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    Originally posted by TameFarrar
    Again I would like to add the BLANTANT LIE Disclaimer to the above post

    and I AGAIN would highly suggest that NO beverages be drank whilst reading this thread AT ALL
    There was drink involved? How did I miss that? Mine's a Guinness, thanks.


      Originally posted by TameFarrar
      GUIDE ropes Bev....G-u-i-d-e ropes .....sheesh...Lusty Wenches.... Always in the gutter have a new class in mind ...*raises eyebrows*
      Uh...around my way they are called guy ropes! I always wondered what they were for!


        Mala, I have spent the hours ( ) "studying" the course catalogue for The RDA Academy of Lusty Wenching, and I feel that I need to hone my skills in every category listed! Please sign me up.

        Isn't education wonderful!


          Originally posted by TameFarrar
          Again I would like to add the BLANTANT LIE Disclaimer to the above post

          and I AGAIN would highly suggest that NO beverages be drank whilst reading this thread AT ALL
          Hey! You didn't see me going on and on and on about tent poles and their uses!

          And I never look at RDA's pants.

          ...not in public anyway...
          Furlings, they sound cute. Like Ewoks. --- SG-1


          sig by Mala50. You rock.


            Originally posted by Mala50
            OOPS! I'm fixing it NOW and I'm adding you to the list, missy!

            Because behind that facade, I KNOW what you're thinking....
            I'm thinking pure, pure thoughts.

            By the way, sign me up for the arm porn class.


            Move along, nothing to see here.
            Furlings, they sound cute. Like Ewoks. --- SG-1


            sig by Mala50. You rock.


              Now this is not so much off topic as just not on the topic of RDA, but hey everyone, I started a wee fic tonight... it's at


              This is just the first chapter! Sorry to do the WIP thing with you, but I need encouragement...

              Next scene, will involve Carson, and some strange orange liquid.


                Originally posted by Mala50
       turn your back for a day or so and look what happens!! Some of you gals just get out of control!!


                The following LUSTY WENCHES are to report for punishment and/or further instruction for posting lascivious, lecherous, lewd and libidinous comments regarding tent poles and the erection thereof:

                Ship Nana
                (*because she likes punishment from Jack)

                Jack's Tent of Detention

                That is all.
                Hei - what about me? *stands hands on hips*

                I too, made a subtle, yet nefariously risque comment about tent poles in reference to a piece of fic I had read.. why am I not getting detention?



                  Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                  Uh...around my way they are called guy ropes! I always wondered what they were for!
                  So you say it's GUY ropes and Tame says it's GUIDE ropes...

                  You know, Bev, when you reach a certain age (like older than dirt), your hearing is one of the first things to go!

                  Nah, just teasing... yes, there are such things called GUY WIRES in the US - but I'm not sure about guy ropes...

                  Anyway, guy wires are those cable wires that are attached to telephone poles and BIG POLES like that to help stabilize them and hold them up...

                  I'm pretty sure in this case, 'guy wires' won't be needed!


                    Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                    Hei - what about me? *stands hands on hips*

                    I too, made a subtle, yet nefariously risque comment about tent poles in reference to a piece of fic I had read.. why am I not getting detention?

                    Yes, Astro, I saw what you wrote. But you were much too subtle...

                    Yes, I am the judge and a dense one at that... I mean, look at what those other hussies wrote! Now those were crude! In my view you just weren't crude enough!

                    Come on, you want detention? Just put up a more blatantly low comment!


                      Originally posted by Mala50
                      So you say it's GUY ropes and Tame says it's GUIDE ropes...

                      You know, Bev, when you reach a certain age (like older than dirt), your hearing is one of the first things to go!

                      Nah, just teasing... yes, there are such things called GUY WIRES in the US - but I'm not sure about guy ropes...

                      Anyway, guy wires are those cable wires that are attached to telephone poles and BIG POLES like that to help stabilize them and hold them up...

                      I'm pretty sure in this case, 'guy wires' won't be needed!
                      Ahem! A quote from the Oxford English Dictionary...

                      In full guy-rope. A rope, chain, etc., used to guide, secure, or steady something, esp. on a ship; a line helping to hold a tent in place.

                      I rest my case!!

                      We were BOTH right!


                        Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                        Ahem! A quote from the Oxford English Dictionary...

                        In full guy-rope. A rope, chain, etc., used to guide, secure, or steady something, esp. on a ship; a line helping to hold a tent in place.

                        I rest my case!!

                        We were BOTH right!
                        Well, I was about to come back you up there Bev, cos in NZ they're called guy ropes too. But I see you have more than ably defended yourself, so I'll just go find a use for those guy.....ropes..... (I think there is detaining involved ).

                        and Woohoo! i made the list of irredeemably lecherous ones! I'm so proud *sniffle* Quick, I need serious remedial attention immediately!


                          Originally posted by kiwigater
                          Well, I was about to come back you up there Bev, cos in NZ they're called guy ropes too. But I see you have more than ably defended yourself, so I'll just go find a use for those guy.....ropes..... (I think there is detaining involved ).

                          and Woohoo! i made the list of irredeemably lecherous ones! I'm so proud *sniffle* Quick, I need serious remedial attention immediately!
                          Thanks for coming to my aid, KG. As for the remedial attention....well get to the end of the queue!!


                            Originally posted by Mala50
                            I LOVE YOU Tame, for being the HUMAN LIE DETECTOR!!

                            You know, these hussies think they can get away with anything here. I already had to explain to Critter when she tried her own 'innocent act' a while ago that this is Mala's World not Delusional World... But then she suggested that this place could be called Fantasy World... and she may be right...
                            Innocence is bliss.....
                            Desperate Thunker


                              Originally posted by Mala50
                              Yes, Astro, I saw what you wrote. But you were much too subtle...

                              Yes, I am the judge and a dense one at that... I mean, look at what those other hussies wrote! Now those were crude! In my view you just weren't crude enough!

                              Come on, you want detention? Just put up a more blatantly low comment!
                              I think you're showing favoritism to Astro because she kissed up in a major way and started this very special thread for you...((((Astro)))). But I can't really complain because I would give her some slack too, it may just help her get that tent pole up!!!
                              Desperate Thunker


                                Originally posted by meimei
                                LOL! We've been through the pot-kettle thing before... But no one wanted to be called pot, so we changed it to cast iron skillet and kettle...
                                I stand corrected meimei...but I will probably forget
                                Desperate Thunker

