and the silent moments to capture the overwhelming angst.
                Theses ships are so... different.
                And talking about Helen/John angst - it's that that REALLY turns me off the ship I don't mind a little when necessary but it just seems like constant angst with those two.
                I like Helen/Niko's dynamic because it's so playful, with the banter and flirting and occasional you're-driving-me-crazy element followed by gosh-I-want-you-ness

                Originally posted by FromOutside View Post
                Personally I know little of the matter but I have heard that when someone loses his/hers only child, he/he loses also parenthood. The loss itself is devastating and that is why is can be so difficult to return to the role of not being a parent. If there are other children, the parents continue as parents (or become parents again) and even when the loss itself doesn't become less, the conditions around it may help people carry on.

                How and if this works when the dead child was adult, I don't know, but. *shrugs*
                Thankfully I can't speak from personal experience, but I have seen firsthand someone lose a child - her youngest son who was in his 20's. She was devastated, certainly. Close to breakdown. I think in some respects the fact she had another son helped her get through it - she sold her business and moved to live closer to him. I don't know what it would have been like if it was her only child though. I've heard of people losing their only child who never have another. Likewise, I've heard of people becoming overly protective of another child/future children.

                It effects everyone differently - and I think when you think about Helen whilst obviously there's the same level of devastation (at having lost her daughter) there's also so much more history to her and different coping mechanisms that she's developed (taking into account her long life and her upbringing, and also the amount of death she's already seen in her life... I mean, what about Helen's mother?? That's something that I always want to know more about).

                Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                Heh. No matter what everyone thinks, I do appreciate that we can actually discuss the possibilities. Just imagine how hard it must be to decide what happens on screen if we, actual shippers, already have a difficult time figuring out what a relationship should be like.

                The Mojo loves it
                Some simple artwork:

                Lovely arts

                Originally posted by es! View Post
                You know what I think? I think I'd be actually happy about (almost) any development between Helen and Nikola. I mean, guys, you've been at it for more than a century, can something happen now, please?

                Originally posted by Mimzy View Post
                Personally, unnecessarily extended UST pisses me off. It's fun for a good while but then if it drags out too long then it just becomes incredibly frustrating and can possibly turn people off from a 'ship (I know of people who gave up on Sam/Jack b/c it took too long and nothing definitive happened).
                Bringing up the Mulder/Scully thing briefly - after watching X Files I was very reluctant to watch anything else with any sort of longrunning UST. It drove me bonkers.
                Then my sister sweeps in with her Stargate DVDs and Sam/Jack UST drives me EQUALLY bonkers.
                This said, I do get a different feeling with Helen/Niko. I don't know if it's wishful thinking or if there are clues in Sanctuary that I'm subconsciously picking up, but I really do feel hopeful for them.
                Perhaps because their relationship is different to anything I've shipped in the past. Perhaps because of the history of the characters. There's just a very different/cool dynamic to those two that I certainly don't see any issues with disappearing if they resolve the sexual tension.
                As some have said, I don't think it would be one of those fluffy-sappy-OTT-romantic relationships on screen. I think we'd just get the odd injection of intimacy (kisses, hugs, the odd serious convo) but more than anything because it's Sanctuary and not The-Helen/Niko-relationship-show we'd still have a lovely amount of flirting, banter, disagreements, and TENSION, whilst the main plot of each episode carried on as usual.

                Not that I'd object to watching Helen & Niko getting it on for a full hour's tv a week

                Originally posted by es! View Post
                All my favorite UST pairings had actually a very good reason to remain UST - personal beliefs (like Sam and Jack), physical incompatibility, etc.
                I honestly can't find anything of a similar weight and importance in the Teslen ship. There's seriously no reason they can't be together
                And I agree that such unmotivated UST can become frustrating.
                The only thing I can think of here, is the whole Helen/John thing... how he basically screwed her up a bit... but interesting we should get...
                ITB (where she seems to be finally telling John it's NOT going to happen) and then that convenient 113 years break (just to make sure she really HAS got over John)

                This past relationship certainly isn't an issue anymore IMO. I reckon there's nothing standing in the way now
                ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ my fanfics ~ my twitter ~ teslen thread ~ * ~ * ~ * ~


                  Originally posted by lastrequest View Post
                  I get the impression that...
                  In Monsoon... I think Helen and Sandrine's character have had a hell of a bad day, and it maybe just boils down to that 'OMG we survived it' and perhaps that need for some sort of comfort / intimacy and maybe wasn't planned? I don't think it's going to be one of those 'magnus goes on a date' episodes... I may be wrong *shrugs*
                  But because of this I don't see it as a threat to Teslen at all. Again - as you say with Monsoon being early on and Tesla coming in later on - and add to that what AT said about interesting relationship development between them (Helen and Niko)... I think it just

                  I always wondered about that! I love hearing about how people chose their usernames
                  It could end up being like Mckay and Beckett in "Duet" I wouldn't mind that so much. That was hilarious. idk i'm just not a femslash person

                  And yeah, that's my name...a time-traveling bunny from the future Seriously, though, it's such an underrated movie.
                  "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
                  Sig by ME!!!


                    Originally posted by Mimzy View Post
                    It could end up being like Mckay and Beckett in "Duet" I wouldn't mind that so much. That was hilarious. idk i'm just not a femslash person
                    That'd certainly be funny! But if the eps not to your tastes, you can just watch the it then forget it.
                    That's what I did with 'Warriors' in S1

                    And yeah, that's my name...a time-traveling bunny from the future Seriously, though, it's such an underrated movie.
                    Is it online? I totally have spare time to watch movies
                    ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ my fanfics ~ my twitter ~ teslen thread ~ * ~ * ~ * ~


                      Originally posted by lastrequest View Post
                      That'd certainly be funny! But if the eps not to your tastes, you can just watch the it then forget it.
                      That's what I did with 'Warriors' in S1

                      Is it online? I totally have spare time to watch movies

                      Yeah, that's probably what I'll do. LOL

                      Um, I'm not sure if TLM is online...I'll look for it and PM you
                      "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
                      Sig by ME!!!


                        I never watched Farscape but I did watch Voyager.
                        I hated Tom/B'Elanna because it was always the same: she kept threatening to break his clavicle, and he kept being a sop.

                        Ah well. Let's agree to disagree and leave the UST issue be, k?
                        "Are you like, a crazy person?"
                        "I am quite sure they will say so."


                          I just think it'd be sad for Niko if they never got together. All that time waiting
                          "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
                          Sig by ME!!!


                            Originally posted by Mimzy View Post
                            I just think it'd be sad for Niko if they never got together. All that time waiting
                            That's true. But I am sort of wondering what he is doing in his free time. I mean, he is a hunk. A brilliant, decadent, wine-sampling hunk. I bet he could have all girls out there. Maybe he could even find one or two smart ones who could entertain his brain and stroke his

                            for a couple of nights
                            "Are you like, a crazy person?"
                            "I am quite sure they will say so."


                              Even if he was doing that, I highly doubt it'd really be making him happy. Sounds more like a futile attempt to distract himself from Helen occasionally

                              Plus I think he's probably too busy in his free time with some universe-altering project he hasn't told anybody about yet. At this point he's probably already been able to contact several alien species in secret and has created some super virtual world even better than the thing in Tron

                              OR maybe he pretends to go away but he really is hiding out in some lair underground connected to Helen's wine cellar via secret passageway. Where he spends all his time hacking into the security camera system and spying on everything going on in the Sanctuary until Helen contacts him (btw...HOW does she contact him??? like in "Awakening" before they went on the trip? How would she know where he was unless he'd told her - which doesn't seem likely - or he actually does stay at the Sanctuary far more frequently than we've been led to believe ).
                              "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
                              Sig by ME!!!


                                ^ maybe Helen activates a searchlight with a bat-shaped insignia over the lens? Like, in Batman?

                                I am sorry I'm in a crack-up mood
                                "Are you like, a crazy person?"
                                "I am quite sure they will say so."

