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Mala's World

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    Originally posted by blueiris
    A few years back I lost almost 30 pounds. It took almost a year but I did it. I was eating good and really was happy. I looked in the mirror and saw me again. Then everything started happening. Funerals and hospitals. So many funerals. It was an awful time. My kids began refering to fried chicken as "funeral food". Not trying to be funny or make light, but it was 'that many' funerals. There are lots of very kind people out there who express there sympathy and bring lots and lots and lots of baked goodies during these times. And the pounds started climbing back on. Once this starts you begin to be so unhappy with yourself, that you eat more (at least I did).

    So now I am taking a stand. Sorry for posting all this, but in my quest to be motivated it actually helps to type this out and send it out there. I've put into words that I will loose the weight. I'm bording to diabetic too. Good luck to everyone.
    Don't be sorry. I too have eaten for stress, including funerals. Thanks so much for sharing, Blueiris. Reading everyone's stories has really helped me to view my own situation realistically. (((((((((((BlueIris))))))))))))


      ((((Mala's World))))

      I hope you people who are dieting will post updates sometimes.

      On a different note, tomorrow night is the first meeting of a group my niece's have started. You've heard of the "red hat" groups. We'll, we are the "Pickle-Boat Hat Club". For Christmas we (the females in my family) were all given hats they had done up. Plain black hats, each decorated with "whatever" identifies that person. We've gone to a few concerts together and went out to eat together and they decided we need to do this on a regular basis. Tomorrow night we will work on our hats some more (NO, we will not wear them out), decide what we want to do, and eat (I'll be good).

      Now, so far my hat has a piano, little mice (I bought no-kill mouse traps and trapped and released 3 mice so far this winter), spiders (I rescue spiders and bugs from stores, offices, church), birds, a white cowboy hat (I love George Strait), gardening tools, and shopping bags . She tried to find something for a Stargate but couldn't. So, that is what I'm trying to figure out. How to get a stargate and RDA on my hat.

      Do we ever look like we "just stepped off the pickle-boat"!
      Last edited by blueiris; 27 January 2005, 08:59 AM.
      ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


        Originally posted by blueiris
        A few years back I lost almost 30 pounds. It took almost a year but I did it. I was eating good and really was happy. I looked in the mirror and saw me again. Then everything started happening. Funerals and hospitals. So many funerals. It was an awful time. My kids began refering to fried chicken as "funeral food". Not trying to be funny or make light, but it was 'that many' funerals. There are lots of very kind people out there who express there sympathy and bring lots and lots and lots of baked goodies during these times. And the pounds started climbing back on. Once this starts you begin to be so unhappy with yourself, that you eat more (at least I did).

        So now I am taking a stand. Sorry for posting all this, but in my quest to be motivated it actually helps to type this out and send it out there. I've put into words that I will loose the weight. I'm bording to diabetic too. Good luck to everyone.
        Everyone's weight loss stories are so inspirational! I lost a lot of weight a couple of years ago and kept it off, but I still want to lost another 20 lbs. and I've been stuck for the last year. It's weird how after you've lost a lot of weight you get used to your new body and it starts to feel like your old body again only it isn't. I know that must sound pretty weird.

        Anyway, I really am determined to lost that last 20 lbs. and I'm printing out your stories to take home so that I'll have inspiration close at hand when I need it. Thanks chums for being so supportive!

        s u g a r s h a k e r



          All the MW peeps.

          I've also eaten too much for a variety of reasons in cluding funerals. It's better than what I used to do. I stopped eating for a couple of months when I was twelve, but after my mum's illness and my grandparents' deaths, I piled on four stone. I went from being painfully thin to very overweight.

          I've managed to get down to a good weight, and I've also taken a stretch height-wise, so I'm just a perfect weight. I really do need to watch what I eat because of my blood disorder, and I do eat reasonably well, but I do binge eat still.

          The only thing I did to lose weight, was a slight change in my eating habits. Instead of buying chocolate, I'll buy a cereal bar. Instead of buying a cake at the bakers, I'll buy a salad roll. I started walking everywhere (well...within reason), and cutting out snacks.

          To everyone here wanting to lose weight - YOU WILL DO IT!!!!
          Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


            I'm glad that everyone is talking about weight loss because I want you all to think thin while I drag this thread back up to the top of the list.

            Oy, my back. Someone out there wasn't thinking thin!!!
            Ship Nana


              Originally posted by Ship Nana
              I'm glad that everyone is talking about weight loss because I want you all to think thin while I drag this thread back up to the top of the list.

              Oy, my back. Someone out there wasn't thinking thin!!!
              Feel like I was caught with this danged brownie in my mouth.
              ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


                Originally posted by blueiris
                Feel like I was caught with this danged brownie in my mouth.
                There are eyes everywhere! ((((BlueIris))))))


                  *swallows french fry* um, that would be me
                  the healthy eating thing went right out the window today, there's only so much working 14 hrs a day I can do without seriously feeling like I need a burger and some fries.... at least it's got meat in it. I eat so little red meat these days I'm probably seriously low on iron
                  It is inspiring to hear (read?? ) everyone's stories.

                  Mala, i'm sad to hear you're leaving fandom I can't say I blame you and if it weren 't for you MW inhabitants and a few others out there in the forum I might be joining you. I think one of the things I've learned is that nothing can change the way you watch a show faster than joining in it's fandom! And again, while I wouldn't swap knowing you guys for anything (well, other than some quality time with RDA of course - I'm still a hussy at heart you know ) knowing what I know now, I have to say I won't be rushing out to join any other fandoms.
                  Being able to talk about the show with you guys is awesome (and my roomate thanks you ), it's having to deal with the petty minded immature @#$% people who don't understand the concept of tolerance or respect for other people that drives me batty.
                  But, other than some major lurking until my thesis is over I'm not going anywhere for the meantime *drags self back to work*


                    Popping in to say Howdy y'all.

                    (Yes, sometimes I really talk like that. )

                    RL is busy, busy, busy. I'm missing the chance to hang out here and relax. I'm 15 pages behind.

                    Maybe I'll catch up over the weekend....or next week...or the next.....

                    Y'all take care of each other, okay?

                    Sig pic by Mala the Magnificent


                      Originally posted by Ship Nana
                      I'm glad that everyone is talking about weight loss because I want you all to think thin while I drag this thread back up to the top of the list.

                      Oy, my back. Someone out there wasn't thinking thin!!!
                      **Thinks bbbbbbaaaaaaddddd food thoughts**



                      Chocolate covered RDA



                      Chocolate covered RDA


                      other assorted goodies

                      Chocolate covered RDA *giggles*

                      homemade fudge

                      Chocolate cake with chocolate frosting doused with a syrup of fresh sliced strawberries..

                      (All foodstuffs listed not necessarily liked by the author.... 'cept for those last 2!) (Ummmm.... and that choc covered somebody who for some odd reason kept showing up on the list.....)
                      Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                      My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                        Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
                        **Thinks bbbbbbaaaaaaddddd food thoughts**



                        Chocolate covered RDA



                        Chocolate covered RDA


                        other assorted goodies

                        Chocolate covered RDA *giggles*

                        homemade fudge

                        Chocolate cake with chocolate frosting doused with a syrup of fresh sliced strawberries..

                        (All foodstuffs listed not necessarily liked by the author.... 'cept for those last 2!) (Ummmm.... and that choc covered somebody who for some odd reason kept showing up on the list.....)
                        You are an evil evil woman.

                        *eyes list*

                        wibble, whimper, whine


                          I've been reading quite a few posts on this thread now, and I think I've come up with another function of Mala's World.

                          It's for Shipper Thread Refugees!

                          I'll be setting up camp in here permenantly soon btw.
                          Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                            Originally posted by Ship Nana
                            I'm glad that everyone is talking about weight loss because I want you all to think thin while I drag this thread back up to the top of the list.

                            Oy, my back. Someone out there wasn't thinking thin!!!
                            I wasn't even on the computer last night, but all these evil thoughts....*eyes SS* of fatty foods must've traveled through my computer anyways. Last night at 7pm(EST) I ran to the local gas station for a pint of Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie ice cream. That thing alone ruined a week's worth of exercise! Ack! And I have a child's Birthday party to attend this weekend.


                              (((((Siler)))))) You're only human (I hope! ) and one thing I've learnt in my own battle with weight is that you can't expect to be perfect 100% of the time *cough see earlier post cough* Try to avoid letting one slip drive you into eating a bunch of other crap because of a sense of "well, I broke the diet once, may as well do it again"......
                              I'm hardly one to talk right now (I'm a shining example of what NOT to do ), and I'm sure you already know this stuff


                                I thought chocolate was a food group!

