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Mala's World

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    Bev - I'm 17 and I can't work camera phones!!!!!!!!

    Hey...what about a wee scottish malaworlders get-together???
    Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


      Originally posted by sueKay
      Bev - I'm 17 and I can't work camera phones!!!!!!!!

      Hey...what about a wee scottish malaworlders get-together???
      I don't know how long the exam is...I forgot that tomorrow was Monday!
      I can use the phone and take pictures with it, and one of the language teachers and I are always texting each other when we should be teaching! It's all the extras that I can't quite get into. There are so many things on it that I'm sure it makes tea and mows the lawn!!! I just love playing with toys!(That's why I have my Jack clone!!)


        Originally posted by Critter
        Hey, if you could please keep the coconut out of that cake I'd even have some!!!!

        Still not happy with the computer issues we've been having but I've decided to heck with it! It's verrrrrry late right now and a little bit spooky. I've not been on this's so quiet...and peaceful .

        Maybe a bit TOO quiet around here....I'm gonna go see if I can stir anybody up...Jack perhaps????
        Critter! I missed you! I'll take your coconut, btw...

        Hey, I sort of like it quiet and peaceful...

        Here's a backwards cap pic for you - I hope your computer is fixed soon!

        3.07 Dead Man's Switch


          Originally posted by astronomicalchick
          What? What do you mean you won't be posting?

          *stands with hands on hips and glares*

          Och, well I understand. If I wasn't having so much fun over in the Pegasus galaxy I would have left long ago... I'm not one for discussing eps ad naseum either, I'm one for enjoying the show, playing with the characters and just well.. playing really.

          It's just a pity I can't persaude you into the dark delights that are Sheppard and Weir...

          You are relentless with Sheppard and Weir, aren't you?

          At this point, I think I've had enough of online fandom and second-guessing TPTB.


            Originally posted by astronomicalchick
            Hey, KG, how's it going with the thesis?

            Re healthy eating, I should be eating healthily, but between math exams (now done hurrah, 33/35!) and work being such a stressful place... I've not done very well. Played tennis yesterday, tho, some great shots...

            However, J, offered to buy me dinner in Paris if I lost a stone and a half. Hmmm....he's being very sweet at the moment, but that could be cos I started dating another guy. I don't know what to do with him. OKay, that's enough.

            See too much... too much...

            Suz sorry to hear about your song, that is horrible. I know it meant so much to you. Time for us to meet up again I think? If you have time with your studies?
            Excuse me for butting in, but re J & Paris: WTF? Sorry if that sounds too harsh... You know him best and whether he's being sweet with that offer...

            (But really, I think that the motivation to change oneself has to come from within - not to please others...)

            Anyway, I'm with KG - I hope he's writhing, too... Now, tell us all about this NEW fella!


              Originally posted by kiwigater
              Depends on if I want to think about it AC
              I have to hand in the completed thesis on Feb 17th. I have a fair chunk of the writing done, but have done essentially none in the last 3 weeks because I've been frantically doing bench work 14 hrs a day My boss relocated to San Diego Jan 4th, and the movers are coming to take the lab away on Tues. I've been trying to get as much as physically possible done before they take all my equipment away. Luckily I have 99.9% of what I needed to get done DONE! Now I have essentially 17 days to make it all look pretty, attempt to make it read remotely logically and print the sucker out (~150 pages). The thing I'm most not looking forward to is inserting all the references Even with Endnote it still sucks

              umm, how is J offering to buy you dinner in Paris if you lose weight "nice"?? I'd be horrified if the guy I was seeing said something like that! (of course, I'd quite like the trip to Paris - bit different from the US, or NZ tho! )
              Unless it was your idea, or something similar??

              So, who's this new guy? and is J writhing with jealousy?? (I hope so!)
              Kiwigater - you must stop coming online and peeking! But if you must -here's a nice pic to stare at. I find it fascinating... I posted this a while ago on the Thunk thread, but not here...

              For all you fans of RDA's ARMS!


                Originally posted by Mala50
                Kiwigater - you must stop coming online and peeking! But if you must -here's a nice pic to stare at. I find it fascinating... I posted this a while ago on the Thunk thread, but not here...

                For all you fans of RDA's ARMS!
                grad student down in aisle 3!!! quick! bring buckets and a defib kit! It's a completely different sort of arm porn really isn't it! I loooove the tricep bulge, but this is awfully nice too.....

                the sad thing is it took me about 3.2 secs to figure out what pic this is cropped from I think a leeeeeetle peeking is a good thing - gotta revive the ol' neurons somehow, and if a couple of mins thunking does it *shrugs* who am I to argue??


                  peeks around the door....just wanted to say hiya gals!!! I hope yall are enjoying the 2nd half of the season..... I gotta go do more HW but you guys have fun in here....doing...whatever it is you guys do...yeah.... *hugs*
                  Random Thought of the day:

                  -If you had a friend who was a tight rope walker and yall were walking down the side walk and he fell....that would be completly unacceptable!
                  -I realize that alot of people don't like Jesus, or just ignore Him or have no use for Him, but i think the best thing a person can do is to read the gospels in the Bible and really look at Jesus, because if a person does this, they will realize that the Jesus they learned about in Sunday school or the Jesus they hear jokes about or the skinny, Gandhi Jesus that exists in their imaginations isn't anything like the real Jesus at all.

                  heh heh heh...^compliments of suekay(((suekay))).....disregard the question mark on the end!!


                    Originally posted by Mala50
                    Excuse me for butting in, but re J & Paris: WTF? Sorry if that sounds too harsh... You know him best and whether he's being sweet with that offer...

                    (But really, I think that the motivation to change oneself has to come from within - not to please others...)

                    Anyway, I'm with KG - I hope he's writhing, too... Now, tell us all about this NEW fella!
                    No, no, I must defend J here. He's thinks I'm fine the way I am. Everytime I moan about being "fat" he says "you're fine". It's just on Friday, he said "What weight do you want to be" I said "9 stone", and he said, "Well if you make it I'll take you to dinner in Paris"

                    He was being nice... honest!

                    He was just round, with a DVD and pizza...

                    Not sure about the other guy..


                      Originally posted by Mala50
                      You are relentless with Sheppard and Weir, aren't you?
                      Relentless. And evil, or so it has been said.


                        Originally posted by yoojoo
                        peeks around the door....just wanted to say hiya gals!!! I hope yall are enjoying the 2nd half of the season..... I gotta go do more HW but you guys have fun in here....doing...whatever it is you guys do...yeah.... *hugs*
                        Hi yoojoo! Good to see you again.

                        Yeah, go do your HOMEWORK! What is it with young people these days??


                          Just because...

                          Behind the scenes - 6.04 Frozen


                            Behind the scenes - 7.01 Fallen (UK Lowdown)


                              Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                              Relentless. And evil, or so it has been said.
                              OHhh... you're wonderful Astro. I love seeing your ever-changing Shepperd/Weir sigpics.
                              Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                              My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.



                                Astro - the way you'd written your post, I though that J had been the one to bring up your weight, but if it was said the way you said it was, then I guess that's okay.

                                Could someone PLEASE sign my website guestbook! I put HOURS upon HOURS of work into it, and I hardly had any new hits after the overhaul.

                                Anywho...I've just had my business management exam, which was a breeze (famous last words ) and then I'm going to Klicks to pick up my photos! I may scan in a few to share the delights of the isle of Arran with you.
                                Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)

