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Mala's World

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    Originally posted by sgt.siler
    Thank you Rural. ...I guess. Well I decided since I gained 25lbs in the past year that it was time to do something about it. I have made the life changes all around. I feel so much better already. No it's not going to come off in one day. It takes time.

    /diet subject.....why? It's depressing.

    *runs off to look at Mala's new creation*
    Ohhhh terrible posting friend of yours that I am..... I can't help myself....

    ***Dangles RDA covered in a *very* creamy chocolate in front of Siler***

    **eyes Siler to see if she takes the bait**

    *hmmm....her willpower seems to be holding out....*

    Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
    My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


      Originally posted by Mala50
      I'll make a new banner. Your dimensions are pretty small ... I don't think I can fit my URL on it! Do you put a link with the graphic or does it have to fit on the graphic?

      As for what I do - I'm a Jill of all trades... Of course you must know that I work with Photoshop; I make photos look pretty, I work with graphics and I consult on sites...

      Is that vague enough for you??
      It's okay...

      I've made up a graphic. It's not very good, but It'll do for now.

      Edit - I don't feel like talking about my homelife, so I'm hoping nobody read the part I've edited out.
      Last edited by sueKay; 26 January 2005, 04:57 PM.
      Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


        Originally posted by sugarshaker
        Hi chums!

        I just had to pop in and show off my new sig - courtesy of
        The Mighty Mala
        Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
        My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


          Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
          (us >>>) (<<<Mala... thinking "OMG, not *ANOTHER* hug!!!)

          Thanks M!
          OMG, you're schmoooshing my head!

          I think I've given more virtual hugs than I've ever hugged REAL people IRL...


            Originally posted by Mala50
            OMG, you're schmoooshing my head!

            I think I've given more virtual hugs than I've ever hugged REAL people IRL...

            *tries to remold M's head back into shape & ruffles her hair up a bit*

            I didn't schmooosh it too bad did I?

            With the exception of my nephew & mom (who I hug fairly regularly).... I gotta agree with you there. I've probably hugged waaaaaay more here. 'Course it took a wee bit when I first started to lurk to figure out what the heck all those parenthesis meant since I didn't know NetSpeak...
            Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
            My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


              Originally posted by Mala50
              You've got a bib and bucket already! I don't know what else will help you!

              Maybe.... you should....stop looking at pics??

              OK, that'd be too cruel... DROOL AWAY, Siler! (poor hubs...)
              The bib is worn out from constant usage and the bucket needs dumping.

              Stop looking?!?! Pfft! Punishment indeed.

              Don't you worry about hubs....he's well cared for.


                Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
                Ohhhh terrible posting friend of yours that I am..... I can't help myself....

                ***Dangles RDA covered in a *very* creamy chocolate in front of Siler***

                **eyes Siler to see if she takes the bait**

                *hmmm....her willpower seems to be holding out....*

                *eyes chocolate covered RDA* You're evil SS.


                  Originally posted by sgt.siler
                  *eyes chocolate covered RDA* You're evil SS.
                  *big grin*

                  MMMMhhhhmmmmmmm.... no argument there this evening....
                  Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                  My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                    Originally posted by Mala50
                    Me neither! I'm so tired of the speculation - and may I say, some of the 'whining' that I've been reading...

                    I love S/J Ship, but what's done is done. It's finished, FCOL!

                    As I've said, I'm just going to take each episode one at a time and enjoy what's left of RDA and the original SG-1 as we know it.

                    I love the WoO kiss. But a nice, hot kiss like the one they surprised us with in GRACE, is what I hope to see!

                    Once again this picture says it all. NO WORDS NECESSARY!!!

                    Talk about chemistry...good lord the sparks jump right off the screen!!!
                    Ship Nana


                      Originally posted by Mala50
                      Speaking of snark...

                      When things used to get too serious in the Ship thread for me (or what I called 'bloomer twisting time'!) - I tried to relieve some of the tension with a little levity - you know, potatoheads, penguins, etc. So I know I can get a bit snarky, too (but in a good way?! - I just tried not to let myself get too mean or nasty). IMO, I think I was mainly being silly (I have 4 pages of graphics to show for it - 1 Potatohead page and 3 pages of Ship graphics. People can look at my links in post #2995 and judge for yourselves)...

                      Anyway, after watching the new Season 8 episodes and the SECRETS REVEALED, I had the 'urge' to comment on the lack of Pete on the show (thank goodness!)

                      Behind the Scenes: Sam having second thoughts...


                      Now what was I saying about no words needed?!!
                      Ship Nana


                        Originally posted by sgt.siler
                        And I thank you Mala each time I see my sig.


                        I must get this drooling thing under control.

                        Or at least wear a bib!
                        Ship Nana


                          (((((((((((Mala))))))))))) ((((((((((((Mala's World))))))))))
                          I can't possible catch up on all the happenings in Mala's World so I decided to just jump in where I can!

                          Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
                          Slow is good. It is irritating as hell because you want it *snaps finger* gone like yesterday, but you're more likely to keep it off it goes off slow (IMO). It takes time to do a lifestyle change (like less couchpotato-itis & eliminating or switching certain foods and to exercise more often). For me it came on slowly over 15 years, but in the past year I've lost 35, & haven't done anything special to get rid of it. No miracle pills or diets... just small meal portions, don't/won't deny myself anything (y'wanna hear about the handful of Hershey's kisses w/almonds & SweetTart Hearts I ate today along w/one Reese's chocolate peanut butter egg???? ), do the treadmill whenever I can & slowly it's been going away. Still have a wee bit more to go & would love it to be gone before the end of next month, but....... that ain't too realistic.

                          (((Rural))) (((sueKay))) (((Critter))) (((everyone else)))
                          I will give testimony to what you have said. Over the last year, I have lost over 40 pounds, and it was the same way for me. I attended a Bible study called "First Place", and it helped me understand that I needed to have a lifestyle change. I can't do diets because I just struggle waiting for the end of the diet, and I couldn't deny myself sweets/junk food. Now, I understand that in moderation I can be successful in my weight goal. I believe each person has to determine their path for themselves. It is not an easy path. I tell people what worked for me and offer encouragement and support.

                          Token ~


                            Originally posted by Critter
                            Oh we are in Mala's Snarky World....I LOVE IT!!! I have missed you all so much (((((BIG HUG))))). Our computer doesn't love us anymore and has decided to go nuts, bonkers, bonzo!!! I can't use Internet Explorer anymore because we get bombarded with things that I call, and quite lovingly, four letter words. AOL won't let me sign out of GateWorld if I sign on so I am forever stuck in that time loop. So now I am trying MSN to see what it does to the computer.....

                            PHEW! It sure felt good to get that off my chest. Mala, I love your newest creation of our Sammy rethinking that ring. LOL!!! I too am getting a bit disenchanted with the show but, don'tch just know I'll keep watching!

                            As for losing weight....I too am a big loser but I don't want to say how much, but it was a bunch. Unfortunately I have siler's 25 pounds that I am reworking off. Darn that yummy food anyway. Why can't it all taste like green jello, then I wouldn't want it so much!!!!

                            Anyhoo....hope you didn't miss me too much....if this MSN thinkamabob works out for me.....I'll be baaaaack.

                            (((((((((((Critter)))))))))))))) We miss you hon. Good luck!


                              Originally posted by Token
                              (((((((((((Mala))))))))))) ((((((((((((Mala's World))))))))))
                              I can't possible catch up on all the happenings in Mala's World so I decided to just jump in where I can!

                              I will give testimony to what you have said. Over the last year, I have lost over 40 pounds, and it was the same way for me. I attended a Bible study called "First Place", and it helped me understand that I needed to have a lifestyle change. I can't do diets because I just struggle waiting for the end of the diet, and I couldn't deny myself sweets/junk food. Now, I understand that in moderation I can be successful in my weight goal. I believe each person has to determine their path for themselves. It is not an easy path. I tell people what worked for me and offer encouragement and support.
                              *stares at sig*

                              *shakes head*

                              What was I going to say again? Oh...yes... *ahem*

                              Well said Token. I'm taking in all these bits of advice. I've done the yoyo dieting thing and I know it doesn't work, at least not for me. I can't deny junkfood entirely but I can moderate and I am. You guys are all terrific (((((((((((((MW)))))))))))))


                                Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
                                Slow is good. It is irritating as hell because you want it *snaps finger* gone like yesterday, but you're more likely to keep it off it goes off slow (IMO). It takes time to do a lifestyle change (like less couchpotato-itis & eliminating or switching certain foods and to exercise more often). For me it came on slowly over 15 years, but in the past year I've lost 35, & haven't done anything special to get rid of it. No miracle pills or diets... just small meal portions, don't/won't deny myself anything (y'wanna hear about the handful of Hershey's kisses w/almonds & SweetTart Hearts I ate today along w/one Reese's chocolate peanut butter egg???? ), do the treadmill whenever I can & slowly it's been going away. Still have a wee bit more to go & would love it to be gone before the end of next month, but....... that ain't too realistic.

                                (((Rural))) (((sueKay))) (((Critter))) (((everyone else)))
                                A few years back I lost almost 30 pounds. It took almost a year but I did it. I was eating good and really was happy. I looked in the mirror and saw me again. Then everything started happening. Funerals and hospitals. So many funerals. It was an awful time. My kids began refering to fried chicken as "funeral food". Not trying to be funny or make light, but it was 'that many' funerals. There are lots of very kind people out there who express there sympathy and bring lots and lots and lots of baked goodies during these times. And the pounds started climbing back on. Once this starts you begin to be so unhappy with yourself, that you eat more (at least I did).

                                So now I am taking a stand. Sorry for posting all this, but in my quest to be motivated it actually helps to type this out and send it out there. I've put into words that I will loose the weight. I'm bording to diabetic too. Good luck to everyone.
                                ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*

