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Stupid things I am not doing again.....EVER!

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    I was at a house party in college...flirting with a boy I really Big from the sorority I was pledging interrupted at a very inopportune time, guy decided it was time to go anyway Enter a different guy who had a crush on me and was really drunk...he was a pretty big guy and I'm very petite (and was really skinny back then - pre-mommyhood) and he picked me up and flipped me, promptly dropping me (literally) on my head....I hit the corner of a table on the way down, hit the floor, bounced and slid backwards about six inches...gashed my head open (blood EVERYWHERE), immediately got a HUGE lump and had rug burn on the side of my head.... if letting a DRUNK guy pick me up in the first place wasn't stupid enough...I didn't go to the ER b/c I had been drinking and was NOT 21 yet So I went to my big's and she kept an eye on me...we made it thorough the night and even though I had a horrible headache we figured everything was fine...
    Til the next day at a chorale rehearsal where I just about passed out (I sing soprano, lots of high, held notes)...and ANOTHER cute boy encouraged me (and even offered to go with me) to go to the ER....turns out I had a pretty serious concussion...ended up with some pretty sweet muscle relaxers, missed a few days of classes...pretty sure I have a scar on my head, but not willing to shave my hair to find out (I'm not that stupid! lol)

    so moral of the story? don't let big drunk (jealous) guys pick you up and flip you around...and if you have a head injury, don't sing really high notes

    stupid thing: flirting with boys!
    My fanfics: of the Sisterhood of the Pantster Fan Fic Writers


      Ah yes, I too have done stupid things because of boys. Oh, and I did once shave my head, but I'm not calling that stupid. I had surgery on my scalp in several places so I shaved it to keep the stitches clean. Now, not shaving would have been stupid. (I would have looked like my head had been in a terrible farming accident with chunks of hair missing over the multiple surgery sites.) *makes face*


        I've done some stupid **** for girls/women too that time is over now though, which could explain my enduring singleness
        The Iron never lies to you. You can walk outside and listen to all kinds of talk, get told that you're a god or a total b*stard. The Iron will always kick you the real deal. The Iron is the great reference point, the all-knowing perspective giver. Always there like a beacon in the pitch black. I have found the Iron to be my greatest friend. It never freaks out on me, never runs. Friends may come and go. But two hundred pounds is always two hundred pounds.


          i thought it would look nice to have some old cds attatched around the light fitting, they looked great, until they started to drop on peoples heads

          my sisters windscreen wiper motor broke so we though it would be a good idea (seeing as it was raining) to nip and fetch another one , but what do you do to keep the windscreen clear of rain? well you get some string and shoelaces tie em together and tie em to the windscreen wipers and off you go.....not......i was pulling one end my sister was pulling the other but it didnt work she couldnt drive and pull at same time. the neighbours were watching us they said it was like watching Mr Bean

          just bought a carton of milk from garage, got in my sister-in-laws car, she approached the end of a t-junction and without warning shot out to a wheel spin and id just put the carton of milk up to my lips result use your imaginations
          Last edited by pookey; 25 August 2009, 10:31 AM. Reason: missed one


            Since everyone is talking about stupid things that happen when you're drunk, here's something, I was hanging out with a bunch of guy friends drinking tequila, vodka, and something else I can't remember, we were drunk, and decided to go to a strip club, a lot of the girls already new me, since I was a regular, a girl came over to our table, and started striping for us, she sat on me and my guy friends, dared me to go dance on the stage with her, I was drunk and I did it, the girls even gave me and outfit, let me say I had never done this before, I got up there and decided to do a "pull" on that big pole in the middle, yeah that didn't go so well, I felt so hard on my fanny, I had bruises on each chick, it looked like ,I had mongolian spots on my booty, so if your drunk friends, dare you to do something stupid, chances are you can get hurt, so don't drink and dance!!!
            siggy made by RogueRanger
            killing threads one post at a time


              Originally posted by pookey View Post
              my sisters windscreen wiper motor broke so we though it would be a good idea (seeing as it was raining) to nip and fetch another one , but what do you do to keep the windscreen clear of rain? well you get some string and shoelaces tie em together and tie em to the windscreen wipers and off you go.....not......i was pulling one end my sister was pulling the other but it didnt work she couldnt drive and pull at same time. the neighbours were watching us they said it was like watching Mr Bean
              If I had thought of that, I probably would have done it. I drove two hours in a snow storm with my wiper flipped off the driver's side of the car quivering while I parked my butt in the middle of the car with my head looking through the passenger side of the car. Oh, and I ran out of wiper fluid so I drove close behind a semi so it would kick up enough liquid on the windshield and the wiper could clear the glass. Fortunately, I got to work in one piece and on time. (I left the house early. I foresaw that it would take longer, just not that I wouldn't have a clear windshield.)


                Originally posted by Hiccups View Post
                If I had thought of that, I probably would have done it. I drove two hours in a snow storm with my wiper flipped off the driver's side of the car quivering while I parked my butt in the middle of the car with my head looking through the passenger side of the car. Oh, and I ran out of wiper fluid so I drove close behind a semi so it would kick up enough liquid on the windshield and the wiper could clear the glass. Fortunately, I got to work in one piece and on time. (I left the house early. I foresaw that it would take longer, just not that I wouldn't have a clear windshield.)
                you are a craaazy lady LOL


                  Originally posted by pookey View Post
                  you are a craaazy lady LOL
                  You may be right, I may be crazy. But that was more than a decade ago. I like to think I have saned up a bit since then. Ha ha ha. (I know that's not a word, but I'm tired, and I just couldn't think of a better one.) And well, this is the Stupid thread, isn't it???


                    i had a shiney tiled floor and a couple of those rugs that look like bath towels and everytime i came home they were at the other end of the room scrunched up, i couldnt work out why, till i sat in a chair one day and my cat ran in and jumped on rug and slid past me, (i think she actually enjoyed it)


                      Don't talk to me about cats :/

                      I've been away from my kitties for almost 16 hrs now and I miss them :'(
                      The Iron never lies to you. You can walk outside and listen to all kinds of talk, get told that you're a god or a total b*stard. The Iron will always kick you the real deal. The Iron is the great reference point, the all-knowing perspective giver. Always there like a beacon in the pitch black. I have found the Iron to be my greatest friend. It never freaks out on me, never runs. Friends may come and go. But two hundred pounds is always two hundred pounds.


                        Originally posted by pookey View Post
                        i had a shiney tiled floor and a couple of those rugs that look like bath towels and everytime i came home they were at the other end of the room scrunched up, i couldnt work out why, till i sat in a chair one day and my cat ran in and jumped on rug and slid past me, (i think she actually enjoyed it)
                        my kitten rides the mop and broom while I clean the kitchen floor...and if I launch her across the room, she comes flying right back like a boomerang! lol
                        My fanfics: of the Sisterhood of the Pantster Fan Fic Writers


                          Originally posted by Hjalmar View Post
                          Don't talk to me about cats :/

                          I've been away from my kitties for almost 16 hrs now and I miss them :'(
                          Wait, you are a young, hairy man who works out and likes cats... And you're still single? What's wrong with Belgium women?


                            haha thanks

                            missing my kitties even more now
                            The Iron never lies to you. You can walk outside and listen to all kinds of talk, get told that you're a god or a total b*stard. The Iron will always kick you the real deal. The Iron is the great reference point, the all-knowing perspective giver. Always there like a beacon in the pitch black. I have found the Iron to be my greatest friend. It never freaks out on me, never runs. Friends may come and go. But two hundred pounds is always two hundred pounds.


                              I'll never use my brush cutter again without the guard fitted to it. OUCH!!!


                                Originally posted by Hiccups View Post
                                Wait, you are a young, hairy man who works out and likes cats... And you're still single? What's wrong with Belgium women?
                                What isn't !!! Ewwww... hairy! And cats are eeeeeevil

                                Pivot whilst doing a round-house kick as fast as I can on tiles - whilst having a serious injury to my elbow and have the "break-fall" reflex ! Mega-oww

