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Stupid things I am not doing again.....EVER!

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    Originally posted by Hiccups View Post
    I guess it's back to me again...

    1. Pour alcohol on a fire in the fireplace to get it going.
    2. Close the flue too early. (I had to go to the hospital for that one.)3. Use a magnifying glass in the sun. (I almost caught the blooming lawn on fire.)

    Move over Pookey... There's a new pyro in town.
    *in bits laughing* but if you think ive done your sadly mistaken

    i put some dumpling on the stove then lit a pan of custard the dumpling were on greaseproof paper (that apparently isnt fire proof) poof, the lot went up the manager of the place was to busy choking on a pickled onion from laughing to help put the fire out (i did it cause ive had fire training *smug*


      Originally posted by AlbinoMonkeyC View Post
      Putting my foot into a bucket of coffee. HOLY CRAP, THAT IS FRICKIN' FREEZING!!!!!
      ....Swimming in the Arctic Ocean wearing nothing but swim trunks......


      Of course, I did manage to get my very vocal buddy to go in after I did, which was entertaining to say the least

      ....crap, Hiccup, I think you may be onto something there....
      Eagles may soar free and proud, but weasels never get sucked into jet engines.
      "We're not going to Guam are we?"


        I'm not done either Pookey...

        I once tried to tie up a 4 gallon diaper bag (full of wet and soiled diapers) by holding opposite sides of the open end in each hand and flipping it around to twist up the corners I was holding into ties so I could tie it shut. Of course, the bag flew out of my hands putting dirty diapers all over the place. Ugh. I thought my husband was going to die laughing right there. He said the best part about it was the look on my face of "Oh no!" I am laughing now. Oh gosh.


          Originally posted by Phenom View Post
          I will get the ball rolling.

          I decided to see what all the fuss was about from girls with waxing. So I thought how funny it would be if I waxed my chest....


          My god I only got through about 5 strips of searing pain and tears before putting an end to the madness. Plus I found out what it was like to bite a pillow. Unbelievable. Never again. My chest feels like I have had the skin torn off like a banana peel.

          But I guess its one of those things to tick off the life 'to do' list.
          LOL you goose. Don't you know that women have a higher tolerance and endurance for pain than us mere males? Mate, next time use Veet. No pain and no itching when the hair grows back lol.

          I will never ride pillion behind the wife again.
          Last edited by Chel Nak; 21 August 2009, 03:05 PM.


            Originally posted by Hiccups View Post
            I'm not done either Pookey...

            I once tried to tie up a 4 gallon diaper bag (full of wet and soiled diapers) by holding opposite sides of the open end in each hand and flipping it around to twist up the corners I was holding into ties so I could tie it shut. Of course, the bag flew out of my hands putting dirty diapers all over the place. Ugh. I thought my husband was going to die laughing right there. He said the best part about it was the look on my face of "Oh no!" I am laughing now. Oh gosh.
            urgh my god *chokes on biscuit* (choccie one ) a shower would have been needed that day. and the Pyro Chic has the floor

            went to get a pan off of stove with oven gloves walked over to sink drained said pan as i was walking back to pick up other pan i thought whys my wrist warm looked down oven gloves on fire (not bad considering they should have been fireproof)


              Originally posted by Madwelshboy View Post
              i'm never going to bring up my work over lunch again. people clearly dont want to here about placenta's when their eating!
              Tell them to toughen up

              I am never going to eat a meatball subway straight after viewing a decomposed dead body again. Just didn't taste right.

              And on the 'things I have set fire too' theme.....I will never again put a ceramic plate with smelly incence stuff on top of a combustion heater (apparently its supposed to be heated to make it smell nice). Lets just say the ceramic plate felt it was better to be in 10 pieces than 1.


                Originally posted by pookey View Post
                went to get a pan off of stove with oven gloves walked over to sink drained said pan as i was walking back to pick up other pan i thought whys my wrist warm looked down oven gloves on fire (not bad considering they should have been fireproof)
                You're too funny! I can just picture that.

                My turn again...
                I used a plastic tray to bake cookies. When I opened the oven door to check on them, the tray had melted into little pouches around the cookie dough so it looked like I had put them in a muffin tin instead. Not hillarious, but still. The look on my face was, "Oh gosh, how am I gonna clean this up?"


                  Originally posted by Phenom View Post
                  Tell them to toughen up

                  I am never going to eat a meatball subway straight after viewing a decomposed dead body again. Just didn't taste right.

                  And on the 'things I have set fire too' theme.....I will never again put a ceramic plate with smelly incence stuff on top of a combustion heater (apparently its supposed to be heated to make it smell nice). Lets just say the ceramic plate felt it was better to be in 10 pieces than 1.
                  you are tooo funny *tears rolling down cheeks*
                  Last edited by pookey; 21 August 2009, 05:37 PM.


                    Ok, this just happened.

                    1. I'm going to try never to feed my 6 month old on my lap without at least two layers of cloth diapers between my pants and her disposable diaper. (I've had to change twice today already.)

                    2. I'm never going to take my 6 month old into the shower with me in order to try to wash off said reason for item #1.



                      Originally posted by Chel Nak View Post
                      I will never ride pillion behind the wife again.
                      What's pillion?


                        Originally posted by Hiccups View Post
                        What's pillion?
                        seated on the back


                          of a motorbike (sorry)

                          i put some toast under our gas grill, burnt it, put some more under and said i keep an eye on it , burnt that, the third time i was adamant i was not going to burn this, i forgot and went nextdoor for 5 mins well anyone thats read my posts on this thread knows what comes next.
                          Last edited by pookey; 21 August 2009, 06:19 PM.


                            Originally posted by pookey View Post
                            of a motorbike (sorry)

                            i put some toast under our gas grill, burnt it, put some more under and said i keep an eye on it , burnt that, the third time i was adamant i was not going to burn this, i forgot and went nextdoor for 5 mins well anyone thats read my posts on this thread knows what comes next.
                            pookey, please tell me your insurance covers household fires........
                            Eagles may soar free and proud, but weasels never get sucked into jet engines.
                            "We're not going to Guam are we?"


                              I will never:
                              ~burn water (put it on to make some ramen noodles and forgot about it )
                              ~over-boil water and milk (set the foil on the burner on fire)
                              ~set a pillar candle on the stove and then bake a frozen pizza (candle wax EVERYWHERE)
                              My fanfics: of the Sisterhood of the Pantster Fan Fic Writers


                                ....I once lit a gas fireplace sometime after turning on the gas...there was a mild but rather unsettling fireball.

                                In my defense, I was rather young and had forgotten whether it was "turn on the gas, light the match" or "light the match, turn on the gas." I've never had a problem remembering since then.

                                Though it's still lots of fun to put copious amounts of lighter fluid on a charcoal grill and toss in a match....just from further away.
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