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    Originally posted by Ruralstar
    You can't sell what's priceless.
    kiss up
    Desperate Thunker


      Originally posted by Ruralstar
      Just stopping in to say hello. Lovely pictures as usual Mala. I particularly liked the Abyss one, that's my favorite episode. Oz it's great to see you here and I'm totally with you, Long Live Jack O'Neill. Tame lick to your heart's content, your co-workers will just have to deal with the sparkage!
      Hi Rural - I love ABYSS, too. Now, if RDA would come back next year and do a few episodes like that one or Paradise Lost, I'd be there in a flash.

      You know, as I've said, I've enjoyed Ben Browder in Farscape, but all this talk about his taking over next year with little/ no mention of RDA makes me sad. It's like people are rushing off to welcome the 'new' and tossing the 'old' so quickly...

      Anyway, I was trying to pick one cap of Jack from each season that epitomizes Jack for me that I haven't posted before (or hadn't posted in a while). It was really difficult! So it got me to thinking, is there an episode pic or a promo Jack pic that you would choose that represents who/what JACK O'NEILL is to SG1 and to you??



        Originally posted by jennsatt
        randomly popping in to agree.
        I too love spoilers! however, when I read/see them, I have trouble not speculating myself...
        so trying very hard not to imagine what might happen so I won't be disappointed.
        and like you said a few posts back, I'd be happy with a REAL kiss. trying not to want anything more than that. surely that's not too much to ask?!
        (but afraid that it may be )
        sorry - I shouldn't be negative on this thread! just hoping that one of you may be able to cheer me up!
        Hi Jen! No, you're not being negative... (besides, I started it!)

        As for cheering up... well, the pics of RDA and AT from the UK Lowdown always make me smile!



          Hi chums. I've just popped in to wish you all a Happy New Year. I hope everyone had a good time. I see I chose a good time to pop in, with Mala posting all those fabby pics of Jack! *very happy sigh* I'm getting myself all set up for the new ep tapes at the ready, snacks..etc!


            Originally posted by Ruralstar
            You can't sell what's priceless.
            ((Rural)) Flattery will get you EVERYWHERE! (at least in Mala's World, that is)...

            Originally posted by Critter
            kiss up
            Aw, Critter... you know I'm a sucker for your shameless begging, too...


              Originally posted by dipsofjazz
              Hi chums. I've just popped in to wish you all a Happy New Year. I hope everyone had a good time. I see I chose a good time to pop in, with Mala posting all those fabby pics of Jack! *very happy sigh* I'm getting myself all set up for the new ep tapes at the ready, snacks..etc!
              BEV!! Where have you been??

              Snacks? What kind of snacks? Tell me about Scottish junk food! Anything that we don't have here??

              I think I must find something for lunch (it's 1:40pm here)!


                Originally posted by Mala50
                Hi Rural - I love ABYSS, too. Now, if RDA would come back next year and do a few episodes like that one or Paradise Lost, I'd be there in a flash.

                You know, as I've said, I've enjoyed Ben Browder in Farscape, but all this talk about his taking over next year with little/ no mention of RDA makes me sad. It's like people are rushing off to welcome the 'new' and tossing the 'old' so quickly...

                Anyway, I was trying to pick one cap of Jack from each season that epitomizes Jack for me that I haven't posted before (or hadn't posted in a while). It was really difficult! So it got me to thinking, is there an episode pic or a promo Jack pic that you would choose that represents who/what JACK O'NEILL is to SG1 and to you??

                LONG LIVE JACK O'NEILL!

                I understand how you feel. I have tried to be a supporter of SG and not base my support on RDA being in SG but on the TV show itself. But in all honesty, I think one of the reasons that I love the show is Jack O'Neill. All of the characters/actors are great, I love the whole team. But if one of them, other than Jack, were no longer there, I know I would continue to watch. I would miss them but I would not abandon the show because of their absence. But not Jack. And that makes me sad because I want to love season 9. I want to give it a chance. I want the episodes to be fun and exciting and not be able to wait for the next one. But the closer the time gets, the more I think that its just not possible. For me, a lot is riding on how the Sam/Jack thing works out. If that doesn't happen and there is no RDA in season 9, SG will be something I watch occeasionally when there's noting else on TV.

                I know exactly the picture I would choose for Jack O'Neill. I'll have to go find it.
                ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


                  Originally posted by Mala50
                  BEV!! Where have you been??

                  Snacks? What kind of snacks? Tell me about Scottish junk food! Anything that we don't have here??

                  I think I must find something for lunch (it's 1:40pm here)!

                  We have the usual junk food, but I thought you might be interested in some of our food. About half way down the page you find the sweeties (candies).
                  Scottish sweets

                  In fact, here's the index page so you can find out everything you could possibly want to know about us!! Index

                  Questions will be asked later!


                    Originally posted by dipsofjazz

                    We have the usual junk food, but I thought you might be interested in some of our food. About half way down the page you find the sweeties (candies).
                    Scottish sweets

                    In fact, here's the index page so you can find out everything you could possibly want to know about us!! Index

                    Questions will be asked later!
                    Thanks for links, Bev! Everything with whipped cream sounds good... Where's the chocolate?

                    But you should have warned me - that pic on the INDEX site just gave me a heart attack!


                      My very favorite Jack O'Neill picture.

                      My favorite Jack/Sam moment.

                      ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


                        Originally posted by blueiris
                        I understand how you feel. I have tried to be a supporter of SG and not base my support on RDA being in SG but on the TV show itself. But in all honesty, I think one of the reasons that I love the show is Jack O'Neill. All of the characters/actors are great, I love the whole team. But if one of them, other than Jack, were no longer there, I know I would continue to watch. I would miss them but I would not abandon the show because of their absence. But not Jack. And that makes me sad because I want to love season 9. I want to give it a chance. I want the episodes to be fun and exciting and not be able to wait for the next one. But the closer the time gets, the more I think that its just not possible. For me, a lot is riding on how the Sam/Jack thing works out. If that doesn't happen and there is no RDA in season 9, SG will be something I watch occeasionally when there's noting else on TV.

                        I know exactly the picture I would choose for Jack O'Neill. I'll have to go find it.
                        Good to see you again! Thanks for posting your pix!

                        OK, I am willing to give Season 9 a try. Someone suggested that it not be called Stargate SG-1 anymore, but just STARGATE. I know that it's just words, but 5 episodes without AT (and no RDA at all) wouldn't make it seem like the same show. And then add a new SGC commander into the mix...

                        I like CJ/T and MS/DJ, but I've never thought that they could carry the show. Obviously, TPTB don't think so either. RDA is the spark that makes the show work for me.


                          Originally posted by Mala50
                          Hi Jen! No, you're not being negative... (besides, I started it!)

                          As for cheering up... well, the pics of RDA and AT from the UK Lowdown always make me smile!

                          Thanks Mala! I *knew* you'd have something to make me smile! I do love those screen caps - they are just way too cute together! of course the behind the scenes cuteness just makes me want it onscreen more!


                            Originally posted by blueiris
                            I understand how you feel. I have tried to be a supporter of SG and not base my support on RDA being in SG but on the TV show itself. But in all honesty, I think one of the reasons that I love the show is Jack O'Neill. All of the characters/actors are great, I love the whole team. But if one of them, other than Jack, were no longer there, I know I would continue to watch. I would miss them but I would not abandon the show because of their absence. But not Jack. And that makes me sad because I want to love season 9. I want to give it a chance. I want the episodes to be fun and exciting and not be able to wait for the next one. But the closer the time gets, the more I think that its just not possible. For me, a lot is riding on how the Sam/Jack thing works out. If that doesn't happen and there is no RDA in season 9, SG will be something I watch occeasionally when there's noting else on TV.

                            I know exactly the picture I would choose for Jack O'Neill. I'll have to go find it.
                            I'm with you on this. I too want to try and give Season 9 a chance. And I'm hopeful that I will be able to. Maybe because I am one of those crazy people that didn't hate the X-Files when DD left. HOWEVER, as I sit and watch the SG-1 DVD's (that I got for Christmas ), I get this feeling in my stomach when I think about RDA/Jack being gone. Think I'm more attached to him than I was to Mulder.
                            Then again, I didn't really decide that I actually liked Season 9 of the X-Files until it was running in syndication...
                            SO maybe, years from now, this will all be OK!

                            One more thing and I'll quit rambling - your last point is my favorite: it really is all riding on how they resolve the Sam/Jack thing.
                            Seriously - how easy would it be for TPTB to use the fact that RDA will be gone (or just popping in very infrequently) to RESOLVE this thing?!


                              Originally posted by jennsatt
                              I'm with you on this. I too want to try and give Season 9 a chance. And I'm hopeful that I will be able to. Maybe because I am one of those crazy people that didn't hate the X-Files when DD left.
                              Same here. I didn't start watching X-Files till half way through its run. And while I loved DD as Mulder, I rather liked the later episodes as well.
                              HOWEVER, as I sit and watch the SG-1 DVD's (that I got for Christmas ), I get this feeling in my stomach when I think about RDA/Jack being gone. Think I'm more attached to him than I was to Mulder.
                              I'm know I'm more attached to RDA/Jack. X-Files was a show I really liked and I liked DD, but it was no where near the same as how I feel about Jack/SG.

                              Then again, I didn't really decide that I actually liked Season 9 of the X-Files until it was running in syndication...SO maybe, years from now, this will all be OK!

                              One more thing and I'll quit rambling - your last point is my favorite: it really is all riding on how they resolve the Sam/Jack thing.
                              Seriously - how easy would it be for TPTB to use the fact that RDA will be gone (or just popping in very infrequently) to RESOLVE this thing?!
                              Maybe you are right. Maybe years from now I'll be able to watch non-Jack episodes and enjoy them. Guess I'll have to wait and see. But I can picture myself years (and years) from now as a little 'ol gray haired lady sitting in her rocking chair, waving her cane and saying "this show was never the same after RDA left!." Oh, and "Thank goodness they had the good sense to marry off Sam and Jack, though."
                              ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


                                Originally posted by Mala50
                                Hi Rural - I love ABYSS, too. Now, if RDA would come back next year and do a few episodes like that one or Paradise Lost, I'd be there in a flash.

                                You know, as I've said, I've enjoyed Ben Browder in Farscape, but all this talk about his taking over next year with little/ no mention of RDA makes me sad. It's like people are rushing off to welcome the 'new' and tossing the 'old' so quickly...

                                Anyway, I was trying to pick one cap of Jack from each season that epitomizes Jack for me that I haven't posted before (or hadn't posted in a while). It was really difficult! So it got me to thinking, is there an episode pic or a promo Jack pic that you would choose that represents who/what JACK O'NEILL is to SG1 and to you??

                                LONG LIVE JACK O'NEILL!
                                A picture that epitomizes Jack O'Neill... Hmmm I'm not sure if there is such a picture, posts thus far to the contrary. Here is a promo shot from season six. For me it says a whole lot. Jack O'Neill is a man of action, An Alpha Male who stands his ground. He radiates energy and sex appeal and there is a vulnerability in the sparkling brown eyes that speaks of great depth. Bravo to Richard Dean Anderson for sharing with us THE MAN behind the man that is Jack O'Neill.

